Gifted: The Winterwood Academy Book 1: A Young Adult Witch Novel

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Gifted: The Winterwood Academy Book 1: A Young Adult Witch Novel Page 17

by Kate A. Fox

  “It can be daunting seeing the entire student body all in one place.”

  Booth’s voice caught me off guard and I saw Zoe look at me out of the corner of her eye as if she was trying to warn me to ignore him.

  I glanced around, unsure of what exactly it was I was searching for. I made out that I was counting up all the students and lecturers but we both know that’s a lie. I was looking for Rhea.

  She didn’t seem to be here yet and I allowed myself to let my guard down.

  Why should I care anyway? I thought almost angry with myself, I’m not scared of her.

  But my friends were and I didn’t want to do anything that made them uncomfortable.

  “Is this really all of the students?” I asked, trying to come up with anything that wasn’t entirely stupid.

  “Most of them.” Booth shrugged as he came to stand beside me in the line of students that were filing into the temple.

  Maybe Rhea was already inside. She seemed like the kind of girl who was determined that she should be first in line for anything all because she was a Maxwell. The surname made me shiver when I thought about it but I had no idea why.

  “There’s only about one hundred and twenty people here, including the lecturers and maintenance staff.” Zoe put in as though she was eager not to leave me alone with Booth.

  I could feel her watching him as if she half expected him to try and whisk me away.

  Keeya and Luci were standing a little way back, making me feel as though I was surrounded by my own personal bodyguards. Although Luci’s expression was encouraging, both Zoe and Keeya were guarded, clearly still worried about my closeness with Booth.

  “I thought maybe we could stand together during the ceremony?” Booth suggested as though he thought they were of little consequence.

  “I umm…”

  How was I supposed to respond to something like that? I didn’t have any idea what was going to happen inside the temple. Were guys and girls even allowed to mix when it came to worship?

  “We stand boy-girl inside the circle.” Luci said over my shoulder, almost whispering into my ear, “It’s a symbol of the connection between Selene and Helios.”

  ‘Thank you.’ I mouthed at her before turning back to Booth.

  “Shouldn’t you be standing next to Rhea or something?” I asked, knowing exactly what the implication would do to him. It was time I got him back for calling me ‘New Girl’ all the time.

  I watched the frustration spread across his face like a tidal wave.

  “I didn’t think you’d want to be holding hands with any old stranger.” Booth shrugged and he eyed me as though he thought he was going to get one over on me, “Some of the guys here have really sweaty palms, especially when they are holding hands with pretty girls.”

  “You’d know.” I winked back at him and I was almost sure that I saw him begin to blush.

  Damn. Was he unbelievably hot no matter what his expression?

  “My offer is there. Take it or leave it.” he shrugged.

  With that he began to wade off into the crowd before I even had the chance to give him my decision. Disappointment clawed at my gut and I found myself really hoping that I hadn’t hurt his feelings.

  Before I knew it we were being swept in through the ornate doors of the temple, carried by the wave of students and lecturers who were all filing in.

  The thick heady scent of incense clotted in my nostrils even as I reached the doors and when we entered the hallway I found that the main part of the temple was hidden from view by a large drape made of black silk, dotted with flecks of silver and gold that reminded me of the shimmering stars above.

  Stood on either side were a man and woman who held burning smudge sticks. Although there was no flame, the embers burned brightly giving off sweet smelling smoke that they wafted over each student who stepped before them. I watched as they worked from the back of the head all the way down to the ground and then repeated in the same motions down the front of each body.

  “What are they doing?” I whispered because it didn’t seem right to raise my voice in a place of worship.

  “Everyone must be purified before they step into the main temple.” Zoe explained, “They use white lavender smudges to ward off any negative energy.”

  Even as she finished the explanation I found myself before the female on the left side of the temple entrance.

  With a small shock I realised that it was Merrin. A candle flickered above her head causing a halo of light around her that made her ashy blonde hair seem to glow with ethereal light.

  When she smiled at me her blue eyes glistened.

  “Merry meet, Brianna Winters.” she said formerly and bowed her head to me.

  “Merry meet, Merrin Booth.” I replied, instinctively bowing my head in return.

  “Please turn.” she instructed me and I did as she asked.

  An odd sensation began to wash over me as she began to ward off any negative energy that might be hanging around me.

  Enveloped by the white lavender smoke, I began to feel as though I was light as air. The thoughts that had been clouding my mind all day seemed to melt away as if a purifying stream of water was rinsing them from my head, carrying them out through my ears.

  I closed my eyes and breathed in the heavy scented air, allowing the feeling to overwhelm me.

  “Brianna?” Merrin’s soft voice caused me to open my eyes and I found that she had moved to stand before me. Her hand slowly lowered the smudge stick from in front of my face and she smiled warmly, “You may enter now.”

  Heart pounding, I followed the last student who had walked through the curtain and found myself in the most beautiful room I had ever seen.

  The circular room was bathed in candle light from a thousand candles that had been set into the walls and stood atop floor length candle holders. At the centre was a table much like the one in the dining room. It was draped in a cloth of silver on one side and gold on the other, a patchwork of lilac, deep purple, red, blue and green thread linking the two together down the middle. On a small stone podium stood the ephages of Selene and Helios, wrapped in each other’s arms like the greatest of lovers. All around them sat all manner of fruit from grapes to oranges and watermelons. At their side was a goblet of wine and seven candles of silver, gold, lilac, dark purple, red, blue and green. They were the only candles in the room not yet lit.

  Beside the table, Celestria stood with her head bowed and her hands clasped before her. Her eyes were closed as if she was already reciting some silent prayer or perhaps calming her mind before beginning the circle casting.

  I was so intent on watching her that I barely noticed Booth as he came to stand beside me.

  I turned my head to look at him even as he slipped his hand into mine. As if he took my lack of movement for permission, he tightened his grip on my hand and smiled.

  “Looks like you had the same idea as me.” an unfamiliar masculine voice said from my other side and my head whipped around to find a second guy stood next to me just as Booth was.

  He smiled at me and I thought that maybe I recognised him from one of my classes earlier that day. Was he the guy who had answered one of Lecturer Stevenson’s class? I couldn’t be sure. At least not until Booth confirmed it for me.

  “Watch it, Cameron.” Booth glared at the guy, his eyes burning so hot that they were like blue flames. The testosterone in the room was suddenly almost too much for me.

  “Hey, chill, man. I’m just following the ritual rules.” Cameron lifted his hands in mock surrender before turning to me, “Do you mind if I stand next to you or are you going to let your boyfriend tell you who you can hold hands with?”

  “He is not my boyfriend.” I said sternly and I felt Booth stiffen beside me. I suddenly felt as though I was walking dangerously close to the edge.

  Before I could say anything to calm the situation Celestria’s voice rang out causing everyone else to fall silent.

  “Merry Meet to you daughters of t
he moon and sons of the sun.”

  Everyone in the room moved to stand in the perfect circle around her. I was instantly amazed that one hundred and twenty people could fit so easily into one space.

  “Tonight we come together to celebrate the full moon and also honour the loss of one of our brightest students.” Celestria called out and everyone in the crowd dipped their head in silent acknowledgement of Molly’s death. I lowered my own head and closed my eyes, thinking of the only time I’d ever met her. She’d spoken to me kindly and I began to wish that I’d had more time to get to know her.

  I was almost certain that I heard the sound of scoffing coming from somewhere close by and sure enough, when I turned my head, I found Rhea around ten students away with an amused smirk on her face.

  Can you be anymore disrespectful? I thought, glaring at her even though she hadn’t even noticed me.

  “Please bind your hands together.” Celestria called out and everyone began to reach for the people next to them. I watched as a bound circle began to form, hands linking together until the whole circle was one.

  I felt Cameron take hold of my left hand even as I offered my right to Booth. When he took hold of it with a satisfied smile I couldn’t help but notice the way that it made my heart leap in my chest.

  “Now Celestria will face North.” Booth whispered to me even as Celestria began to turn. I tried my hardest to pin down the correct directions but no matter how hard I tried, I had absolutely no clue.

  “I ask that the Gods and Goddesses shine their light upon us and bless this circle with their holy light.” Celestria lifted her hand high above her head then and for the first time I realised that she was holding something. The sharpened point of a dagger aimed directly at the ceiling, its oddly shaped blade, that almost reminded me of a flame, caught the candle light and flickered as though it was alive.

  “Calm your minds and breathe in the God’s light.” Celestria continued, “Allow it to wash away all thoughts until you are empty and take the light unto yourself. Allow it to fill you with its divine power.”

  My breath caught in my throat as a sudden lightning fast beam of light shot from the sky, through the stained glass ceiling and pinpointed at the tip of Celestria’s blade.

  I was so shocked that I found myself glancing around at the other students and lecturers, unable to believe that they didn’t look as stunned as I was.

  “Are you alright?” Booth whispered to me and I realised that in my surprise, I had nearly broken the circle, taking a step back.

  “Don’t you see that?” I gasped even as Celestria lowered the blade so that it was pointing outwards at the circle.

  “See what?”

  When I glanced at Booth he was looking at me with a raised eyebrow, his face a mask of concern.

  Celestria began to circle clockwise and as she did a beam of light travelled from the point of her dagger, spiralling outwards to touch each student in turn, connecting each of them with a thin line of blazing silver light that seemed to dance with lilac pulses of energy.

  As it drew closer to me I began to feel the familiar tingling sensation of energy deep within me. It spread throughout my entire body and when the light finally touched me I couldn’t help but gasp.

  It was as though I had been stunned by an electric shock though the feeling was not entirely unpleasant. In fact, as Celestria continued to move to complete the circle, I began to feel as though I was ten feet tall. I even glanced down to be sure that the ground beneath my feet hadn’t suddenly descended away from me.

  No. I was still me. But I was also something more, something powerful, connected to all those around me as if we were suddenly one being.

  “We thank the Gods for purifying our circle.” Celestria said as she moved to place the dagger delicately onto the table.

  “Do you seriously not see that?” I asked Booth in a quiet murmur even as I eyed the lasso of silver light that had enveloped the entire circle.

  “I really don’t know what you are talking about.” Booth sighed, “Are you okay?”

  I was trembling but I was definitely okay. Confused but definitely more than okay. I felt better than I had ever felt before, filled with divine light as Celestria turned once more to face the north with a deep purple candle in her hands.

  It was then that I realised that there was not one but four other people standing within the circle, seperate from those holding hands. They stood at the head of the four directions, their hands outstretched as though they were waiting for something.

  The woman stood at the North I instantly recognised as Lecturer Merrin.

  Celestria placed the unlit green candle in Merrin’s hands and placed her own upon the woman’s shoulders. They bowed their heads together so that their foreheads were lightly touching even as Celestria called out, “I call upon Earth from the North to join our circle. We ask that you bless us with good health and ground us as we cast our circle tonight.”

  With that she produced a long, slim lighter from the folds of her elegant black skirt and lit the green candle in Merrin’s hands.

  The musky scent of earth and wild flowers suddenly began to clot in my nostrils and I struggled to hold my concentration as Celestria returned to the table at the very centre of the circle.

  I watched as she lifted a large red candle (unlit as was the first) and carried it towards the South of the circle.

  She placed it into the hands of a woman I didn’t recognise. Even with her head bowed she was obviously beautiful with creamy skin that seemed illuminated against her navy dress and long flowing red hair that was turned to flames by the candlelight all around us.

  I watched as Celestria placed her hands upon the woman’s shoulders and her head against her forehead as she recited the words, “I call upon Fire from the South to join our circle. I ask that you touch us with your warmth and protect us from those who might seek to do us harm.”

  The warmth that spread throughout my body when Celestria lit the red candle reminded me of what it had been like to stand in front of the fireplace in the library. Though it was not an unbearable heat, its sudden presence stunned me so badly that I struggled to remain still. My fingers clenched and I distantly heard Cameron and Booth gasp as though I had almost broken their hands.

  I struggled to control myself, easing the pressure in my fingers to try and relax.

  Again Celestria moved back to the table and picked up the deep purple candle before moving to stand at the East point of the circle. I was not surprised to find Lecturer Tomas standing there, awaiting her. The dark purple wind symbol on his forehead was no doubt the reason that he had been put there in the first place.

  Celestria placed the purple candle in his hands and followed the same gestures as she had with the two women.

  “I call upon Air from the East to join our circle.” Celestria’s voice seemed louder than before as though it was carried to my ears by a light summer breeze, “I ask that you carry to us your wisdom and the knowledge passed down to witches throughout the centuries.”

  When she lit the purple candle I felt as though I might be swept off my feet by the huge gust of wind that flew towards me. It caressed my cheeks with such ferocity that I felt as though I was stood in a wind tunnel.

  But when I glanced around the circle everyone else seemed untouched. They continued to stare at Celestria as though they were entranced by her.

  As she moved away from the East position the wind began to die down and I forced myself to concentrate on the Grand Priestess once more.

  She moved again to the table and collected a pale blue candle before moving to stand before the final direction.

  Again I didn’t recognise the man stood before her but like all the others he was gifted with good looks. His pale blonde hair was almost white and seemed to dance with silver in the candlelight. Even as Celestria placed the candle in his hands I noticed the blueness of his eyes and the flowing water symbol that started upon the side of his neck and disappeared spiralled downw
ards to disappear onto his spine.

  Celestria placed her hands once more on his shoulders and they bowed their heads together, closing their eyes as the Grand Priestess called out, “I call Water from the West to join our circle. I ask that you flow to us with your healing and purifying power to bless this circle and all we hope to accomplish here.”

  As she spoke my feet began to grow cool, tingling as though my toes were submerged in water. The salty scent of ocean waves was all around me even as Celestria lit the candle and returned to the centre of the circle.

  She lifted the lighter high above her head and called out, “I call upon Spirit which is all around us to bless us with the divine power of the Gods.”

  That’s when I felt it, the uncomfortable burning sensation that started at the nape of my neck and began to spread down along my spine. My heart leapt into my throat even as my vision began to blur. The white hot heat that was radiating from my back sent me flying to my knees.

  Cameron and Booth were unable to keep my hands in theirs even as I screamed out with the pain that jolted up my legs.

  A rush of power blasted up into the air as the circle was broken and every candle in the temple was suddenly blown out as I was forced down onto my hands. Nausea overwhelmed me and I gagged and retched even as Booth appeared on his knees beside me.

  “Brianna!” he exclaimed and I knew instantly that he was worried.

  Why didn’t he call me New Girl? I thought vaguely even as my entire body was racked with violent trembling energy.

  Even though every candle in the room had been blown out I realised that it was too well lit.

  “Brianna! Your back!” Booth exclaimed, “It’s glowing!”

  Even as I felt consciousness beginning to leave me, I heard myself say, “Booth! Get me out of here!”


  WARM ARMS CRADLED ME AND I WAS DISTANTLY AWARE that I was no longer inside the temple. A fresh summer breeze cooled my burning skin as my eyes fluttered open to find that Booth was carrying me.

  His gaze was dead set ahead as though he was determined to take me somewhere.


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