THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 30

by Tristin Clark

  “Remember me. Remember us. Feel me, Augustine. Please calm. Please,” I beg him. I feel him begin to relax. He’s growing calmer, just as I am.

  “Yes. Go to your happy place, sweet girl. Find your mate. He needs you, just as much as you need him. Be with him in your happy place,” she speaks softly, next to my ear.

  I lay back against the bed and concentrate on my breathing. I can feel my mate begin to grow more relaxed as he settles down.

  “Meet me in our dream, my mate. Meet me in our happy place,” I tell him. I can feel him settle down and morph back into the blue eye boy.

  “Rest now, sweet girl. Rest now,” she calmly repeats.

  I begin to drift off, falling deep into a meditative state. I am in limbo. I can feel my mate. I can hear his whispers, but I can also hear the world around me. Faded voices speak but they are mere background noise. I try to tune them out. I try to concentrate on my mate’s face, his voice, his internal hug. I hold on to him and I don’t let go.

  “I wasn’t really going to release her,” he replies.

  “I know. So, how’s my girl today?” she asks.

  “Still losing her shit,” Aza states.

  “Same with my son. They’re one tragic but beautiful wreck. I swear Augustine’s Devil has been spotted more times in that little town he’s trapped in, than his own father has been spotted, throughout the course of history.”

  “I’ve heard the death tolls are rising every day. I mean, how big was the population of that town to begin with? You two can erase all the memories you want, but won’t they start noticing that their town is suspiciously decreasing?” he asks.

  “And where did you hear this?”

  “Demons talk,” he states.

  “Well then ya’ll better shut your faces, because if the wrong one, were to find out—”

  “All Heaven will break loose?” he finishes.

  “Maybe, but don’t worry. We know how to handle it. My son and I have become quite the professionals at mass cleanups,” she adds.

  “How’s my king?” he asks, changing the subject.

  “He sends his thanks for watching over his daughter in law. He also might have mentioned that if you continue to play your cards right, you might just earn yourself a non-conditional deal from the Devil himself.”

  “Really!” he excitedly exclaims.

  “Mmh hmm. Just take care of Emilia and see her through, to her return and we’ll see,” she ends on a happy note.

  “Well I’ve got everyone here under my control. No one comes near her unless I allow it. She’s protected at all times,” he enlightens her.

  “And no sensing of the angel?” she asks.

  “No. At least not yet, but I am ready,” he tells her.

  “Good. You should be. That’s why I chose you Azael.”

  “And I am humbled and honored you did so. I am pleased to serve my queen,” he proudly tells her.

  “Well, you’ve always been loyal and accepting of me from the start. I hold that dearly. It’s a lonely world in Hell, so when I come across a dear friend, I keep them close and I take care of them.”

  “Others may not have been as accepting of you in the beginning, because not all remember what it was like before we fell but I do. I remember compassion just as much as I know hate,” he tells her.

  “And that is why I will always trust in your decisions. You are wiser than most. Your balance of the light and dark is what gives you the advantage most will never know. You are my trusted ally. I’m thankful to have you.”

  “I’m thankful for you having me, my queen.” There’s a short moment of silence before Katherine speaks up.

  “Well, I only stopped by to check on her, but I must go. My son’s raging hulk of a Devil destroyed half the town of Hollowcreek. I’ve gotta go check in on him too and clean up his mess before his father rises.”

  “Let him. I’d love to see him. It’s been awhile. I miss him,” Aza says.

  “I’ll tell him you said hi. Take care of my girl. I’ll see you soon Aza.”

  “See you soon, my beautiful queen.”

  I can feel Aza’s warm hand hold mine. He brings it to his lips and gently pecks the top of my skin, before he sings me his song. The song he sings to me every day I’ve been here. It soothes me, calms me, brings me peace. It’s become my favorite song. The only song…

  “Rest little Emi. I’ll be here when you wake. Sleep little Emi, for you shall be united with your mate. Dream little Emi, let go of life’s pain. Rest little Emi, for tomorrow’s a newww dayyyyyyyy.”

  I allow myself to fall deeper into the abyss. Soon, sleep takes ahold of me and I succumb to the darkness. I succumb to a dream. A sweet, beautiful dream, of me and my soul…

  Four Months Later…


  “EMILIA!” he roars, within. I’m running down the hall, racing towards the hospital entrance. I’m so close. So close!

  “Emiii…” sings Aza from behind. “Stop running from me and I’ll sneak you some more cookies,” he tries to bribe me. I don’t stop running.

  “GO AWAY AZA! I NEED TO GET TO AUGUSTINE! HE NEEDS ME!” I shout. I round a corner, running hard into another. They go falling back, but I don’t stop. I keep running. I can see the door. I’m almost there. Almost there—

  Aza teleports right smack in front of me, grinning widely. I’m sprinting too fast to slow down in time. I run into him.

  “Ughh!” I grunt, smacking into his hard, muscular body. He grips my wrists, holding them tight.

  He huffs and folds his bottom lip over, frowning.

  “I’m hurt. You said I could trust you to take a walk alone,” he plays offended. “How dare you Emi. How. Dare. You…” he trails off, grinning wickedly.

  “Let me go Aza! He needs me!” I yell. I’m still thrashing. Trying to break free from his strong grip.

  “And I need you to stay here. How many times must we go through this? You know you can’t leave. Your angel buddy hasn’t been caught yet. I can’t let you leave. You leave, then you will find your mate and he will kill you before you ascend. You’ll be lost to us and I’ve rather grown quite fond of having

  you on the dark side. I’d be devastated if you left us for the light,” he says, and then flicks the tip of his nose against mine.

  “I won’t die. I’ll live! Cole can’t take me. He’ll never have me!”

  “You say that, but your little angel boyfriend thinks differently. Do you know how many demons the royal family has deployed in finding him? He’s here. On Earth and he’s looking for you. We can’t have him finding you. That’s why you need to stay here, where you’re hidden under the spell of protection. If I let you walk out those doors behind me, he will sense you, and he will find you. Do you want him to find you, little Emi?”

  “No.” I still feel my Devil. He’s in so much pain. So much… I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. If I calm, he’ll calm.

  “Good girl. Now I’m going to release you and you’re going to turn around and march that cute butt of yours back to your room. You’re grounded missy. No extra cookies for you tonight. Only unsweetened chocolate pudding. Naughty girls get no treats. Well, some naughty girls get treats, but not you. You’re off limits. I rather not have my soul burned. I rather enjoy living,” he teases.

  “I hate you!” I yell.

  “Hate is just as strong of an emotion as love so, I’ll take it. I hate you too, boo thang,” he says, winking. “Now march that fine ass of yours to your room before I give you a spanking.”

  “You wouldn’t dare touch me,” I threaten.

  “Oh yeah? You going to threaten a demon, you better be ready for what comes next,” he warns.

  He releases his grip on my wrists. I back away slowly just as he stalks towards me.

  “What? Afraid to turn around?” he asks. A smirk begins to pull at the corner of his lips, stretching into a wide, cheesing grin.

  “You touch my ass and I will end you,
after I become immortal,” I threaten.

  “Right. I’m under your skin baby girl. You can’t rid me. I’m the bestest friend you’ve ever had. Now I’m going to count to three and when I get to three, your butt better be in your room.” I continue backing away slowly, while he continues stalking me. Our eyes are locked. “One,” he says. I quickly turn and make a break for my room. “Two!” I hear him shout from behind. I’m still running, rounding each corner, almost falling but I keep running. “Three!”

  “Ahh!” I squeal when I feel a smack on my ass. I can feel my mate roar within.

  I turn around and shove the demon before me. He moves towards me, backing me up against the wall. He’s close. Too close. His face just an inch or two from my own.

  “You can’t outrun me. I’m everywhere,” he enlightens.

  “You better pray to Lucifer, because after I ascend, I’m kicking your ass,” I tell him. His eyes glance down to my lips before meeting my eyes once again.

  “That, little Emi, is a day I look most forward to,” he replies, smiling brightly.

  “Well, start praying now, because I am getting out of here. Soon,” I mention. He’s still too close. His warm breath blows against my skin and it reminds me of my mate. I close my eyes and pretend its him. I pretend he’s here, with me.

  “Augustine,” I whisper.

  “Emilia,” I hear him whisper back. I can tell that he’s grown calmer now. He’s listening in on my thoughts. Filling me with his dark presence. Embracing me from the inside.

  “And when you are allowed to leave, I will personally, transfer you to meet your Devil. I mean, he does owe me for fixing your mom and dad up.” I open my eyes at his comment.

  “What?” I ask.

  “What? You think a demon can’t go to college? Uhh, can you say best four years of my life! Sigma Alpha Epsilon! The True Gentleman, at your service, milady. Also, your mother was like, so hot in that tight, white gown. Umm yum. I was so jelly of your future daddy. Me wanted a piece of that wedding cake. Mmmh! Your mom was smoking!”

  “I’m going to be sick,” I turn my head away from him and state.

  “Sick from love. Call me cupid because I knocked it out of the park with that romance, but you can’t really deny love at first sight. I introduced them and then love did its magical thang and botta bing, botta boom. Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Here comes baby Emi, out her momma’s hole,” he sings.

  “Oh my God. Please shut up,” I beg him. If I had any feelings, I know I’d be disgusted. Thank goodness I am as empty as a hollow shell.

  “Can’t stop me, from being me. You love it. Don’t deny it,” he cheerfully says.

  “I think, if I have to endure another day stuck in this place with you, I’m going to throw myself out the window.”

  “No,” says my blue-eyed boy.

  “I’m joking. This demon is just annoying,” I tell him.

  “There’s bars on the windows,” he adds.

  “I’ll drown myself in the toilet,” I tell him.

  “Water isn’t deep enough.”

  “I’ll suffocate myself with my pillow.”

  “What pillow?” he asks, now magically hugging my pillow.

  “I’ll hold my breath.”

  “I’ll kiss you and blow air into your lungs,” he says.

  “His lips touch yours and he will burn,” seethes my Devil.

  “No one’s lips will touch mine except yours. Relax, my blue eyes. He’s just playing,” I tell him.

  “You suck,” I tell Aza.

  “No but I lick.” I wince in disgust when I see the tip of his tongue escape his mouth and trace his lips.

  “He’s dead,” my mate insists, and I just sigh in annoyance.

  “Eww. You’re disgusting. Fine. You win Aza. Now leave me alone,” I tell him.

  “Fine. Have fun sleeping without a pillow.”

  “You are so dead Aza. You are so dead,” I repeat. He smiles brightly and backs away from me.

  “Sleep tight little Emi. I’ll be in later to sing you your lullaby.”

  “Go to Hell,” I tell him.

  “Soon. Soon, little Emi.”

  “I hate him,” Augustine says.

  “I know. I hate him too sometimes, but he’s my friend. He’s the only friend I have.”

  Augustine goes quiet after that.

  He goes quiet for a while…


  Two Years Later…

  “Emilia? How are you feeling today?” asks doctor Edwards. I’m sitting in her office for another evaluation. She’s gazing at me. Observing me. Watching my every move. I need to be smart. I need to play along, if I want to be released. She needs to think I’m healed. Cured. No longer, “hearing voices or seeing demons.” I need to play along if I want to win.

  “I’m good. Just tired,” I reply.

  “The medication will do that. How are you sleeping at night or during the day?”

  “I take naps every now, but I’ve been sleeping better at night. I got into meditation awhile back and it helps,” I tell her.

  “Oh. That’s really great to hear. So, what about the voices? Do you hear the voices within your mind still?” I smile lightly and shake my head.

  “No. I haven’t heard a single voice in so long. I don’t know what I thought I heard but I know it couldn’t have been anything real. I don’t know what was wrong with me, but there are no voices,” I lie and tell her.

  “Oh. That’s good to hear. Sounds like you’re making excellent progress Emilia. I’m very proud of you. You’ve come such a long way,” she admits.

  “Yes. I feel much better,” I tell her.

  “Good. That’s good. Now what about the hallucinations?” She glances down at her notepad then back up to me. So, no more sightings of Katherine, Lucifer’s wife and the mother to their son, your husband, Augustine?”

  “No. No more hallucinations. I don’t believe in any of that anymore. Like I said before, I don’t know why I ever thought I believed in any of that.”

  “Stress and trauma have a way of damaging one’s psyche. When your best friend, Cole, died in that terrible car crash, that you and your other friend, Van were involved in, it affected you. Deeply. In a sense, it broke you. Made you believe that demons and devils were involved in its doing. It’s quite normal for others to point blame on evil beings versus accepting the truth,” she states.

  “And what’s the truth?” I ask.

  “That this was just a tragic car crash and nothing else.”

  “Yes. It was just a car crash,” I repeat. Giving her what she wants to hear.

  “Indeed.” She pauses, gazing at me for a moment. “Emilia… I’d like to see you one more time next week, but between us, from what I can see, I honestly feel as though you are no longer a danger to yourself or others. You’ve improved dramatically, over the course of the last few years and I don’t ever use this word too often but I’m confident enough to say it now. I believe you Emilia are safe and ready to be released back into society. You deserve a second chance. You deserve a fresh start. You’re young. It’s time to live. Finish high school. Go to college. Fall in love. Get married. Do it all. You deserve it. You deserve happiness.” I give her a small smile.

  “Thank you doctor Edwards. I’m excited for the possibilities,” I tell her. She smiles lightly.

  “I’m glad to hear that. One more week Emilia. Prove to me you’re good to be released and I’ll release you,” she says.

  “Okay,” I reply.

  “Okay.” She nods and then stands from behind her desk. “You may leave now. Enjoy your day Emilia.”

  “You too,” I tell her. I walk out of her office and shut her door.

  “So? What did doc say?” Aza asks, while waiting against the wall beside the door.

  “You already know. Why even ask?”

  “Just want to know if you’re still crazy,” he teases.

  “You’re not allowed to use that word in here and you know I
’m not crazy,” I remind him. I walk away as Aza walks beside me.

  “A crazy person denies being crazy. A sane person admits to being crazy. That’s psychology 101. A thief sees a thief. A liar sees a liar. A cheater sees a cheater—”

  “And a demon sees fist,” I interrupt and add. Aza stops walking and shakes his head.

  “That doesn’t even make sense.” He hustles to catch back up with me. “You’re losing your spunk girly.” he pauses, trailing the tip of his finger down my cheek. “And your color.” I shrug away from his finger. “We need to get you some vitamin D,” he insists.

  “The only D I want is my mate’s D,” I add. Aza turns, walking backwards in front of me, covering his mouth in shock.

  “Dammmn son! There’s that spunk.” His palm reaches out to high five me. A little half smirk escapes me, and I shake my head and high five him. He’s now walking beside me once again.

  “Have they caught Cole yet? I’m leaving here in a week, so—” I start to say.

  “You’re leaving here when that flying goody two shoes backs the Heaven off you, and finds him some other hottie to bang, because this one’s taken by that big devil D.” I find myself hiding my bright smile after his comment. I stop walking and turn to him. He stops walking and faces me.

  “New mission after I’m reunited with my mate. I’m finding your own mate, so you can shut the Hell up and get laid, because Hell knows you need to,” I inform him. His bright smile grows wide.

  “Fine by me.” His eyes close and he puckers his lips. “Mmmh,” he says, shaking his head. His eyes open and he gazes into mine. “If I had me my own mate, you wouldn’t see me for hundreds of human centuries. I’d be glued inside my girl until the end of days. Mmmh. I’m getting all worked up just thinking about her,” he enlightens, and then bucks his hips once.

  “Do you know if her soul exists? Augustine said he felt my soul, the moment it was created in the Heavens and he said he felt it when I was born,” I tell him. He sighs and pouts.

  “No. Unfortunately, us lowly demons don’t have that kind of power. I wouldn’t even know she existed, unless I sensed her within a hundred-yard radius.”


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