Who Shot Ya Box Set

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Who Shot Ya Box Set Page 17

by Renta

  She looked at me strangely but quickly tried to cover it up with a smile. I caught it and curiosity had gotten the best of me. “What was that look for?”

  She tried to front on the kid. “Nothin’, baby, just get at me when you through with what you gotta do.”

  “What’s the bidness, ma? You trying to slide with a nigga or sumthin’?” I went against my better judgment.

  I’d already told her about my dealings and my plans, but I understood the nature of a woman. She’d walk into hell with a nigga if she rocked with him like that.

  It’s just the knowledge of knowing she’s with him, that makes her disregard the danger of the mission. Since I locked in with shawty, she’d never been the type to crowd a nigga. It had to be the feelings, that had her looking at me as if I was lying to her.

  “Why would I want to go with you to see another woman? Who you taking me for, Nutz?”

  I studied her. ‘Oh, that’s what this is, she jealous. She all in her feelings ‘cause she think I’m all up on the next bitch.’

  “Mama, you on some rah-rah shit, talking ‘bout another bitch. You the only bitch I’m checking for, love.”

  She rolled her eyes and poked her lips out in a cute lil’ pout. “Yeah, whatever—you can only try that, with one of those other little girls you be spending time with. I may be from the suburbs, but that doesn’t mean I’ll fall for that slick stuff you be trying to butter me up with.”

  Fire was in my eyes, I exposed queen. “You catching feelings, ma? Look, you know, what I do out here. Today I’m gonna be as dirty as I’ve ever been. To top it off, my brother has left the business to me. I don’t want you being a part of this side of my life, but shid, I could use the company.”

  Peace washed over her features. Little did I know Berg’s words would soon be the headline of my life. In my case, in order for two people to keep a secret between them, one of us had to be dead.



  My mind was everywhere as I pulled up to Six’s apartment complex. The drank I’d been taking to the neck, had a nigga lazy and the imbalance of today’s events wouldn’t stop playing on the big screen of my mental. This the reason why I keep my heart silent. When a nigga allows himself to feel for anything other than his bread, he becomes a victim to what he wanted to believe in, versus the shit he’s always known.

  I’ve always found it funny to see niggas falling head over heels for a bitch, expecting her to be the perfect hoe, but never thinking that before he met her, she was tainted. So, when she trips and falls on the next nigga’s dick, why would you blame her? Calling her hoes and sluts, as if she didn’t know that already. Her and her homegirls sit around and laugh about being sluts, but nigga’s sit around and slap each other on the back for being suckas.

  Shame on me. Sliding from the whip I only had two things on my mind—fucking the shit outta Six and this nagging feeling, I’d had in my gut ever since Jazzy told me what Kesha said. The nigga that killed Shy was on the home team. It was only one other mu’fucka that sealed a deal with the motto—but damn it can’t be—



  Some niggas understood, why I rocked the way I rocked. Some were whispering behind my back, “This is a hoe ass nigga!”

  They couldn't judge me, because they had never walked in my size tens. Yeah, I whacked, Shy. He had to know the hoe had that shit! How else could he explain me getting the baddest hoe in the house? Even, if he didn’t know, him and Assata was ‘posed to be my ride or dies. We’d put niggas in the dirt together. We lied, stole, and killed for the circle, ‘D.B.D’—Death Before Dishonor!

  But, yeah, I wanted Assata to hurt, just as bad as I had been hurting the past few years. I wanted him to feel what he’d done to me. That’s why I camped outside Jazzy’s spot. She was too dangerous. The bitch was like a hound dog, and that’s something I couldn't let ruin my plans. She’d been home for the past thirty minutes. I planned to wait outside ‘till the lights went out, then make my move. Baby girl was about to sleep eternally!



  Assata’s eyes were intense as he stood in the doorway. I could tell he was lifted, I could also see something else in him, that I couldn’t quite put a title to. A wounded animal maybe.

  “You gonna let me in, or just stand there and stare at me, fam?”

  I hate when he referred to me as fam, my nigga, or any of that shit he called his boys. I stepped to the side anyway, but not before I gave him that look, he knew all too well. I watched as he sat down on the couch. Then I closed the door and followed suit. My nerves were shot and the love I had for this nigga was kicking my ass as I focused on his black ass.

  “Was it his fault? Did he deserve what I was plotting to give him? Why does it feel like this?” Questions danced in my head. I tucked my feet underneath me, as I turned to face him. That’s when the power of this man hit me. Tears well up from somewhere deep in him and raced down his face. He turned to me and contradicted everything I’d convinced myself to believe was just and rational.

  “Six—all my life, I never believed in happily ever afters. I’ve lived to die and really never giving a fuck what comes in between. I’ve never actually given a fuck about love or affairs of the heart, cause to me loyalty died in the early centuries. I—” he lowered his head and tried to compose himself.

  Something about his pain washed over me, and his tears became my own, as my eyes swam behind a threatening waterfall.

  “My moms was taken from me when I was fourteen. It’s like, God, played a bad joke on me. February fourteenth, she asked me to be her Valentine. That was the last I knew of real love because she was found D.O.A in an alley in Florida on February fifteen, twenty-four hours later. Twenty-four hours, fam. I vowed to never give my heart again.” he whispered.

  Confusion turned into liquid heat as it dawned on me, that this nigga was sitting her crying over another bitch. I don’t know if that’s what pushed me over the edge or naw—fuck that. That’s what I did, leaning over to him, I lifted his head up. First, using my tongue I licked his tears away, then climbed in his lap exactly like I did Gusto. I kissed his wanting lips. Maybe he wanted it, as bad as I wanted to give it to him, cause he kissed me back as if this was the reason he came here in the first place.

  I reached down to undo his belt, as I grinded my pussy back and forth on his rigidness. His power strained against the fabric of his jeans and as I released him. I was thinking just like one of those vindictive bitches. Who’d been hurt by a nigga she loved too much, to see him happy with the next bitch. If I can’t have him—well, y’all know the rest!


  ~Detective Hunter~

  “Falcon one—this is team, Red Bear. Do you copy?” I said into my radio.

  Me and my special task force had the road blocked off from Lakey all the way to Park Lane. We had the streets cornered off. Standing beside me was none other than the man, that made all of this possible former Assistant District Attorney, Sa’Mage! I told him it was a bad idea for him to show his face, but I couldn’t argue with the fact, his wife was our star witness and was currently the passenger in the brown Crown Victoria we were waiting to appear.

  “We copy Falcon One—we have the suspect in sight. He’ll be your way in 5—4—3—2—”



  “Oh my God, Nutz, look at all these fucking police!” Des’ screamed.

  It seemed as if a million law cars had blocked off the road. I slowed the car to a stop. For some odd reason, something smelled fishy. As I sat there with D.P.D now blockin’ me in from the back as well. All I could hear was Berg telling me, it’s no future in this shit.

  “Damn, cuz,’ I said aloud.

  Destiny seemed on the verge of panic, as she focused her vision on something in the distance. Her body language was odd, as I followed her eyes to what had her attention, my blood froze, and the pieces fell into place. The night I kidnapped her played in my mind, as if it was
a motion picture.

  “Where is my wife, you son of a bitch? I don’t possess anything of yours and if it’s money that you want—” he hissed into the phone on that cold night.

  That memory was overshadowed by the scene at the art gallery the night Snow met Russia for the setup. I recollected passing a group of men. De Ja Vu made love to all my senses as I recalled seeing the familiar face. When I turned around to see the bidness one of the cats had disappeared in the night. Demonic laughter escaped my lips as reality slapped me dead in the face.

  This hoe got one up on the kid. Not only me but nine times out of ten the hoe wired up, so the whole circle got a cell with their name on it.

  “Nutz,” she screamed. “Are you fucking kidding me. Are you about to try and shoot it out with the fucking D.P.D and F.B.I?”

  Dazed, I looked down to find the grey and black Ruger clutched in my right hand. Truthfully, I couldn’t remember grabbing it. I had ten bricks of raw in the secret compartments of this bitch, a loaded pistol, and the bitch that set me up. That was damn near life. I slapped the steering wheel in regret. My greedy ass dry riding to make a sale. I got workers for this shit. I just decided, that the twenty-minute ride to the spot would be easy money never could have anticipated this.

  “Mr. Swanson, this is, Detective Hunter. We have you surrounded—there’s no way out. Please, turn the car off and drop your keys and weapons out of the window.”

  I vaguely heard the cock sucka speaking through the bullhorn, as I hit the master lock to all my doors.

  Destiny looked over at me bewildered as if to say. “What the fuck”, but instead she said, “Nutz, what all do you have in this car?”

  Without replying, I reached into my pockets and pulled out the half ounce of snow, I kept on deck—just in case. I wasn't no junky, I just liked to get my nose dirty every once in a while. I poured a little mountain in the palm of my hand and did as much as I could before potency rocked my world. Destiny was disgusted.

  “What the fuck are you doing? I can’t believe you. You’re worried about getting high, we have the whole state against us.”

  I merely leaned my head back and allowed my shit to drain. Feeling the last bit crawl down my throat, I looked over at lady, easing the tool to her face. I smiled menacingly, all the while the bullhorn was screaming ‘bout this being my last chance at a peaceful surrender’. He must not know my get down.

  “Bitch take off yo’ mu’fuckin’ shirt.” I hissed, as blood starting leaking from my nose. I was high as Pluto.

  “Huh, take off my shirt? W—what are you talking about, Nu—Nutz?” she stammered.

  My trigger finger was itching, I glared at the bitch. She couldn’t know she was seconds away from her pretty face being knocked through the back of her mu’fuckin’ head.

  “No more games, bitch. I know you set me up—I see your husband out there. I know he was at the art gallery that night. So, dig, either you’re about to do what the fuck, I ask you to do, or I’ma ‘bout to knock yo’ lips off your face. I won’t ask again!” By now, the taste of blood let me know, I must have looked like an animal.

  She must have seen the beast in me cause the fake bitch started blubbering ‘bout them making her do it. She didn’t want to—blah—blah—blah, so I did what my heart told me to do and slapped the slut in the mouth with the pistol.

  The weak hoe’s light turned out on impact, stupid bitch! I reached over and ripped the buttons off her shirt until the thin wire taped to her body was revealed—shit was funky now, my nigga!



  I’d just finished cleaning the house from top to bottom. Now I was just tidying up my pops old room. I couldn’t believe it was only a few years ago, that me and Shy would sneak in here and steal a few dollars from my pops stash. ‘Till this day I think he knew we were stealing it, so he’d put more each time. He loved us and knew Shy was too stubborn to accept anything from him, so it was his way of catering to Shy’s ego indirectly, anyway.

  This man left half of his clothes some with price tags hanging from them, as well as his shoe collection. I smiled, as I walked to the back of the huge walk-in closet that’s when I saw it. A clear bag with ‘personal property’ stamped onto it. Instantly, I recognized the blood on the clothes inside it. My heartbeat was crazed, as I bent down to pick it up.

  Tears blurred my vision, as I inspected the contents of the bag. I missed him so much. Preferring to put the bag back where I found it, rather than deal with the pain it was causing. I did just that, but before I could turn to walk away, a sense of nausea hit me. The phone—could it be?

  Rushing back to the bag, I picked it up in my anticipation, I ripped it open. My brother's bloody clothes, jewelry, and a wad of money tumbled to the floor, but no phone. Rummaging through the bloody mess, it was as if Shy was urging me to keep going.

  The jeans were stiff with blood, but even without the stiffness, there was no mistaking the imprint visible through the jean pocket. My pulse had reached my ears, as I reached in the pocket and my hand came in contact with the only piece of evidence leading me to my brother’s death. As I pulled it out my hand shook. Without a second to waste I powered it on.

  “Please, be charged,” I begged to no one in particular, but maybe someone was listening because it powered on even though the percentage showed one-percent.

  I anxiously awaited the call log to appear. As I waited, the notification flashed letting me know the battery was about to die. The call log appeared, my blood froze, the phone died and—

  “You just couldn’t let the dead rest huh, sis?” He said from behind me.

  I knew I’d come to the end of my life. Honestly, the only regret I had was that I wouldn’t be able to assure my baby, I died a real bitch.



  I sat there on the couch, ass naked sucking the shit out of Six’s titties. My drank had me sideways and I was numb. This bitch had been trying to get my dick up for the past half hour. She’d tried sucking it, jacking it, everything but put me in the pussy. As good as mama was lookin’, my mind couldn’t stop recapturing my bitch hugged up with my enemy. That shit rocked me. This that once in a lifetime typa bitch. This ain’t how it ‘pose to go.

  “Assata,” Six moaned in frustration.

  “Huh, my fault baby girl I’m lost in the sauce.”

  Six jumped up with attitude and strutted her lil’ sexy ass to her room. I could really care less, but right when I decide to get my black ass up and leave she came back and dropped to her knees. I stared down at her through hooded eyes, as she took my limp dick into her mouth, on contact something felt different. Six had my shit real wet and once she came off it with a popping noise, she blew softly and like magic, my shit saluted.

  She smiled and pushed a halls cough drop to the front of her lips before swallowing it whole. She climbed back into my lap with the swiftness of a cat. She leaned down and stroked the dick, as she positioned herself above me. She placed soft kisses on my neck and paused before she inserted me.

  “Assata—” she whispered between kissing my neck.

  I turned my head, so she could do her thing, my eyes focused on something on the end table, that rocked me hard as fuck. As soon as her pussy lips began to kiss the head of my dick, I locked eyes with her. My high was blown. Shit started flippin’ in my head like a horror movie. The aroma of the wineberry black-n-mild, I smelt the other day. I knew only one mu’fucka that smoked them, that damn sho' wasn't, Six!

  ‘What the fuck!’

  To Be Continued…

  Who Shot Ya 2



  Part One

  When one knows how to make love to their thoughts he becomes a God of his nature. As playas, we sometimes become so enchanted with the Rubies in our vision, that we disregard the clarity of a diamond. Yet, only a boss can tame his nature and make sound decisions in the waters of temptation. Who’s to say one is inadequate rather than merely n
ot trained? Every man wasn’t molded to be a boss so for him to be who he was created to be is not a flaw, but an edge to every hungry nigga’s game. If there were no squares; who would the wolves prey on?

  Let me give you this jewel the streets blessed me with. See, I was raised by a dope fiend and a mean selection of game niggas and bitches. Yet, not to say I don’t have a pure section of self, because in the midst of being groomed for perceptive perfection. I was also being taught a vital law of the land—loyalty! Selective loyalty because not everybody deserves that portion of you. There is a rule amongst the breed—it’s a law, one must always stand on because when you forget, you become an animal.

  You can’t play—con—or not give a fuck about everybody! You gotta reserve love, loyalty, and respect for some people. Jewel, a game nigga once told me, “Assata, if you have a woman you love, yet you know she is a hoe. How can you blame her for what she is rather than never forgetting who she is? Your heart fell for her on its own, she is just being her. She may change her stance, but it’s her walk that she can’t change. Yea, a hoe will change for the right cat, but it’s only the breed of a nigga that can understand the value of her pussy versus the virtue of the woman herself.

  It’s up to you to decide which you’ll invest your heart, sweat, and time into. If you fall for her—put a baby in her, etcetera—etcetera, then the union crumbles and another nigga snatch her up and treats her the way she deserves to be treated like a slut, versus the way you treat her. You can’t be fucked up. She is—who she was from the first day you met her. Your love or the fact she is your baby mama, doesn’t change the fact she’s a—well, let’s just say a free spirit!


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