Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4) Page 3

by Heather D'Agostino

  A clearing of Dr. Haywood’s throat caused me to shake out of my memory, and I began to glance around. Almost everyone had left the room. A stack of tests sat at the front on the corner of a desk that my professor was sitting behind. He was adjusting his glasses as his eyes met mine. He smiled, and then went back to what he was doing. Sweat covered my brow as realization of what was happening came to the surface. If I didn’t get something written down for this problem, I was going to fail this test.

  Mustering all the courage I had, I began writing furiously. Anything I could think of to show that I kinda knew what I was doing was scribbled across the page. After a few minutes, I sat back and looked at what I had written. I was able to get the problem about half solved, but I wasn’t sure if that was going to be enough to get me partial credit. If I got at least half the total points, then I’d get a D on this. I needed to pass.

  After scanning the problem one more time, I decided to put in a last-ditch effort for some sympathy points. I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out before laying it all out there. Underneath my work, I began writing.

  Dear Dr. Haywood,

  Please understand that I prepared for this test daily. I’ve attended every class and study session that has been offered. I truly believe that this test does not reflect what I’m capable of. As you have seen in the past, I can do the work. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove that I understand differential equations. Thank you for understanding.

  Cayden Sutter

  I read over my note and felt terrible about doing it but I didn’t know what else to do. He had to know that I wanted to do well. I took a few more minutes to work up the courage to turn it in before standing and throwing my backpack over my shoulder. I placed the exam on the top of the stack, faked a smile, and then rushed out the room. I was supposed to be meeting Noah and some of the other brothers for lunch, and I needed to get out of this room before I suffocated.

  “How’d it go?” Noah asked as I pulled out a chair at the end of the table. He was sitting with our president and two other upperclassmen.

  “It went.” I sighed as I flopped down unceremoniously.

  “Great.” Will, our president, glanced over at me before he placed his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers. “As I was saying, we need to finish up duties at the house before the weekend. This party will kick off spring semester.”

  “What do you need from me?” I mumbled. For some reason I always got the job nobody wanted, but I was hoping my luck would change.

  “Your turn to drive.” Will smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest in a challenge. I didn’t care. I honestly didn’t mind driving. The only negative was I wouldn’t be able to drink. UNCW had cracked down on campus police over the last few years. Our fraternity had decided to be proactive. Every time we have a party, we have a designated driver. One brother who owns a car stays sober. Anyone who drinks can request a ride from said driver, and this weekend it appears that it’s me. The DD gives the partygoer a ride home so they don’t drive drunk. Our frat has been commended for this practice in the past, and it’s one thing that I really support.

  “Ok.” I nodded. I mean if I was being honest, it meant I wasn’t cleaning toilets again.

  “What about me?” Noah shrugged. He’d been the DD last time, so I know he was happy that he could drink this party.

  “Oh Noah.” Will grinned. This was not good. Will grinning meant you had just stepped in a steamy pile of crap. “The shitters need to be cleaned, and my room does too.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Noah balked.

  “Nope. Don’t forget to change my sheets too.” Will snickered. “I’ll need a clean bed for whatever might happen, if you know what I mean.”

  “Nice.” Dylan and Josh high fived Will like a bunch of jocks.

  “Fine,” Noah grumbled as he shook his head. I nudged his foot with mine from under the table as a sign of understanding. I’d been where he is before. I knew that Will took advantage of the underclassmen, but he was graduating this year so we didn’t have too much longer to worry about him.

  “That’s what I thought. My sister’s coming too, so I expect all of you to have the house in tip top shape. This party will be one for the history books.” Will smacked the table with his palms before standing. “Tau Alpha,” he chanted as he stood along with Dylan and Josh.

  “Later.” I waved as they turned and walked away. “So bathrooms, huh?” I laughed as Noah scowled.

  “Whatever man,” he muttered. “Four more months and then he leaves. I have a mind to find his sister and fuck her just to piss him off.”

  “Whoa!” My head jerked back. “Do you even know her?”

  “Nope. If I drink enough it won’t matter. I’d screw her just to mess with him.” He shrugged. “She’s older though, so there’s that.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I was confused here. Was he actually going to go through with this?

  “It means that she’s gonna have to get drunk for me to have a chance.” He turned and began to stand.

  “I’m gonna pretend that I didn’t hear you say any of this.” I shook my head. “I’ll help you with the bathrooms if you promise that you’re not going to piss off Pres. I wouldn’t survive the rest of the year if you got blackballed. Promise me this is just you shooting your mouth off.”

  “Do you really think I would do something to get me kicked out after we worked so hard to get in?” Noah smirked at me. “I’m just venting. Relax, Sutter.” He clapped me on the back before chuckling. “Later.” He waved before walking away.

  “I’ll meet you at the house tonight. We can get started on your chores.” I laughed as I headed toward the food counter. I came here to eat, and apparently, I was eating alone.


  Today had been a long day to begin with, but when Dr. Haywood called me asking for me to stop by his office, I knew it was getting ready to be longer. He never called me, so I had this feeling that I was getting ready to have a whole shit ton of work dropped onto my plate, and boy was I right. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t slept worth a damn the night before, which caused me to wake up late. My coffee maker decided that it was going to die this morning, so my already late self had to stop at the coffee shop on campus, making me even later. Good thing my professor didn’t notice me slipping into my seat in the back of the lecture hall. At least I don’t think she did. Now, here I am dragging my feet up to Dr. Haywood’s office.

  I knocked lightly as I waited for him to look up from his desk. He was deep in thought with something and rubbing his brow. “Addison, come in.” He motioned to a chair across from him.

  “You needed to see me, Sir?” I shifted the books in my arms as I tried to stifle a yawn.

  “These are for you.” He handed me a stack of papers that I recognized as the tests from last week. “I don’t understand.” I crinkled my forehead as I took them. They were unmarked. “Did the class do that bad?”

  “I’m not sure. I’d like for you to score them.” He smiled before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Me?” I pointed at my chest as I attempted not to drop everything in my arms.

  “Yes.” He smiled. “I knew having you as a TA would help me this semester. I’d like for you to score the tests, and then let me know the range and mean of the class. I’d also like your feedback on whether or not you think they need more instruction.”

  “Sure.” I smiled back at him despite the fact that I was exhausted and this little assignment was going to keep me up most of the night.

  “Here’s the key, and you can award partial credit for the work they show. I look forward to talking with you tomorrow.” With that, he went back to what he was doing, leaving me to make my way out.

  The entire walk to my car felt like I had a brick on my shoulders. I knew I could do this; the thing was, I wasn’t planning on it. I’d had these plans to go back, take a long bath, and go to bed. Now I was going to spend the majo
rity of the night staring at differential equations. Yay fun!

  I’ve been sitting on the floor in front of my coffee table for the last hour. Each test has been about the same. Most of the students know what they’re doing they just don’t have the entire concept down. It will come, though. For a first test, these aren’t bad. That is, until I get to Cayden Sutter’s. His handwriting is small and extremely neat, for a guy. It looks almost as if it was typed it’s so perfect. He’s solved each problem exactly how I would, and I wonder if it’s because of my study sessions that he’s attended or if he just thinks like me. I shake off that idea as soon as I get to the last problem.

  In his perfect writing in a column on the right side is about every formula you would need to solve the problem except one. He’s broken down each section and meticulously solved them until he got to the end. The work just stops, and then the words start. In an almost pleading fashion he’s written a letter to Dr. Haywood asking for mercy on his grade. He’s explained that he knows what he’s doing and to just give him a chance. I sigh as I find both humor and compassion bubble up inside me. I understand where he’s coming from. There have been times that even I draw a blank, but I also know that math is either right or wrong and if you’re wrong it can cause big problems.

  I write a big +1/2 in red ink at the top of page and toss it on the pile of the graded papers. Half is all I can give him and that’s only because Dr. Haywood said I could. I’m sure as the semester unfolds, half credit will go away because math only cares if you’re right. A wrong answer for an engineer could be a life or death issue depending on the job they’re completing. It bothers me that I have to be that way, but I can’t let whatever my brain wants to think about Cayden get to my better judgement. He’s a student, and nothing more.

  Chapter 4


  Our spring kickoff party is tonight, and you’d think that I would be excited but right now all I feel is nervous. I get my differential equations test back today, and it’s going to either make me celebrate or want to get shit faced. The problem here is I can’t. I’m the DD tonight so I’ll have to celebrate after the party.

  As I walked to class this morning, my stomach rolled. I couldn’t eat because I was worried I’d lose it. When I stopped in front of Emery Hall, I swallowed as I stared at the steps. I normally didn’t get this way, and I couldn’t explain it. I slowly trudged toward my classroom, and then slipped into an empty seat. I was early, and there were only a handful of students there. I tapped my pen on my desk as I waited for everyone to file in. Addison came in last and weaved through the desks to get to the front of the room.

  “Dr. Haywood had something come up and can’t make it today so I’m going to be leading the class. I have your tests, and I must say they were better than I expected.” She smiled as she set her things down. It was then that I really looked at her. She was in jeans again, but they had a rip in the knee. An oversized hoodie dwarfed her body, and a pair of red Chucks covered her feet. She looked like me, not a professor.

  “Nice outfit,” one of the guys in the back commented just as I was thinking it.

  “Thanks.” She smiled but I could tell it was forced. “I wasn’t planning on teaching today. I have my own classes to attend.”

  “I like it,” I chimed in. “Makes you relatable.”

  She smiled at me as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I fidgeted more as she began to pass out the tests. I heard several gasps and a few groans as she moved up and down the aisles, and then she stopped in front of me. “Nice job, Freshman.” She plopped the test down in front of me, and a big red B was written at the top.

  My eyes must have been huge as they darted between the paper and her face. I had just hoped to pass, and now I was starting the semester with a B. Addison moved to the whiteboard and began going over the day’s lesson, but I wasn’t really paying attention. Now that the weight of the test was off my shoulders, I was thinking about the party. I wasn’t really the partying type, but I was still a college guy. I liked to have fun like the rest of them.


  “Are you kidding me right now?” I stared at the text my brother had just sent me. He had to be wasted. I’d told him I’d come, but now I was picking up my best friend Tristan apparently. I knew he had a thing for her, but she’s never returned it. Within seconds I sure as shit get a text from her asking for a ride. What the hell is this? I was planning to Uber tonight so I wouldn’t need to drive home, but I guess that’s out of the question now. This night was supposed to be fun. A chance to cut loose and act like a college kid. I wasn’t going to get many more of those. I was graduating in a few months, and then I’d be in the real world with a real job.

  A real job. That made me think of Cayden and what he might be doing tonight. I don’t know why I cared, but the way he stuck up for me in class today might be part of it. I glanced in the mirror one more time before shoving my keys and ID into my back pocket and rushing out the door. Tristan only lived five minutes away but picking her up wasn’t planned.

  “You seem stressed.” She pushed on my shoulder as we climbed out of my car and headed toward the house that was hosting the party.

  “Not stressed. Just tired, and when did you decide that my brother was worth talking to?” I glanced at her just in time to see her shrug.

  “He’s got a nice body, and he’s a good kisser.” She laughed as I stumbled.

  “You two already hooked up, didn’t you?” I stopped moving and grabbed her elbow to halt her.

  “Maybe.” She grinned at me before pulling out of my grasp. “So what if we did?”

  “You wanna catch what he’s passing around, be my guest.” I rolled my eyes. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt. He doesn’t stick to one woman, if you know what I mean.”

  “We’re not serious.” She jogged up the steps, and before I could say anything she opened the door and we were bombarded by a crowd of guys holding red Solo cups. “I’m staying here tonight.” She waved as she pushed her way inside, leaving me there. I see what this was. I was just a ride. I shook my head. Whatever. I had a mission tonight, and it was to not care, so I needed a beer to get me on my way.

  “You made it!” Will, my brother, shouted as he pushed his way toward me.

  “I made it.” I smiled when he stopped in front of me. “Where do I get one of those?” I eyed the red cup in his hand.

  “There’s a keg on the back deck, or if you’re looking for something stronger you can mix something in the kitchen.”

  “Thanks.” I bypassed him and beelined it to the door that led to the back deck.

  “No hug?” He chuckled at my back.

  “I was just a ride, remember? Go find Tris. I’m sure she’ll give you a hug.” I glanced over my shoulder to see his pout morph into a shit eating grin. I knew then that I probably wouldn’t see him for the rest of the night. He’d take her to his room, and that would be the last of them.


  It’s been one hell of a night. It’s only eleven, and I’ve already taken seventeen people back to their dorms or apartments. When I pulled up to the house, this time I had to park on the street. The front yard is littered with people, and when I jogged up the front steps I had to force my way inside. Music pounded against walls as Drake’s voice put dancing couples into some sort of hypnotic state. I rolled my eyes. I’d probably be doing the same thing if there was a girl with me, and I had a few beers.

  “Heeeeeyyy!” Noah came up to me and slung his arm around me. “Whaaaat’s up?” He grinned drunkenly as he laughed at something.

  “You having fun?” I chuckled as I attempted to step back from him. Noah had a knack for barfing when he was drunk, and I happened to like the shoes I was wearing.

  “The best ever!” He flung his arms out to the side, almost taking out the couple to my right. “I gots a surprise for you.” He snickered as he leaned closer. I think he thought he was being secretive, but several people close by took notice and laughed. “Come w
ith me.” He turned and began walking toward the back deck.

  “Bro!” I called after him. “You know I can’t…” my words were cut off as I stepped through the door and saw her.

  “Surprise!” He threw his arms out again just as Addison’s eyes lifted to meet mine. She was standing at one end of a table that was set up for beer pong.

  “Freshman!” She giggled.

  It took me a minute to gather my wits as I took her in. Black tank top, skinny jeans, and Chucks, with a messy knot on top of her head. “Are you drunk, Miss Porter?” I slipped my hands into my pockets to keep from touching her. She was on my turf, and despite that being around her put me on edge, I still wanted to touch her.

  “Maybe a little.” She giggled again before turning her attention back to the table. “I’m a student tonight. I’m entitled to this.” She flipped her hand in the air before grabbing the ping pong ball and taking aim. I watched as her mouth twisted in concentration before her knees bent, and then pitched it toward the cups at the opposite end.

  “Yes!” She fist pumped as Dylan groaned. “Drink up, pretty boy.” She laughed as Dylan lifted the cup, removed the ball, and downed the cup of beer.

  “Oh fuck!” he hissed. “That one was warm.” He shook his head as he tossed the cup and covered his mouth with his hand. “Give me a sec.” I watched as he attempted to compose himself, and not lose it.


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