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by Simone Elise

  Had she really just said that? The crowd around us were gasping and then whispered. I looked at Kayla. I didn’t know what to do. I was just staring wide eyed at her. She couldn’t have done that…

  But the whispering got louder, and then the stares—who was I kidding, they were glares—became more intense. Kayla had just made it so I could never show my face again.

  It was when the word slut started to get thrown at me. I turned, starting to walk away, hearing them call me a child killer to my back.

  The tears started to fall before I even made it out the gym door.

  I didn’t know where to go. In fact, I hadn’t even planned on going to him until I pulled in his drive way. I guess when it came down to it, he was the only one that wouldn’t judge me. I couldn’t believe that Kayla had shared that with everyone.

  I was a mess. I was crying so much I could barely see while driving. It was luck that I got here without writing-off my car. I was physically shaking, tears running down, and I burst through his front door.


  I slammed the door after me. “Ryan!”

  I was storming through the house. I had never been this upset. Not even when Kyle broke my heart.

  “Ryan, I fucked up. I—”

  As I walked into his lounge and my words stopped. My eyes went from Josh to Bax and then to Ryan.

  “Shit, Soph, are you ok?” Ryan was up and heading for me.

  “Why… why are you all here?” I staggered out. How did three men in my life come together? How the hell did they all know each other?

  “Soph, what the hell is going on? Why the fuck are you so upset?” Bax was up now and his eyes went to Ryan. “Wait, did you say you were here for Ryan?”

  My mouth dropped open, but it was when my eyes locked with Josh’s I started to back away. I couldn’t face this. I couldn’t face all three of them before one of them reached me. I turned and ran. Seemed today was the day for running and I had to move quicker when Ryan was catching up to me. But when I reached the car, it was Josh who was right behind me.

  His firm grip missing my arm by an inch.

  I managed to close the car door and lock it, then threw the car into reverse. It seemed today was the day for all my worlds to collide.

  My brother.

  My fuck buddy.

  My crush.

  And my past.

  All my worlds collided and as I fled from Ryan house. How the hell could all my worlds be connected like that?

  I scoffed, shaking my head at my bad luck.

  I had no idea where I was going, or what to do.

  I wasn’t a coward, or at least that’s what I told myself when I pulled in to Kyle’s drive way. I knew by now the word would have got to him and now was my chance to explain myself before he really did think the worse of me.

  I walked in the door and could hear his voice. He was shouting into the phone. I felt pity for whoever was on the receiving end of that because I knew I was about to be too.

  He turned around, his eyes landing on me. He just hung up. Didn’t say bye, just hung up. His heated eyes were on me.

  “So you fucking drop a bomb like that and disappear?” His voice was venomous and sent a shiver through me. The fact he was a lot larger than me occurred to me.

  I just swallowed sharply, not sure what to say. I had spent an hour parked near the highway, wanting so badly to disappear.

  But I knew I couldn’t do that to Ryan or my parents, and mainly I couldn’t leave Josh with questions.

  “So you gonna start fucking explaining yourself!” Kyle shouted at me, this time causing my body to go stiff. Ok, I was now terrified of him.

  “I, um…” The words just dried up in my throat.

  “You umm?” he snapped at me immediately. “Fucking pregnant, Sophia! And you didn’t fucking tell me! You killed my child! What gave you the right to kill my child!” he roared at me.

  “Kyle, just let me explain.”

  His voice got sharper with each word. “Like fuck I will! What line are you going to give me? You weren’t ready? We were too young?”

  “Kyle, please hear me when I say—”

  “When did it happen? When did you decide to kill my child?”


  “And not you are fucking pregnant with Josh’s kid?”

  Oh my god. Why wouldn’t he let me get a word in! “Kyle I’m—”

  “A slut, that’s what you are.” His words whipped across my body. He had never directly insulted me. It was always Kayla. But he was the one to just call me slut. “A useless, coward of a whore. That’s what you are, Sophia.” He was pointing his finger at me now. “Your shit is at the door. Take it and get the fuck out of my life. As for Josh’s baby, I’m sure you are planning on killing that to.”

  The tears swelled and then started falling as he insulted me, my character. He had never said one hurtful word to me, and now he was calling me a murdering whore?

  “Stop fucking crying and get the fuck out!” he roared when I didn’t move. “Now!”

  I stumbled back as he approached me.

  “I’m so fucking happy I broke up with you the way I did.” His words were lower, nastier as he approached me. “If I could do it again, I’d call you for what you are. A cheap whore who might as well sell it at the corner. By the way, I phoned your parents about it.”

  My eyes widened. “You didn’t.”

  He grinned. “Didn’t think you would have told them. What do you know, their perfect little daughter the slut. Now pick up the bags and get the fuck out!”

  I wiped the tears off my cheeks quickly. This situation had gone from bad to fucking serious. If my parents thought for a second I was pregnant they would be back on the next flight. They were needed over there. They weren’t needed here.

  I was picking up the black garage bags. I could only carry two, so I left the others.

  I was about to open the front door when it swung open.

  “Why the fuck did you hang up on me!” Josh came in shouting louder than his brother. His eyes flickered to me. “Fuck, Soph, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  Kyle scoffed. “Mate, she won’t keep it. She’s a murderous slut. No better than a corner whore.”

  Josh’s eyes snapped to his brother. “What did you just say?” Josh’s words were clipped short and so deadly low. A hell of a lot scarier than Kyle’s shouting.

  Kyle laughed. “Seriously, you want to fight for that? She’s a slut, Josh. A no good one at that. Hope you had more fun with her than me.”

  Josh fist was connecting with Kyle’s jaw, over and over, and a distinct breaking noise followed.

  “Want to say that again?” Josh’s voice was still low, like a snake about to bite, as he held Kyle against the wall, his feet dangling in the air.

  “She’s pregnant!” Kyle shouted in Josh’s face. Josh’s grip on Kyle was gone and he turned to look at me. The tears were still falling,

  “It’s yours too.” Kyle wiped the blood of his lip and smirked at his brother. “Have fun bringing up the town slut’s child.”

  I couldn’t take another word. I turned and ran out the front door, dropping the bags on the way. I had never been so hurt. I thought Kyle breaking up with me was painful, but what he just did it was…


  A hand wrapped around my arm, pulling me to a stop. Josh’s worried eyes were on me.

  “Is that what’s wrong? Is that why you were so upset?” Josh was being calm, so calm. Maybe cause he knew there was no chance of me being pregnant and it being his. Yeah. That had to be the reason. “Look, Ryan isn’t that bad of a guy, neither is Bax. If it is one of theirs, they’ll step up, Soph.” He took a step towards me, his eyes holding mine. “If they don’t, then fuck them, I’ll be there. Every step, I promise.”

  His words caused more tears. How could he be so amazing? How could he be willingly offering to be there for another man’s child?

  “I’m not pregnant.” I finally
got out what I wanted to say all bloody night. But it didn’t ease the tears. I was falling apart now. My eyes ran over him and I started to walk backwards.

  Josh was frowning at me like he couldn’t understand any of his brother’s ranting now.

  I reached the car, opening the door, and I think I had confused him so much, he was frozen for a few moments. Enough time for me to get to my car door.

  “Nice vest, Josh.” My lips twitched up just slightly and then I was in the car. My words, had snapped him out of the confusion, and he was shouting at me to come back as I reserved out of the drive way.

  But I didn’t listen. I wasn’t his problem. I wasn’t anyone’s. And I knew where I was going now. I was going to the airport. My passport was in the glove box.

  My parents always wanted me to volunteer, and I was going to do it. Though how I was going to get in contact with them before they flew back here I wasn’t sure. How did Kyle even get in contact with them? They didn’t have phones, so it would have to be by email.

  I pulled out my phone. Emails were the main way my parents reached out to everyone. I was creating a new email typing in urgent, typing in I’ll get a blood test to prove I’m not but as I was writing the details of the email I heard a loud horn coming at me.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  “Chain smoking darling isn’t the answer.”

  My eyes went to my mother. “If you don’t want me to kill your golden boy, you’ll give up trying to get me to quit smoking.” It was taking all my will power not to attack Kyle as he sat in one of the armchairs, not giving a fuck about the shit storm he had caused. “You proud of yourself?” I couldn’t stop myself from snapping at him.

  He just shrugged his shoulders.

  “She’s not even pregnant!” I added. Kyle was a fucking idiot.

  “You mean you aren’t sure if it is yours.” Kyle smirked at me.

  That’s it, I’m killing him.

  “Josh, stop it!” Mom went in between us. “Boys please don’t fight!”

  My fists were clenching at my side. “Move, Mom.” If I didn’t get this anger out, I was sure blood vessels would burst. Plus Kyle deserved to have his head caved in.

  “Come on now, Josh, is that any way to talk to your child’s uncle.”

  If my mother wasn’t standing in front of him, he’d be dead. “Mom, move before you get hurt.”

  “Yeah, Mom, move. I’m not afraid of Josh. Plus he is really just panicking that he will have to change diapers.”

  Then I heard it. The tiniest flaw in his voice giving it away—he was jealous. He was so fucking jealous and now I knew how to hurt him without physically touching him.

  “You clearly let her down, Kyle.” I suppressed the smirk and the pleasure I was going to get out of doing this to him. “Mom you can go. I won’t touch him.” I wasn’t going to hurt Kyle, physically that is. “Go call Dad again, see if he has had any luck chasing down her uncle.”

  Mom frowned and then nodded her head. She didn’t need me to say I wouldn’t hurt Kyle. I always kept my word; she knew that.

  “What do you mean by that?” Kyle asked as Mom left the room.

  “About sex with her.” I wanted to make him suffer. “Trust me, there is nothing wrong with her.”

  His eyes narrowed on me, and I knew I had his attention.

  “The way she takes top, I swear I’ve never seen more of a beautiful woman. The way she takes all of me and the slight moan that comes out when she does.” The truth was Soph and I hadn’t had sex. But that didn’t mean I hadn’t pictured what it would be like. “Then those sweet noises she makes when I flip her over and go in deeper.” I leaned in closer to Kyle to serve my final punch. “And the best bit? Doing all that without protecting.”

  And then it was Kyle who wanted to get physically, his hands going for my throat.

  “Boys stop it!” Mom was back, but it was her tone that caused me to look at her, and I think it was the same reason Kyle let go.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Sophia. She’s been in an incident.”

  Those few words were like a cold slap across my face, and it was the most fucking painful thing I had ever felt.

  “They won’t release details.” Dad walked in to the waiting room. “They said it was a breach that I was told she was even in an accident.”

  “Fuck it. I’ll tell them I’m married to her.” I was sick of waiting. I wanted answers. I wanted to know if she was alive or not. I wanted to know how serious.

  Then there was that fucking question in the back of my mind: was she telling the truth when she said she wasn’t pregnant?

  “They know her, Josh. That isn’t going to work.” Dad’s voice had a frustrated snap to it.

  Fuck it. I’ll punch answers out of someone.

  “You agreed not to wear that vest around us.”

  I turned back to look at Dad. He couldn’t be serious. He was complaining about me wearing my vest? I had forgotten I was even wearing it until Soph commented on it.

  “Sorry, Dad, in between looking for Soph and then dealing with your son’s crap, I didn’t think about changing my clothes.” My glare went from Dad to Kyle. “You know it is your fault she is in here.” And that was what was boiling inside me. This whole thing was Kyle’s fault. Another reason I wanted to kill him.

  His eyes narrowed on me. “How do we not know she didn’t do it on purpose?”

  “How dare you say such a thing Kyle!” Mum was the first to jump on him for saying that. And for once her voice wasn’t sweet when she spoke to him. “That is a horrible thing to say! She is family, Kyle!”

  He rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew. In fact, all of you wouldn’t be defending her.”

  “What is it that she’s done that is so bad?” I was trying my best not to push Dad out of the way and get in Kyle’s face. “Come on Kyle, spit it out.”

  “She was pregnant.” He looked around us. “With my child and she had an abortion. Didn’t even fucking tell me.”

  “So?” I was the first one to speak. “That’s it?”

  “That’s it! She killed my child!”

  I scoffed. “Look how you treated her, Kyle! Look at what you did to her! What you put her through! She is eighteen, her parents are never around, and she would have had to do it herself!” Was I the only one to see that Soph had made the right decision?

  I glanced at Mom and Dad and they were nodding their heads.

  “Josh is right, Kyle, it isn’t your place to have an input after what you did to her.” Mum’s words were gentle but firm. “But if she is pregnant now, we will support her. Just like we would have if she was with your child.”

  Kyle scoffed, shaking his head. “You are saying that cause it’s Josh’s child. If it was my mine, you’d be going on how stupid I am for letting it happen!”

  “Why are you so angry about this?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking. “Soph made the right decision and even if she didn’t you should be supporting her, not fucking yelling at her and insulting her.”

  “Don’t you get it! Are you all that stupid! It is another thing taking her away from me! It’s killing me watching her live a life without me! If she has your child, or whoever’s child, it won’t be mine.” Kyle was tearing up. “And I’ll really lose her completely.” His voice broke, his emotions clear for everyone to see.

  I looked between Mom and Dad. Was Kyle real? He lost her and every right to be in her life when he broke up with her.

  And I was about to remind him of those facts when Kayla burst in.

  “Is she ok, is there any news?” Kayla was rushed and I was surprised she had even showed up. Wasn’t like she got on with Soph anymore.

  “We don’t know.” Kyle answered her and his eyes went to me. “Josh is worrying about his child.”

  “What are you on about?” Kayla snapped at him.

  Kyle pulled his head out of his hands. “You said she was pregnant?” He l
ooked at her like she was stupid.

  You’ve got to be kidding me? She was the source of whether Soph was pregnant or not? Kayla wouldn’t fucking know one detail about Soph’s life right now. I knew that.

  Kayla looked guilty and I knew why. So I was waiting for her to cough it up.

  “Kyle, we will talk about that later.”

  Kayla’s words got Kyle’s full attention, his eyes widening. “You lied about her being pregnant.”

  I stepped away from Kayla, glad someone could get into her.

  “Yeah. I did.” Kayla crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at Kyle. “You better stop there Kyle, otherwise this conversation might lead in to another direction.”

  Kyle scoffed. “Fuck it.” He looked at Dad. “Kayla has a picture of me doing drugs. She blackmailed me with it. So there goes your chance at running.” He looked back at Kayla. “Was Soph pregnant with my child, or not?”

  Kayla went silent. Her lips tight. I grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around.

  “Fucking answer the question? Was she pregnant or not?” I was more direct than Kyle.

  “No.” She finally spat out. She looked to Kyle. “She had a scare, but it was nothing.”

  Kyle’s expression was blank. He was slowly coming to terms with the fact he had been lied to and he believed it.

  “Fuck off.” Kyle staggered out. “Now. Someone get her out of my sight before I kill her.”

  Mom was quick to guide her out of the waiting room, which caused my eyes to follow them, and I spotted Ryan at the nurses desk.

  You have to be fucking kidding me. Ryan had some guts showing up here. When I heard Soph was in an accident, no before that, when I first saw her in the bathroom after all those years. I knew then I loved the woman she had grown up to be.

  And that love for her grew until now. I wasn’t letting any other guy have her. It was time I showed Ryan and Bax why I was the Vice President.


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