Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4) Page 7

by Heather D'Agostino

  “When I’m ready to settle. I’m not ready for that. Right now I just want to have fun.” He suddenly scrambled off the couch and then curled his lip. “Did you fuck him here?” He pointed at the spot he’d just vacated.

  “Maybe.” I grinned as I watched him start gagging. Cayden and I hadn’t, but the fact that my brother thought I had was worth the lie. “You better figure out how to tell Stephanie that you don’t want a relationship because I’m not going to be your hideout.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes.

  “You’re not going to, are you?” I muttered.

  “Maybe. Maybe I’ll just bring a different girl to the Spring Formal. Steph is in Omega Phi. She’ll see me and give up.” He shrugged.

  “Or you’ll piss her off, she’ll make a scene, and whomever you take will send you home alone that night. Why don’t you grow up little brother and start acting like the man I know is deep down inside there.” I poked him in the chest before spinning to face the door. “Now, if all you came over here to do was complain, you need to get going. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “Like what? I thought I was important.” He fake pouted as he strode to the door, all of his swagger still intact.

  “Like none of your business,” I muttered as I closed the door on him. ‘Like figure out how to apologize Cayden.’ He’s one of the ones who sex means something to. He wasn’t putting up a front last night, and by the look of hurt on his face this morning, last night meant something to him. I just hope I didn’t blow my chances with the one man who might someday mean something to me.

  Chapter 9


  It’s been two weeks since I’ve talked to Cayden. He’s been in class, but he’s made sure that he’s one of the last ones in the door, and one of the first ones out. His grades have been good too, which leads me to believe that he’s found help from someone else. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t hurt. I’ve thought about calling him, texting him, even faking a run in on campus, but each time I’ve chickened out. I know I’m being petty and stupid, but I never said I wasn’t stubborn.

  The few times I’ve tried to make eye contact in class, he’s looked away. He always has this blank expression like he just doesn’t care. I’m not sure what it means, but I’m bound and determined to find out. I know that he has heat transfer right now, and I know where that class is, thanks to my sly detective work. Not really, I happened to be at Tau Alpha last week and he didn’t know it. I overheard him talking to one of the guys about a test he was cramming for. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that conversation was going to be very helpful today.

  His test was supposed to get out at ten. I had my morning free, so I grabbed us coffees and then I was going to force him to talk to me. When I stopped outside of McArthur, I took a seat on a nearby bench and waited. When the ten o’clock hour chimed on the bell tower, I began watching the doors for Cayden. Just like I predicted, he came jogging down the steps staring at his phone. He was dressed in his usual athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I quickly grabbed my things and planned my interception.

  “Hey!” I called out to get his attention, causing him to stumble and look up. I smiled at him, hoping to get a smile back.

  “Hi.” His voice was flat as his eyes scanned me.

  “Do you have a minute?” I motioned with my head to the side. I wasn’t in TA mode today, so I just had on my usual jeans and a tee, but I didn’t want to chance my brother seeing us just standing out here. We were only talking, but in his eyes, I didn’t even have a reason for that.

  “Not really.” He lifted his backpack higher and attempted to step around me.

  “Please Cayden.” I grabbed his arm to halt his movements. “I bought you a peace offering.” I held out the coffee and smiled as his shoulders sagged in defeat. “Can we talk over there, maybe?” I pointed to a shaded spot between two buildings.

  Cayden turned without saying a word and walked briskly over to the spot I’d pointed to. “What’s up?” He turned, placed his backpack on the ground, and leaned his back against the brick wall.

  “I’m sorry.” The words flew out of my mouth. “There’s a lot about me that you don’t know, but that’s no reason for me to take it out on you, so I’m sorry.” I nibbled my bottom lip as I glanced up at him from under the brim of my hat.

  “Ok.” He nodded as he sipped the coffee I’d handed him.

  I shook my head as I closed my eyes. “I’ve blown this, haven’t I?”

  “What is it that you want from me, Addy? I tried to stay away from you. I pushed and you came right back. There’s so much standing between us. After the way you freaked out on me, I’ve spent the last two weeks asking myself if you’re worth the risk. So, tell me, are you?” His eyes softened as he pushed off the wall. “I mean, what happens the next time? What happens when Will finds out, because believe me when I say that he’s gonna find out?”

  “I’ll deal with that when it happens.” I stepped closer and let my messenger bag slip off my shoulder.

  “And,” his eyes closed for a brief minute as he gripped the back of his neck with his free hand, “we haven’t even discussed the whole no fraternization policy that the school has. I’m not supposed to be dating you, let alone sleeping with you.”

  “So we keep this quiet until the end of the semester, and make sure to take classes that I don’t TA for. That’s only six more weeks.” I took another step closer and this time he didn’t move back. “We can make this work, Cayden.” I swallowed as I moved even closer, this time letting my chest graze his. “I need this to work.”

  “Need?” His voice was gruff and his breathing picked up.

  “I want this to work,” I whispered. I was at a point that I knew I need to push more so I pulled out all the stops. “That night meant something to me.” I tipped my head up and stared into his eyes. “I’ve never met a guy like you. One that is supportive, sweet, and a gentleman while being an aggressor and dominate when he needs to be. You know when to back off, but also when to push. I need you in my life, and I’m willing to work with the boundaries that we set, no matter how hard they are.”

  “Let me get this straight,” he took a deep breath before continuing, “you’re ok with hiding for six weeks? You can pretend that we’re no more than acquaintances for six weeks? I’m just one of the guys when you’re at the house, and another student in class?”

  I felt my hope slowly sink. Could I do that? What about the next party? How bad was it going to hurt to watch some girl hang all over him thinking he was available? Could I hide my feelings from the world for that long? Six weeks didn’t seem that long until you started imagining all the things that could happen in that amount of time.

  I gave a quick nod as I rose up on my toes and placed a peck on his cheek. “I can do it, if you can do it.”

  Cayden gave a quick nod before stepping back from me. His expression changed and I stood there confused as to what was happening. He chuckled as he picked up his backpack and then thrust his hand out. “I’m Cayden, and I think you’re pretty hot.”

  I laughed at his antics before I shook his hand. “Addison. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Are you free tonight, Addison? I’d like to take you out.” His lips curled into a lopsided grin, and I couldn’t help but sigh a little internally. He was trying to be cute, and sweet, and all those things that I said I liked about him.

  “Actually, I am,” I flirted back.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He took another step back and waved before turning to jog off to his next class. After he disappeared, my phone vibrated in my pocket. When I pulled it out and swiped the screen, a little heart appeared by Cayden. Leave your fears at home tonight. We’re venturing off campus. See ya at seven. Dress casual.

  I grinned as I sent back a thumbs up, and then shoved my phone back in my pocket. ‘Seize the day, Addy’, I said to myself as I walked to my next class with a whole new outlook on the day. I had no idea where the night would lead, but I d
idn’t care. I was spending it with Cayden. We could watch movies in his room for all I cared.


  After the run in I had with Addison this morning, studying and homework were the last thing on my mind. The last two weeks had been spent trying to avoid her, and now I’m sitting here in my room trying to plan out a way to maximize my time with her. I found a new tutor last week. It turns out that one of the new pledges is a math whiz. He’s been helping me with the problems I can’t figure out, and based on the B that I got on my last test, he knows his stuff.

  I spent the afternoon coming up with a date where I could actually take Addison, and not worry about running into people from the house. Will finding out about us before I was ready to tell him bothered me more than the whole teacher thing.

  The ride to Addison’s apartment was nerve wracking. I felt like a fifteen-year-old who was working up the courage to kiss a girl for the first time. I parked in the same spot as I had before, and climbed out. I jogged up the steps and paused at her door. I took a moment to calm myself before knocking. When the door cracked open, Addison peered around from behind it. “Hey.” I smiled as I rocked back on my heels.

  “Hey. I need your help.” She opened the door wider, but remained hidden behind it.

  “Okay.” I blinked a few times in confusion as I stepped inside. “What’s up?”

  After she closed the door, she finally showed herself, and I couldn’t help but frown in confusion. “I thought you were okay with this?” I scanned her robe covered body.

  She shivered under my stare as she shifted on her feet, causing the silk to sway around her thighs. “I am, really. I’m just worried about what to wear.” She grimaced. “I mean, you said casual. I didn’t know if that meant shorts or jeans, or what.”

  “You can wear whatever you want.” I shrugged as I glanced down at my khaki shorts and dark green polo.

  “Obviously not.” She rolled her eyes as she motioned at me. “You’re all… this.”

  “What’s that mean?” I shook my head.

  “Nothing,” she mumbled. “Give me five minutes.” She turned and rushed off toward the bedroom, the breeze from her movements causing the robe to rise up, showing the very tops of her thighs.

  “Sweet Jesus, it’s gonna be a long night.” I groaned internally. Within five minutes, just like she promised, Addison reappeared wearing a pale pink sundress. Her dark locks were pinned up in the messy knot with loose curls falling haphazardly around her face and shoulders. She nailed the pretty/messy perfectly. She slipped her feet into a pair of sandals before grabbing a small purse off the table and meeting me at the door.

  “All set.” She smiled as she reached around me to open the door. “Where are we going?” she asked as she locked the door behind us.

  “You’ll have to wait to find out.” I shrugged as I reached for her hand. The moment my fingers brushed hers, she pulled back.

  “Someone might see,” she whispered.

  “How do plan to explain going somewhere with me all dressed up if they do?” I stiffened unintentionally.

  “I’m sorry.” Her shoulders slumped. “This is uncharted for me. When do I need to worry? When do I let it go?”

  I lifted my palm and dragged it down my face. This was my fault. I’m the one that made her paranoid. “I’m sorry too,” I grumbled. “I guess I forgot. I’m trying to take you on a nice date. My parents instilled my gentlemanly qualities so deep that I’m having a hard time breaking them.” I chuckled lightly. “You’re right. I’ll wait until we get to where we’re going, but I can tell you this,” I grinned as I scanned her body with a wolfish stare, “nothing’s holding me back when we do.”

  “I’m counting on it.” She bit her lip before walking ahead of me and swaying her delectable hips.

  I was so screwed. I thought I’d had the upper hand here tonight with us going somewhere in my territory, but apparently, I was wrong. I was so wrong. Addison Porter was going to be my biggest challenge yet.

  Chapter 10


  It was a beautiful evening out. It finally felt like spring, and as we drove along the coastal highway a light breeze blew through the windows. The sun was setting, and the reflection on the water made for a picture-perfect evening.

  I watched as Cayden drove in silence, only the radio for background noise. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going now? Or do I have to guess?” I smiled as I turned toward him. My dress slid up my thighs slightly and I laughed when Cayden’s jaw ticked.

  “You’re doing that on purpose,” he gritted out.

  “Doing what?” I grinned bigger as the breeze lifted the hem higher, and I didn’t move to pull it back in place. A few more gusts of wind and he would get a sneak peek of my panties.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” he huffed as his fingers gripped the wheel tighter.

  “Fine.” I rolled my eyes as I tugged the dress back into place. “Stop changing the subject. Where are we going?”

  “We’re here.” The car came to a halt right as I looked up to see where ‘here’ was.

  “The Office?” I aimed a confused stare at him. It seemed kinda nice for what he said was going to be a casual night.

  “My brother swears by this place. Says they have great seafood.” I smiled as he climbed out of his car and jogged around to open my door. As I stood, he pulled me in for a quick kiss before whispering in my ear, “I grew up a few miles from here. We’re miles from campus. You’re safe here. Relax.” With that, he tilted his head and connected our lips once again, this time plunging his tongue in and wreaking havoc on my body. I know I must have moaned as I swayed into him, completely losing myself.

  When he pulled back, my eyes fluttered opened and I blinked as I tried to focus on my surroundings. It was a beautiful setting. Gas lanterns were spaced around the walkways and the deck off to the side. White clapboard covered the outside, and green awnings were placed over the door, and the windows. When we stepped through the door, the hostess sat us right away.

  “Did you get reservations?” I pressed my lips together to keep from grinning.

  “Maybe.” He shrugged. “Maybe I just have pull here.” He chuckled as the hostess handed us our menus and disappeared.

  “Right.” I shook my head as I perused the menu. Cayden was right. Everything sounded delicious. We soon ordered, and before I knew it my seabass was placed in front of me.

  “This is so good,” I mumbled around a mouth full of fish. Cayden laughed as he sipped his water.

  “I’m glad you like it. Don’t get too full though. I’ve got something special planned for later.” He winked as he expertly opened an oyster, slipping the slimy thing between his lips. I couldn’t help but stare as his tongue slipped out to lick his lips. I knew he was good with his mouth, but watching the man eat oysters was slowly undoing me.

  “Stop staring at me like that,” he grumbled as he opened another. “I’ll be cutting my dinner short, and I’m kinda hungry today.”

  “Like what?” I shrugged as I took another bite of fish.

  “Like you’d rather me be eating something else.” He shook his head as he put the shell to his lips and sucked.

  I felt heat spread across my face as I pictured his lips sucking on something else, and my panties were done for. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you don’t. You’re a terrible liar, Addison. What you’re thinking about is written all over your face clear as day.” He nodded as he reached for another shell.

  “You’re enjoying this way too much. Can’t you eat your corn or something?” I motioned with my fork to the uneaten corn on the cob sitting on his plate.

  He tipped his head to the side and shrugged. “Sure.” I watched as he placed the oyster back on his plate, grabbed the corn, and proceeded to suck the butter off of it. “Is that better?”

  “I hate you right now.” I scowled as I pressed my thighs together. I was getting to the point that I was r
eady to rush to the ladies’ room and take care of this ache. Guys didn’t understand that it happened to women too, and right now I was about to die a painful death.

  “I think we might be even now.” His eyes dipped down like he was trying to see my lap through the table.

  “Not even close.” I glared at him. I could tell that our banter was getting to him too, but I knew he’d never admit it. He motioned for the check, and paid as I finished my fish.

  Once he’d signed the credit card slip, he held out his hand, and led me back outside. Instead of walking toward the parking lot, Cayden headed toward the beach. There was a small set of stairs that led over the dunes and down to the water. The tide was out, so there was plenty of beach. A few people were out there but not as many as I thought would be.

  “It’s kinda empty for a such a beautiful night,” I mused.

  “Wanna know why?” Cayden grinned as he pulled me closer. Before I could respond, he lifted me in his arms. My sandals were dangling from my fingers as were his as he playfully jogged toward the water. The minute he placed me on the cool sand and the next wave lapped up around my ankles, I knew why we were one of the only ones out here. The water was freezing. I shrieked as I jumped toward him, trying to climb him like a tree.

  “Oh my god! It’s freezing!” I yelped as I attempted to get away from it. Cayden just laughed and stepped back farther, causing me to run toward the dunes. “That was mean.” I pouted when he caught up to me.

  “Nah.” He chuckled. “I have my reasons for being out here.” He laced our fingers together and pulled me along behind him.

  “Like what?” I laughed as I playfully shoved him in the arm.

  “Like this.” I followed where his finger was pointing to see a small building right on the other side of the dunes. It was white with a pink roof, and in bright purple neon it flashed “Scoops.”


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