Book of Proof

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Book of Proof Page 28

by Richard Hammack

  Having read Chapter 11, you may see f in a new light. Its graph

  R ⊆ R × R is a relation on the set R. In fact, as we shall see, functions

  are just special kinds of relations. Before stating the exact definition, we



  look at another example. Consider the function f (n) = |n| + 2 that converts

  integers n into natural numbers |n| + 2. Its graph is R = ©(n, |n| + 2) : n ∈ Zª

  ⊆ Z × N.









  −4 −3 −2 −1 0





  Figure 12.2. The function f : Z → N, where f (n) = |n| + 2

  Figure 12.2 shows the graph R as darkened dots in the grid of points Z × N.

  Notice that in this example R is not a relation on a single set. The set of

  input values Z is different from the set N of output values, so the graph

  R ⊆ Z × N is a relation from Z to N .

  This example illustrates three things. First, a function can be viewed

  as sending elements from one set A to another set B. (In the case of f ,

  A = Z and B = N.) Second, such a function can be regarded as a relation

  from A to B. Third, for every input value n, there is exactly one output

  value f (n). In your high school algebra course, this was expressed by the

  vertical line test: Any vertical line intersects a function’s graph at most

  once. It means that for any input value x, the graph contains exactly one

  point of form (x, f (x)). Our main definition, given below, incorporates all of

  these ideas.

  Definition 12.1

  Suppose A and B are sets. A function f from A to B

  (denoted as f : A → B) is a relation f ⊆ A × B from A to B, satisfying the

  property that for each a ∈ A the relation f contains exactly one ordered

  pair of form (a, b). The statement (a, b) ∈ f is abbreviated f (a) = b.

  Example 12.1

  Consider the function f graphed in Figure 12.2. According

  to Definition 12.1, we regard f as the set of points in its graph, that is,

  f = ©(n,|n| + 2) : n ∈ Zª ⊆ Z × N. This is a relation from Z to N, and indeed

  given any a ∈ Z the set f contains exactly one ordered pair (a, |a| + 2) whose

  first coordinate is a. Since (1, 3) ∈ f , we write f (1) = 3; and since (−3, 5) ∈ f

  we write f (−3) = 5, etc. In general, (a, b) ∈ f means that f sends the input



  value a to the output value b, and we express this as f (a) = b. This function

  can be expressed by a formula: For each input value n, the output value

  is |n| + 2, so we may write f (n) = |n| + 2. All this agrees with the way we

  thought of functions in algebra and calculus; the only difference is that

  now we also think of a function as a relation.

  Definition 12.2

  For a function f : A → B, the set A is called the domain

  of f . (Think of the domain as the set of possible “input values” for f .) The


  set B is called the codomain of f . The range of f is the set f (a) : a ∈ Aª =

  ©b : (a, b) ∈ f ª. (Think of the range as the set of all possible “output values”

  for f . Think of the codomain as a sort of “target” for the outputs.)

  Continuing Example 12.1, the domain of f is Z and its codomain is



  . Its range is

  f (a) : a ∈ Zª = ©|a| + 2 : a ∈ Zª = ©2,3,4,5,...ª. Notice that the

  range is a subset of the codomain, but it does not (in this case) equal the


  In our examples so far, the domains and codomains are sets of numbers,

  but this needn’t be the case in general, as the next example indicates.

  Example 12.2

  Let A = ©p, q, r, sª and B = ©0, 1, 2ª, and

  f = ©(p,0),(q,1),(r,2),(s,2)ª ⊆ A × B.

  This is a function f : A → B because each element of A occurs exactly once

  as a first coordinate of an ordered pair in f . We have f (p) = 0, f (q) = 1,

  f (r) = 2


  and f (s) = 2. The domain of f is p, q, r, sª, and the codomain and


  range are both 0, 1, 2ª.





  (p, 0) (q, 0) (r, 0) (s, 0)




  (p, 1) (q, 1) (r, 1) (s, 1)





  (p, 2) (q, 2) (r, 2) (s, 2)










  Figure 12.3. Two ways of drawing the function f = ©(p,0),(q,1),(r,2),(s,2)ª



  If A and B are not both sets of numbers it can be difficult to draw

  a graph of f : A → B in the traditional sense. Figure 12.3(a) shows an

  attempt at a graph of f from Example 12.2. The sets A and B are aligned

  roughly as x- and y-axes, and the Cartesian product A × B is filled in

  accordingly. The subset f ⊆ A × B is indicated with dashed lines, and this

  can be regarded as a “graph” of f . A more natural visual description of f

  is shown in 12.3(b). The sets A and B are drawn side-by-side, and arrows

  point from a to b whenever f (a) = b.

  In general, if f : A → B is the kind of function you may have encountered

  in algebra or calculus, then conventional graphing techniques offer the

  best visual description of it. On the other hand, if A and B are finite or if

  we are thinking of them as generic sets, then describing f with arrows is

  often a more appropriate way of visualizing it.

  We emphasize that, according to Definition 12.1, a function is really

  just a special kind of set. Any function f : A → B is a subset of A × B. By

  contrast, your calculus text probably defined a function as a certain kind of

  “rule.” While that intuitive outlook is adequate for the first few semesters

  of calculus, it does not hold up well to the rigorous mathematical standards

  necessary for further progress. The problem is that words like “rule” are

  too vague. Defining a function as a set removes the ambiguity. It makes a

  function into a concrete mathematical object.

  Still, in practice we tend to think of functions as rules. Given f : Z → N

  where f (x) = |x| + 2, we think of this as a rule that associates any number

  n ∈ Z to the number |n| + 2 in N, rather than a set containing ordered

  pairs (n, |n| + 2). It is only when we have to understand or interpret the

  theoretical nature of functions (as we do in this text) that Definition 12.1

  comes to bear. The definition is a foundation that gives us license to think

  about functions in a more informal way.

  The next example brings up a point about notation. Consider a function

  such as f : Z2 → Z, whose domain is a Cartesian product. This function

  takes as input an ordered pair (m, n) ∈ Z2 and sends it to a number f ((m, n)) ∈

  Z. To simplify the notation, it is common to write f (m, n) instead of f ((m, n)),

  even though this is like writing f x instead of f (x). We also remark that

  although we’ve been using the letters f , g
and h to denote functions, any

  other reasonable symbol could be used. Greek letters such as ϕ and θ are


  Example 12.3

  Say a function ϕ : Z2 → Z is defined as ϕ(m, n) = 6m − 9n.

  Note that as a set, this function is ϕ = © ¡(m, n), 6m−9n¢ : (m, n) ∈ Z2ª ⊆ Z2 ×Z.

  What is the range of ϕ?



  To answer this, first observe that for any (m, n) ∈ Z2, the value f (m, n) =

  6m − 9n = 3(2m − 3n) is a multiple of 3. Thus every number in the range is

  a multiple of 3, so the range is a subset of the set of all multiples of 3. On

  the other hand if b = 3k is a multiple of 3 we have ϕ(−k, −k) = 6(−k)−9(−k) =

  3k = b, which means any multiple of 3 is in the range of ϕ. Therefore the


  range of ϕ is the set 3k : k ∈ Zª of all multiples of 3.

  To conclude this section, let’s use Definition 12.1 to help us understand

  what it means for two functions f : A → B and g : C → D to be equal.

  According to our definition, functions f and g are subsets f ⊆ A × B and

  g ⊆ C × D. It makes sense to say that f and g are equal if f = g, that is, if

  they are equal as sets.

  Thus the two functions f = ©(1, a), (2, a), (3, b)ª and g = ©(3, b), (2, a), (1, a)ª

  are equal because the sets f and g are equal. Notice that the domain of

  both functions is A = ©1, 2, 3ª, the set of first elements x in the ordered pairs

  (x, y) ∈ f = g. In general, equal functions must have equal domains.

  Observe also that the equality f = g means f (x) = g(x) for every x ∈ A.

  We repackage these ideas in the following definition.

  Definition 12.3

  Two functions f : A → B and g : A → D are equal if

  f (x) = g(x) for every x ∈ A.

  Observe that f and g can have different codomains and still be equal.

  Consider the functions f : Z → N and g : Z → Z defined as f (x) = |x| + 2 and

  g(x) = |x| + 2. Even though their codomains are different, the functions are

  equal because f (x) = g(x) for every x in the domain.

  Exercises for Section 12.1

  1. Suppose A = ©0,1,2,3,4ª, B = ©2,3,4,5ª and f = ©(0,3),(1,3),(2,4),(3,2),(4,2)ª. State

  the domain and range of f . Find f (2) and f (1).

  2. Suppose A = ©a, b, c, dª, B = ©2,3,4,5,6ª and f = ©(a,2),(b,3),(c,4),(d,5)ª. State the

  domain and range of f . Find f (b) and f (d).

  3. There are four different functions f : ©a, bª → ©0,1ª. List them all. Diagrams

  will suffice.

  4. There are eight different functions f : ©a, b, cª → ©0,1ª. List them all. Diagrams

  will suffice.




  Give an example of a relation from a, b, c, dª to d, eª that is not a function.

  6. Suppose f : Z → Z is defined as f = ©(x,4x+5) : x ∈ Zª. State the domain, codomain

  and range of f . Find f (10).

  Injective and Surjective Functions


  7. Consider the set f = ©(x, y) ∈ Z × Z : 3x + y = 4ª. Is this a function from Z to Z?


  8. Consider the set f = ©(x, y) ∈ Z × Z : x + 3y = 4ª. Is this a function from Z to Z?


  9. Consider the set f = ©(x2, x) : x ∈ Rª. Is this a function from R to R? Explain.

  10. Consider the set f = ©(x3, x) : x ∈ Rª. Is this a function from R to R? Explain.



  Is the set θ = ©(X , |X |) : X ⊆ Z5 a function? If so, what is its domain and range?

  12. Is the set θ = ©¡(x, y),(3y,2x, x + y)¢ : x, y ∈ Rª a function? If so, what is its domain,

  codomain and range?

  12.2 Injective and Surjective Functions

  You may recall from algebra and calculus that a function may be one-

  to-one and onto, and these properties are related to whether or not the

  function is invertible. We now review these important ideas. In advanced

  mathematics, the word injective is often used instead of one-to-one, and

  surjective is used instead of onto. Here are the exact definitions:

  Definition 12.4

  A function f : A → B is:

  1. injective (or one-to-one) if for every x, y ∈ A, x 6= y implies f (x) 6= f ( y);

  2. surjective (or onto) if for every b ∈ B there is an a ∈ A with f (a) = b;

  3. bijective if f is both injective and surjective.

  Below is a visual description of Definition 12.4. In essence, injective

  means that unequal elements in A always get sent to unequal elements in

  B. Surjective means that every element of B has an arrow pointing to it,

  that is, it equals f (a) for some a in the domain of f .







  Injective means that for any

  ...and not this:

  two x, y ∈ A, this happens...







  Surjective means that for



  ...this happens:


  any b ∈ B...



  For more concrete examples, consider the following functions from R

  to R. The function f (x) = x2 is not injective because −2 6= 2, but f (−2) = f (2).

  Nor is it surjective, for if b = −1 (or if b is any negative number), then

  there is no a ∈ R with f (a) = b. On the other hand, g(x) = x3 is both injective

  and surjective, so it is also bijective.

  There are four possible injective/surjective combinations that a function

  may possess.

  This is illustrated in the following figure showing four

  functions from A to B. Functions in the first column are injective, those

  in the second column are not injective. Functions in the first row are

  surjective, those in the second row are not.


  Not injective


























  Not surjective








  We note in passing that, according to the definitions, a function is

  surjective if and only if its codomain equals its range.

  Often it is necessary to prove that a particular function f : A → B

  is injective. For this we must prove that for any two elements x, y ∈ A,

  the conditional statement (x 6= y) ⇒ ¡ f (x) 6= f ( y)¢ is true. The two main

  approaches for this are summarized below.

  How to show a function f : A → B is injective:

  Direct approach:

  Contrapositive approach:

  Suppose x, y ∈ A and x 6= y.

  Suppose x, y ∈ A and f (x) = f ( y).





  Therefore f (x) 6= f ( y).

  Therefore x = y.

  Of these two approaches, the contrapositive is
often the easiest to use,

  especially if f is defined by an algebraic formula. This is because the

  contrapositive approach starts with the equation f (x) = f ( y) and proceeds

  Injective and Surjective Functions


  to the equation x = y. In algebra, as you know, it is usually easier to work

  with equations than inequalities.

  To prove that a function is not injective, you must disprove the statement

  (x 6= y) ⇒ ¡f (x) 6= f (y)¢. For this it suffices to find example of two elements

  x, y ∈ A for which x 6= y and f (x) = f (y).

  Next we examine how to prove that f : A → B is surjective. According

  to Definition 12.4, we must prove the statement ∀ b ∈ B, ∃ a ∈ A, f (a) = b. In

  words, we must show that for any b ∈ B, there is at least one a ∈ A (which

  may depend on b) having the property that f (a) = b. Here is an outline.

  How to show a function f : A → B is surjective:

  Suppose b ∈ B.

  [Prove there exists a ∈ A for which f (a) = b.]

  In the second step, we have to prove the existence of an a for which

  f (a) = b. For this, just finding an example of such an a would suffice. (How

  to find such an example depends on how f is defined. If f is given as a

  formula, we may be able to find a by solving the equation f (a) = b for a.

  Sometimes you can find a by just plain common sense.) To show f is not

  surjective, we must prove the negation of ∀ b ∈ B, ∃ a ∈ A, f (a) = b, that is,

  we must prove ∃ b ∈ B, ∀ a ∈ A, f (a) 6= b.

  The following examples illustrate these ideas. (For the first example,

  note that the set R − ©0ª is R with the number 0 removed.)

  Example 12.4

  Show that the function f : R−©0ª → R defined as f (x) = 1x +1

  is injective but not surjective.

  We will use the contrapositive approach to show that f is injective.


  Suppose x, y ∈ R − ©0ª and f (x) = f ( y). This means x + 1 = 1y + 1. Subtracting

  1 from both sides and inverting produces x = y. Therefore f is injective.

  Function f is not surjective because there exists an element b = 1 ∈ R

  for which f (x) = 1x + 1 6= 1 for every x ∈ R − ©0ª.

  Example 12.5

  Show that the function g : Z × Z → Z × Z defined by the

  formula g(m, n) = (m + n, m + 2n), is both injective and surjective.

  We will use the contrapositive approach to show that g is injective.

  Thus we need to show that g(m, n) = g(k, `) implies (m, n) = (k, `). Suppose

  (m, n), (k, `) ∈ Z×Z and g(m, n) = g(k, `). Then (m+n, m+2n) = (k+ `, k+2 `). It

  follows that m + n = k + ` and m + 2n = k + 2 `. Subtracting the first equation

  from the second gives n = `. Next, subtract n = ` from m + n = k + ` to get


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