Finding Ava

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Finding Ava Page 7

by Jennifer Loren

  Khenan went on telling us about the other families and each of their positions and responsibilities on the island. It is a small community with each person having a specific purpose to help keep the next person or job working properly and safely, their success is impressive.

  With everyone finishing off their last bites, Khenan kisses his wife and excuses himself to get to work.

  “Okay Sean, come on let’s go play ball. What else better do you have to do? It is raining like hell outside. There aren’t any supermodels on the island for you to screw, so what do you say?” Kevin whined.

  “Kevin please find someone else to annoy.” Sean motions to the open room as he dismisses Kevin once again.

  “You’re scared.” Kevin taunted him. Sean leans back in his chair pretending to be interested in something else.”You’re scared.”

  “I’m not scared of you Kevin,” I said, instantly feeling my cheeks turn red as everyone at the table turns to look at me with shocked eyes.

  “You want to play Red?”

  “Sure, why not, I am after all a Kentucky girl. I know more about basketball than you ever could,” I said with a lot more certainty in my voice than I thought was possible. I haven’t played since college but I should still be good enough to beat him at least.

  “Kentucky girl, figures.” His gawking makes me nervous suddenly as I glimpse Sean’s questioning eyes. “Sure Red, I would love to play one-on-one with you,” Kevin said licking his lips. Now I know why Sean wouldn’t play him, maybe this was not the best decision on my part.

  “You know what though, I need some sneakers, dry clothes and something to hold my hair up and I don’t know if I have anything available right now.”

  “You can borrow whatever you need from Brianna and me,” Ashlen said.

  “Oh. Well, then I guess I will meet you at the gym … in thirty … Kevin.” I leave the table following Ashlen while Sean looks at me as if I just declared myself insane.

  Chapter 8: Sean

  While walking to the gym with Gavin and Kevin, I’m still trying to figure her out. She must be out of her damn mind. She wants to play with this guy? Does she like him or something? I look him over for anything that might be appealing to her, “Bronzer-boy,” I whispered to myself. There is no way she … any woman could find something about him appealing.

  “Kevin, have you ever managed to get a girl,” I asked.

  “Please, I get more women in one night than you dream about. I know exactly how to work their body and turn them into my playthings. Mostly I like the clubs the alcohol helps me cut out precious time trying to seduce them and get right to the bedroom, car or restroom, whatever is convenient.”

  “Alcohol, I think I would put more stock in that rather than your moves,” Gavin said with a mocking smile.

  “Whatever you’re all just jealous because Red chose me.”

  “What?” I yelled in shock. “Chose you? She only wants to waste some time playing a game.”

  “A game so she can get close to me. And when we are done, she is going to want more and I will have to give it to her of course. Actually would one of you mind vacating the room for us tonight?” Kevin said as my whole body begins to heat up, I am not even sure what it is I am feeling but the overwhelming urge to punch him is becoming clear.

  “No, Kevin we are not giving up either room. I think you are expecting too much. I think she just wants to play the game not start some romantic affair with you,” Gavin persuades the fool.

  “Who’s talking romantic affair, I only want her for one night. She is hot, did you see her legs and perfect body and the red hair? She’s fucking hot. Of course, one night with me, and she will probably want more. I promise just one night though, if you two bunk up together and let me have some alone time with her tonight. Then you can have your chance at her Sean, what do you say?”

  I am going to hurt him. I lunge towards him as Gavin holds me back. “How about we wait until she asks for us to do the same,” Gavin says to Kevin’s nodding acceptance.

  As soon as we walk into the gym there is a sudden craziness amongst the three boys playing ball. “Sean Grant! Holy Shit, I can’t believe it’s you.” Alizabeth I assume comes running at me with his hand out.

  “Alizabeth right, nice to meet you,” I said reaching out for his hand.

  “Yea, wow I can’t believe you’re here. Are you guys playing ball?”

  “Actually we are waiting on one other person and she and Bronzer-boy over here are going to play against each other.” Kevin huffs at me as he grabs a ball.

  “Bronzer-boy!” The three boys chant in unison while smacking each other’s hands.

  “So B-Boy over there is going to play against a girl?” Alizabeth asked.

  “If she shows.” I am hoping she doesn’t so I can feel better about her sanity.

  “Play him? What is she desperate?” Andy one of the other boys inquired while shaking his head at Kevin trying to be smooth shooting balls.

  “I don’t think so,” I said but before I can explain anymore, Alizabeth changes the subject and starts asking me about every movie I have done and showing me some of his character impersonations. We move to the bleachers as the boys entertain Gavin and me with their antics.

  While we are talking Paul’s face freezes, “dammmmnnn!” He said cocking his head back in an exaggerated position. Alizabeth and Andy turn as well before nearly knocking each other over as they sprint away. Sigh. She showed up, she is officially insane. I turn seeing them fight to see who can talk to her first, while she talks and laughs in her sweet southern voice making them even crazier. She walks casually over with her ponytail and sneakers. In a pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt that barely covers her stomach and at times allows a glimmer of her small belly button piercing to sparkle brilliantly. My eyes become fixated and barely notice Ashlen coming over and sitting near us. This is not the girl I woke up with this morning.

  “So Red, are you ready to get schooled?” Kevin drools at the opportunity awaiting him.

  “Sure, whatever,” she said laying some of her things on the bleacher below me.

  I reach out for her, “are you sure you want to play with this guy?” She should not be subjected to him, his mouth is watering at the mere sight of her.

  “Don’t worry, I got this handled,” she said with a cocky tone. Okay. Lunatic.

  “We may have to find a hose to get him off her,” Gavin said looking at me to see if I agree and I do. I don’t know if I want to watch this but I am afraid to leave her alone with him.

  “You take it out first Red.” Oh, this is not good. I watch through my fingers as I lean down on my knees. Ava catches the ball from Kevin, and dribbles it out. Well at least she can dribble. Kevin breathing heavily is already on her and then suddenly he is standing alone. Ava shot from the other side of him. Swish! The crowd simultaneously gasps. Kevin blaming it on his shoe is not giving her much credit. I however, remove my hand from my face and sit up a little straighter. He starts dribbling, trying to lose her but she swipes the ball in mid-dribble and moves quickly to lay it in, yet again. I was so wrong, this looks to be very entertaining.

  The game continues, Kevin manages a few shots, although she doesn’t give him many. Once I realize she indeed has this handled, I start to relax and pay more attention. However, I find myself paying less attention to her skills and more to the muscles in her legs and how they curve and pulse up and down with every change of direction. The sweat glistening as it rolls down her neck to her chest, causing her shirt to cling to her skin. With every shot she takes it causes her shirt to creep up a little further. Excitement pulses through my body every time she jumps to shoot, I don’t even pay attention to see if the ball goes in. I have never enjoyed basketball so much in my life. The game is down to Ava needing one more shot to win. She dribbles the ball taunting him and me for that matter, licking the tips of her fingers and smiling with a devilish sexy grin. She dribbles turning her back toward him, her long muscles flexing in
her legs spectacularly. My mind is blissfully entertaining itself when he slams her to the ground, steals the ball and lays it in the basket himself and scoring with a cocky grin. I jump out of my seat with clenched fists.

  Gavin grabs my arm. “Don’t, he isn’t worth it.”

  “What’s wrong Red can’t take the pressure? Do you want to cry?” Kevin taunted.

  “My ball,” she said confidently.

  “Sure here you go sexy.”

  Ava takes the ball and begins to dribble, watching him as he laughs at her. Suddenly she smiles back at him and bullet tosses the ball at his crotch recovering it off the bounce and taking her shot. Swish! Game Over. The crowd applauds her with great pleasure. “What’s wrong Kevin can’t take the pressure?” Ava mocks him as he rolls on the ground in agony. Everyone congratulates her before most reluctantly check on Kevin and escort him to the medic.

  “Well dear that was fun to watch, I wish Khenan could have seen it. I know you said you played in college but I was still worried about him being so much bigger than you are. He didn’t hurt you when he knocked you down?” Ashlen asked.

  “No, I’m fine,” Ava smiles still enjoying her victory.

  “Too much fun. But I do have some things I need to get done today so I will see you both later?” Ashlen asked waiting until we both nod. Ashlen turns towards me, “see our girl didn’t need for you to defend her.”

  “Apparently,” I smile at Ava.

  “Well good-bye dear I will see you both later.” We nod towards her as she leaves us awkwardly alone.

  “You want to play?” Ava asked looking innocent.

  “Hell no, you scare me.”

  “Do you even know how to play?”

  “Are you trying to taunt me Kelley?”

  “I’m just asking but you probably don’t know much about basketball do you?” She taunts with her charming smile.

  “No, I guess it isn’t my best sport, I played soccer, but I wouldn’t say I don’t know anything about basketball. You probably need to learn more about me on my web site, you will find it under “Interesting Facts About Sean”,” I motion with my hand to emphasize the process.

  “Oh dear. Well I like soccer but it’s not basketball,” she said dribbling the ball away from me.

  “So you’re a ringer,” I said, thankfully, bringing her back towards me.

  “A ringer? What do you mean?”

  “You pretended not to be any good and this whole time you played college ball?”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t any good. I did get a scholarship to play.”

  “Oh now you got a scholarship to play.”

  “Yea, well I still never said I wasn’t any good, you assumed I wasn’t.”

  “I guess we did but he is taller and bigger than you. No matter how pathetic he is, I was worried about you.”

  She jerks her head up suddenly, “you were worried about me? Why?”

  “Why? Because he’s a slime ball, I couldn’t figure out why you would want to play against him. I thought you might like him or something or maybe you hit your head too hard and it knocked out any common sense you might have had.” Walking down the bleachers, I take the ball from Ava, catching her eyes briefly before she shies away.

  “Like him? Definitely not, I thought it might be fun is all. Although I admit, I did not think it all the way through. He is sleazy, all that heavy breathing almost made me forfeit the game.”

  “Well that makes me feel better. I can’t imagine my mother picking a girl for me that would like that.” I dribble towards the basket, pull up about seven feet out, and shoot. It goes off the backboard and barely hits one side of the rim. I watch it bounce away shaking my head. “See you are right.”

  “It’s your wrist, you’re not letting it roll off your fingers right. Look.” She grabs my hand putting her back towards me as she plays with my hand and fingers. “Sean! Are you paying attention?”

  “Yes, my wrist, fingers. Got it.”

  “Okay now try again.”

  “I am not sure I do get it, show me again.”

  She exhales exhaustively taking the ball from me, forcing me to watch her do it rather than being shown hands on again. “Okay now you try.”

  I take the ball and try again. It works, not nearly as pretty as hers but it goes in. “Well look at that, huh. Do you know any other great tips? Coach.”

  “What would you like to know?” She says putting her hands on her hips, making her diamond piercing visible again. What the hell was I saying?

  “Why don’t we play and I will learn from you that way.” I said shaking off my fixation.

  She shrugs, “okay.”

  Standing directly in front of her, “is this good?”

  “You don’t need to stand so close.” She said pushing me away. I move right into her path before focusing in on her blue eyes that suddenly smile at me. My head starts spinning and I forget where I am. When she backs away I grab onto her before she can get away from me but her foot slides as do we both. Falling to the floor I manage to catch myself with one arm and hold onto her with the other. She falls with her hands on my chest, straddling me and breathing heavily in my ear. Leaning away from her, I watch her open her eyes and look at me with those big blue eyes again and their even more amazing up close. There is something oddly familiar about … “You okay?” I ask shaking off the strange sensations.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I don’t ….” I look down at her pouty lips and without even realizing I start to lick mine. With her eyes now focusing on me, I move in, cradling her face closer to mine until we exchange breaths. Gently, I graze my lips across hers.

  “Sean, hey Sean!” Demerae called out as he enters the gym. Ava leaves my grasp and I am left looking dumbfounded and lost. “Hey Sean what happen? Ava kick your ass in basketball too?”

  “I can’t seem to keep up with her,” I said, finding her staring at the floor on the other side of the gym.

  “I thought maybe you might want to come see some cool stuff.”

  Exchanging some uncomfortable glances with Ava, “I would love to Al.”

  “Great.” He motions towards Ava. “You can come too if you want but it’s mostly guy stuff. We have rain gear but it gets pretty muddy,” he shrugs.

  Ava smiles at him.” That’s okay Al, I would like to go explore on my own for a little while anyway.” She catches my eyes and smiles weakly. “Bye Sean, I had fun.” I nod watching her dash out the door.

  “Do you think I hurt her feelings?” Al asked.

  “No, I think she will be just fine.”

  “Alright, well here is a rain jacket with a hood. We have boots and stuff in storage. We are going to get real dirty.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked concerned about all the necessary gear.

  “Three wheeling! It’s fun, especially in the rain and mud.”

  Chapter 9: Ava

  The rest of my day, I spend trying to put my fall into Sean’s lap out of my mind. Thankfully, our bags were rescued from the plane and I can get my clothes cleaned and unpacked into one side of the chest within our shared room. However, I was hoping the process would have taken up more of my day. As nice as the cabin is, it can be lonely when you don’t have anything to occupy your time. There has to be something to read or get into somewhere in this place. Scavenging through drawers and closets, I find more odd things than anything that might be helpful in solving my boredom. Although the bottles of liquor might be helpful if nothing else becomes available. The rain is settling down some, maybe I can take advantage and go for a run, rain or no rain it’s better than sitting around here all-day. I find a jacket and make sure to leave Sean’s bag where he can find it easily and run out the door relieved to have the opportunity. The run is exhilarating and the slow moving rain is tolerable, soothing even. My thoughts however, are swirling through my head unbearably. Feeling his breath against my skin and the gentle caress of his lips. I didn’t even know I was capable, not to mention this morning. What was that? My ste
ps pick up as an excitement rushes through my veins. Maybe I am not such a lost cause after all. Maybe that date with Justin will not need to be avoided anymore. His letter he gave me before I left was heartbreaking but now maybe not so much. I can remember every word as if he branded it into my skin, I read it so many times.

  Ava, Please be careful and come back safely. I’d like to say stay away from that Sean guy but considering, I am sure that is a stupid request. Don’t worry I am sure everything will turn out the way you want it to, if not I am here waiting for you and I haven’t forgotten about our dinner plans to celebrate.

  – Justin

  My smile escapes but is quickly dulled when I realize I will have to face Sean later tonight. No matter what he expects I cannot do it or at least I don’t know if I can, no matter if I would want to or not. Do I want to? Why does it have to be so complicated? I will simply keep my distance and make light conversation with him until it is time to leave. We can’t possibly be on this island much longer. I finish my run with a reasonable conclusion and return to the still silent cabin. A quick glance around and I notice his bag missing. At least the princess knows how to do his own laundry. Hoping to enjoy a hot shower before he gets back, I gather some necessities and escape to the bathroom. After a couple of tries of flipping on and off the light, I am still left frustrated and in the dark. “Great, now what?” I do not recall any bulb replacements during my scavenging earlier and I do not see how I can take a shower in the dark. It’s pitch black in here with the door shut. Well it is not as if you can see into the shower from the door, but it is an open shower. Surely, Sean would not try to come in with me obviously in here. Trusting a man I only met yesterday, I leave the door open, remove my clothes and step into the steam, hesitating for a second to move my towel to an easier reach. The heated water rushes over my body and I accept it with a welcoming sigh.


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