Pax Romana

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Pax Romana Page 54

by Adrian Goldsworthy

  and druidic religion, 69

  governor in Cilicia, 107–11, 113–32, 144, 155

  governorship compared with Pliny’s, 245–6, 250–1, 255–6

  prosecution of Verres, 147–8

  time in Sicily, 110, 376

  training in oratory, 109, 141

  Cicero, Quintus, 114, 123–4

  Cilicia, 107–8, 111, 113, 117–19, 124–32, 141, 144, 152, 155, 245, 250–2

  Cimbri, 73, 91, 134, 156

  Cingetorix, 81–2

  Cinithii, 348

  Cirta, 95, 100, 104–5

  Civilis, 296, 387

  Classicianus, Julius, 197

  classis Pontica, 251

  Claudiopolis, 261

  Claudius, Emperor, 294–5, 311, 323, 328, 374, 380, 400

  and Judaea, 224, 226, 229

  launches invasion of Britain, 173–4, 179, 181, 184, 187–90

  statues of, 280

  Claudius Gothicus, Emperor, 402

  Cleopatra, 142, 156–7, 222

  cohors Augusta, 304

  cohors I Hispanorum Veterana quingenaria, 361

  cohors I Tungrorum, 361

  cohors II Ituraeorum equitata, 377

  coin hoards, 366, 379, 392, 396–7

  coinage, 94, 161, 167, 280, 394

  Cologne, 387

  Colophon, 142

  Colosseum, 182

  Comanches, 372

  Commagene, 333

  Commius, 83–4

  Commodus, Emperor, 9, 183, 243, 369

  Comum, 245, 267

  Concessinius, Quintus Calpurnius, 381

  Constantine, Emperor, 403

  consuls, 28–30, 34, 38–9, 47–8, 53

  and governorships, 107–8

  and Principate, 166

  contus (lance), 331

  Corbulo, Cnaeus Domitius, 181, 292

  Coria, 361

  Corinth, 33, 279, 303

  Corionototae, 381

  corona civica, 349

  Corsica, 32–4, 47

  Cos, 101

  Cossutius, 96

  Crassus, Lucius Licinius, 70, 125, 141, 171, 331–2, 402

  Crispus, Metilius, 267, 273

  crocodiles, sacred, 141

  crucifixion, death by, 308

  Ctesiphon, 183, 341

  Cumanus, Ventidius, 228–9, 235

  Curvus, Lucius Genucilius, 125

  Cyprus, 112, 119–21, 126–7

  Jewish revolt, 182, 214

  Cyrenaica, 182, 214

  Dacia, 174, 182, 184, 337, 355, 405

  Dacians, 334, 336–7, 345

  Dalmatia, 311

  Dalmatians, 52

  Damon, 135–6

  Datus, Nonius, 263, 265, 268

  Decapolis, 233–4, 244

  Decebalus, 337, 344, 404

  Decianus Catus, 191–2, 194, 197, 200, 204

  decimation, 349

  Decius, Emperor, 402

  Decrius, 349, 361

  Deiotaurus, King of Galatia, 127

  Delos, 96–7, 102, 151–2

  Demosthenes, 280

  Deva, 363

  Didymianus, Aponius, 364

  Dio Cassius, 184, 194, 205, 214, 241, 295, 341

  Dio Chrysostom, 257, 261, 265, 278

  Diocletian, Emperor, 403

  Diodorus Siculus, 58

  diôgmitai (‘chasers’), 270

  Diviciacus, 67, 69–72, 75–6, 78–80

  Dolabella, Publius Cornelius, 352–3

  Domitian, Emperor, 9, 182, 184, 211, 246, 258, 292, 328–30, 337, 343, 394

  draught horses, 88

  dress, Roman, 97, 101–2

  druidic religion, 69, 83, 192–3

  prophesies end of empire, 209

  Drusus, 168, 170, 180, 199, 293

  Dumnorix, 69–72, 80–2, 94, 198

  Durotriges, 188

  Eboracum, 402

  Eburones, 82, 372–3, 379

  Egypt, 32–3, 138–9, 141, 143–4, 156–7, 166

  army records, 364, 377–8

  calendar, 281

  Ethiopian attacks on, 338

  grain shipments, 300

  imperial administration, 279, 282–3, 286

  internal policing, 268, 271–2

  and Jewish Passover, 307

  Jewish revolt, 182, 214

  Kopros slaves, 300

  Nile Delta revolt, 217–19

  reduction of garrison, 311

  veterans’ colonies, 295

  eirênarchai, 270

  Eleazar, son of Deinaeus, 235

  elections, bribery in, 108, 166

  elephants, 137

  Eleusinian Mysteries, 141

  ‘Eleusis, day of’, 139

  ephebes, 141

  Ephesus, 101, 103, 107, 245, 270

  Epictetus, 268

  epidemics, 302

  Epirus, 153

  equestrian order (equites)

  criticisms of, 292

  influence of, 64, 124–5

  and repetundis courts, 146–7

  and provincial elites, 295–7

  punishments of, 229

  and Tenth legion nickname, 64

  Ethiopians, 338, 394

  Etrurian pottery, 91

  Etruscans, 21, 23, 25

  Eumolpus, Claudius, 257

  exports, of Roman goods, 395–6

  Fadus, Cuspius, 227

  famine, 300, 302

  fasces, 114, 247

  Felix, procurator, 232, 235, 304–6

  Felix (false prophet), 227

  Festus, procurator, 304–6

  fides, 44, 59, 64, 78, 409

  Fienstedt, 398 ‘fiery war’, 40

  Firmus, Cocceius, 399

  Flaminius, Titus Quinctius, 154

  Flavius Celer, Titus, 364

  Flavus, 400

  Florus, procurator, 232–3

  Florus, Julius, 207–8, 296, 311

  Fortunatus, Petronius, 326–7

  Forum of Augustus, 170, 182

  Forum of Trajan, 182

  Franks, 404

  Frederick the Great, 51

  French Revolution, 310

  Frisii, 200, 210, 389

  frontiers, 355, 357, 359–66, 380–7, 389–91

  Roman preference for rivers, 355, 366

  Fronto, 252, 266, 268

  frumentarii, 292, 329

  funerals, 28–9, 397

  Gades, 92, 295

  Gaetulians, 347

  Galatia, 113, 117, 127, 130, 282–3, 295

  Galatians, 48, 282

  Galba, Emperor, 37, 39–45, 47–8, 50, 58–60, 181, 220, 334

  Galen, 273

  Gallic Emperors, 406

  Gallic tribes, 23, 25, 31–2, 48

  and Caesar’s Gallic Wars, 63–86

  distinguished from Germans, 73–4

  rebellions, 82–6

  Garamantes, 220, 352, 393–4, 399

  garum, 288

  Gask ridge, 361


  army numbers in, 187

  Caesar’s Gallic Wars, 49–50, 63–86, 187, 346

  casualties in Gallic Wars, 49–50

  Cisalpine and Transalpine, 33–4

  coinage, 94

  and druidic religion, 193, 209

  head-hunting in, 56

  imperial administration, 281–4

  network of towns (oppida), 65–6, 78, 88, 203, 281

  new towns and cities, 281–3

  organisation of army in, 311, 313

  rebellions, 82–6, 198, 203, 206–11, 311

  Romans settle in, 99–100

  and taxation, 199

  and trade, 65–6, 88–9, 93–4, 98–9

  villas and other buildings, 298–9

  and war-making, 56

  Gaza, 233

  Genghis Khan, 11

  German raiders, 380–1, 383

  Germanic tribes and collapse of Western Empire, 406–7

  and long-term settlements in, 401

  rebellions, 173, 175, 198–203, 206, 211–12, 284
, 339

  and war-making, 56

  warriors serve different tribes, 334

  Germanicus, 180, 293, 328, 368

  Geta, Emperor, 402

  Gibbon, Edward, 9–10

  gifts, diplomatic, 94–5, 142, 398–401

  gladiatorial games, 10, 193, 220–1, 298

  gladius hispaniensis, 37, 43, 50, 58, 314

  gold, discovery of, 90

  Gospel of John, 305–6

  Gospel of Luke, 307

  Gospel of Matthew, 255, 278, 308

  Goths, 402, 404

  grave goods, 94, 396, 400

  Greek cities, 26, 46, 54, 95–6, 135–9, 251

  ‘freedom’ of, 154–5

  and suppression of piracy, 151

  Greek history, beginnings of, 21

  Gyaros, 279

  gymnasium, 298

  Hadrian, Emperor, 163, 180, 214, 239, 243, 281, 341

  and army, 320–2

  Spanish origins, 295

  statues and portraits, 280

  and succession to Trajan, 182–3

  travels widely, 180, 279

  Hadrian’s Wall, 10, 183, 355, 357, 360–1, 365, 375, 381, 383

  Haemus Mountains, 362

  Hannibal, 26, 32, 51, 53–5, 57, 138, 372

  Hasmoneans, 162, 215, 222, 225

  head-hunting, 56, 370

  Helvetii, 67, 69–71, 74, 77, 79–80, 83

  Helvius Rufus, Marcus, 349, 351

  Hengistbury Head, 89

  heralds (praecones), 114

  Hermunduri, 373

  Herod the Great, King of Judaea, 157, 222–5, 232, 238, 300

  Herod Agrippa I, King of Judaea, 223–4, 231

  Herod Agrippa II, King of Judaea, 212, 215, 231, 234, 304

  Herod Antipas, King of Judaea, 224

  Herod Archelaus, King of Judaea, 223

  Herodotus, 21, 23

  hillforts, 360

  Hobsbawm, Eric, 272–3

  Hoby, 398

  Hod Hill, 188

  homosexuality, 136

  Honoratianus, 405

  Honoratus, Caius Octavius, 326–7

  hoplites, 26, 30, 315

  Horace, 141, 168

  Housesteads, 361

  human sacrifice, 44, 193, 202, 217–18

  Hyrcanus, 162

  Iberian provinces, 32–4, 37, 39–45, 48, 50, 53, 58–61

  Augustan conquest of Spain, 170, 172

  reduction of garrison, 311

  Romans settle in, 98

  Iceni rebellion, 190–8, 204–5

  Ilerup Ådal, 395

  Illyricum, 48, 53, 70, 78

  imagines, 225, 327

  imperator (the word), 10

  Imperial Post, 255–6

  imperial procurators, 191–2

  imperium, 29, 89, 107, 135, 137, 151

  changed meaning of, 149–50, 155–6

  frontiers of, 385–6

  governors’, 39, 114, 128, 145

  imperium sine fine, 13, 172, 184, 337–9

  legates’, 247

  meaning of, 11

  India and Sri Lanka, 391–2

  Indus, Julius, 208

  Indutiomarus, 81–2

  infant mortality rates, 302

  Ireland, 285

  Iron Age communities, 16, 56, 94–5, 286, 299, 360, 370, 378, 400

  Isidorus, 217

  Italica, 98

  Italicus, 400

  Jerusalem, 181, 204, 212–15, 222–3, 225–9, 231, 233, 235, 255, 266

  arrest of St Paul, 303–4

  building of aqueduct, 226, 262

  destruction of the Temple, 214–15

  execution of Jesus, 305–8

  Fortress of Antonia, 228, 303

  imagines brought into city, 225, 327

  Jesus Christ, 227, 238–9, 266, 278, 302

  execution of, 305–8

  Jewish rebellions, 182, 212–16, 221–34, 239, 280, 296

  John the Baptist, 227, 302

  Joseph of Arimathaea, 306

  Josephus, 212, 215, 227–8, 233–5, 238, 289, 305

  accounts of Roman army, 315, 319

  Judaea, 161–2, 183, 199, 212–16, 221–34, 296

  banditry in, 235, 237–44

  extension into Syria Palestina, 242, 244

  overrun by Parthians, 331

  sends ambassadors to Rome, 289

  sends grain shipments, 300

  size of garrison, 311

  Judas Iscariot, 238

  Jugurtha, 100, 105, 142

  Julian Law, 120

  Juliopolis, 253

  Julius Caesar ambition and wealth, 70, 87

  anecdotes of barbarian savagery, 77

  and army pay, 330

  assassination of, 161–2, 170

  and Augustus’ succession, 180

  captured by pirates, 144

  claims about Gallic war-making, 56

  and Cleopatra, 156–7

  collects objets d’art, 89

  Commentaries, 64–5, 73–4, 77

  comments on Brutus, 127

  crosses Rubicon, 156

  cuts off prisoners’ hands, 410

  depicted on coinage, 167

  dictatorship, 161, 163, 167, 206, 246

  and druidic religion, 193

  and enslavement of peoples, 52

  Gallic Wars, 49–50, 63–86, 187, 346

  gleans information from merchants, 373

  introduces Gauls into Senate, 295

  invades Britain, 87–90, 171, 188, 366

  meeting with Ariovistus, 63–5, 69

  and provincial administration, 279–81

  as provincial governor, 109–11, 114–16, 149–50

  and punishment of Eburones, 372–3, 379

  surprises enemies, 376

  training in oratory, 109, 141

  and tribal armies, 334, 336

  and Vercingetorix rebellion, 83–4, 198, 203, 206

  and veterans’ colonies, 282

  King James Bible, 123, 233

  Laenas, Caius Popillius, 139

  Lambaesis, 321–2

  Langobardi, 400

  Laodicea, 107, 119, 131, 137

  Latin colonies, 26–7

  Latium, 21

  latrones, 237

  legates, roles and responsibilities, 114, 249–50, 254, 258, 342–3


  II Augusta, 188, 326

  III Augusta, 254, 311, 321–2, 348

  VII Claudia pia fidelis, 326

  IX Hispana, 195, 204, 351–2

  Tenth, 64, 74, 76

  XII Fulminata, 213

  XV Primigenia, 393

  XVI Flavia firma, 326

  XVII, XVIII, and XIX, 173, 202

  XX Valeria Victrix, 363

  leistai, 237–9

  Lepcis Magna, 220, 393

  Lepidus, 168

  lictors, 114, 247, 253

  Ligurian tribes, 31–2

  limes, 375, 401

  Lingones, 84

  litters, 121

  Livia, 255, 289

  Livy, 43, 94, 124

  Londinium, 189, 194–5, 323

  Lucius Verus, Emperor, 183

  Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, 40–1, 47–8, 51, 58–9

  Lugdunum, 207, 220

  Lusitanians, massacre of, 37, 39–45, 50, 58–60

  Lycia, 161–2

  Maccabees, 215, 222

  Macedonia, 123, 133–5, 137–8, 140, 145, 151

  Macedonian Wars, 32–3, 40, 48, 52, 96, 134, 138, 153–4

  Macrimus, 402

  Magdalensberg, 91

  magistrates, elected, 27–8, 34, 38–9

  under Principate, 166

  and veterans’ colonies, 282

  Magnesia, battle of, 48

  Maiden Castle, 188

  maps and plans, Romans’ lack of, 357–8, 372

  Marcomani, 336, 384, 392, 393

  Marcus Aurelius, Emperor, 174, 183, 218, 242, 293, 384, 393, 405

  Mariccus (the ‘champion of Gaul’), 209–10, 2

  Marius, 87

  Mark Antony, 148, 157, 161–3, 168, 171, 222, 254

  and Parthian army, 331–2

  revives decimation, 349

  Maroboduus, King, 203, 336, 392, 400, 404

  Masada, 214

  Massilia, 91, 148

  Mauretania, 252, 352–3

  Maximus (freedman), 253

  Mazippa, 348

  Media, 174

  Menippus of Colophon, 142

  Mesopotamia, 174, 184, 341

  messengers (viatores), 114, 253

  Mettius, Marcus, 88

  milestones, 280

  mining and smelting, 301–2

  Mithridates VI, King of Pontus, 100–4, 144–5, 150, 156, 250

  Moesia, 250, 262, 267, 269, 311, 345, 374, 386

  Mona, isle of, 192–3

  moneylenders, 128–30, 155

  Mons Claudianus, 271

  Mons Graupius, battle of, 315, 318

  Moors, 347–8

  Moses, 226

  Mount Amanus, 117–18, 129–31, 238

  Mount Gerizim, 222, 226–7

  Mount of Olives, 227

  Musulamii, 347–8, 353

  Myos Homos, 377, 391

  Nabataea, 222, 224, 374, 374

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 359

  Narbo, 99

  naval warfare, 31–2

  negotiatores, 102

  Nemetes, 380

  Nero, Emperor, 179, 191, 201, 211, 213, 220, 232, 292, 296, 345, 392

  investigates disturbances in Pompeii, 221

  persecution of Christians, 260, 304–5

  and punishment of slaves, 267

  relations with Parthians, 339–40

  and suicide of Corbulo, 181, 292

  Nerva, Emperor, 182, 281

  Nervii, 88

  New Carthage, 50, 55, 122

  Nicaea, 257, 260–1

  Nicomedia, 260–4, 280

  Noricum, 90–1

  Nuceria, rivalry with Pompeii, 220–1

  Numantia, 61, 90

  Numidia, 34, 95, 100, 254, 321

  Numidians, 347–9, 351–3, 370

  Odyssey, 368

  Oea, 220, 393

  Oenoanda, 280

  official documents, dating of, 280–1

  Olgerdiget, 401

  olive oil, 96, 262, 287

  oratory, training in, 109, 141

  Osrhoene, 333

  Ostia, 152

  Otho, Emperor, 181

  Ovid, 12–13

  pacare (the word), 14

  Pagyda, river, 349

  Pannonian revolt, 189, 198, 200, 289

  panthers, 125

  Paphlagonia, 253

  paraphylakes, 270

  Parthia, 167, 171–2, 174, 178

  Parthian army, 331–2

  Parthians, 113, 117, 119, 121, 127, 130–2, 162, 181, 183–4, 215, 330–4, 344, 402

  and limits to Roman expansion, 339–42

  Patkoua, 377–9, 381

  Paullus, Lucius Aemilius, 153

  pax (the word), 10

  Pax Americana, 1

  ‘peace dividend’, 4–5

  pearls, 89

  pepper, 392

  Pergamum, 101, 136, 245

  Perseus, King of Macedonia, 33, 52, 134, 137, 139

  Persians, 21, 54, 402–3

  hamstring captives, 380

  Pertinax, Emperor, 297

  Petreius, Marcus, 109


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