Island Jumper: An Archipelago Series

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Island Jumper: An Archipelago Series Page 9

by M H Ryan

  “Stop it, Aubrey,” Benji said, looking around the forest. “But we should make some weapons…I see some stuff I can make more arrows with.”

  “Here, take my spear,” I said, tossing it to Benji.

  She gripped it and gave me a nod. I still had my knife, and now we all had weapons.

  “First thing we should do is find out what this island has on it. It looks different than the other two.”

  Aubrey let out a chuckle as she looked at a large tree. It kind of looked like an oak tree, but the leaves were as big as my hand and slick looking. In fact, everything seemed to have a shiny look to it. The watery look of the plants gave me hope that there might be a good source of water on the island. The lack of bugs and the mystery of the unusual plants would have to wait. My main focus was keeping these women alive.

  With my knife in hand, I led them deeper into the forest. It was quiet, and the knowledge of the barren insect world seemed to make the quiet more noticeable. It was if I was expecting to hear that beetle or cricket, or even the chirping of birds. I had a camping trip with my dad, and during the night, I’d lay in our tent, listening to the sound of the insects, birds, and the babbling brook nearby. Nature could be almost deafening sometimes.

  Wait, there was no babbling brook on that camping trip. I froze and held up my hand. The girls stopped and looked around. They had to be hearing it as well.

  “Is that…?” Aubrey said.

  “It has to be,” I said, facing the direction of the noise.

  “See, I told you guys. We’re going to be fine,” Sherri said, giving Aubrey a smirk.

  I led the way toward the sound, noticing the steady incline in the terrain. Then I spotted it—a brook, running through the forest, but that wasn’t making the sound I heard. We followed the stream for twenty feet and spotted the pond. It was about the size of a large swimming pool, oval in shape, and with water clear enough to see the white sands underneath. The forest seemed to edge back from the picture-perfect scene, as if it didn’t want to encroach on the beauty of it, and the body of water wasn’t the most striking feature.

  Behind the pond, a green, rocky hill climbed up twenty feet over the pond. At the top, water spilled over the edge of one of the jutting rocks in a wide plane. The clear water cascaded over the edge and slapped against the large, smooth stones below. The sound bounced around the forest, and the emotional rush of seeing so much water gave me chills.

  This was life. This was everything, if we wanted to survive. As long as it was drinkable.

  I knelt down at the pond’s sandy edge and scooped some of the water in my hand. I hesitated, taking notice of how warm it felt. If it was salt water, we were back to searching, but I lifted my hand to my mouth and sipped some water. I closed my eyes at the sweet, clean taste of it.

  “It’s fresh water,” I said. “And it’s…actually some of the best tasting water I’ve ever had.” A fresh wave of chills ran over my body, and I shook from the feeling.

  “Yes!” Benji said, laughing and hugging a receptive Sherri.

  “You think it’s safe to drink?” Aubrey asked, kneeling on the sandy edge. “It’s strange that there’s no plants in the water. I mean, I can see all the way to the bottom. No fish or tadpoles either.” She touched it with her hand and pulled it back. “It’s warm…” She stood, looking at the waterfall.

  Sherri and Benji went to the water’s edge, feeling it. Sherri even went as far as to taste it as well.

  “Are you kidding?” Sherri said, smiling. “This water is like stupid good. If we could bottle this shit, we’d be rich as hell.”

  Aubrey frowned and then shrugged. “Well, we should probably drink from the waterfall. I’ve heard the fastest moving water is the cleanest. Must be a spring above.”

  Aubrey walked around the pond on its sandy edge. I took this moment of calmness to admire the natural beauty of Aubrey, from her perfect hair reaching just past her shoulders, down her muscular back, to her short-shorts showing off her assets. She glanced back at me, catching my admiration. She cocked a brow before walking toward the waterfall, and if I wasn’t mistaken, she had a little more shake and grace in that walk. A bit of show for me.

  I spotted Sherri watching me and cleared my throat, deciding to study the water and the pond itself. It must have flowed well enough that plants didn’t grow on the surface. It even had its own beach of sorts. A couple of feet around the whole pond was an edge of white sand. Only a few black rocks stood out from the white sand below. It was a magical setting that rivaled the coral reef we’d seen.

  The water from the falls seemed clear and continuous, and I was curious about what was feeding the falls from above and why it was so warm. It seemed as if the hill peaked right above the waterfall and wasn’t any larger than the pond below.

  “Amazing,” Aubrey said as stood on the rocks next to the waterfall. “There’s space behind the waterfall.”

  “Careful, girl,” Sherri said over the sound of the water crashing against the rocks.

  Aubrey reached out and put her hand in the cascading water. It bounced off her hand, sending drops of water splashing into the pond, creating new ripples over it. She stepped closer, submerging most of her arm into the water. Much of it splashed over her body, getting her bikini top and shorts wet. She stepped back out with a Cheshire grin. Water glistened on her face and ran down her neck and over her chest. She ran her hand over her arm and along her chest, wiping some of the water off before taking a few steps closer to the waterfall and submerging her head in it.

  Benji scampered over the rocks and got next to Aubrey. She laughed as she put her hand into the water.

  “It’s so warm,” Benji said, laughing.

  They spoke more to each other, but I couldn’t hear the words.

  Then a streak of a nearly naked body flew by me and landed right into the pond. It was Sherri, and when she emerged from the water, it didn’t take long to see that her top had come off. I glanced back to see her top hanging from a tree branch, wavering in the light breeze like a tiny American flag.

  She smiled at me, wading in the water with her breasts just underneath the surface.

  “This is the most amazing water I’ve ever been in,” Sherri said and brushed her hair back from her face as she waded in the shallows.

  She stood up, exposing her full breasts to me. She pulled some of her hair over one shoulder, covering one breast as she fiddled with the ends of her blonde hair. Now, I’d seen many, many breasts—in digital form, and even a handful of them in real life—but these were something spectacular. I considering falling to my knees and praying at her like an altar but I somehow managed to keep my cool, once I got my mouth closed, that is. In a second, she turned and swam toward her friends playing the waterfall.

  “Come on, Jack,” Aubrey said with a laugh. “You got to check this waterfall out.”

  I pointed at my chest and mouthed the word, “Me?”

  She rolled her eyes and waved me over. “Yes, you.”

  Let’s just say I had never walked so fast in my life. I crossed the sandy part and reached the smooth, black rocks near the waterfall. They weren’t hard to navigate and were rough enough to give me grip with my bare feet. I looked down at my white shirt, still mostly wet from the ocean water and stained with a smattering of shark and pig blood. I unbuttoned my once-white shirt and tossed it on a nearby rock.

  Just in my shorts, I cleared the distance to the girls as they frolicked under the waterfall. As I neared it, the sound of pounding water became the dominant noise, making it difficult to hear the ladies’ laughter. Aubrey and Benji were in the waterfall, doing what more or less looked like taking a shower, rubbing their arms and body, wringing out their hair and splashing each other. Aubrey glanced over at me and let the water roll over her face and down her body.

  Sherri came up to the waterfall from the pond side and climbed on the rounded rocks, lifting herself out of the pond and onto the rocky waterfall area.

  Aubrey and Benji la
ughed and pulled their half-naked friend into the falling water. Sherri screamed out in joy and raised her hands high up, as if grabbing the water as it fell.

  “This is amazing!” Sherri said.

  The water hit Sherri’s face and bare breasts. Benji smiled and backed away from the falls, wringing her hair out. Aubrey didn’t seem to be shy or mind Sherri’s bare breasts. She even got close to her friend in what I thought was a hug, but it was a whisper between friends. I wished I had some kind of Superman hearing, but then they both turned to take me in. My heart raced at those pairs of eyes staring at me.

  They motioned for me to join them.

  Okay, Jack—no time to be modest. This is the stuff of men’s fantasies, and you have it in real life, in your imagination. I took a step forward, releasing a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  Aubrey watched me approaching and stepped out of the falling water, reaching for my hand, which I extended to her. She pulled me rather aggressively toward the waterfall. The water slapped against my hand and forearm. It was warm, like shower warm, and the powerful, sweet odor seemed to rise from it like steam. I inched my face to the watery cascade and ducked my head under it. The weight of the water crashed against my neck, head, and back. I opened my mouth, drinking some in, and I felt those otherworldly chills run over my body.

  Whatever was in the water, I wanted more, and the girls loved every ounce of it as well.

  They were all laughing, and that’s when I felt Sherri’s breast press against the side of my chest. Her face got close to mine, appearing like a blur from the continuous water flowing between us. She looked so happy as she stared into my eyes. I smiled and reached for her, but she backed up, disappearing behind more water. I reached for her and felt hands touching mine and the blur of a female figure behind the water. This time, I pulled her close to me, but it was Aubrey that appeared right in front of me. Her face was so close to mine I could see every feature of her beauty in intricate detail. She was amazing. She wrapped her arms around me, sliding them up my back as she moved her lips close to my neck, kissing and licking the water off of me as she worked her way up to my ear.

  “You ready for this?” she whispered into my ear.

  All I could do was nod my head. I wasn’t sure what exactly this was, but I was more ready for it than I’d been for anything else in my entire life.

  Her hands ran down my chest and touched the front of my shorts. I felt her working the button. It popped loose, and she had the zipper down in a second. She slid down my body, working my shorts down to my ankles as she did. I stepped out from them. Still kneeling, she reached up, gliding her hands up my thighs and under my boxer briefs. She tugged on the bottoms, and then yanked them down in one quick motion. My erection burst out, and she slid up and against my body. Her bare breasts ran up my thighs and then pressed against my manhood as she continued her slide up me.

  I hadn’t even noticed that she had taken her top off. My heart raced, and the whole world seemed to be swaying around me. I had plunged into the depths of ecstatic anticipation, drunk on lust and hope. The sounds of the water deepened, and time seemed to slow to a near halt.

  She kissed my neck again, and I bent down to kiss her cheek and then the side of her mouth. Every inch of her wet skin tasted of the sweet water, and with each kiss, I wanted more of her. I wanted to drink her all in and explore every part of her wet body.

  Then I felt a set of hands on my back and kisses between my shoulder blades, followed by a soft bite. I glanced back to see Sherri. She smiled and then licked the side of my neck.

  “Aren’t you a lucky boy?” she whispered into my ear.

  “You two are about to be the lucky ones,” I said as the water pounded over my shoulders and face.

  “Is that a promise?” Sherri asked, reaching around to the front of me and taking me in her hand. “Oh, I think we are the lucky ones.”

  Aubrey pulled me behind the waterfall and mostly out of the water. A large, smooth rock made for a comfortable place behind the falls to stand. Aubrey leaned over and whispered something to Sherri. I couldn’t hear it, but Sherri nodded in agreement to whatever was said. The thought of both of them sent me into a deeper well that I didn’t think I’d ever reemerge from, nor did I want to. After so much fear and despair in the last two days, this moment felt like a gift.

  Sherri moved behind me and slid her hands under my arms and onto my chest, rubbing my pecs with her breasts against my back.

  “Just relax,” she whispered. “We want to take care of you.”

  Aubrey moved to the front of me and kissed my neck, then my chest, working her way down my stomach until she was on her knees. She took my manhood into her mouth, and I nearly buckled to the ground. Sherri kissed my neck and ear, licking my wet skin, sending me to places I didn’t know existed.

  “You taste so good,” Sherri whispered.

  I stumbled with words but pulled Sherri to my side so I could touch her soft breasts and feel those hard nipples. I slid my hand under her bikini bottom and found her sex, slick and hot. I used my finger to massage her gently. She moaned in my ear, and I had to take a quick, deep breath to stop from finishing while Aubrey still had me in her mouth.

  After one more deep pull, Aubrey slipped me from her lips and stood up. She kissed me, and I felt her tongue exploring my mouth. She tasted of the salt of my own skin and the sweetness of the water. Sherri’s hand went down to my erection and stroked me as I kept my finger right on her pulsing bundle of nerves.

  “You two are so amazing,” I said.

  “I know,” Sherri said. “I told you this was going to be an amazing adventure.”

  Aubrey turned around and pulled down her bottoms, just far enough that her bare ass was out. She pushed her perfect butt against my member, sliding up and down, keeping it tightly between her cheeks. Her firm ass felt incredible, and I was damn proud that I hadn’t cum all over her. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have made it past the first breast rub.

  Aubrey bent over, and I felt Sherri’s hand guide me down and then into her friend. I moaned out and struggled for control. Aubrey guided herself back onto me again and again. Sherri trailed kisses over my neck and mouth as I continued to rub gentle circles through her folds. Their combined moans sent me to an edge I didn’t know existed.

  I stiffened and fought off impending ecstasy once again, but it was a losing fight.

  Sherri, who must have sensed it in me, whispered in my ear. “Just let it go. This is for you. For saving us. We love you.”

  “Guys!” Benji yelled in a panic.

  I froze and jerked around, finding Benji standing next to a small opening in the waterfall.

  “Benji—I’m sorry,” I stammered.

  “Sorry?” She looked confused. “I’m the one that told them to take care of you, Jack. I’m glad my friends are here because…well…I’m not…” She turned a deep shade of red, hiding her face with her hand.

  “What is it, Benji?” Aubrey said, sounding frustrated.

  Benji unblinkingly stared at my erect penis for a beat. “Dear God,” I heard her mutter.

  “Benji!” Sherri snapped.

  “A horn!” Benji blurted out over the sound of the waterfall. “I heard a horn, like from a ship!”

  “No way,” Aubrey said.

  “Already?” Sherri sighed and rolled her eyes.

  The thought of rescue was like an ice bucket tossed on what was the hottest thing I’d ever been involved in in my life. Even my primordial brain knew rescue to priority over orgasm…as much it killed me to admit.

  I dashed to my underwear and shorts, pulling them on in record time. I glanced back to see Aubrey pulling up her shorts over her ass. Dear God was right. Most of me was screaming “Fuck that ship!” but I wanted them safe even more than I wanted my own satisfaction. It was my duty to see them safe and sound back to civilization.

  The rocks slowed me down, but I made good time over them and up the hill. When I reached the top, I saw the water source
feeding the pond—another pool, smaller than the one below, but I could see the bubbling water rising to the surface from the spring below.

  More importantly, the hill was high enough that I could see above most of the trees and out to the surrounding ocean.

  “I heard it,” Benji said, standing next to me. “I swear.”

  Then I heard it too, the deep sound of a ship’s horn. I spun in the direction of the sound and spotted the boat.

  Chapter 11

  “Grab the mirror and the scope!” I called out to Aubrey and Sherri below. “In the yellow bag.”

  Aubrey scrambled to the pond’s edge and opened the bag. I kept an eye on the ship. It was far away, near the horizon, maybe eight miles out. Thankfully, the sun was positioned well enough that I had a chance of sending a reflection their way. I just wished we had a flare gun or a signal fire ready. I cursed myself for not being better prepared for this moment.

  “Isn’t that the Veronica?” Benji asked, squinting at the horizon.

  Aubrey ran up the rock with amazing athleticism and handed me the telescope. Sherri was right behind her, already using the mirror to reflect the sunlight toward the ship.

  I looked in the scope and was shocked to see that it was indeed the Veronica. The cabin looked blackened, as if a fire had broken out on the ship. Is that why we abandoned it? I searched for people on the ship or any movement, but there was no one on deck that I could see. The rest of the ship didn’t show any signs of life, and I imagined the captain behind the wheel. Maybe she was alone, but that left a whole lot of missing passengers.

  “It is the Veronica,” I said. “Keep signaling it with the mirror.”

  The horn blasted again, but it already sounded fainter than the last one. It was moving further from us, and I felt a panic building in me.

  “We need to make a fire,” I said. “Get any dry grass and dry branches, twigs…whatever you can find, and bring it here. Benji, get the matches.”


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