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Violencia Page 32

by Jason Webster

  Philip IV 261–2, 263–4

  Philip ‘the Handsome,’ Duke of Burgundy 226

  Philip V, Duke of Anjou 270, 272

  Phoenicians 28, 212

  Pi y Margall, Francesc 307

  Picasso 36, 286

  pilgrimages 145–7

  ‘Pillars of Hercules’ 44

  Pius IX, Pope 300

  Podemos party 392–3

  Poema del mio Cid 142

  pogroms 188–9, 205

  politics in new Spain 384

  Popular Front government (1936) 342–3

  pork 206, 217


  Britain’s ally 281

  French invasion 281

  Hispania lusitania 50

  independence (1640) 263, 269

  independent kingdom 186

  one of ‘the Five Kingdoms’ 180

  Philip II’s claim 235

  la posguerra (post-war period) 371, 375–6

  ‘post-colonial’ phase 292–3

  Preece Williams, Richard 32–3

  Prim, Juan, 1st Count of Reus 306

  Primo de Rivera, José Antonio 339

  Primo de Rivera, Miguel 322, 323–4, 325–6, 330

  Priscillian, Bishop of Avila 58–63, 204, 244–5

  Priscillianism 61–2

  Protestants 208

  provisional government (1869) 306

  ‘pseudo-democracy’ 385

  Ptolemy 169

  Puerta del Sol (Madrid) 240

  Punic Wars 28, 52

  ‘purity of blood’ paranoia 367

  Pyrenees 20


  Al-Qasr al-Hamra (Red Fort) 183–4

  Quadrivium classical education 73

  Queipo de Llano, Gonzalo 361

  Quien aguanta, gana (‘He who resists, wins’) 56


  R1b haplogroup Y-DNA 27

  Radiya (poetess and historian) 115

  railways 26n1, 32–3, 302

  Ramiro I 149

  Raqsh al-A’azz 193

  rationalism 161, 162

  Raymond of Toledo 168

  La Raza (film) 375

  ‘re-Christianisation’ 126

  Real Madrid 395

  ‘reason’ 162

  rebels (‘Nationalists’) 350, 357, 359, 361–2

  see also Spanish Civil War

  Recemund, bishop 114

  ‘Reconquest’ 86, 88, 123–6, 186, 205–6, 332 see also 1492

  Recópolis 69

  Reformation 172

  reforms 335, 349

  regionalism 301–2, 357

  Regulares (Moroccan fighters) 338, 339

  religious wars 229–30

  Renaissance 172

  republic (1873) 307

  Republican flag 382

  Republicans see also Spanish Civil War

  army 352, 358–9

  deaths 368

  defeat 353

  factions 353–5

  military tactics 360–1

  moderates 355

  Stalin’s support 123n1, 351–2

  trials and executions 367–8

  resistencia numantina 56

  revolution (1868) 305

  ‘revolutionary strike’ (1917) 320–1

  rex totius spaniae 70

  Ría coastline (Galicia) 22

  rice 214

  Richelieu, Armand Duplessis, Duke of (Cardinal Richelieu) 257

  Ricote (Don Quixote) 209–10

  Rif War 1920—1927 (Moroccan rebellion) 319–20, 324–5, 350

  Ring of the Dove (Ibn Hazm) 140

  Ripoll, Cayetano 211

  Robinson Crusoe (Defoe) 160

  Roderic, king of Toledo 77–9, 94

  Rojigualda (national flag) 274

  Roland 137–8, 139


  conquest of Spain 49–54

  culture 28–9

  diet 212

  emperors from Spain 51

  Hercules myth 43–5

  Hispania 49–51

  Jewish migration 29

  siege of Numantia 54–7

  Tower of Hercules (La Coruña) 44

  Roncesvalles, Pyrenees 68

  rural Spain 331–3


  sacas (murders) 354

  ‘Sacromonte texts’ 256–7

  saffron 214–15

  Sagasta, Práxedes Mateo 315

  Sagunto Castle, Valencia 52

  Sahagún monastery 285

  Salic Law 294

  Sánchez Dragó, Fernando 62

  Sánchez, Pedro 127

  Sancho IV 173

  Sanjuanada coup (1926) 326

  Sanjurjo, José 331, 338

  Santa María la Blanca synagogue (Toledo) 150–1

  Santángel, Luis de 195

  Santiago Cathedral 62, 63

  Santiago de Compostela 62

  Santiago Matamoros (the Slayer) 4–5, 13–14

  becoming a warrior 149

  debate 231

  and El Cid 142

  and the Inquisition 205–6

  patron saint 145

  and Santiago the Seeker 63, 402

  ‘Slayer’ of Spain’s Other 395

  Spanish identity 283

  Santiago (St James) 10–14 see also St James the Greater

  abandoning homeland 96

  body arriving 39n1

  like Tubal and Heracles 45, 96

  origins 45

  scallop shell symbol 150

  Santiago the Seeker 63, 231, 402

  Sanz de Sautuola, Marcelino 36–7

  Sao Tomé island (West Africa) 192

  Al-Sayyid (‘lord’) 142

  scallops 150–1

  school-building programmes 335

  School of Translators (Toledo) 114, 165–73

  Schulten, Adolf 42

  Scipio Africanus the Younger 54–6

  Scot, Michael 169–70

  ‘Sea of Darkness’ 193

  Second Punic War 28, 52

  Second Republic (1931) 327, 328, 330, 335, 338–9

  ‘second taifa’ period 155

  Second World War 347–8, 369, 371

  Segovia 51

  Selkirk, Alexander 160

  Sephardic Jews 29, 191 see also Jews

  Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de 231, 232

  Serrano coup (1874) 387

  Serrano, Francisco, 1st Duke of la Torre 308–9

  seventeenth century 260–5

  Seville 133

  sewerage 115

  sheep and wool industries 171

  A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (de las Casas) 231

  Siberia 40

  Sidi Hamete Benengeli (Don Quixote) 250

  siege of Galera (1570) 255–6

  siege of Numantia (133 BC) 54–7

  siege of the Alcázar of Toledo (1936) 56

  Sierra Morena, Andalusia 21

  Sierra of Atapuerca 32

  Las Siete Partidas 170

  Siglo de Oro (‘Golden Century’) 260–5

  Sima de los Huesos (ditch of bones) 34–5

  Sirat Antar (Romance of Antar) 139

  Sisebut, king 70–1

  social liberalism 375

  social mobility 103

  social revolution 354–5

  Socialists 338, 341, 354

  ‘softer’ dictatorship (a dictablanda) 326

  Soria 54

  Sotelo, Calvo 343

  Soviet Union 347–8, 351–2, 359, 369


  choices for the future 398–9

  as a crossing point 21

  divided against itself 394, 399

  fighting to dominate and annihilate ‘Spain’ 125–6

  geography 19–23

  harbinger of things to come 400

  held together by violence 273, 396–8

  loss of empire 252, 317

  mystery and magic 401

  unifying the country 185, 234–5, 274–5

  uniting and re-dividing 50

  unity with Catholic
faith 197–8

  ‘Spain is different’ (Fraga) 376n3

  Spania province 69

  ‘Spaniards’ 328–9

  Spanish Armadas 236–7

  Spanish Civil War 279, 347–52 see also rebels (‘Nationalists’); Republicans

  Alcázar of Toledo siege 56

  Blitzkriegs 149n2, 347

  blood transfusions 111

  coup 1936 341, 393

  exiles 30–1

  German intervention 347–8

  internationalised conflict 270, 351–2

  map of 1938 360

  mass graves 382

  military techniques 347

  murders 350

  Muslim Berber warriors 94n1

  reopening wounds 391, 393

  and the Second Republic 328

  spirit of Numancia 56

  Stalin’s support 123n1, 351–2

  Spanish Empire 275

  Spanish Inquisition 189–90, 203–11

  ‘crimes’ investigated 203

  cultural purges 217

  curbing powers 275

  executions 203–4, 208, 211

  under Fernando VII 292

  monarchy controlling 206–7

  paranoia 209

  sentencing 203

  torture 203–4, 208

  Spanish Legión 325, 338, 339

  St Isidore of Seville 39

  St James the Greater 11, 45, 62 see also Santiago (St James)

  St James the Less 11

  St John of the Cross 247, 248

  St Laurence 241–2

  St Teresa of Avila 247, 248

  St Thomas Aquinas 163

  Stalin 351, 355

  state control 325–6

  Stone Age paintings 36–8

  street lighting 115

  street violence (1936) 342–3

  Suebi 68

  Sufis 245–6

  Suinthila, king 69–70

  surgery 4, 108–9

  Sylvester II, Pope 116


  T-26 tanks 351, 359

  Tabal (Anatolian state) 40

  Tagus river 22

  taifa kingdoms 127–33, 148, 152, 307–8, 358

  Tales of the Alhambra (Irving) 87

  ‘Tanto monta, monta tanto’ 198

  tariba (to make music) 140

  Tarifa peninsula 22, 92

  Tariq ibn Ziyad 93–5

  Tarragona 51

  Tartessos 41–2, 43

  Tejero, Antonio 386

  Tejero coup (1981) 386–7

  Teodomiro, bishop 62

  Theodore of Mopsuestia 73

  Tibareni tribe 40

  tilting at windmills (Don Quixote) 250–1


  capture by Christians (1085) 134, 152–3

  mixed community 165

  Roderic’s rule 77–9

  School of Translators 110, 114, 165–9

  siege of the Alcázar 56

  taifa kingdom 165

  Visigothic government 239

  Torquemada, Thomas de 190

  torture 203, 208

  tourism 375

  Tower of Hercules (La Coruña) 44

  tracheotomies 109, 110

  ‘Tragic Week’ (1909) 320

  Transición (transition) 381, 383, 385, 389–90, 394–5

  translation movement 110, 114, 166

  Trastámara family 181, 184

  travel and communication 22

  Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659) 263

  Treaty of Utrecht (1715) 272

  El Tribunal de las Aguas 213–14

  Trier 60–1

  Trivium classical education 73

  troubadours 140

  Tubal (Noah’s grandson) 39–41, 43, 45, 96


  Umayyad Cordoba 114, 172–3

  Umayyad Golden Age 125

  Umayyads 96–7, 102, 112–13, 118–19, 128

  unified Spanish state 185

  unity and authoritarianism 399

  unleavened bread 217

  Urban, Pope 148

  Urdangarín, Iñaki 389

  Urnfield culture (‘proto-Celts’) 27

  Uruk (Sumerian city) 91

  ‘us’ and ‘them’ (blanco y negro) 397

  USA 316–17, 372, 374–5

  USS Maine 316–17


  vaccinations 110–11

  Valencia 110, 142–3, 154, 213, 259

  Valencian paella 214–15

  Valle-Inclán, Ramón María del 321–2

  Valley of Aran, Pyrenees 371

  Vandals 68, 90–1

  vaquero (‘cowboy’) 138n1

  Velázquez, Diego de Silva y 251–3

  Vernet, Joan 161

  Via Heraklea 45

  Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg 319

  violent anarchist revolution 333

  violent regionalism 379

  Virgil 52

  Visigoths 29–30, 67–79

  collapse 76–7

  culture and language 68–9

  internal warfare 76–7

  ‘the last king’ 77–8

  as outsiders 70

  persecution of Jews 67–8, 70–1, 204

  unification of Spain 69–71

  Vitoria 69

  Vox party 393


  War of Independence (Peninsular War) 280, 283–7

  War of Spanish Succession 270–2

  Wellesley, Sir Arthur (later Lord Wellington) 286

  West, intellectual foundations 172

  Western Chivalry 139

  witch-burning 204

  witchcraft 210

  Wittiza, king 77

  women 115, 336


  Yaqub of Tortosa 135


  al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) 4, 108–9

  Zanata tribe 138n1

  Zaragoza 142

  Ziryab (Abu al-Hassan Ali bin Nafi) 98–101

  Zohar (Moses of León) 247

  Zugarramurdi witchcraft trails (1610) 210




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