Sanctuary's Aggression Box Set

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Sanctuary's Aggression Box Set Page 43

by Maira Dawn

  "If we stall long enough," Jesse whispered, "Dylan will get here."

  Skye threw a look over her shoulder. Dylan was by the cars throwing punches, blood over his face and upper body. She laid her head against Jesse. "We'll be long gone before he gets here."

  "Dad," Jesse called out, "I've never asked for much, you never let me. But I'm askin that you let us go. Don't let them hurt Skye."

  "Son, I'm not in charge here. I couldn't help her if I wanted to."

  "Well, I gotta say," Calvin said, "I'm impressed by the kid. Putting himself on the line like that for her. Who would've guessed a whelp of yours would have it in him, Frankie?" He clapped. "This is turning into quite the show. Any more pleading? I'm really enjoying this."

  Skye ignored him, keeping her focus on the boy. "Jesse." All her love and concern poured into his name.

  Jesse put his hand to her hair and smoothed it, as she had done to him so many times before. "I'm not leavin ya, Dylan wouldn't leave you, and I won't either."

  Skye took in Jesse's stubborn stance. Only the very young were able to be this reckless and still think everything would be fine. But there was no sense in arguing with him now.

  "Okay, act like we're still talking about this while I take a look around." Over Jesse's shoulder, Skye searched the pavement and the tall grass growing along it for something, anything she could use as a weapon.

  If Jesse would not cooperate with her plan of saving him, then she needed a different one. A plan to fight.

  They still had their knives, but to get close to the men wouldn't be to her and Jesse's advantage. She berated herself for allowing Calvin to disarm her.

  "I think we only have to concentrate on the three. Your dad won't hurt you." At Jesse's doubtful face, Skye said, "Well, you know what I mean, not as much as they will. Try to do what you did the last time if you get caught. We will run for it but, honestly, I have little hope of getting away. You need to prepare yourself."

  She looked back at Dylan, wishing his swinging fists were at her side. "And you're right, maybe, if we can stall long enough..."

  Jesse put a shaky hand on her cheek and pulled her face back to him. "Dylan and Wade will save us, Mom. I know they will."

  Skye nodded. "Well, last time we saved ourselves, so let's try that first."

  A ray of light hit Skye's eye, causing her to squint and turn her head. To the left side of Calvin, glass sparkled against the tarred concrete through the line of overgrown grass. There was something dark, maybe metal. She could see only a small bit. It may be nothing, but it helped her decide. They were going that way. Skye prayed it would be something she could use against these evil men.

  "I love you, baby. Are you ready?"

  Jesse solemnly nodded. Skye took his hand in her bloody one and stood, looking at the smirking men as regretful as she could. Calvin, with his short, blonde hair and trendy clothing, along with his natural way of speaking could have been a rather charming neighbor of hers before all this happened. She would have never known of the darkness that lay within him.

  Tony, anger wrote in every line of his body, probably always tended toward bullying. A lack of law and order gave him the freedom to become someone vicious.

  And Pete, overly tall and strong but not very bright. He could have been a rather loveable figure before but had fallen in with these two. There was no malice on his face as he stood there watching them. But there was also no doubt in Skye's mind he would follow every order given and enjoy it.

  These men could not rule the world, not her world, not Jesse's world. She wouldn't let them.

  You're going down. I don't know how, but you will not win this.



  Skye hung her head and sagged her shoulders as she faced Calvin and his men, trying to look defeated even as she tensed for their escape. Under her lashes, she took small, quick glances at the men as she sized them up.

  Calvin barked out some comment about docile women Skye felt sure he thought was witty. The rest of them laughed, relaxing for a moment. This was the opportunity Skye had waited for, slim as it was. It was likely the only one she and Jesse would get.

  Skye squeezed Jesse's hand, and pushing off the concrete, they ran. Jesse held tight as they sprinted to the thin patch of weeds Skye had made her goal. Maybe whatever was there would turn the tables for them.

  "Hey!" one man called out as they ran right past them to the edge of the concrete. Their shoes scraped against the pavement as they started after Skye and Jesse.

  Skye ignored the yell, ignored their feet pounding the ground behind them. All her focus was on that one dark, unknown object. Please, please, please!

  The closer she got to it, the more she could make out. It was long and slim. Her hopes rose.

  Jesse glanced back. The men were on their heels. "Mom!"

  The long scraggly grass was no barrier as Skye's feet crunched the gravel and small bits of broken glass. Her hand slid around the dense, smooth weapon. Skye gripped it, pulling it out of the mud trying to keep it where it was. But she jerked it up.

  It was all she'd hoped for and more. Skye continued to race toward the woods, barely slowing at all. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  "Jesse! It's good!" Skye tightened her grip on the lug wrench, its solid surface giving her the courage she needed. The men were close, she could hear them panting behind her.

  Calvin was only steps behind Skye, then Pete ,with Tony awkwardly following everyone. Frankie hung back to keep an eye on Tony.

  "Jesse," Skye gasped, "We will run as far into the woods as far as we're able. Use the trees for cover. Circle back to Dylan. If we get separated. That's what you do. If just one of us get to Dylan, he will know where we are."

  "Okay." Jessie agreed, his young face as determined as any man's.

  Skye and Jesse wove through the trees, jumping over tree roots and fallen limbs, hoping those would delay the men. Cursing began behind them. A heavy thud sounded like one of their pursuers went down, at least temporarily.

  Skye slowed Calvin, but couldn't shake him. Soon he was right back on her heels. She could practically feel his breath on her neck.

  She listened for the crunch of Calvin's tread on the fallen leaves, trying to figure out just how far behind her he was. Calvin sped up, taking an extra step for every two of hers. He would soon be on them. Skye readied herself, tightening her sweaty grip on the metal rod.

  One more step.

  Skye waited for the crunch. She dropped Jesse's hand. Grasping the lug wrench with both hands, she turned and swung it with all her force. The moment slowed, and the connect with Calvin's body seemed to take too much time.

  When the blow came, they both cried out with pain. The shock of the impact reverberated through Skye's arms and shoulders.

  Skye raised her weapon and came at Calvin again. He staggered back trying to avoid it. The second strike forced him to his knees, groaning. One more blow and he fell to the ground. Calvin groaned out insults but didn't stand.

  She backed away from him, quickly scanning the forest for the others. They were behind Calvin but not as far as Skye would have liked. She had no more time to spend on Calvin. Still, it's something, maybe enough to keep him down.

  But it wasn't enough for Jesse. As soon as Skye finished, he moved in and sunk his knife deep into Calvin's thigh. Jesse twisted it. Calvin's scream echoed off the surrounding hills.

  In another place and time, Skye would've cried over Jesse hurting someone like that, but she had no tears to shed for Calvin and no time to do it. But when Jesse raised the knife again, Skye said, "Jesse, we need to go. They're coming."

  Once again, they gripped each other's hands as they ran. They persevered until their bodies, dripping sweat and gasping for breath could do no further. Slipping behind some large trees, they caught their breath.

  Skye clung to the rough, brown bark of one and peeked around it. Calvin was up, though limping. The men had fanned out, blocking the way to Dylan. Her hope of
getting back to her group was gone.

  The only way left was in front of them, a steep uphill slope. Half-way up the small mountain was the road winding down to the entrance to the store. Where Dylan was. Calvin blocked the direct way through the woods. Now the only way to Dylan was up and around.

  Skye's gaze ran from the bottom of the hill all the way up to the road. It seemed much larger standing at the bottom. A scramble up the almost vertical hill would be no easy task.

  Bit by bit, the men closed in on them. Calvin called out crude insults and taunts trying to provoke Skye and Jesse into revealing their position. "Ignore him," Skye whispered to Jesse when he stiffened in protest, "nothing he has to say is true or worth listening to."

  She tipped her head to the mountain in front of them. "Can we climb it?"

  "Sure, just grab onto the trees and bushes and pull yourself up."

  Skye couldn't help but light a little at his optimism. She kept quiet rather than remind him she no longer had the energy of a twelve-year-old, that even her relatively few years behind a desk had undoubtedly taken a toll on her. "Sure, just do that," Skye said with a slight smile.

  Once they ran for it, they would be seen, but that couldn't be helped. The men would soon be on them anyway. A nod to Jesse and they took off. A shout behind them told her they were spotted.

  The strain on Skye's legs began immediately as she started up the incline. Skye and Jesse climbed side by side. They pushed hard and fast against the soft ground causing some of the dirt to slide away and trickle down the slope. Skye did as Jesse suggested. She gripped whatever grass, shrubs or trees she could to haul herself further up. The strain on her arms was tremendous.

  Skye hissed as a clump of grass slipped through the wound on her hand, but continued on. It was much slower than running. It seemed as though they moved through molasses. Still, she thought they made good headway until she saw the men.

  They climbed much faster than her, their greater upper body strength giving them an advantage. They were outpacing her and Jesse. Tony ascended faster than the rest, crawling up the side of the old mountain like a spider. His strong arms made up for his injured leg.

  Her eyes widened. They didn't have much time. "Go, Jesse! Get to Dylan!"

  Jesse glanced at Tony. "I'm going to draw him away."

  "No!" Skye reached for Jesse, but her hand swiped through the empty air.

  "Dad will come after him. That leaves you with two."

  Not two that want me dead as bad as Tony wants you dead.

  Skye continued to climb as Jesse moved away. Her stomach ached as Tony got closer and closer to Jesse.

  Above Skye, a huge rock protruded from the soil. If she could get to the right side, she could cross it to the left where Jesse headed. From there, she could drag Jesse up. Maybe they could defend that spot.

  Skye pushed herself and reached the large, smooth top of the stone. She grabbed hold of the cold rock. Below her, Pete and Calvin followed. Skye shook her head. The evil spawn will not stay down.

  Skye pulled herself onto the stone. Then raced the few steps across to Jesse's side.

  Jesse was right. Tony followed him. The man was relentless, like a pit bull with teeth buried to the gums in a chew toy. Skye swallowed a gasp as Tony gained on Jesse.

  Jesse heard the snap of branches behind him. He turned in time to see Tony pull his arm back.

  Pain exploded across Jesse's face. He slammed against the stony soil, stunned. Only instinct kept him clinging to a small tree bending with his weight.

  Skye screamed Jesse's name. Frankie quickened his pace as he trailed Tony.

  Tony clenched his fist again. Skye yelled a warning. Jesse waited for the punch to come, then turned to let it harmlessly speed by him.

  It threw Tony off balance. Jesse kicked at him, hoping the man would fall. He didn't.

  Instead, Tony stabilized. Then he grabbed Jesse's ankle and pulled. Jesse clung to the grass and bushes for as long as possible. The man shook Jesse until all he held were a few weeds.

  Tony said nothing, his face communicated it all. Eyes narrowed, determined to hurt the boy. He held the boy over open air -- a straight drop to the ground. The fall would probably not kill Jesse, but it would wound him, maybe severely. It was clearly what Tony wanted.

  Upside down, Jesse frantically sought any handhold possible. It was at least twenty-five feet down. He had no intention of hitting bottom.

  Tony slung him around by his ankle, playing with him. A bit of grass ran through Jesse’s hands -- the whip-thin branches of the brush -- once even the trunk of a good-sized tree until Tony made sure his head rammed into it causing everything to spin worse than it already did.

  Tony stopped swinging him and laughed. Something bad was coming. At first, Jesse held his breath. But as the seconds ticked by and Tony baited him, Jesse got angry.

  "I ain't sorry!" Jesse yelled, "I ain't sorry, and I'd do it again! I will do it again!"

  Tony growled. It wasn't the kind of growl Dylan gave when trying to ward off unwanted questions.

  This was deeper, harder. Before the world changed, Jesse hadn't known what that sound meant. Now he did. It was the sound men made as they prepared to battle.

  Jesse had pushed Tony to the breaking point. One of them wouldn't make it through the day. Jesse's insides tightened.

  "Kid," Tony snarled "by the time this is over, you're going to wish that is all I did to you!"

  Jesse's eyes widened as they looked from Tony to the ground far below his head. He felt the man's hand loosen from his ankle and his free fall start.

  Jesse’s hands scrambled, scraping the dirt. It shoved deep under his nails and stirring up the smell of the damp earth. Above him, Tony laughed, and Skye screamed. Once, Jesse caught hold of some brush, it slowed him. But the friction cut his hands, and the blood made them too slick to hang on to anything.

  The landing was worse than Tony's punch. Jesse yelled as he slammed to a halt. He lay stunned. There was a strange noise. Him, trying to breathe. His chest jolted up and down attempting to draw in air. But unable to, it would quickly abort and start again. Everything started to go dark. Then for some reason, his lung hauled in a loud, noisy breath. It was weird, but it worked.

  Jesse looked around. He wasn't on the ground; a small tree had saved him. He lay back against the tree, facing the blue sky.

  The loud gasp hadn't been enough, and he was having trouble pulling in another. Jesse needed a breath, just one. His whole body protested his lack of air, his arms and legs flopping. Then a bit, only a little, but it was something.

  With his next try, another strange sound came from his throat or chest. Jesse couldn't figure out where. It was like a strangling sound, but it echoed somewhere deep within him. He gagged, and finally, a real breath.

  Jesse took a moment to savor the air before testing his limbs. Satisfied, he wasn't broken, he wondered at the dirt falling down on him. He tracked it up to its source.

  Tony charged down the hill like an enraged bull. His red face locked on Jesse as he skidded almost without stopping using the rocks and branches to control his descent. As he neared Jesse, Tony bent his leg and raised it.

  Jesse watched him come. A chill of fear came over him. Tony was going to stomp him as he lay with his back draped over the tree, and that would hurt. It would hurt very, very much.

  Jesse tried to roll over, but a sharp pain stopped him. He tried again, but it was too late. Jesse braced for the impact.


  The Only Thing

  Skye stood at the edge of the rock above Jesse and Tony, her hands covering her mouth. Frankie was too still too far away to get to Jesse in time.

  Skye couldn't stand there and watch as this monster beat her boy. Her gaze flicked from the edge of the rock she stood on to Tony.

  She did the only thing she could do.

  Skye dove off the mountain ledge straight for Tony.

  Tony wasn't as large of a target as Pete would have been, but he was bi
g enough. Branches and twigs left deep welts, and an icy fear raced through her. The drop felt longer than Skye imagined. She crashed into Tony and gasped.

  Her stomach rolled as she grabbed at the flailing Tony. Skye coiled her arms and legs around Tony's neck and body. He would not shake her off. Tony jerked away from the slope, ripping grass and branches as he struggled to hang on.

  Once Tony found a hold for one hand, he pummeled Skye's legs which were wrapped around his middle. She tightened the arm around his neck, restricting his air. Tony gasped and grabbed Sky's arm. His iron fingers dug into her flesh as he forced her to let go. But before he could, he lost his grip on the mountain and plunged downward, taking Skye with him.

  Together, they rolled over bushes and scraped against stones until Skye pushed away from him. There was a crunching thud when Tony hit the trunk of a large tree. After that, he limply bounced once before continuing the fall. When Tony hit bottom, he was still.

  A low whine escaped Skye as the ground rushed toward her. She slammed onto the dirt only seconds after Tony. Stunned and gasping, Skye lay there beside the unconscious man. The treetops did a crazy dance in her rattled mind.

  Did I hit my head? I think I may have a concussion. The words were the only calm in her swirling head.

  After the turmoil, the world suddenly seemed quiet and peaceful. As if it were a slow Sunday afternoon and she had chosen to rest here. Skye heard the wind blow gently through the trees and watched them stir. She listened to the birds calling out to one another as they flew overhead.

  Then Jesse screamed.

  Shaken and with little rational thought, Skye struggled to her feet. He needs me. She ignored the pain and the strange slide of her body. It never occurred to Skye he screamed over concern for her.

  Skye looked up. A dirt cloud followed Jesse as he half ran, half scraped his way down the side of the mountain. Skye tried to speak, to warn him to slow down. But when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. Jesse neatly hit bottom with both feet, as though he were getting off a slide. He rushed to her.


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