Securing Blake: Cavanaugh Security Series

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Securing Blake: Cavanaugh Security Series Page 11

by Steele, C. M.

  “Thank you, sir,” she said to the man holding her, which made me growl. She pushed off the officer and walked toward me before falling apart in my arms. Her body shivered even with my arms wrapped around her. I rubbed her back and whispered, “I have you. Relax.”

  “You all need to get out of here and leave the young woman here. This is a crime scene.”

  “We’re her personal security,” Denver informed the officer.

  “Well, you’re shit at your job,” the officer said. “Identification?”

  Denver walked up to the man after pulling out his wallet along with his gun license and PPO certification for a bodyguard. “This is a mess. Did you know the dead man?”

  “He was my stalker. He went to jail once. His people came after us yesterday,” Blake said.

  “She pulled a sneak move. I was in the hospital.” I tipped her chin to look up at me, and then I brushed her hair out of her face. “I’m gonna bend you over my knee and spank your pretty ass. You could have been killed.” My mouth dropped to hers, needing to feel our connection. I’d almost lost her in more ways than one. She ran from me, thinking I couldn’t protect her. Then he nearly achieved his goal, stealing her away from me forever.

  “I know.” She shivered in my arms. Damn it. I kissed her again, holding her tighter until she moaned.

  The officer coughed in a weak attempt to interrupt us. I let it go because I needed to get her in bed with me, shoulder be damned. “Miss, I must have a word with you.”

  “O-okay.” She’d been through a day from hell, and who knew how bad this could get. I remained like I’d always been since the day we met. I stood by her side as he took her statement.

  More squad cars came and a bus for their new stiff. “You’re extremely fortunate to be alive,” he said, making a note while shaking his head. Each word she said made my blood run cold and increased my urge to empty my clip into that fucking corpse.

  “I know. I just didn’t want him to come after Tate again. If I left, then he would only be after me. I didn’t know he got out of jail already. I thought I had a head start,” she cried, tossing her head into my chest. “I’m sorry, Tate. I thought you’d be better off without me. Everyone would.”

  The detectives who had been at our house earlier came in, and their crew photographed the scene while Blake repeated her story and the cop finished it where he came up just as Strickland gripped her ankle and slammed her to the ground and tried to come after her before she shot him again.

  “We need to take you to the hospital. You look unwell, Miss.”

  “We’ll take her in.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not. You have a fucking bruise forming on your forehead.”

  “Well, my airbag didn’t deploy until after I hit my face on the steering wheel."

  “Son of bitch. I’m going to call the damn manufacturer and shove the car up their ass.”

  “Calm down. The accident wasn’t as serious as the rest of the outcome.”

  “Calm down, my ass. My woman has been harassed, shot at, and run down. Luckily the damn stalker’s dead, but his family isn’t going to stop after all this.”

  “Take her to the hospital, then get some rest. The both of you should be in bed.”

  “Thank you. I will have her in bed for the foreseeable future.” After she healed up, I’d fuck her brains out and tie her to the bed so she couldn’t run away from me again.

  As soon as we drove off, Denver smiled into the rearview mirror. “Way to go, Blake. You’re one badass chick.”

  “Thanks, and thanks for letting me know he got out.”

  “What? You knew he was out of jail?”

  “Oh, yeah. Since one of his minions put a trace on my car, I was able to let him come after me.”

  “You planned this?”

  “Well, not completely. It wasn’t very thought out. I could have really been hurt before I had a chance to get him.”

  “Woman, are you always going to be this much trouble?

  “Did you mean it about the spanking?”

  “Damn right I did.”

  “Then, that answer is a hell, yes.” She paused and hugged me. “Honestly never again, at least not like that. I’d never been so scared before. Especially when he tugged me to the ground. I thought he’d get me.”

  “Hopefully we’re all done with that.”

  “Me too.”

  “I don’t want to go to the hospital. I’m fine.”

  “No, we have to go, and then Sean and Macy invited us to stay at their mansion until our home is repaired. Unless you don’t want to live there.”

  “Of course I do. You didn’t even get to give me the full tour.”

  “How remiss of me. I’m going to have to make it up to you.”

  We arrived at the hospital and had her examined. They gave her a prescription for rest and anti-inflammatory medication.

  By the time we entered Sean’s home, the sun had already come up. “Oh my goodness. I forgot about payroll.”

  “Don’t worry. I got it done. You’d be surprised how much work I got done to stop myself from freaking out,” Macy said, throwing her arms around Blake. “You might not know it, but you’re like my best friend. Well, except for Sean, so don’t ever think of splitting on us again.” She huffed and stomped her foot, looking like an adorable kitten.

  “We’re going to head into the office for the day to give you some rest and get everything scheduled. I had a talk with the contractors. They’ll be at your house today to go over the damage and how long it’ll take to repair it all.”

  “Thanks, Sean.” I shook his hand.

  “Come on, wife. Let these two get some rest. We need them back at work soon.” He swatted her ass, then turned back to us. “That means keep your fucking clothes on and get some actual rest. The cook will bring up a nice meal for you in about half an hour.”

  Blake tossed her head back and laughed. “I could really use some food. It seems we’re destined to starve together. I swear I’ve lost ten pounds in the last couple of days.”

  “We can’t have that. I love every inch of you, Blake. Let’s get ready for a nap while we wait for our food.” We did just that. As much as I wanted to fuck her brains out, we needed sustenance and sleep more than anything else.



  I hit enter, sending the paychecks through. When I got this job, I never expected that to be a highlight, but after everything that happened, I felt like every cleared paycheck meant that Strickland had really been gone.

  My case was ruled self-defense and it sent his grandfather, the mastermind in the shooting, into an apoplectic rage until he had a heart attack in the courtroom, dying too easily for his crimes. His son seemed unfazed by the matter. Richard Strickland Sr. had long since severed ties with both men and had happily testified against his father. He blamed his father for his son’s demise and spiral into the bowels of humanity. As he left the courtroom, I sensed the revenge for his son had been had.

  He approached me only to have Tate swing me behind him. “I just wished to apologize for my son. I lost him a long time ago. Please forgive me.” He walked away, and I felt his pain.

  It had been months since that day, and it was almost time for Christmas. I rubbed my rounded belly, loving that we were having our first baby. A knock at the office door caught me by surprise. Tate appeared in the doorway, stepped inside, and then locked the door. “It’s time for my personal review. Come here, Mrs. Masters.”

  I bit my lip as I took in the sight before me. A nice sheen of sweat covered his shirt. “Why are you so sweaty, Mr. Masters?”

  “The air’s broken. It’s a fucking inferno in here. I have to wait for the HVAC guy. It’s going to be a couple of hours. Now, what did I say, woman?” I stepped closer to him, knowing exactly what my husband wanted. My pussy pulsed like I had a live wire between my legs.

  “I’m not used to taking orders. I believe that you’re going to be written up fo
r accosting an employee.”

  “I haven’t even begun to accost you, wife. Kiss me.” Some of his commands were easy to play coy with or even flat out deny, but when he demanded my kiss, I was putty. Slowly he pushed me back until my ass hit the edge of my desk.

  “Mr. Masters. What are you about?”

  “You know what I’m about. I’m going to bend you over, eat your soaking wet slit until you come on my tongue, and then I’m going to slip my big motherfucking cock deep in your womb and fuck you until we both collapse in a sweaty mess.”

  “That’s a nice agenda. I love these special meetings.”

  Three Years Later


  The smoke alarm ripped through the house. I rushed from the office in a full-out rush, sweeping into the kitchen as smoke billowed out of the room. Grabbing the kitchen towel, I gripped the pot and tossed it into the sink, turning on the water.

  Blake came running in seconds later, pulling down her top. She must have been breastfeeding our youngest. “Shit, I’m sorry. I can’t believe I did it again.”

  “What the hell was in there?” My nostrils burned from the smell. I peered into the pot, seeing a pile of burnt with a hint of green.

  “It was zucchini. I was trying to make some homemade baby food.”

  “What the fuck? Are you trying to poison our baby?” I teased. Poor Blake hadn’t learned to cook, and I never expected her to. Most nights, I made dinner or we picked it up, but her skills in the kitchen were completely lacking.

  “That’s not funny.” Tears streamed down her face.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to upset you. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not a good mother and not a good wife.”

  “Wow, someone’s mood is off. You’re an amazing mother and sure as hell a perfect wife, even if you can’t boil water. I don’t need any of that. I need the woman who gets my blood hot, heart pounding, and my dick hard. You do a wonderful job of taking care of my boys. You give them your love, body and soul. What has got you in this mood?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Is it because of date night?” She pouted her pretty lips, and I held back my laugh. This happened with Brandon. She freaked out the first time we left him for an overnight trip. “Babe, it’s going to be okay. You trust your aunt and uncle. We’ll be in Houston, not far from them. I promise by the end of the night you’ll forget all about missing the boys because you’ll be screaming on my dick.” I took her mouth, kissing her until she parted her lips and let me in.

  “That’s a good wife. Now, let’s get this cleaned up and we can get the boys together.”

  “Yes, I am, but I’m a lousy cook.”

  “We can’t be good at everything. I’m a terrible singer. I’m glad we live far away, or we’d scare our neighbors.”

  “Oh my goodness. That’s so true.”

  “So, you see, we’re not perfect, but you’re perfect to me.”

  “And you’re perfect for me, Tate.” I tasted her lips again before pulling back. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, but if we don’t stop, I’m going to fuck you right here, right now, and we’ll be late.”

  “Fine. Let’s get the boys ready.”

  Less than an hour later we arrived at her aunt and uncle’s. They opened the door quickly and nabbed our babies from our arms. “Oh my goodness. Look at you, Brandon. You’ve gotten so big.” She kissed his cheeks, and he giggled out of control.

  Her uncle carried the baby car seat in with him and walked over to the living room where they’d set up the playpen. “You were already prepared for us,” Blake remarked with a twinge of suspicion in her tone.

  “Well, when Tate called and told us to be ready, we set it up.”

  “Oh okay.”

  “They’ll be fine, Blake. You’re worrying too much. Enjoy your wonderful date night, and be careful or you’ll be expecting baby number three,” her uncle teased, giving me a wink.

  “I’m all for having an army of little ones, but I do hope to get a princess one of these times.”

  “I hear there are many positions to make a girl. Make sure you try all of them.” They had become very close to me, but I thought this was a bit much.

  “Thank you for looking after the boys as their honorary grandparents.”

  “That’s a sweet distinction. We love the boys. Maybe Kayleigh will give us a little girl. I gave her the list of number one positions as a wedding present.”

  “Hell, woman. Don’t you know how to keep your mouth shut?”

  “Please, I wouldn’t be here if my parents weren’t getting it on in all freaky.” I burst out laughing like a damn hyena. Her aunt was a piece of work. Still, I’d love to have Blake in a dozen different positions tonight. We kissed the kids goodbye and set out to our dinner date.

  Halfway there, Blake turned to me and said, “Can you turn around?”


  “Because I don’t feel like going out.”

  “Do you miss the boys that much?”

  “No. I want to go home. I want you and me to fuck like bunnies in our home. Maybe in the built-in movie theater, or on our bed without any interruptions.” I didn’t hesitate to pull the quickest U-turn and set back toward our house.

  “What about food?”

  “How about we get some burgers?” We were way too dressed up for burgers, but it’ll be fun.

  “Okay. Whataburger it is.”

  “A table for two,” I said to the cashier who giggled.

  “Why are you a nut?” She swatted my arm and then ordered. I carried our food to the nearest table for two, then set it down to tuck her chair in.

  “I love you, Tate.”

  “Damn, doesn’t the boss pay you enough money?” Bailey said, walking up to us, dressed in plain clothes.

  “I could ask you the same damn thing.”

  “I know he pays the both of you extremely well. So what brings you out here?”

  “My growling stomach. I should ask you two the same. I thought you had a fancy date night.”

  “Yeah, change of plans,” Blake wagged her brows. “I want to go home with no kids.”

  “Smart move. I’ll leave you to your world-class burgers. Have a good night.”

  “It’s going to be fucking fantastic,” I grunted. He winked at me and walked out. I planned to drill Blake in her sexy heels while she still has that dress on, and then I was going to strip her bare and do her hard wherever I could.

  We pulled up to the house and into the garage. “Stay right there.” She unbuckled her seatbelt, but didn’t move like a good wife. I hopped around and then opened her door. Staring at her, I cupped her calves and spun her around. My fingers slid up under the dark blue dress until I reached her drenched tiny silk panties. Teasing her wet slit with two digits, I listened to her moans deepen before sliding down the useless garment off her slender stems. I brought them to my lips, kissed them, and then stuffed them into my pants pocket.

  “We’re married. You don’t have to collect souvenirs.”

  “They aren’t souvenirs. They’re prizes. Besides, I leave on my business trip tomorrow. I need them.”

  “Then take my panties, but I want to watch you.” Damn right. I loved calling her with my hand on my cock while she teased her slit with one of her toys. I never got enough.

  “That’s a good wife. It’s been a long time since I had you like this. Part those legs for me.” She did as I asked, putting one of her legs on my shoulder while the other rested on the car door. Dipping my head between her lush thighs, I swiped at her seam and flicked her nub. Her head tilted back, and her eyes closed as I sucked on her juicy peach.

  Fuck, my balls rose up, ready, eager, and needier than hell to be inside her tight sheath. Pumping two fingers inside, she came apart on my face, riding the fuck out my mouth. My cock jerked in my jeans, leaving a wet spot on my boxers.

  “Again,” I snarled against her pussy. I wanted more. Being without her for two days will nearly de
stroy me. I had to get my fill until my tongue was numb and my cock raw. I tugged my belt free, dragged down the zipper as fast as I could because I couldn’t wait a minute longer. Once my cock sprang from the tight boxers, I slid my wife down out of the truck and then spun her pretty ass around and planted my feet while I slammed into her depths.

  “Ah,” she gasped as I sucked in air, trying to figure out how to breathe. We fucked every chance we got, but I never got used to how tight her pussy was. I drilled up into her, yanking the front of her dress down, and I gripped her fabulously milky tits, squeezing and pinching her nipples.

  Her cunt clenched around my shaft, pulling my need up and ready. “Come with me, my wife. Come for me.”

  “Yes. I’m coming,” she shouted, pulsating around my length while I shot my load deep into her womb.

  “Round one down, my husband.”

  “Damn right.” I barely adjusted my pants before cradling my beautiful Blake and marching us into our home. “And a million more to go.”



  About the Author

  C.M. Steele is bestselling author on Amazon with over 100 books to read and enjoy!

  C.M. Steele’s Book List:

  The Captive Series:

  Luciano’s Willing Captive

  The Russian's Captive Sergei's Stubborn Captive

  The Caught Series:

  Caught In A Case

  Caught Off Guard Caught in A Lie

  Caught Crossing the Line

  Caught Breaking the Law Caught Red Handed

  The Kane Family:

  His Christmas Rose

  Her Christmas Surprise

  His Candy Kane Christmas in July

  The O'Connell Family:

  Claiming Red

  Burning for Claire

  Claiming Abby

  Reminding Red

  Family & Friends:

  Wanting it All

  Lassoing His Cowgirl

  Ben's Resolve

  Chasing his Sunshine

  The James Family:

  No Choice


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