Loving Crow (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 1)

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Loving Crow (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 1) Page 16

by A. Lynn

  In a far corner, there are two overly large dining tables, which is where Crow is leading me right now. We step up to the table and all talking ceases and I nervously sink into Crow's body. Despite the discontent I am feeling at this moment, I am met with curious eyes and smiles, allowing me to relax.

  Colt stands from the table and wraps an arm around my shoulders, "Hey Rea, how are you doing today, sweetheart?"

  “Good. It’s good to see you.”

  “You going to introduce the new pussy, Crow?” Comes from a guy with an asshole-ish expression on his face. He looks like he was licking lemons before we came in.

  What is the equivalent of resting bitch face for men?

  “Dec! Show some fucking respect,” Colt chastises him.

  “It was just a joke,” Dec defends.

  “Say some shit like that again, Dec, we’re going to have a problem,” Crow threatens. “Baby, that asshole is my brother.”

  “Hey,” I say.

  He introduces the other men, starting with the man who stood by and let Crow fight at the club the other night. "Tex, who you met at Fallen, Smoke, Mase, Smooth, Rhys, and Einstein. That is Gunner, our President, and Axle, our VP," he says indicating the two men at the head of the table. "Guys, this is Reagan.”

  “Being fine as fuck must be a prerequisite to be a member,” pops out of my mouth before I can stop it, drawing a chorus of laughter from the men seated at the table.

  “Seriously, baby?”

  I shrug. “You have nothing to worry about. And it’s not like I made the rules, you all did,” I reason. “It’s nice to meet you all.”

  I am met with chuckles and nods, making the rest of my apprehension melt away.

  “You guys ready?” Crow asks, prompting Gunner, Axle, Smooth, Rhys, and Einstein to stand and head to a door at the back of the room.

  When Crow and I walk through the door, I see Einstein bent over a laptop. The door closes behind us and I turn to see Rhys leaning against the door with a stoic face, “So no one comes in without permission.”

  I force a smile and nod, trying to swallow back the bile that is rushing up my throat. It’s not helping, though. I’m not sure I am ready to see what these cameras show.

  “You okay, baby. You don’t look so hot.”

  “Bathroom,” I croak through the hand clamped over my mouth.

  Crow drags me to the en suite just in time. I didn’t even have time to get my hair out of my face. Thankfully Crow got there in time. I retch until my throat is raw and there is nothing left in my stomach to expel.

  “Feel better?”

  “Much.” I get to my feet and go to the sink and wash my face and hands.

  “What’s got your stomach in knots? The tape?” I nod. “I can look at it myself, baby.”

  “I know and it likely won’t change anything, but I need to see it for myself.”


  “Today is not the end of us, Kane. Unless you fucked her just because you can or because you drank too much. That won't be okay, but I don't think that is how it went down."

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For having faith in me.”

  I give him a small smile and say, "Will you see if someone has some mouthwash I can use, please?" He bends to look under the sink and comes back up with a bottle in hand. “Thanks, honey. I’ll be out in a second.”

  He presses a kiss to my sweaty hairline, “Okay, baby.”

  After a couple of minutes, I come out of the bathroom and see chairs set up in front of the desk facing yet another giant flat-screen television. I move over to the seat that is open beside Crow but get stopped by a gentle hand on my back.

  “You okay, hun?” I glance behind me to see Gunner standing there with a smile on his face.

  “Yea—” I start but get cut off.

  Crow is instantly by my side scowling. "There a reason you're touching my girl, Gun?"

  “Crow,” I start again only to be cut off with a glare.

  “No reason,” Gunner answers.

  “You want to keep that hand?”

  “Crow!” I gasp, “Stop it!”

  “Yeah, Crow, stop it,” Gunner parrots, causing laughs to break out in the room.

  I look between the two men again and notice the smug as fuck look on Gunner's face, making a ripple of anger roll down my spine. I step between the two men and give Crow my back. His hands immediately drop to my hips, pulling me flush to him. I look up at Gunner but he hasn't noticed me yet, he too busy trying to get Crow's goat. So I roughly jab him in the chest with my fingertips to get his attention.

  “Excuse me, Gunner?” He looks down at me with a grin. “I am only going to say this once, okay?” He nods. “Remove your hand from my shoulder or I will not be responsible for my actions,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “What actions are those, baby?” Cocky bastard.

  My hand snaps out and tightly grips his dick through his jeans. His eyes widen and Crow tries to pull me backward, but I have Gunner’s dick in a death grip.

  “These actions, baby.” I cackle as he grunts in pain. Laughs and grunts of sympathetic pain sound around the room making me laugh harder. “I understand that you are trying to tease Crow, but using me isn’t the way to achieve that.” I squeeze a little tighter and continue, “So unless you want me to break this, I suggest you don’t touch me in any fashion that can be construed as a dig at my man. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal,” he gasps.

  “I’m glad we agree,” I smile.

  “And you," I say turning to Crow, "You can't talk to him like that. He's your President for crying out loud!" I get closer so only he hears. "I am faithful, there is no need to go caveman on your friends."

  “I just don’t like another man to touch you, brother or not.”

  “I get that, but it’s you, honey. You’re it for me. Act like it.”

  “I promise.”

  “Great!” I turn to the room and see wide eye stares directed at me. “Now let’s watch some videos,” I say and continue to my seat.

  Gunner clears his throat and says, “Reagan? I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I smile.

  Axle asks, “Are you cray-cray, Reagan? Like bipolar or something?"

  I laugh, “No?”

  “Was that a question?” Smooth asks.

  “Was it?” I ask.

  “Come on guys, focus. We have tapes to watch,” Gunner says.

  I sit in the chair that Crow was in before and angle my body towards him when he sits on the chair next to mine and drops his hand to my inner thigh. I lean towards him until my forehead rests on his cheek and say, “I love you, Kane. No matter what.”

  “I love you, baby,” he says before kissing my lips.

  The video starts with Cleo sitting on a workstation, feet swinging like she has all the time in the world. Crow walks into the shop with a smile on his face and he is putting his phone in his pocket. When he sees Cleo sitting on the workstation, his smile falls from his face. I stop watching here and lay my head on Crow's shoulder, but then they begin speaking.

  “You need something, Cleo?”

  “I was wondering if we could talk for a minute?”

  “What do you need? I have got shit to do."

  “Why her, Crow? We work together, couldn't you pick someone I wouldn't have to see every day?"

  “I didn’t pick her, Cleo. I just don’t see anyone else.”

  “How long? How long have you known it was her?”

  “A little over a month.”

  “You don’t think you’re being hasty? You’ve had your dick in my mouth since then.”

  “Once, Cleo. And I was thinking about her the whole time.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Don’t I?”

  “Why couldn’t you pick me? I love you, Crow. I have always loved you.”

  “You love me?”


  "How does fucking all my b
rothers factor into that?"

  “That’s what I was supposed to do. And it’s not like you asked me not to.”

  “I should have asked, huh? That’s how I know you don’t love me. Reagan loves me and I wouldn’t have had to ask her. But why would I ask that of you? You were just a warm hole to fuck. If it hadn't been you, it would have been someone else."

  “Why are you being so mean, Crow?”

  “Why are you acting like we were together? I told you so many times not to make it more than it was. I never would have chosen you."

  “Why? Am I not good enough? I was okay to fuck, but not love, right?”

  “I wouldn't ever choose someone who has been run through by my brothers. It has nothing to do with being good enough, Cleo. Even if I claimed you, the second I saw Reagan, you and I would've been over.”


  “Yes. I love her, Cleo. I’m pretty sure I have since I first laid eyes on her.”

  “What? No, you were supposed to be with me.”

  “I’m right where I am supposed to be. I am sorry if that isn’t what you wanted, but it won’t change.”

  “Please, Crow…”

  “I’m sorry, Cleo, but it’s done. No going back now.”

  “Ok, Crow. If that’s what you really want.”

  “It is.”

  “Ok, I’ll back off.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hopefully we can still be friends. Can I get a hug?”

  “I don't think that is a good idea."

  “What? Friends hug?”


  “Thanks, baby.”

  Crow brings his knuckles under my chin and gently raises my head. When our eyes meet, I see the sweetest relief as he presses his lips to mine. "I didn't think I kissed her but I couldn't remember. I'm so," he pauses and exhales a huge breath, and says, "relieved.”

  “Me, too. I don't want to watch the other video, so I think I will go back to the front room. If that's okay."


  I walk out of the office and head to the bar.

  “What can I get for you?”

  “Bottle of water, please,” I say as I reach in my pocket and pull out a ten dollar bill.


  I turn to see Skylar standing a few feet away from me. “Hey, Skylar. We got to quit meeting like this,” I say with a giggle.

  She steps up beside me at the bar and smiles, “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  “Would you like to join me? I’m waiting on Crow to look at some tapes.”

  “Sure. That’s actually why I’m here,” she says. “I have the results from his blood and hair follicle tests.”

  “That was fast."

  "I have a friend in the lab."

  I nod. "I thought it was just a blood test?"

  “Most date rape drugs don't remain present in the blood or urine, so to be safe we did a hair test because it can take anywhere from two to ninety days to be undetectable. Depending on dosages, weight, and height of the user,” she answers. “The blood test was to check for STDs—he’s clean by the way.”

  “That’s good to know,” I laugh.

  “Ma tells me that things are getting pretty serious between the two of you.”

  I blush, nodding. “It is.”

  “I’m glad. Crow is probably the best person I know. He gets it from our Pop. I think it skipped Dec, though.”

  “He wasn’t too pleasant with me either,” I tell her. "He referred to me as new pussy. Real charmer, that one."

  “He’s a good guy, we just like to give Dec shit because he is the baby.”

  “Understandable, but he seemed to be digging at Crow,” I shrug.

  “They fell out a while back, but I thought things seemed to be on the mend between them.”

  “Why did they fall out?”

  She leans toward me, talking in a hushed tone, “I’m not supposed to know, club business,” she rolls her eyes. “First, did you know that Crow is the Road Captain for the MC?”

  “What’s that?”

  “He is in charge of coordinating any and all movements involving the member in an official capacity. He makes sure that everything goes straight and according to the plan, to ensure everyone’s safety.”


  “This MC has two Road Captains. Jive was the Road Captain one and Crow was two, until almost two years ago when Jive was killed in a bike accident. A drunk driver smashed into him, and because he wasn't a fan of wearing a helmet, his head smacked the truck and the pavement. He was dead at the scene, and I like to tell myself that it was instantaneous. He was a really sweet guy, the world lost a good one that day,” she pauses. “Anyway, when Jive died, Crow took one, leaving position two open. Mase and Dec were both up for it, but Crow voted for Mase. Dec got pissed—and I can kind of see why—about it. What I don’t agree with, though, is Dec thinking that he was entitled to that spot just because Crow held one.”

  “Crow voted against his brother?”

  She nods. “Dec was barely twenty and had just patched in when this went down, and the majority of the officers—not just Crow—thought that he wasn’t ready. There would have been a mutiny if they picked him because of Pop or Crow.”

  “That’s understandable,” I shrug. “It seems like a stupid thing for two grown-ass men, let alone brothers to have beef over. It wasn't just his decision, so why take it out on Crow?"

  “Not much of it makes sense to me, but I think it's more… I don't know." She sighs and changes the subject. “I’m really glad we were able to talk. The last time I saw you was kind of painful.”

  “I thought the same thing,” I say. “I’m sorry for the way I acted.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  A tear runs down my cheek, “No, it wasn't right. It was like I was blaming you for her death, but the issue that I had with you was that you were the one who told me. I was shooting the messenger. It wasn't right, and I am so sorry."

  "I forgive you, Rea, but it was a natural reaction."

  “Maybe, but we have a common link now, and I don’t want there to be any bad blood between us.”

  “And there won’t be. If what Ma says is true, then we are already sisters,” she pulls me into a hug. “That’s the one thing that I have always wanted.”

  “Me, too.” I smile as another tear escapes. “I’m not going anywhere, I love him. Shit, I love your folks, too. I would almost believe that if I tried to take Jordan away from his Nana and Pop, they would fight me for custody,” I giggle.

  “You’re damn right we would,” Colt says interrupting our conversation. “He’s awesome.”

  “Hey, Daddy,” Skylar says.

  “Hi, angel,” he says, bending down to place a kiss on her temple.

  “I think he’s awesome, too, but I may be biased.”

  “Horse shit, he is awesome. Wait until you meet him, Skylar.”

  “I was hoping to on Saturday at the cookout."

  “Sorry,” I say.

  “Not your fault, Rea, blame that stupid whore.”

  “Sky, be nice,” he admonishes.

  “I will not be nice to that skeezy bitch, Daddy! Even if I didn’t like Rea—which I do—she is fucking with my brother. What would have happened if she had given him too much more MDMA than she did? The dose she had given him would have killed someone with a lower BMI. She could have taken him away from us permanently, and for what? That shit isn’t right and you know it.” She slaps away an angry tear.

  Unsure I ask, “What’s MDMA?”

  Sky sighs. "Ecstasy, but people call it different things—like E, X, lovers speed, love drug—but is more widely known as Molly or MDMA."

  “So she did it then?” I whisper as I feel a wave of fury cascade down my spine.

  Skylar is fuming. “Of fucking course she did!”

  I look at Colt, “Where is she right now? She at the salon with Stella?”

  He nods. “I don’t think she knows that we’r
e onto her.”

  “See, Daddy? Stupid fucking bitch,” Sky tells her dad.

  “Sky, will you give me a ride to the salon?”

  “Let’s go, I have to be at the hospital at one, though. I am covering a half shift for a friend," she says before looking to her father, saying, "Make sure Crow gets these, yeah?"

  “I’ll get a cab home or something.”

  “That works, but Crow is going to be right behind us.”

  “Reagan,” Colt begins then pauses. “I think you should wait for Crow, darlin’. He’s not going to like finding you gone.”

  “Sorry, Colt, but I can’t. That come-guzzling slut has gone too far,” I say threading my arm through Sky’s and heading to the front doors.

  “We need to hurry before Daddy tells Crow.”

  “Right,” I say, picking up the pace to her car.

  Once we are in the car, Sky unlocks her phone and hands it to me. “Will you call Ma for me?”


  “Just put it on speaker,” she says as I am pulling up Stella’s contact. “The last thing I need today is another fucking ticket for not going hands-free."

  The phone rings twice before Stella answers, “Hey, Hija. What are you up to today?”

  “Ma, will you do me a favor?’

  “Anything, bebe, you know that.”

  “Will you pull Cleo into your office?”


  “I just want to talk to her,” she answers.

  Stella sighs. “Talk, huh?"


  “Okay, but I want an explanation when you get here.”

  “Thanks, I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Love you, bye!” she says before ending the call.

  Ten minutes later we pull into the parking lot of the salon, to see Stella leaning against the building with a shrewd expression marring her beautiful features.

  “Reagan? What are you doing here? I thought you and Crow were at the clubhouse to view the tapes. Someone better start telling me what the fuck is going on before I lose my shit,” Stella demands crossing her arms over her chest.


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