
Home > Young Adult > Anew > Page 22
Anew Page 22

by Chelsea Fine

  Scarlet sat and stared at the closed door, a feeling of guilt coming over her.

  Had she done something wrong?

  After a few minutes of frustrating thoughts, Scarlet decided to let it go. If Gabriel didn’t want to tell her what the symbol meant, then she’d ask someone else, like Tristan or Nate, in the morning.

  She laid back against the pillows, her heart sad.

  So much for a hot night with Gabriel.


  Tristan stood in front of one of his bookshelves in the basement, looking for something he hadn’t already read a thousand times.

  He really needed to get some new books.

  “What did you do?” Gabriel’s hard voice came from behind him.

  Tristan turned around to find his brother glaring at him with clenched fists. “What are you talking about?”

  “Do you know what I just saw?”

  Tristan raised his brows in question.

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes. “I just saw a very intricate, very perfect design on Scarlet’s hip.”

  Tristan said nothing.

  He knew this would happen. Why had Scarlet gone and drawn on herself?

  Gabriel shrugged. “Are you gonna tell me what happened while I was gone?”

  “Nothing happened while you were gone, I swear. I didn’t touch her.”

  At least, not on purpose.

  Although I wanted to….

  “Then how do you explain the design?”

  Tristan sighed. “She’s seen it before, Gabe. We all have.” He shrugged, hoping Gabriel would let it go.

  He didn’t.

  Gabriel nodded with a tight jaw. “Yeah, but she’s seen the bottom of the design. A part that I’ve never seen. A part only select people could have seen.”

  Tristan inhaled deeply and kept his mouth shut.

  “What? No comments? No denying?” Gabriel’s eyes were full of rage—something Tristan hadn’t seen in years.

  It was kinda cool.

  Except for the fact that his rage was directed at Tristan.

  Tristan kept his voice steady. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  Gabriel clenched his hands as he took a step closer and, for a moment, Tristan thought he was going to punch him. “Stay away from her.”

  Tristan narrowed his eyes in return. “That’s what I’ve been trying to do. Remember?”

  Gabriel lowered his voice. “If she dies because of you,” he took another step closer, his eyes boring into Tristan, “I will hate you forever.”

  They stared at each other for a moment, tension filling the room, before Gabriel turned and left the basement.

  It was only a matter of time before Scarlet remembered what the design was.

  He needed to die.


  The next day, Scarlet’s interaction with Gabriel was tense, at best. He was still rattled about her temporary tattoo, but he refused to talk about it.

  Which upset her.

  It wasn’t fair for him to keep information from her. She didn’t know what the symbol meant—she had amnesia, for crying out loud. She deserved some answers.

  But none came.

  And she was too nervous to ask Nate or Tristan about it.

  She and Gabriel spent most of the day talking about finding the fountain but Gabriel rarely made eye-contact with her. Which made her feel weird.

  Like maybe he was planning on breaking up with her.

  The hours ticked by slow and awkward, and all Scarlet wanted to do was go home.

  So, when Heather started texting Gabriel in a panic because she couldn’t reach Scarlet’s cell phone—thanks a lot, Tristan—Scarlet practically tripped over herself to get to the phone.

  Heather’s vacation had been cut short, which was a bummer for her, but great news for Scarlet.

  Because Scarlet didn’t want to stay one more minute in a cabin with her upset boyfriend, his moody brother, and a nerd who spent two hours “defeating the iron dragon”.

  She used Heather’s early homecoming as a chance to suggest a new keep-Scarlet-safe plan: Heather would stay at Scarlet’s house with her and the boys could take turns on night watch.

  Problem solved.

  Of course, everyone threw a big fit about Scarlet being “in danger” and all the guys tried to convince her to stay. But she eventually won.

  When Gabriel drove her back home, she felt as though he was almost…relieved to get her away from the cabin.

  Which didn’t do much for her nervous Gabriel’s-going-to-dump-me thoughts.

  Scarlet tried to process how she felt about the possibility of losing Gabriel. He had come into her life and given her comfort and normalcy. He made her laugh. He made her feel safe.

  He made her feel loved.

  She didn’t want to lose him.

  After making sure her house was secure, Gabriel kissed Scarlet goodbye—awkwardly and with less passion than a bird kissing a fish—and left to be on night watch.

  The boys didn’t feel comfortable with Scarlet and Heather alone in the house, so they were going to take turns standing guard. It was a little weird to think some guy would be watching over her every night while she slept, but it was better than feeling trapped in the Archer’s cabin.

  Especially when she didn’t understand why Gabriel was so unhappy with her.

  Scarlet’s heart quivered as she watched him walk away from her house and post up across the street.

  It’s like he’s not even mine.

  Ten minutes later, Heather was at her door, packed and ready to stay for the rest of fall break.

  Scarlet let Heather in and listened as she complained.

  Scarlet let her friend in and listened as Heather complained.

  “Can I just say hurricanes suck? My vacation was totally ruined! And to think, I spent two paychecks on beach-specific attire that I won’t be able to wear now. Unless, of course, I want frostbite. I am so glad you suggested this getaway at your house. I could really use some Scarlet time.” Heather paused as she looked Scarlet up and down.

  Here we go.

  “O-M-G. Have you had those pajamas on for,” she sniffed Scarlet’s chest, “three days? Do I need to buy you new sleepwear?”

  Scarlet laughed. She honestly laughed as she hugged Heather tightly.

  Heather’s obsession with fashion was annoying, but it was hilarious when compared to Scarlet’s impending death.

  “Heather, I love you. Have I told you how great you are lately? You’re great. And yes, I’ve had these pajamas on for too long. How about I get changed and you can unpack?”

  “Fantastic,” Heather said, pushing away from Scarlet with a smile. “Now, stop hugging me with your gross, pajama-laden arms so we can get this party started. I’m going to go put on my swimsuit and turn the heater up.”

  Scarlet raised a brow.

  “What?” Heather looked innocent. “If I can’t sport my new bikini on the beach, then you’d better believe I’m gonna wear it around the house.”

  Scarlet opened her mouth, but decided against arguing.

  Because it sorta sounded fun. And not curse-related at all.

  “Maybe I’ll put my swimsuit on, too.” Scarlet shrugged.

  “Thatta girl!”

  Ten minutes later, the girls sat on Scarlet’s bedroom floor, going through a giant pile of loose socks and matching up pairs.

  While wearing bikinis.

  Heather liked to organize Scarlet’s clothes. And shoes. And jewelry.

  It was weird.

  “So, what did you do while I was gone? Did you and lover boy elope or anything? I know he’s kinda marriage-prone.” Heather dug through the sock pile.

  “Uh, no.” Not even close. “Gabriel was gone most of the weekend, so I stayed at the cabin with Tristan.”

  Heather raised her eyebrows. “Kinky.”

  Scarlet shook her head, matching another set of socks. “Not hardly. He’s a jerk and he hates when I’m around.”

  “Ha!” Heather said
. “That boy doesn’t hate when you’re around at all. He doesn’t hate anything about you.”

  “Well, he treats me like I’m the plague.”

  Heather scoffed. “The super hot plague that’s dating his brother, maybe.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “I’m serious, Scarlet. Tristan has a thing for you. And if I had to guess, it’s a big thing. Did you see the way he looked at you when we were outside the coffee shop last week?”

  “Uh, no. I try not to make eye contact with him.”

  Heather shook her head. “Well, he looks at you the way I look at designer jeans—with drool running down my chin.”


  “No, seriously. And when Gabriel started kissing you, Tristan, like, freaked out. I saw it all over his face. I mean, it was only for, like, a second, but I totally caught it. He can’t handle looking at the two of you. That’s not the behavior of a guy who doesn’t like you, Scarlet. That’s the behavior of a guy who’s totally crushing.”

  Heather looked at Scarlet, then froze. “Whoa.”

  Scarlet looked at Heather in alarm. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Your eyes….” Heather dropped the socks in her hand and leaned forward. “Your eyes look…crazy. Are you okay?”

  Scarlet scrambled up from the floor and rushed to her bedroom mirror. Looking at her reflection, her hands began to shake.

  Her eyes were glowing.

  Neon blue and bright, they stared back at her without mercy.

  Oh, no. No, no, no.

  Heather came up beside Scarlet and stared into the mirror with her. “Scarlet…is that normal? Are you…sick?”

  Yes, I’m very sick. I’m dying.

  Scarlet started shaking her head, on the verge of panic when, suddenly, her eyes melted back into their normal shade of blue.

  Scarlet blinked.

  Heather blinked.

  And silence fell between them as they continued staring into the mirror.

  “O-M-G.” Heather took a deep breath. “That was creepy.”

  Desperate for a way to explain her eyes, Scarlet lied. “I guess that’s what I get for using those new eye drops.”

  I’m a terrible friend.

  “Eye drops?” Heather said, looking at Scarlet closely.

  “Yeah, I tried new ones and I guess they have some weird…side effects.”

  Wow, I’m just a lying machine.

  Heather narrowed her eyes. Scarlet was sure her friend could sense the untruth on her lips, but if she did, she let it go.

  “Well, maybe stay away from those eye drops in the future. That was freaky.” Heather shook her head and went back to the floor.

  Scarlet tucked her lips in, hating herself. “Yeah.”

  She sat down and continued sock-matching, hoping Heather didn’t notice her shaking hands.


  Heather had just left to pick up coffee from The Millhouse when Scarlet heard a knock at her front door. Looking out the peephole, she saw Nate.

  She opened the door. “Hey.”

  “Morning,” he said.

  She invited him in and shut the door behind him, politely asking, “Can I get you anything? Water? Milk?”

  “Do you have Lucky Charms?”

  Scarlet parted her lips. “Uh…maybe. Do you want Lucky Charms?”

  “If you’ve got them.”

  Scarlet smiled and led him into the kitchen to make him a bowl of cereal. Like he was a four-year-old or something.

  “So, what’s up?” Scarlet poured Lucky Charms into a bowl.

  “I’m here on Tristan’s behalf. Because that’s what I do. I run around town doing things for the Archer brothers. I’m like an underpaid personal assistant. Except they don’t pay me at all, so yeah. I’m more like a servant.” He smiled and held up a small box. “Tristan wanted me to bring you this.”

  Scarlet grabbed the milk from the fridge, poured some into the bowl, handed Nate a spoon, and took the box from his hands.

  She opened it to find a brand new cell phone.

  “He wanted me to tell you that he’s ‘not sorry he threw your phone away’ but he is ‘sorry it took so long for him to get you a new one’.” Nate made air quotes with his hands, then took a big bite of cereal.

  Scarlet was surprised Tristan remembered to replace her phone at all. “Well, thanks for bringing it by.”

  He nodded. “So, how are ya doing with all the curse stuff?”

  “Oh, you mean my death destiny? I’m doing splendid.”

  He nodded. “No, I mean the actual curse. Gabriel’s curse.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Nate stopped chewing. “He didn’t tell you about his curse?”

  “He told me the arrow was cursed. Not him. I thought I was cursed.” Alarm bells went off in Scarlet’s head.

  “So, you don’t know about his love curse?”

  Scarlet’s mouth dropped open. “Love curse? Uh, no.”

  Nate slowly finished chewing his bite, like he was thinking something over, and swallowed. “You not remembering the past is strange for all of us. I mean, we’ve been through this several times and you always remember. Like always. I bet Gabriel didn’t tell you because he didn’t know how.”

  She was getting impatient. “What’s the love curse?”

  Nate pressed his lips together. “The curse on the arrow that killed you was directed at Gabriel, not you. Your ‘curse’ is just a side effect. Gabriel was cursed but you and Tristan sorta got roped into the whole mess when Tristan went all ‘bodyguard’ on you.

  “Okay, fine. So I’m not really cursed, I’m just screwed. Great. What’s Gabriel’s love curse?”

  Nate took a deep breath. Gabriel is cursed to never know love…without you.”


  “Yeah. Raven cursed Gabriel to never know love without you, and then she killed you—in an attempt to make him live without love for the rest of his life.” Nate took another bite. “Of, course, Tristan sorta messed up that plan when he jumped in front of the arrow because, surprise, Scarlet comes back to life!” He waved his hands in the air with a cheesy smile.

  Scarlet blinked several times. “Gabriel can only ever love…me?”

  Nate wiggled his spoon in the air. “Well, he can date and flirt and all that but real love, or I guess you could say true love, is impossible for him—unless he’s with you.”

  Scarlet shook her head and took a step back. She was Gabriel’s only shot at true love?

  “But that’s….that’s so unfair for Gabriel.”

  Nate took another bite and fished around in his bowl. “Well, that’s the thing about curses. Rarely ever are they fair.” He gestured to the marshmallows in his bowl. “My favorites are the green ones.”

  Scarlet blinked before shaking her head. “But what if he doesn’t want to love me? What if he wants to be with someone else?”

  “He only wants you. You make him happy, you know?”

  Scarlet’s mouth dropped open. “But happy isn’t enough. He deserves love.”

  “Oh, I definitely think he loves you.”

  “But does he have a choice?” Scarlet couldn’t wrap her mind around Gabriel’s curse. He couldn’t know love without her? All the years Scarlet wasn’t alive were years of hopelessness for him. It was cruel. More cruel than any curse should be.

  Scarlet shook her head again. “He’s been without love all these years and now I’m alive and he has a shot at true love, or whatever but…would it even be real? If he has no other option, are his feelings for me even…honest?”

  Nate smiled. “Okay. I think you’re over-thinking the curse, Scarlet. It’s not like that. Gabriel was crazy about you even before he was cursed. You guys were engaged, remember?”

  “That was like five hundred years ago, though. Things change.”

  “Ha.” Nate took another bite of cereal. “You would think things change but trust me, when it comes to the Archer brothers and their love interests, nothing changes. Ever.”
He looked up, caught her eyes, and immediately shut his mouth.

  Scarlet ran a hand through her hair. “This is all just such a mess.” Her eyes grew in realization. “If I die again, does that mean Gabriel won’t be able to love anyone for years? Decades even?”

  “Uh, no. He’d have to wait until you came back to life. Again.”

  Scarlet turned her palms up, angry. “And all because his ex-girlfriend was jealous? How did one girl manage to cast such an awful curse?”

  “Well, she was a powerful girl. And she had no idea Gabriel was immortal and would be trapped without love for centuries. Although, if she were alive today, I’m sure she’d get a kick out of that.”

  Scarlet bit her lip. “But how come the curse wasn’t broken when I came back to life the first time? I mean, I wasn’t dead anymore. The curse should have been lifted.”

  “It probably would have been, except Tristan got in the way. The cursed arrow was coated in Tristan’s blood—so, in essence, the curse was sealed with immortal blood when it pierced your heart. And immortal blood never dies so…neither does Gabriel’s curse.”

  Scarlet walked to the far end of the kitchen and leaned against the counter. Part of her wanted to cry for Gabriel’s loneliness. The other part of her wanted to go back in time and strangle the Raven chick for being so petty and malicious.

  “So, Gabriel’s never fallen in love?”

  Nate chewed for a moment. “Just with you.”

  Scarlet closed her eyes in discouragement.

  “But, hey! We’re going to find the fountain of youth, so everything will be fine.” Nate’s voice was cheery.

  Scarlet shook her head and opened her eyes. “No, Nate. Everything will not be fine. The fountain of youth might keep me alive, but it still doesn’t give Gabriel the freedom to love whomever he wants.”

  Which is what he deserved.

  “First of all, Gabriel wants you. No question. Second, the fountain will totally fix everything. It will completely undo Gabriel’s curse.”

  Scarlet perked up. “How?”

  “The curse was sealed with immortal blood, right? So, all we have to do is make the immortal blood inside your heart go away, and the curse will be undone. The fountain can do exactly that.”


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