Fletcher( Boys of HGU #1)

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Fletcher( Boys of HGU #1) Page 6

by Victoria McFarlane

  I shut my door and collapse onto my bed, screaming into my pillow.

  What a mess.


  I tug at the hem of my denim mini skirt, trying to pull it down to cover a bit more skin. My jersey is tucked in to one side and I have on a pair of knee high boots. Demi has painted one red line beneath my left eye and one blue line under the right, two of the school colors. She’s done the same but is dressed in a cute knitted dress with thigh high boots.

  “Can I not just wear jeans?” I moan.

  “No,” she tuts, “You look hot now stop fidgeting.”

  “Why the skirt though?”

  “Because you’re going to a football party where there are hot football guys. If you’re going to get over Fletcher you need to meet someone new.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re coming, right?”

  “Yes,” she sighs.

  Demi didn’t like parties. She was a solitary creature and I’ve only ever managed to get her out on a handful of occasions. She’s never even met the guys.

  We grab our purses and head out, the heels of our boots clipping against the sidewalk as we walk with the crowd towards the game.

  The whole campus is buzzing with excitement and as we get closer to the field the sound of chanting and cheering fills my ears. The parking lot is rammed and there’s a long line to get in.

  We join the queue as I tug my skirt – again – in the hopes that I can miraculously stretch the material down to my knees. I’m no prude but one wrong move and I’ll be flashing my panties.

  A group of cheerleaders giggle their way past us and I spot Nina, her perfect hair swinging. My anger and frustration swarm to the surface and I growl – literally growl in her direction.

  “Okay,” Demi turns me the other way, “I guess that’s Nina.”

  “Nina,” I mock in a stupid voice.

  God I’m pathetic.

  “Looking good, McKenna.” A male voice says from behind me. I turn to see Oscar, a guy from one of my classes. His dark eyes drag down my body, a smirk tilting his lips.

  Demi elbows me and leans in, “He’s cute.”

  I study him a bit, taking in his cropped dark hair and even darker eyes. Yeah, I guess he was cute, a little bit bad boy-esque with his tattoos that creep up his neck and the eyebrow piercing that glints when the lights around us catch it.

  “Thanks,” I tell him.

  “Catch me later, yeah?” He asks, eyes dropping to my legs, “we can have a drink.”

  Demi elbows me again. I elbow her back. Hard.


  A short time later, we’re following the crowd into the stands, heading up to our seat in the middle. We had a good view of the field below and I look up to the time. The game wasn’t due to start for another twenty minutes.

  The cheerleaders are out on the field, warming up, some stretching, others practicing their routine and I purposely avoid looking at them in case the absolute insane jealousy comes back again.

  There’s absolutely no reason to be envious. Nina’s gorgeous, I could definitely see him and her together, the perfect couple, Quarterback, captain and cheerleader.

  My stomach twists and I force the thoughts away, “I’m just going to grab us a couple of drinks,” I tell Demi.

  She nods, looking down at her phone.

  I shuffle out and head down to the refreshment stand, waiting in line.

  “Wish me luck,” I turn to see Fletch standing just to the side, the locker room door behind him.

  I smile, “Good luck.”

  His eyes drag down my body, lingering on my legs. I feel it as if it’s his hands touching me. Heat crawls through me, a twisting in my gut that settles deep in my core. He continues to take me in, his eyes burning through me.

  His Adams apple bobs as he swallows and when he meets my eyes again there’s something fierce burning in his gaze and then he turns around and disappears inside.

  “What can I get you?” the girl behind the stand asks, completely oblivious to the war going on inside of me.

  “Just two cokes and some popcorn.”

  I pay and then head back up to the stands, finding Demi easily and settling next to her, replaying the way his eyes touched every part of my body.

  He looked like he liked what he saw. Hell, it looked like he loved what he saw and if the heat in his gaze was anything to go by then I’m not alone in my yearning need for him.

  I’m still thinking about it when the game starts and as if trained to do so, my eyes find him as he comes out onto the field, the number twenty-seven on the back of his jersey.

  Time stops, everything slows as he turns his head and finds me in the crowd of thousands of people.

  His eyes burn right through me, straight to my soul and I realize something…

  I’m one hundred and ten percent in trouble.


  My head isn’t in the game. Oh no, it’s miles away, picturing Peyton in that tiny little skirt and knee high boots. What really got me though was the jersey. Half tucked into the belt of her skirt, the number twenty seven embroidered to the right breast and the back. My number.

  Every chance I get I find her in the stands. Sometimes she’s standing, cheering with the rest of the crowd, other times she’s sat, her fingernail between her teeth.

  “Get your head in the game, Dallas!” Coach yells angrily from the side of the field.

  Decker slaps me on the side of the head, “What is wrong with you!?” He grunts.

  “Nothing,” I snap back, shaking my head in hope it’ll dislodge her image from my brain.

  “We gotta win this, brother,” Decker tells me.

  “I know man.”

  We were winning but barely. The other team were fierce, brutal even and they’ve already taken out one of our guys.

  “Let’s play,” I holler.


  We win. By the skin of our teeth, we take the game.

  Relief washes through me as we head to the locker rooms after the postgame interviews. The crowd is still going wild, their cheers and hollers vibrating the walls all around us. Loud music plays through the numerous speakers and the cheerleaders continue to chant.

  “We fucking did it!” Colt hollers to the guys, “now let’s fucking party!”

  “Titans, Titans, Titans,” the boys boom.

  I shower and dress in my dark jeans and Avenged tee after my shower, shrugging into my leather jacket. Anticipation rolls through me. Peyton said she was going to the party tonight and with the way she looks I have no doubt every eye in the room will be on her. I don’t like it.

  But what can I do? She doesn’t belong to me. I can’t claim her. Not like I want to.

  Decker and Colt are waiting for me outside the locker room and we all pile into my truck, heading to Derek’s for the party.

  People spill out of the doors, onto the front lawn and despite the frosty temperatures the girls are dressed in tiny skirts and dresses, the guys without jackets or completely shirtless and they’re all past drunk it’s embarrassing.

  Loud rock music thumps from the house.

  Thankfully, this row of houses pretty much belongs to the kids here at college, frat houses and sororities. I park the truck on the side of the road and head in with the guys, shouldering through the pulsing crowd.

  “Titans!” Someone cries, notifying everyone of our arrival.

  “Titans!” The crowd hollers back.

  Decker is pumped, taking in the vibe of the party and it’s not long before he’s breaking off to look for drink and probably a girl. Colt stays by my side but I’m looking for one person.

  I see her by the stairs with a girl I’ve seen around campus.

  “Peyton!” I holler over the music, my booming voice carrying loud enough. She looks up and meets my eyes, the sides crinkling as she smiles.

  She jumps on me, startling me into wrapping my arms around her. Her feet are off the floor, her arms around my neck.

  “Congratulations!” She
yells into my ear, her words slurring. Is she drunk? Already?

  “Thanks,” I hold her for a second more before letting her down. Colt gets a hug too, not nearly as enthusiastic as mine which gives me an odd sense of gratification.

  “You need another drink?” I ask, eyeing the empty cup in her hand.

  “Yes, please, I’ll come with you.”

  Colt starts talking to her friend and I reach back, linking my fingers through hers so I don’t lose her in the crowd. I tell myself it’s just because she’s so small and this crowd is thick and heavy and rowdy. It definitely isn’t because every guy is looking at her and this is the only way to send a message that she is off limits.

  I top up her cup with beer from the keg and get one for myself.

  “You played great,” she tells me, sipping her drink and leaning on the counter.

  “I wouldn’t say great,” I tell her, “I was distracted.”

  She cocks her head, “How so?”

  I try not. I really do but my eyes drop down her body, at that dangerous skirt sitting too high on her thigh. I swallow hard and look back up, noticing the pink tinge in her cheeks.

  “Fletch,” she starts.

  A squeal cuts her off and suddenly a body slams into me, arms wrapping around my neck. Lips land on mine, a tongue pushing into my mouth.



  I push Nina off me with a growl, “What the fuck!?” I boom.

  “You did it!” She completely ignores my hostility, wrapping her body around mine. Her hand lands on my abdomen, her long nails biting into my skin.

  I unhook her from me, my eyes looking up to find Peyton pushing through the crowd away from me. With the way she’s shoving people out the way she’s pissed.

  Oh shit.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “What the fuck are you doing!?” I yell at Nina.

  She winces, “Celebrating.”

  “Not with me you’re not,” I growl, “you and me, we ain’t a thing. We ain’t never going to be a thing.”

  Her mouth drops open.

  I don’t wait for her to respond, I shove through the crowd in the direction Peyton just went. I search for her in the crowd in the living room, eyes scanning every face looking for her, but she isn’t here. I continue through the house and when I can’t find her, I head back to Colt and her friend.

  “Did you see where Peyton went?” I ask loudly.

  Colt shakes his head whilst Peyton’s friend narrows her eyes on me.

  “This is Demi,” Colt says, “Peyton’s roommate.”

  “Do you know where she went?” I ask.

  “No,” Demi shakes her head, “is she okay?”

  “She’s upset, I need to find her.”

  “I’ll help,” Demi says and Colt joins as we continue through the house.

  “Do you think she went home?” Colt asks.

  Decker’s in the den with a girl in his lap and a shot of something amber in his hand. He’s laughing, his hands touching up the girl in his lap. He meets our eyes and instantly sobers, clearly reading my face. He taps the girls thigh and then stands when she’s off him, coming over.

  “What’s up?” He looks between me and Colt and then to Demi, his eyebrows rising as he takes her in. “Who’re you?”

  “Have you seen Peyton?” I ask. He’s still looking at Demi but he shakes his head.

  “No, why?”

  “Fuck,” I growl, leaving them there. I take the stairs two at a time and start opening doors, hoping like hell she isn’t in one of them with another guy.

  I come to a door that doesn’t open.

  I bang my fists on the wood, “Open up!”

  “Go away!” It’s Peyton.

  “Peyton,” I yell, “It’s Fletch, let me in!”

  “I said go away!” She screams.

  “Let me in, for fucks sake!”

  “Fuck you!”

  My head snaps back, “What the hell, Peyton!?”

  The door suddenly opens, and a little ball of fury is revealed. She looks a little wild as she glares at me.

  “What’d I do?!”

  She snorts, “How’s Nina?”

  “What?” I frown, “What the hell does Nina have to do with this?”

  She curls her lip, “Nothing.”

  “Peyton, tell me what’s going on.” I demand, pushing her into the room and shutting the door behind me.

  We’re in a bathroom, a big one with a huge bath that’ll fit at least four people and a huge wall of mirrors.

  “You’re wearing my jersey,” I state.

  “I always wear your jersey.”


  She looks away, curling her arms around herself.

  “What is going on right now, Peyton?”

  Taking a deep breath, she steels herself, “Nothing,” she sneers at me, “Now if you don’t mind, I’d quite like to get back to the party. I’m sure Nina is waiting for you.”

  She shoves past me and out the door.

  I stand stunned for a few minutes and then chase after her again, again losing her in the crowd.

  Fucking college parties!

  “Peyton!” I holler at the top of my voice. It does nothing as everyone continues to party around me.

  I head to the kitchen, my whole body tight with tension only everything in me goes cold with what I find there.


  My mouth drops open as I take in the scene before me. Peyton is laid out on the kitchen island, Ash – fucking Ash – is pouring straight tequila into her mouth. She takes it, not spilling a drop and then abruptly sits up, raising her arms to cheer.

  “Well hi there, Fletch,” Ash grins smugly, “Want a shot?”

  Peyton hops down from the counter and heads to the living room, joining the crowd dancing there. Her body weaves to the music, rolling her hips with her arms in the air. She drops low, that fucking skirt shimmying up her thigh.

  Holy shit.

  Ash slams his shoulder into me as he heads towards her.

  “What the fuck is he doing?” Decker growls next to me.

  “I’ll kill him,” I warn, “if he touches her.”

  He fucking touches her. His hands land on her hips as he steps up behind her, bringing her back so her ass sits against his groin.

  Her brows pull low and I see her shove away from him. He drops his hands, and I continue to watch, my rage building as he touches her again, this time at her waist.


  I move towards them, like a hurricane and grab Ash, my fist connecting with his jaw.

  His head snaps back but he’s quick to recover, swinging his own punch that I don’t quite dodge and it connects with my brow.

  “You don’t touch her,” I bellow. Slamming my fist into his face, cracking his nose. “Ever.” Punch. “Do you hear me, motherfucker?”

  “Fletcher!” Peyton screams.

  I ignore her, “Do you hear me!?”

  “Yes!” Ash stutters.

  I drop him.

  The crowd around us has gone still, completely, the music continuing to thump through the house.

  “You,” I turn to Peyton, “We’re leaving.”

  Her eyes narrow, “You don’t tell me what to do.”

  “Don’t make this difficult, Peyton. We are leaving.”

  “I don’t belong to you!” She cries, tears welling in her eyes.

  “Yes you fucking do!” I don’t mean to say it. The words, they fall from my mouth without my permission. Her eyes go wide, her lips parting.

  She’s taking too long. I shrug out of my jacket, lean down and hoist her over my shoulder, throwing my jacket up to cover her ass.

  Gentleman. That’s me.

  I laugh to myself as I haul her, kicking and screaming from the house, her fists thumping into the bottom of my back.

  “Put me down!” She wails.


  “Fletcher! I swear to god!”

  “What?” I yell back, “What are you g
oing to do!?”

  “Fletcher!” She cries.

  The crowd parts for me, staring in shock at this sudden display. I feel Colt and Decker step up behind me.

  “Well hey there, Peyton,” Decker teases, “How’s it hanging?”

  “Fuck you,” she growls at him.

  He chuckles.

  She’s had far too much to drink and she’s emotional, for whatever reason. I know it’s because of what Nina did but I can’t figure out why.

  I get to the truck and unlock it, pulling open the back door. Decker climbs up front and Colt waits as I manhandle Peyton into the back seat, her kicking and cussing me out. Once she’s safely inside, she just glares at me.

  “Put your seat belt on,” I tell her. She crosses her arms like a defiant child.

  “Peyton,” I warn.

  She lifts her chin in stubbornness.

  “Fine,” I grunt, leaning in as I grab the belt and force it across her body, “You wanna be a child about it.”

  She slaps at my hands, but I get the belt on and then I slam the door.

  Colt is already in the seat next to her.

  “Peyton, babe, what’s going on?”

  “I want to go home,” she sulks.

  “Good, that’s where you’re going,” I grunt.

  “You’re an asshole.” She snaps.

  I snort, “Sure thing, babe.”

  Decker frowns over at me but wisely, says nothing as I make a U-turn in the road and head to her dorm.

  It’s a quiet drive.

  “Shit!” Peyton suddenly exclaims, “Demi!”

  “She already left, got a cab back.” Decker tells her softly. “I saw her into it myself after I promised we’d get you back safe.”

  That settles her.

  It’s only five minutes in the car but by the time we pull into the lot outside her dorm, she’s asleep.

  Colt stares at her, confused whilst Decker just cocks a brow in amusement, “I’ve never seen her like this.” He muses.

  I sigh, “Me either.”

  “What happened?” Colt asks, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror.

  Me. I happened.

  I shrug like I don’t know and then climb out, going round to her side of the car and opening her door. After I’ve undone her belt, I tuck my arms under her body and pull her out, settling her into my chest, my jacket still draped over her. She nuzzles into me as I walk the short distance to the door and then up the stairs to her room. I kick the door gently and wait as I hear rustling on the other side. Demi opens the door and sighs loudly, taking in the sleeping girl in my arms.


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