Strike Force

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Strike Force Page 14

by Mary Alford

  The plane circled around the mountain and dipped a wing as it began its descent.

  “Oh, that’s definitely them,” Ben exclaimed, a relieved smile spreading across his face. “I recognize Peter’s way of saying hello.”

  Piling into the SUV parked out front, the plane had landed and was taxiing down the runway when they reached the airstrip.

  Once the plane stopped, Peter and Tegan descended the steps. When they spotted the team waiting for them, they broke into smiles.

  “Boy, is it good to see you all,” Tegan said once they’d all hugged. “What’s going on?” he asked after he’d glanced at the faces of the team.

  “There’s been a lot of things happen while you’ve been in the air.” Ben told them everything.

  “I can’t believe it,” Tegan shook his head. “So it’s starting.”

  “I’m afraid so,” Ben said. “Come back to the compound. We’ll get you caught up on everyone.”

  If Brookes and Abby weren’t successful in saving the president, would they be able to stop what was coming next? The thought of Legion using nuclear weapons on innocent citizens was unthinkable.

  All Sidney could think about as they drove toward the command center was tomorrow would be Christmas Eve. What a terrible way to celebrate one of the holiest of holidays. In hiding. Waiting for an attack that was imminent.

  “How about we take a walk,” Kaiden said once they arrived at the computer center. “Ben will need time to catch Peter and Tegan up fully on what’s happening in Texas. You look like you can use a break.”

  She loved how he had a way of sensing what she needed even before she realized it.

  Tugging her coat closer, she waited outside while Kaiden brought Samson out. The dog bounded past her, happy to be doing whatever they were.

  They hadn’t even had the chance to explore their new home.

  As they walked, Kaiden pointed to the woods nearby. “Let’s go for a walk in the woods. It appears almost peaceful in there. I think we both could use peace right now.”

  She smiled and took his hand. The scent of pine trees filled her senses and helped clear her head.

  “What happens if Brookes and Abby fail?” She voiced her worst fear aloud.

  “They won’t. God will be with them and help them complete this mission with success.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “I’m praying you’re right. I still can’t believe this is happening.” She shook her head.

  Kaiden gathered her close. “I know this is bad, but we’re not done yet, and we sure aren’t going to let Legion win, no matter what it costs us.”

  She held him tight and listened to the steady beat of his heart. With their world crumbling around them, she had no right to say what was on her mind, but she did anyway because she needed to know. “I want us to get married, Kaiden, and I don’t want to wait any longer. We don’t know how much more time we have.”

  He held her a little away. “Are you sure?”

  “More than sure. I want to spend whatever time we have left as your wife.”

  He looked deep into her eyes and then slowly lowered his head and kissed her. She clung to him. Melted into his touch as the chill inside her slowly begin to thaw.

  He ended the kiss and drew her closer. “With everything going on, the team could use a little good news for a change, and I happen to know someone who can marry us. Why don’t we do it on Christmas Eve?”

  “Oh, that would be perfect. But who are you talking about?” she asked, a frown creasing her brow while some of the gloom lifted from within her. They were getting married.

  “Ben. Believe it or not, before he joined the Army Rangers, he was a youth minister for many years.”

  “You’re kidding? When did you find that out?”

  “I spoke to Ben about it recently to see if he could suggest someone, and he told me.”

  “That’s wonderful.” She smiled at him. “It’s fitting that he should marry us. We don’t need rings or anything formal. I just want to be your wife.”

  Kaiden’s expression sobered. “But I have the ring,” he said.

  She stared at his face to be sure she’d heard him correctly. “What are you talking about?”

  “Back before the ambush in Afghanistan two years ago, I knew I wanted to marry you. I bought the ring and was going to propose when we returned stateside, only that didn’t work out.” The pain in his eyes broke her heart.

  “Then, when I went to Alaska to find you, I took the ring with me. I was so sure I’d bring you back and we’d make everything work out, but God had other plans for us.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t believe you have a ring. I can’t wait to see it.”

  He kissed her once more, sending her pulse into a crazy rhythm. She loved him so much.

  “I love you, Kaiden, and I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  “I love you too, babe,” he said and held her tight.

  As long as she had him, nothing that Legion put them through would matter. Together, with the help of their team, they’d find a way to stop Legion because the forces of darkness couldn’t prevail against the goodness of God.

  “Let’s go ask Ben if he can do a quiet ceremony. Tomorrow, you will be my wife,” Kaiden whispered with the love he had for her shining in his eyes.

  And no matter what happened beyond that moment, Sidney would love Kaiden with all her heart. Even to her last breath.


  Kaiden stood beside the woman he loved and couldn’t believe this beautiful moment was happening.

  “Do you—” Ben stumbled over Kaiden’s new name and everyone in the room laughed. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m still getting used to the new names. Do you, Kaiden Bennett, take this woman, Sidney Garner, to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  Kaiden held her hands in his and was overwhelmed by the love on her face. His heart swelled with joy. “I do,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “I most definitely do.”

  Ben smiled. “Then by the powers invested in me by God Almighty, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kaiden, you may kiss your bride.”

  Those were the best words he’d heard in a long time. He drew her into his arms, and there in front of the people who cared for them the most, he kissed her and said a silent prayer that their future would be long and filled with joy. But for now, he wanted to hold onto this moment forever.

  Fear tried to spoil the beauty of the moment. It warned him that the days and months ahead held nothing but uncertainty, and they’d been foolish to carve out happiness when the world was at war. Kaiden shoved those dark thoughts aside. This was his wedding day, and he wanted to savor every moment of it with Sidney.

  All around them, the team cheered and clapped. He ended the kiss and drew her close as they faced their friends together.

  Everyone hurried to congratulate the newlyweds. Sidney was beaming as Emily hugged her close.

  “I’m so happy for the both of you,” she said and smiled at Kaiden.

  “Thank you,” Sidney told her. “I can’t believe we were able to make it happen. Especially after everything that’s happening.” Her smiled disappeared.

  “No, Sidney, this is perfect. Whenever I remember this day, I’ll think about your wedding. Your love for each other has been inspiring and I wish you both all the best.”

  “We appreciate that,” Kaiden said.

  James came over and hugged them both. “I can’t think of anything better to happen. You two have been through so much. You deserve a happy ending.”

  The words still hung between them when James’s phone sent out an alert. He removed it from his pocket.

  The look on his face as he stared at the phone put Kaiden on alert. “What is it?” Kaiden asked.

  “We’ve got to get to the command center right away,” James said in a voice unlike himself. All the color had left his face. “They’re attacking! Legion is attacking! It’s happening right now.”

  “What? Where?” Kaiden forced the words

  “It appears several major cities around the US. New York. Dallas. Los Angeles. Denver. Washington D.C. is reporting multiple bombings. It’s not just limited to the US. There are reports coming in from all over Europe and the Middle East.”

  Kaiden couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “We’re too late.” His gaze latched onto Sidney. “They’ve used the nuclear weapons.”

  “That’s just it. The bombs aren’t nuclear, according to what Jordyn said. They were scheduled to detonate at the same time and create mass destruction. I don’t know what to make of it.”

  “They obviously have nuclear capability. Why aren’t they using it?” Kaiden asked as everyone all but ran from the main house.

  Kaiden reached for Sidney’s hand. Now more than ever he needed her strength. His thoughts flew in directions unimaginable as they entered the command center.

  The screen above the computer console showed utter chaos.

  “Anything definitive yet?” Kaiden asked.

  Jordyn shook her head. “No. It could take days if not longer before we know the full scope of the damage. In the meantime, our country and our world are in a state of turmoil. There are reports that all air travel is locked down immediately worldwide. Nothing but military planes will be allowed in US airspace. There’s no way we’ll be able to fly to Texas and not be spotted.”

  “We need to get in touch with Brookes and Abby right away,” Kaiden said and struggled to bring his thoughts into focus. “I want to make sure they’re safe, and we need to let them know, as of right now, they’re grounded. It appears Legion is firmly in control.”

  “I’m on it,” James assured him and went to work.

  All Kaiden could do was watch their world fall apart on the screen. The chaos reminded him of the events of 9/11. He’d been glued to the TV screen back then, unable to grasp the full impact of what was happening.

  He glanced at the woman by his side. His wife. He loved her so much, and he couldn’t wait for their life together to begin, but for now, their country needed them. And they had to finish this thing once and for all.

  “How long before we have to leave this place? And what if we have a traitor among our team members,” Sidney whispered for him alone, voicing his worst nightmare.

  More and more lately, Kaiden found himself wondering the same thing. But it was unimaginable, surely? Everyone on the team was like a family. He couldn’t imagine one of his family betraying them in such a horrific way.

  “I don’t know, but I sure hope not,” he said, and looked at her with his heart crumbling. “I’m so sorry. This wasn’t how I wanted us to spend our wedding day.”

  She shook her head. “No, we have to do this, Kaiden. We have to bring down Legion before they follow through with the next phase of the plan and use those nuclear warheads. We can’t let that happen.”

  He pulled her aside and kissed her tenderly, leaning his head against hers. “I know, I just wished we could have a proper honeymoon.”

  She ran her hand across his jaw. “Me too, but we can’t give up hope. We have to make sure the world knows Legion was the one behind the threats, not us. And when that happens, we’ll have that honeymoon and a chance at a normal life where we can live anywhere we choose. We can start a family.” Her voice caught over the words and he drew her closer.

  A family. Children of their own. He’d almost given up hope of having those things. Now, for the first time in two years, and in the middle of a world gone mad, he realized how much he wanted them. He could almost glimpse what was to come and it looked amazing with this woman he loved more than anything else.

  But first, they had to defeat the enemy, and the risks had just become deadlier than ever before. If they lost this battle, there would be no tomorrow. For him and Sidney. For anyone.

  The war had begun. It was time to get busy.

  He clasped Sidney’s hand once more. This was just the beginning. He firmly believed they were not battling against mere flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world. The future was at stake. And Kaiden planned to do everything in his power to make sure Legion didn’t have a say in it.


  Distant Thunder (See how the conspiracy all began)

  Storm Warnings – Prequel to Book One

  Strike Force – Book One – December 2019

  Zero Visibility – Book Two - February 2020

  Thin Ice – Book Three - March 2020

  Chinook Winds – Book Four - May 2020


  The Cost of Redemption Series

  Book 1 – Hallowed Ground

  Book 2 – Sacred Cause – Coming April 2020

  Book 3 – Consecrated Sacrifice – Coming Fall 2020

  Book 4 – Silent Night – Coming Christmas 2020

  Be the first to know when Mary Alford’s next book is available! Follow her at to get an alert whenever she has a new release, preorder, or discount!

  From Love Inspired Suspense

  Amish Country Kidnapping - Coming January 2020

  Amish Country Murder – Coming March 2020

  Grave Peril

  Standoff At Midnight Mountain – A Scorpion Team Series from Love Inspired Suspense

  Framed For Murder – A Scorpion Team Series from Love Inspired Suspense

  Deadly Memories – A Scorpion Team Series from Love Inspired Suspense

  Rocky Mountain Pursuit - A Scorpion Team Series from Love Inspired Suspense

  Forgotten Past – From Love Inspired Suspense

  From Forget Me Not Romances

  An Autumn Chill

  Christmas at Cedar Creek

  Amish Christmas Wishes

  Past Sins

  Eye of The Storm

  Layers of The Truth

  Nowhere to Run – Love On The Run Series

  In Plain Sight – Covert Justice Series

  Saving Agent Tanner – Covert Justice Series

  Every Beat – Covert Justice Series

  For a full list of Mary Alford’s books visit:


  USA Today Bestselling Author, Mary Alford, loves giving her readers the unexpected. Combining unforgettable characters with unpredictable plots that result in novels the reader doesn’t want to put down.

  Her titles have appeared on the USA Today Bestselling List, Publisher’s Weekly bestselling list, and have finaled in the Daphne du Maurier award of excellence in mystery, The Beverly, The Maggie, and The Selah Awards.

  As a writer, Mary is an avid reader. She loves to cook, can’t face the day without coffee, and her three granddaughters are the apple of her eye. She and her husband live in the heart of Texas in the middle of 70 acres with two cats and one dog.

  Mary is very active online and would love to connect with readers on:





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