Where The Blue Thorns Grow

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Where The Blue Thorns Grow Page 9

by Maya Riley

  “Oh, you’re even continuing to move up the romance scale here,” I teased.

  “Yeah?” he asked. “What will I need to do to reach the very top of said scale?”

  “Mmm...” I leaned back on my elbow and brought a finger on my other hand to my chin, as though I were deep in thought. “That’s a tough one. Maybe we’ll find out someday.” I smiled at him and his eyes held such heat. His glasses never did anything to diminish the beauty that swirled inside his eyes, and I always got lost in them so easily.

  He pulled out a corkscrew and popped open the wine bottle. “Now, this wine is nonalcoholic, so don’t worry. I won’t send you up the Carbolitas with a hangover,” he noted.

  “Thanks, I was actually kind of wondering about that,” I said honestly. He knew I’d stopped drinking months ago to get into the best climbing shape I could be.

  He stopped mid-pour and looked over at me. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I’d never do anything to mess up your chances at conquering this. I promise.”

  I sat up fully and touched his arm, “I know,” I assured him. “I trust you.”

  He finished pouring the first glass and handed it to me, then poured the second glass. Once finished, he raised his glass between us. “To the Carbolitas,” he toasted.

  “To the Carbolitas,” I repeated.

  “To Clif,” he added.

  I smiled a sad but thoughtful smile. “To Clif,” I echoed.

  We both clinked our glasses together and took a sip. The strawberry wine was still cold and sparked my taste buds to life. He then set his glass down on the blanket and reached for a piece of cantaloupe. He dipped it in the whipped cream and held it to my lips.

  I decided to tease him and licked the whipped cream off the cantaloupe as seductively as I could. I delighted at the increasing heat in his gaze, taking pride in knowing I could do that to him. I then bit into the tip of the fruit and slowly enjoyed the small taste, tilting my head back in mock seduction.

  I repeated the process with the rest of the cantaloupe. He dipped it into the whipped cream each time, and I took sips of the strawberry non-wine in between each one. Once the cantaloupe was gone, he dipped his finger into the whipped cream and put it to my mouth.

  As his finger neared, I stuck my tongue out to taste, and then engulfed the creamy tip of his finger into my mouth. I held eye contact with him as I sucked his finger clean, then I popped his finger out and his mouth immediately clashed with mine.

  Our tongues tangled and frolicked, fighting each other for the upper hand, just as stubborn as the people were in real life. I was feeling extra feisty at the moment and it was showing in my kiss. I wanted to devour him like the rest of the cantaloupe.

  I’d waited so long for this. Years, even, for these guys. I finally had them, and I was going to remind them that I intended to keep them. Regardless of what happened after this adventure was done, I was not going to let them forget what they meant to me.

  Placing my hands on his shoulders, I pushed myself up off the ground and maneuvered until I was straddling his lap. I kissed him from above, pushing my mouth against his in a forceful kiss of seduction. His hands held on to my hips, keeping me steady as I got more and more into it. He was mine and I was ready to leave my mark.

  His hand traveled up, underneath my shirt, and found its way to my breast. It dipped underneath my sports bra until it found my nipple and began to tweak it, twisting it between his thumb and forefinger.

  I moaned into his mouth, letting him know how much I was enjoying the sensations. I wanted more, needed more. I always seemed to want more with these guys, but was always too worried to go and get it. Now, I was ready to take it. To stake claim to what was now mine.

  My hands left his neck and wound down toward his pants. Quickly undoing the button and zipper, they snaked into his boxers until they found what they were seeking. Wrapping one hand around his length, I listened for his breath, a telltale sign of how I was affecting him. I smiled against his lips when his breath shook the moment I touched him.

  “Cam,” he started. “I...”

  “I know,” I interjected. “I want you, Pete. All of you.” Fuck, what was up with me lately? For the longest time, my sex life had been drier than the Sahara. Now, I was ready to bang four guys in the middle of the woods on a mountainside filled with other people. And I wouldn’t even mind if it was with all four of them together either. Yup, something was wrong with me. I’d turned into the little harlot that my mother had been urging me to become for the last several years.

  He wrapped an arm around my waist, and flipped me over so I was on my back and he was on top. Somehow, my shirt ended up on the ground next to me within that same smooth motion. He sat back, still hovering over my waist, and looked at me. And I mean really looked at me.

  “Fuck, Cam, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed. I had a feeling he meant me, actually me, and not solely my body. This was one of the things I loved about him. They each had something that was irresistible to me.

  He leaned down and kissed my mouth once, before trailing his kisses toward my ear. Once there, he whispered, “You are gorgeous as fuck. I want you. All of you. Forever.”

  My heart skipped a few beats and I shivered under his breath. Or maybe it was his words that made me shiver, or perhaps both.

  Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his middle and my legs around his waist. Pushing my hips up, I lifted us off the ground just enough to shuffle us to the side, until I was able to flip us over so I was on top again.

  This was getting to be a fun game.

  I pulled his shorts and boxers down his legs and off his feet, then tossed them to the side. As I sat back up, he immediately went to work on my own shorts, and I was surprised he didn’t manage to rip them in the process. For someone who’d always been so nice and sweet, it was thrilling to see this animalistic side of him.

  Gripping the hem of his shirt, I slowly slid it up and gawked at his now exposed abs. For someone who I rarely saw actually workout, he was hiding some serious muscles. Delicious looking muscles. Very tasty muscles.

  I was unable to help myself, and my face continued to move farther down and closer. I was practically drooling on him, and while my eyes were fixed on his stomach, I was sure he was enjoying my gawking. I’d spent a fairly large amount of time checking out the bodies of every shirtless male climber, but it wasn’t until recently that I could really enjoy them even more because I knew they were mine. They were all mine—heart, body, and soul—and that made them even more delectable.

  I touched my lips to his abs lightly, and the muscles twitched underneath my touch. I moved on to the next mound of ab muscles, and placed my teeth softly on the smooth mound. I bit down very gently, and his body contracted underneath me. I kissed the spot, and then moved on to the next.

  This time, I licked the spot first before gently nibbling it, and his body seemed to enjoy that even more. I loved learning these things about these guys. All the small things that made them tick, and squirm.

  I made my way farther up his body until I was at his chest. Now his shirt really needed to come off.

  He pinched his top between his thumb and forefinger, before ripping it up and taking it off his body. He tossed it to the side and it joined the messy pile of the rest of our clothing.

  “Now, I think it’s your turn,” he stated, eyeing me playfully.

  “What?” I stopped mid-kiss, confused. “What’s my turn?”

  “Well, you’re the only one with clothing now.” He growled, lifted his torso, and took my sports bra between his teeth, biting it at the zipper that ran down between my boobs. Using the zipper in his teeth, he pulled it down until my breasts popped free.

  He took a nipple into his mouth and suckled, running his tongue over the sensitive nub. I placed my hands on his shoulders and arched my back. I moved my knees slightly to reposition myself and realized we never even took our shoes off. That was okay, we’d work around them.

  While his mouth remain
ed on my nipple, one hand gave attention to the other breast, while his other hand migrated south. His thumb circled around my clit, building up my arousal before flicking at it. I moaned into his mouth, just about ready for what I wanted. And soon. I’d waited years for these guys, and I was done waiting.

  Grabbing a fistful of his dirty blond hair, I pulled his head back and my nipple came out of his mouth with a pop. I used my other hand, which was still braced on his shoulder, to push him toward the ground. His back landed on the dirt and I placed my hands on the ground on either side of him, bracing myself above him and grinning.

  His hand was still between my legs, unwilling to move away. A sneaky smile crossed his face, as though he knew exactly what I was thinking.

  “Pete, honey, you’re going to have to move your hand if you want something else in there,” I teased.

  The sneaky smile broadened into a wide grin. “Yeah?” he asked, and pulled his hand away.

  I gripped his dick and moved my hand up and down. He was already so hard that I really didn’t need to prep it much. His eyelids began to droop slightly, as he enjoyed every moment.

  I spread my legs, and shoved him right into my slick and waiting canal. I eased myself onto him, slowly adjusting to his size. His head fell back and he closed his eyes, his hands gripping my hips like a lifeboat.

  My hips began to roll, nice and slow, getting into a rhythm. With my palms on his chest, I held myself up, and his hands remained on my hips, guiding me.

  I increased my pace a little more with each roll, and the waves of pleasure continued to build. My heart rate sped up, and I rode him faster, harder.

  My breathing became ragged and moans escaped my throat. We were outside in the middle of the woods and I knew we weren’t the only ones on this mountain, so I tried to hold my scream in until the very end. It wasn’t going to wait much longer though, and neither was my body.

  The waves of pleasure crescendoed and racked through my body. I threw my head back and cried out in ecstasy, along with Pete, and I felt him stiffen under my hands.

  As soon as we were done, I laid on his sweaty chest, my ear against the side of his ribcage, next to his heart. His arms wrapped around me loosely, his own body exhausted and needing recovery as well.

  It was a good thing I had the implant. It was one less thing to worry about out here.

  He reached out, and lifted one of the pizza slices. My mouth watered at his slow movements, watching the slice of cold and cheesy goodness get closer to my own mouth. I opened wide, my tongue darting out to greet his hand and guide it into my mouth.

  This was what my life had become—pizza and orgasms.

  I listened to the rapid thrum of his heartbeat, his ragged breath fanning the stray hairs on the top of my head. I was at peace, and could stay like this forever.

  I was enjoying this moment so much, that I didn’t want to think about having to get dressed and head back just yet. I wanted to stay here in this spot, with this man, and in this moment.

  “That was nice,” I murmured. His chest reverberated beneath me with soft laughter.

  “It’s nice to be complimented,” he replied with a laugh. “And it was more than just nice. It was amazing. You,” his finger went under my chin and tilted my head up so he could see my face, “are amazing.”

  He placed a swift kiss on my nose and laid his head back against the ground. “I could use a nap right about now. Stay here longer,” he suggested.

  “We can’t,” I said.

  “Yeah, we gotta head back. There’s other people on this mountain,” he agreed reluctantly. “Hopefully the tourists don’t go out this far. Otherwise, things are going to get awkward.”

  “No, not that. I mean, we gotta get back,” I reiterated.

  He raised his head and lifted an eyebrow quizzically. “What’s wrong?”

  I looked straight into his eyes. “I left the coffee pot on, with the last of the grounds in the cabin, smelling delicious, with four hungry guys in the kitchen.”

  Realization dawned on him and he laughed, his glasses falling slightly askew on his face. I stared at him, waiting for him to finish laughing, but he only squeezed his arms around me even more, holding me tighter, and laughed even harder.

  “Okay,” he yielded. “We’ll head back and make sure to save the coffee.”

  I sat up. “Maybe we should stop at the shack on the way and pick up some more coffee grounds,” I mused, thinking of the days ahead. I’d packed some instant coffee to use during our time spent in tents, and wanted to take advantage of having an actual coffee pot for as long as I could.

  “Good idea.”

  I got off of him and reached around, trying to find my bra and get the clothes together. He sat up behind me and picked the leaves out of my hair.

  Once we were dressed, we began to head back in the direction of the shack for another bag of coffee grounds.

  Sure enough, when we got back to the cabin, the coffee pot was empty. I should’ve known better than to go gallivanting off into the woods with one of the loves of my life and leave fresh brewing coffee behind, but it was definitely worth it.

  Carson’s hand squeezed my ass as I fell into him. Slacklining was a hard thing to do, and it was a skill I could never master, despite all my balance from my climbing years. There was a big difference between balancing on a vertical wall versus on an unstable horizontal slackline.

  Jenna handed me my cup as I took my spot beside her once again. “Nice try,” she said. “I really thought you had it that time.”

  “Next time I will. I’m determined to master that thing someday. I still have yet to make it all the way across.”

  I took a sip of my coffee, the warm liquid rolling over my tongue. Both hands were wrapped around the paper cup, trying to suck up as much heat as possible to get it to a drinkable temperature. I practically had to have Pete guard the entrance to the kitchen so I could pour us each some coffee before an uncaffeinated mob of climbers could catch scent of the pot of brewing deliciousness.

  Carrie was leaning against a blue spruce tree, talking to Dave and Stan. Dave’s dirty blond hair framed his eyes as they watched Jenna with a lightness. Stan smirked, his dark features focused on Dave in amusement. Gary was leaning against a tree a few feet away from them, watching them with a smirk on his face. I had a feeling I might know the subject they were talking about.

  Ryan toed off his shoes and hopped up on one end of the slackline, then proceeded to glide across with ease. He was the only one I knew who was crazy enough to slackline over canyons, so there was no way he’d ever be one to stumble across. Each foot placement was made with precision. The skill it took to accomplish that with ease was impressive, even if I did worry each time. Losing someone else I cared about to gravity was something I never wanted to repeat.

  “Show off,” J.D. muttered as Ryan hopped off, and then stepped up on it himself. I grinned. No one ever had a shot at out-slacklining Ryan, but watching them push each other to be better in every aspect of their lives was always something I found enjoyment in.

  His arms flew out to his side, swaying slightly to keep his balance. He lifted his head and straightened his neck, a look of extreme concentration in his eyes. Three steps in, he fell off.

  “Having trouble, big guy?” Ryan called, not at all innocently, with his arms crossed and a gleam in his eye. “Need me to show our pretty girl how it’s really done? I can hop up again and give it another go.”

  I giggled as I took a sip, accidentally blowing bubbles into the coffee in the process.

  “You don’t count,” Carson teased. “None of us stand a chance against you, I’ll admit that. But slacklining isn’t the only way to turn a girl on.” A mischievous grin crossed his face as he closed the distance to me, placed his hands on either side of my face, and pressed a kiss against my lips. His tongue darted out to lick the stray drops of coffee on my lips.

  He kissed me hungrily, swallowing the giggle that burst up with his playfulness. Right as th
e others were about to get restless, he pulled away with a grin and exclaimed, “Now that’s how it’s done.”

  “Alright,” Ryan said. “I think I know what to do now.”

  He walked over, grabbed my hand and steered me toward the cabin, Jenna’s squealing laugh cheering after us. I cried out as my cup nearly toppled out of my hand in the process and I clutched it tight, unwilling to lose it to the ground.

  As soon as we crossed the threshold, the cup was ripped out of my hand, and his shoulder went into my gut as I was lifted in the air and carried upstairs. Before I knew what was going on, I was landing on a pile of pillows and blankets, with Ryan perched above me, his eyes darkened with lust, and long brown hair falling out of his green bandana. He smiled and kissed me.

  His lips tasted like strawberry chapstick. His hand tangled in my hair, giving it a slight tug. The thumb of his other hand rubbed up and down my throat. My head tilted slightly up and back as Ryan devoured my mouth as though I were his lifeline.

  His kiss pressed deeper, and I found myself swimming in his essence. With his thumb gently rubbing up and down my throat, his fingers gripped the back of my neck. He began to kiss down my jawline, and I tilted my head farther back so he could kiss down my neck. Once he reached the bottom of my throat, he nipped at my collarbone, and pressed a kiss to it. I could feel his lips smile against my skin.

  He lifted his head and I threw my arms over his shoulders, wrapping them around his neck and pressing myself closer.

  “Cam,” he breathed. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  “Then let’s do something about that,” I replied with a grin. I lifted myself up and wrapped my legs around his waist, squeezing with my thighs.

  He knelt down and hovered over me. We stared at each other for a long moment, and I was in awe of this amazing and beautiful specimen of a man that looked at me as though I were the greatest climb in the world. Which... I guess that pun was intended.

  Ryan lowered his face to mine until our foreheads were touching. My heart was beating nearly out of my chest, the anticipation of what was about to happen was driving me crazy. My secret fantasies, hidden behind a determined smile and an undying dream, were becoming real.


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