My place in the life

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My place in the life Page 20

by Quelli di ZEd

already warm. We decided to systematize first our stuff to house, to do some spends and then to devote us soul and body to the beach.

  Entered house I immediately warned a sense of comfort and peace; that house had always had the power to infuse me calm, perhaps because it was in front of the sea and for me nothing it didn't exist of naturally more fascinating than that endless expanse of water.

  «Where we systematize there?» it was the first question of Laura.

  «I would say to make to sleep the boys in the room of the guests, while I and you will sleep in mine» I answered her.

  Laura looked me with amazed air. «Thing you say it Feels happy? Is there some problem?» he/she asked me with worried air.

  I could not hold back a laughter.

  «Accursed! Take around me!» and it started to run after me for the whole living room.

  When it ended the pursuit, I made to arrange Laura and Stephen in the room of the guests, while Mark brought our backpacks in my room.

  I was excited, I could not hide him/it; I would have spent two days and two nights beside Mark. Had never happened and I wanted pits everything special and unforgettable. You/he/she would have been enough for me to be embraced to him, to feel the pulsations of his/her heart and to speak the whole night. I didn't ask nient'altro. I wanted to make to understand him how much me was missed, how much I loved him and, if possible, to try to perceive the love that said to try for me.

  It is simple to tell a person" I love you"," I love you", but it is not as many easy to succeed to" to feel" certain feelings. It is marvelous to reach a point and to say" I am very well because I feel to be beloved."

  We went to the beach with the least necessary, with the idea to spend one afternoon to splash about in the water, to relax us and to play with the sand as his/her/their children.

  Laura and I wore both a bikini and a short suit with the shoulder strap and also the boys were dressed in similar way, they had both one swimming pool custom that it reached half thigh and a simple shirt with the short sleeves.

  We stretched the towels the nearest possible to the water, to be more comforts to make the bath and not to suffer too much the afternoon heat.

  The most greater part of the people, above all the families, to that time they withdrew him because the sun was more heat and it was to burn effortless. We, in fact, sprinkled there abundantly of protective cream because we didn't have any intention to take us an insolation and in more we also placed a big red ombrellone.

  We didn't withstand quite a lot under to the sun; we plunged there all and four in sea and we began an amusing" battle of spray." We ran after there on the waterline, Laura it looked for of" to drown" Stephen in the attempt to climb on his shoulders, Mark it bathed sott'acqua and without making to be seen he/she took me for the ankles with the intention to make to fall me.

  We had a good time just as of his/her/their children.

  When we reached the point to feel bursts us and deprived of strengths, we laid down there on the towels, ready to absorb all the bright rays. At that time I put me to admire Mark. It had a perfect physicist, athletic, well proportionate; hair reverted back him to the, the skin it was all sprinkled of droplets of water. It was immovable under the sun, but also not doing anything succeeded in instigating in me a tumult of emotions. I stared at him/it for a few minutes, then he hastened. It mentioned a smile, verse of itself threw me and gave me a tender salted kiss.

  «I love you, it Feels happy.»

  «Also me Mark.»

  After having eaten some sandwiches and drunk some can of fresh drinks, definite that the moment had come to go off some photos.

  Laura had forgotten to bring his/her photographic car, therefore it implored me to go off some photos to his/her Stephen, in different layings, so you/he/she would have carpeted the walls of his/her room that for her they were too much sad and bare.

  I made some releases telling them as to put on in laying, whether to look, thing to do, then definite that the photos would have come better if the attitudes had been spontaneous. I said theirs that could do what they wanted, so when less if they waited for him/it I went off, immortalizing amusing and natural moments.

  Also Laura wanted to make some photo, so I lent her the car. You/he/she had become very good also her, therefore I left her/it to him to use very gladly.

  We almost stayed in the beach until to the sunset.

  After having picked up our things, we went to take a shower to house.

  While the boys were washed Laura and I we prepared the supper. We had opted for a dish of pasta to the tomato and as ice cream as dessert.

  We were worn-out but the joy of that moment threw us on moral and he/she didn't leave us the time to think about the rest.

  While is being sat to table we noticed that our skin was rather red but we was not burnt there thanks to the escort of protective cream that my mother had recommended me to bring. To that thought I phoned her. I wanted only to tell her that we were well and everything went for the best. The phone call, in fact, lasted few second, however I was already better, because, knowing her/it, I didn't want that it was in thought for other two days.

  Before going to sleep we took a walk. To that time there was around a lot of people for the lanes of the historical center, therefore I proposed to go for a stroll in that zone, considering that it was found really behind house.

  The streets and the shops were illuminated; the streets were rich of shops of gift articles, florists, but also inns recanti the insignia" local typical kitchen." Laura didn't even save to Stephen a shop of attire.

  «Looks that beautiful suit Stephen! Would it be me according to you well?»

  «Laura I don't know him/it, you should try him/it.»

  «And that sweater?»

  «It is nice.»

  Laura became in front of the showcases of the boutiques crazy, while his/her poor man boy didn't show a lot of interest but you/he/she didn't say anything not to give her sorrow. Behaved too well in his/her comparisons!

  To the I improvise the attention of Mark you/he/she was captured by a big glass door poorly illuminated. The hand pushed me making to understand me to stop me. I looked with him and I was really stricken: the showcase was full wedge of many colored objects of glass from the varied forms and dimensions. I had never seen Mark so attracted by something. Kept on saying «Looks at that that beautiful! And also that nearby! And that there after all!», until definite to enter the shop.

  Laura and Stephen followed us, also them parties to the commodity, but above all incuriositi from the attitude of Mark.

  The shop was really delicious; not very great but taken care of and characteristic. To his/her inside there were quite a lot tavolini and shelves on all the walls on which the objects of glass were exposed. To the center of the ceiling an attractive chandelier of drops of glass that transmitted a slim blue light hung.

  It came us meeting a gentleman, very separate and to the good one that said to look at his/her commodity, because it was for being admired there and not necessarily bought.

  We stayed in that shop for about twenty minutes, until Mark it chose a delicious red rose, naturally sort in glass, and it handed me her.

  «He/she doesn't want that I/you/he/she wrap her/it to him?» he/she asked the merchant.

  «No, thanks. I want that my girl handed her/it in hand because so its beauty will jump even more» Mark answered.

  I felt me some in embarrassment but I was very happy about the gesture of Mark

  Stephen noticed the dreamy air of Laura to the sight of that scene, therefore you/he/she chose a little animal, I believe a rabbit, and you/he/she handed him/it to his/her girl

  «You also want you to bring him/it in hand?»

  «So it will make to jump my animal nature!» it said Laura and to his/her wisecrack we started all to laugh, inclusive merchant.

  Going out I told Mark:

  «I thank you, you/he/she has been a gesture a lot of desser

  «Imagine, you/he/she has not been anything in comparison to what I try for you».

  Every time that told me sentences of the kind left me without words and seemed don't appreciate him of it the meaning because I didn't know really thing to answer him.

  We walked until after all to the historical center, for then to continue on the waterfront. We stopped there in a cafe to the open one to drink a fresh drink and we spoke of as the life it was beautiful and relaxing in that place. We felt well there, we didn't have thoughts that upset us, we were two couples that were wanted well and they didn't ask other from the life.

  The moon reflected him on the sea studded of innumerable boats of fishermen; there was not a breath of wind and in distance he/she was heard the music of a pianist that played, surely, in a plain cafe.

  I was very well, with myself and with my friends. At that time I felt me satisfied and I realized as the life you/he/she can be beautiful if it is satisfied us with simple and spontaneous things.

  I was tasting that instants up to the last drop, trying to draw its most greater benefit.

  All of a sudden Laura got up from the chair.

  «I would say that the time has come to reenter. Stephen is putting to sleep on the chair and I would not like you/he/she did as many once arrived home.»

  «But Laura!» I whispered her.

  «Will repent of what have said! I won't make you sleep for the whole night and troubles to you if you try to close only also an eye» it beat Stephen.

  «I cannot wait to

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