Fallen Angel (The London Ruthless Series Book 2)

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Fallen Angel (The London Ruthless Series Book 2) Page 22

by Sadie Kincaid

  I looked at the platinum wedding band on his hand as he shared a joke with Nick and his aunt and felt a rush of love and contentment. I looked down at my own matching wedding ring, as my hand rested on my huge bump. At over eight months pregnant now, I was fit to burst. The last trimester tiredness had well and truly kicked in too, and despite it only being 8 p.m., I stifled a yawn.

  Gabriel looked up and caught my eye and then he downed the last of his glass of champagne and cleared his throat. ‘As lovely as it is to spend time with you lot, I think I need to take my wife home,’ he said.

  I smiled in silent thanks to him and we exchanged hugs and kisses with everyone before we walked out of the restaurant, with his arm around my waist. As we got outside, the most beautiful white stretch limousine was waiting for us.

  ‘What’s this?’ I asked as I looked at him in surprise.

  ‘Only the best for my wife,’ he said with a grin as he opened the passenger door for me. I climbed inside and saw that Scott was the driver.

  ‘Hi, Scott,’ I said as I slid along the plush leather seat.

  ‘Evening, Mrs Sullivan,’ he said with a smile and I felt my heart swell in my chest. I could definitely get used to that.

  Gabriel slid onto the seat beside me and Scott took that as his cue to raise the privacy screen so that we were alone.

  ‘This is a lovely surprise,’ I said to him, noticing the bottle of alcohol free champagne and the two flutes sitting nearby.

  ‘This isn’t the only surprise, baby,’ he said as he reached down and lifted my legs, swinging them over his lap and wrapping an arm around me.

  ‘Oh? What’s the other one? Are we going to have limo sex?’ I giggled.

  ‘Not tonight,’ he growled in my ear.

  I ran my hand down his chest towards his groin. ‘Why not?’ I purred. ‘We’ve never had limo sex before.’

  He rubbed a hand over my stomach. ‘Well, we will rectify that as soon as we’re able to, but logistically, limo sex isn’t going to be easy, is it?’ he nodded towards my large bump and then started to nuzzle my neck.

  ‘I’m sure we could figure it out. I don’t mind being a little uncomfortable.’

  He nipped my shoulder blade lightly and then he looked up at me. ‘The first time I fuck my wife is going to be on a soft, king-sized bed. She is going to be completely naked and spread out for me, and I am going to take my sweet time.’

  I smiled as my pussy thrummed with heat and anticipation. ‘So, what’s the other surprise then?’

  ‘The other surprise is we’re not going home tonight, baby. Or tomorrow. Scott is driving us to a beautiful lodge in the countryside, and it’s all ours for two whole nights.’

  I blinked at him. ‘You certainly kept that quiet, you sneak. What about clothes?’ I flashed an eyebrow at him. ‘I know we’re on our honeymoon, but I will need some.’

  He laughed and his green eyes twinkled mischievously. ‘I like your thinking, baby, but don’t worry, I packed for us both. Scott has our bags in the front.’

  ‘How far away is this place?’ I said, stifling another yawn.

  ‘About two hour’s drive. Why don’t you close your eyes and relax and I’ll let you know when we get there?’

  I closed my eyes and leaned against him. ‘What about the champagne?’ I murmured.

  ‘The champagne will keep,’ he said before softly kissing my forehead.

  I nestled against him and breathed in the smell of him. He was intoxicating. I couldn’t wait to get to the lodge and have him all to myself.

  Chapter 59


  I looked down at Samantha sleeping in my arms and couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Everything I had ever wanted in life was right here in my hands and I had never been happier. I felt like my heart might explode out of my chest. It was hard to believe that only four months earlier she had walked out on me and I’d wondered if she would ever be mine again.

  When I’d asked her to marry me, I’d readied myself for the possibility that she’d turn me down. I’d been prepared for the fact that she might never want to marry me, but I’d had to at least try. I’d been completely floored when she’d said yes, and even more surprised when she’d wanted to marry quickly.

  It had taken us seven weeks to arrange the wedding and every day, a part of me had worried that she’d change her mind before the event. But she hadn’t, and earlier today she had made me the happiest man in the universe when she’d said ‘I do.’

  Now that I had that platinum band on her finger, she was mine forever.

  A little over two hours later, the wheels of the limousine stopped outside the lodge that was going to be ours for the next forty-eight hours.

  I gave Samantha a gentle nudge. ‘We’re here, baby.’

  Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me sleepily. ‘Already?’

  I nodded. ‘You slept the whole way.’

  She blushed. ‘Sorry. I must have been exhausted.’

  ‘No need to apologise. You’re working hard keeping our little boy safe,’ I said, planting another kiss on her head as I gently eased her legs back down onto the floor.

  I had noticed how tired she’d been these past two weeks. But I’d read that it was entirely normal in the last trimester. I felt a twinge of guilt when I thought about how I wasn’t going to let her go back to sleep for at least a few hours, but it passed when she flashed me one of her winning smiles. ‘I’m feeling rested now though.’

  ‘Well, let’s get in there then,’ I said as I took her hand. Opening the car door, I stepped out and helped her out too. Scott took our bags from the front seat and placed them on the doorstep.

  ‘Thanks, mate,’ I said to him.

  He nodded. ‘No problem, Boss. I hope you two have a wonderful break. One of boys will drop your car off here in the next few hours. They know you’re not to be disturbed though,’ he said with a knowing smile.

  ‘Thank you, Scott,’ Samantha smiled at him, making him blush.

  Scott had a bit of a soft spot for her. He’d been her driver for a while and I trusted him with her life, which said a lot about the kind of man he was.

  Scott walked back to the car and I bent and scooped Samantha up into my arms.

  She laughed out loud. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Carrying you over the threshold,’ I smiled.

  ‘But this isn’t our house.’

  ‘It is for the next two days. And don’t worry, I’ll carry you over the doorstep of our own house too when we get home.’

  She giggled and then placed her hands on my face before giving me a soft kiss.

  ‘God, I fucking love you, Mrs Sullivan,’ I growled.

  ‘I love you too, Mr Sullivan,’ she purred and my dick immediately stood to attention. If I didn’t get some part of my body inside her soon, I’d go crazy.

  Chapter 60


  Gabriel put our bags on the large king-sized bed as I looked around the lodge. I loved that it was all open plan and we could wander freely from the kitchen to the bedroom and to the sitting room with the huge log fire.

  I was looking out of the large window that led out onto the decking when Gabriel came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist. I turned in his arms and he pulled me as close as he could, given my large bump.

  ‘As soon as the baby is old enough to stay with your dad for a few nights, I’m going to take you on a proper honeymoon. Somewhere very hot, and very secluded,’ he said as he started to trail soft kisses along my collarbone.

  ‘Oh, really?’ I breathed.

  ‘Hmm,’ he mumbled against my skin. ‘Somewhere, where your entire wardrobe for the trip would fit in your handbag.’ I shivered as he grazed his teeth along the delicate skin of my neck. ‘But for now, two nights in this beautiful lodge, with a log fire and a fully stocked fridge, will do.’

  ‘It will do?’ I breathed. ‘It sounds like heaven to me.’

  He moved his head and looked into my eyes. ‘Oh,
it will be, baby,’ he smiled as he unzipped my dress before pushing the soft material over my shoulders. It landed in a pool of cream fabric at my feet. He took hold of my hand and helped me step out of it and then he looked down at me and sucked in a breath. ‘You are so fucking beautiful, Sam.’

  I rubbed a hand over my bump. ‘I’m enormous,’ I laughed.

  ‘You have never been sexier, Mrs Sullivan,’ he growled as his eyes flashed full of fire.

  Then he bent his head and kissed me, softly at first, gently exploring my mouth with his tongue as his hands glided over my back and down to my backside, where he slipped them inside the band of my cream lace underwear. I ran my hands over his solid chest and to the buttons of his shirt. My fingers trembled as I started to unbutton each one. We had done this a thousand times, but this felt different and I was almost breathless with anticipation.

  Usually, he preferred to undress himself, and more often than not, while I was already naked and in a post orgasmic haze, but he didn’t stop me, or even try to help. He kept on kissing me softly until my heart was pounding in my ears.

  When his shirt was open, he obliged by taking off his platinum cufflinks and I pushed the crisp white cotton over his shoulders until it fell onto a heap on the floor.

  My hands ran over his muscular chest and I broke our kiss to take a small step back and look at him. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

  He was exquisite.

  Just looking at him made my knees feel weak. I thought back to the first time I’d met him, eighteen years earlier. He’d been standing shirtless and bleeding in my father’s kitchen and I’d barely been able to take my eyes off him then either.

  I could hardly believe that he was finally mine. I loved him so much, it made my heart feel like it would burst. And not only that, I knew that he loved me too. I knew that he would do anything for me. He made me feel safe, and protected, and that was something I’d never thought I would feel again.

  I reached for the fastener on his trousers and unclipped it, before unzipping his fly. Slipping my hand inside the soft fabric of his boxers, I took hold of his stiff, hot cock and squeezed.

  He groaned softly as he placed a hand on my chin and tilted my face up to look at him. ‘Do you have any idea how much I love you?’

  ‘Yes. Almost as much as I love you,’ I replied.

  He smiled at me and I thought that I had never seen him so happy. ‘You ready to be fucked, Mrs Sullivan?’ he growled.

  I nodded. ‘Always.’



  I grabbed a bottle of Budweiser from the refrigerator and walked into the garden of Gabriel and Samantha’s new house, with my sleeping grandson, Max, cradled against my shoulder.

  They’d moved out of the city four weeks ago to this sprawling six bedroomed house set in two acres of land. Samantha said she wanted to fill the place with children and now that Max was almost five months old, I wondered how long it would be before she was pregnant again.

  She had taken to motherhood like a natural, and Gabriel adored being a father. I sensed him slipping further and further away from the life that he and I had built for ourselves and although I missed him, I was glad that he was stepping back.

  I wanted better for my daughter and my grandchildren, and I knew that he was the man who could give them it. When I saw how happy he made Samantha, it made me love and respect him even more than I already did. He’d been my best mate for twenty years, and had always been like a brother to me. But now he was my son-in-law too, and he fit that role better than any he’d had before.

  I placed Max down in his Moses basket and sat on the chair beside him.

  I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Samantha and Gabriel. She had come so far in the last year. No longer jumpy and defensive, she had opened her heart up again completely, and she was quite literally glowing with happiness. Gabriel rarely took his eyes, or his hands, off her, and I knew that he was happier than he’d ever been in his life too.

  As for me, I adored spending time with my grandson, Max, and couldn’t wait for them to add to their brood.

  Perhaps I would be a better granddad than I’d been a father? I often wondered whether I should have had more children. At forty-nine, I was probably getting too old now, but grandchildren would do me just fine. Besides, I had never met a woman that I’d been happy enough with to want to have more kids.

  I fell in love hard and fast, and out of love just as quickly. Maybe it was never really love at all? Maybe they made it too easy for me? I’d never had any problems meeting women and getting them into bed. But I’d never met a woman who challenged me, or made me work for her affections. Not since Samantha’s mother, Alice, and that had been a very long time ago.

  I sipped my beer and watched the guests milling about, chatting to each other and laughing. There were only half a dozen people invited to the barbecue to celebrate the house move. Gabriel’s aunt and uncle, Maggie and Hugh, as well as Samantha’s friends from work, Nick, Sadie, Beth and the new partner the firm had just taken on – Lauren. At least I thought that was what her name was, I hadn’t met her yet.

  I knew she was only a year older than Samantha and an old friend of hers and Nick’s from university. She was American but had come to England to do her law degree and then had gone back there afterwards for a few years.

  Samantha was planning to reduce her caseload and her working days when she finished her maternity leave, and as they’d also needed a replacement for Simon, her and Nick had decided to take on a new managing partner.

  Samantha had told me that Lauren was the perfect fit – she didn’t do relationships and didn’t want kids. She worked hard and she played harder. Donovan Cook was now Donovan, Cook and Hayes.

  I couldn’t see her in the crowd though and wondered if she’d decided not to come.

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep lungful of clean country air. There was something nice about being in the countryside and out of the city. I could get used to this myself.

  I heard footsteps beside me and opened my eyes to see an absolute fucking angel standing in front of me. I blinked as the sun shone behind her, framing her face like a halo. Long dark curls and even longer tanned legs stretching out of the sexiest little skirt I had ever seen in my life. She had curves like a country road and I couldn’t stop my mind from wondering what it would be like to run my hands over them.

  ‘You must be Sebastian,’ she said with a voice as smooth as honey. She smiled as she extended her hand. ‘I’m Lauren. I don’t think we’ve met.’

  ‘No, I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure,’ I said as I sat up straighter and reached out my hand to hers. Her skin was warm and soft and my hand engulfed hers.

  ‘Samantha never told me her dad was such a silver fox,’ she said with a grin as she sat on the chair beside mine.

  I laughed out loud. I liked her already.

  ‘So, why are you sitting here all on your own?’ she asked as she took a sip of the glass of wine she was holding.

  ‘I’m not on my own. I’ve got my wingman,’ I nodded towards Max in his basket.

  She peered over to look at him. ‘Aw, and an adorable little wingman, he is,’ she said with a wink and I noticed that her eyes were the most incredible shade of blue.

  I nodded in agreement.

  ‘It’s great that you can give him back to his parents when he starts crying too, right?’ she said with a wicked grin and I laughed again.

  ‘You certainly know how to make a first impression, Lauren,’ I said to her as I tried to stop my eyes from lingering on the exposed flesh of her thighs as she crossed her legs.

  ‘Oh? And is that a good or a bad first impression?’ she asked with a flash of one eyebrow.

  ‘Oh, bad. Most definitely bad,’ I winked at her and she tossed her head back and laughed out loud. Suddenly, this day was taking a very interesting turn.


  I closed my eyes and tilted my face towards the sun. I
couldn’t help but smile as I crossed my legs and could almost feel Sebastian’s eyes roaming over my thighs.

  Who would have thought Samantha’s father would turn out to be so freaking hot? I knew all about him and the kind of man he was though.

  A player.

  A gangster.

  My business partner’s dad.

  I hadn’t expected him to look like he did at all. Dark hair peppered with silver. Huge brown eyes that crinkled at the corners when he laughed. A strong jaw framed by a perfectly trimmed beard.

  And those forearms!


  He looked like he could hoist me up over his shoulder with one hand and not even break a sweat.

  I opened my eyes and glanced sideways at him. He sipped his bottle of beer and I looked at his large hands as they gripped the drink firmly. I felt a flush of heat as I had a sudden image of him peeling off my panties with them.

  I could feel the energy radiating from him. He was seriously hot. I knew that he loved women – and he was a serial cheat. But that was fine by me. I wasn’t looking for anything serious. I didn’t do relationships. I didn’t do falling in love. Not since I’d had my fingers well and truly burned.

  Maybe Sebastian Donovan would be just perfect for a bit of fun?

  About the Author

  Sadie Kincaid is a steamy romance author who loves to read and write about hot alpha males and strong, feisty females.

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