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Revelation Page 22

by Kealohilani

  Rezarahn set a slow pace and Lani followed at his side. She drank in every aspect of the surroundings as they rode— desperately wishing she had a camera more than once.

  The sun had only just risen and the vivid colors of the sunrise cast a glowing golden hue on everything the light touched— from the hills on the horizon to the dewy blades of grass beneath their horses’ hooves. This had to be the most romantic date she had ever been on. Hands down. She took a deep breath and let the fresh air fill her lungs— releasing it with a happy sigh.

  Lani’s eyes widened as they approached Rezarahn’s orchards. The trees were practically bursting with blossoms and heavily laden with colorful ripe fruits. Lani found this both surprising and exciting since, as far as she knew, on Earth it was either blossoms or fruit— never both at the same time. At least not to this degree.

  She loved the profound quiet of this time of morning, when not even the bees were awake yet. A gentle breeze shook the loose petals free and made it look as though it were snowing. The horses walked Lani and Rezarahn slowly through the rows of trees over veritable carpets of white, pale pink, and fuchsia blossoms.

  She listened intently as he explained which ones were cherry trees, apple trees, orange trees, and many other types of trees that she had never heard of as they passed from orchard to orchard— but found it hard to concentrate completely because their aesthetic value was so overwhelming.

  However, one particular orchard definitely caught her full attention. It was filled with what Rezarahn told her were rosandra trees— which had giant fruit the size of honeydew melons that were as brightly colored as a red pear. Rezarahn plucked one off of the tree nearest them and handed it to Lani with a warm smile. She took it eagerly and her eyes lit up as she delicately bit into its sweet snowy-white flesh.

  She closed her eyes with an appreciative sigh as the fruit nearly melted on her tongue. The rosandra fruit tasted much like a strawberry that had been sugared and soaked in its own juices. She could imagine it pairing splendidly with cream or chocolate.

  The tiny piece in her mouth injected an instant feeling of euphoria. She figured this fruit must have something that affected her endorphins because there was simply no other explanation for the sudden rapture that overcame her. Only chocolate had over come close to this emotional response from a food.

  She swallowed and took another bite. She smiled at the sound of Rezarahn’s laugh as the juices ran down her chin. Lani managed to keep the clear juice off her dress by leaning away from the horse.

  Rezarahn offered her a clean white handkerchief, onto which he poured some water from a canteen. She daintily wiped off her chin and dabbed the corners of her mouth, feeling extremely grateful that this had not been a klutzy moment.

  As the ride through the stunning orchard continued, Lani wondered how all these wonderful things could grow in one place. She knew on Earth it would be hard, if not impossible, to grow an orange tree and a cherry tree in the same grove. She figured that there must be at least some magic involved.

  She felt her curiosity growing about this issue, and opened her mouth to ask Rezarahn— but stopped before she uttered a single syllable. She had forgotten that he did not know who she really was.

  She stifled a frustrated sigh as she realized any question she could ask on the subject would likely be something she was supposed to know, had she been from Alamea. But she was from Alamea— sort of.

  Why was it that Jharate got to know she was from Earth and ignore her— and the man that was hanging on her every word wasn’t allowed to know?

  She had to fight the urge to laugh as she further realized the irony of her situation. Jharate thought she was from Earth and didn’t know she was actually from Alamea— whereas Rezarahn thought she was from Alamea and was right, but missing a big twenty-year segment that had occurred on Earth.

  So each man had exactly half of the truth of her origins. Well, maybe more like thirty-nine-point-five percent of the truth, since neither knew her original identity on Alamea.

  Lani blinked purposefully to recall herself to the moment. Why in the world was she wasting her time on things she couldn’t solve when there was so much beauty to be enjoyed? Her environment came into sharp focus once again just as they reached a cheerful looking pond.

  She sighed contentedly as she saw the light from the sky dancing on its surface— turning the pond into a nearly perfect liquid silver mirror. Lavish amounts of burgundy lilies and white irises lined its edges. Butterflies in matching colors flitted happily as they flew in pairs in upward spirals through the air around them. An intoxicating scent filled the air.

  Rezarahn halted and dismounted his horse in a single vigorous-yet-graceful jump. He walked over to Lani and held out his right hand to steady her as she swung her right leg over to join her left. He placed both of his hands around her waist and lifted her off of the horse and set her gently on the ground.

  Lani giggled. She loved being treated like a little china doll. He was such a manly man! He offered her his arm again and she took it as they strolled slowly around the pond.

  “Thank you for everything, Rezarahn. Really. I can’t tell you how much you’ve done for me in so short a time.”

  “I have not done a single thing more than you deserve. If anything I am lacking in my duty to one such as yourself.”

  Lani’s smile widened further and her cheeks went bright pink.

  “You make me blush so frequently.”

  “That, my dear lady, is a very, very good thing.”

  As he spoke he gently touched his index finger to her nose and she laughed. They both paused for a moment and gazed at their reflections below them in perfect silence.

  Rezarahn felt his heart beating harder and louder against his chest. His blood ran hot through his veins— a heat so strong and unprecedented that it could not be denied.

  He measured his breathing and his throat constricted. When Rezarahn could no longer bear to merely look at the watery imitation of the woman beside him, he turned toward her and placed his left hand on her right cheek, gently turning her face toward him and looked intently into her deep blue eyes.

  Their eyes locked. Rezarahn leaned down and slowly reached for her lips with his own.

  Lani politely but deliberately turned her head and he kissed her cheek instead of his intended target. Rezarahn blinked in confusion. He had not expected this cold reaction.

  He leaned back in and rested his forehead against hers, with their noses touching softly together. His hands longed to hold her and his lips burned for the taste of hers. Perhaps her evasion had been shyness.

  He took a deep breath, and brought his lips slowly toward hers once more. This time she took a step back and looked down at the water below.

  “I wish I could… I’m sorry, but I can’t. Can you forgive me?”

  Rezarahn stared at her, feeling as though she had struck him in the face. He struggled to keep his breathing on an even keel and he lifted the back of his right hand to his mouth as if to attempt to wipe away the unfulfilled urges he could still taste dancing on his lips.

  “Of course, my dear lady. If you do not wish me to kiss you, I would not dream of it. Only… Why ever not? Have I misread you? Am I not pleasing to you?”

  “Oh no— heavens no! You are very pleasing. It’s nothing like that. You are perfect. You’re the kind of man any girl should want. But I just don’t think it’s fair to you to do anything that might lead to a relationship… when my heart still belongs to another.”

  “Jharate still has it, does he?”

  “How did you— Is it that obvious?”

  “I could tell from the moment I laid eyes on you that your heart belonged to another. When Jharate stole you away from me on the dance floor, I knew by the look in your eyes that it had to be him. I only hoped that perhaps if I treated you the way that you deserve to be treated, that your heart might be persuaded to go on a different path.”

  “You have treated me in a way I have only dreame
d of and I wish it were enough. I don’t want my heart to be his anymore. He won’t even talk to me…”

  “I can be patient. If he does not come back for you— one day you may forget about him. Perhaps, then, I might stand a chance?”

  “Oh, yes! If it weren’t for the fact that I still love him— I mean— you’re amazing! I was trying to let myself move on, or I would never have let things get this far. I thought I could— but I couldn’t. I’m not making much sense am I?”

  “On the contrary, my dear lady. You are a very honorable soul to not encourage feelings of love and passion until you are sure you can return them.”

  Lani sighed in relief.

  “You are being such as gentleman about all of this. I really appreciate you, Rezarahn— and everything about you, actually. Thank you so much for understanding.”

  “It is all the least that I can do. I hope I will have the liberty to do more in the future. Shall we return, then?”

  Rezarahn held his arm out to Lani with a warm smile on his face. He had worked hard to speak very sweetly to her, hoping it would console her. However, he could not console himself. He felt as if he had just suffered a severe blow to the stomach and a sharp pang— such as he had never before experienced— throbbed in his heart. In any event, Lani must never know that.

  After all, it was the duty of a gentleman to never offend, harm, or worry a lady. His façade must appear as if there had never been an incident. Though, in his heart, he had meant every word he said to her and fervently hoped that one day she would forget about Jharate, and choose him instead.

  “Unfortunately, yes. Everyone will be waking up soon. I should get back before they miss me. Thank you so much for sharing your enchanting orchards with me.”

  “The pleasure was all mine, dear lady.”

  Lani took his arm and allowed him to help her back on her horse. Only this time, all she felt was muted regret sinking into her heart.

  She was surprised that, as they rode back together, they were able to talk and laugh as if nothing had happened. Even more regret piled up in the pit of her stomach that she could not love him back.

  He was such a unique person. For him to still be working to put her at ease after she had rejected him— what an unbelievable man!

  A small puff of air escaped the right corner of Lani’s mouth and made one of the loose strands of her hair fly up. She thought she had felt stupid last night when Rezarahn first asked her to dance and she felt the desire to dance with Jharate instead. But the way she felt now— she would have given another year to the siren if she could just move on while the perfect man was right here in front of her!

  What on Earth was wrong with her? Since when had she ever been such a glutton for punishment? Since when couldn’t her head overrule her heart? Or even change her heart’s mind altogether?

  As they reached the familiar steps to his home, Rezarahn gently helped Lani off the horse and walked her back to her room.

  “Thank you for the marvelous ride, my dear lady! It was a rare privilege.”

  “It was my privilege. Your grounds are magical— and the company couldn’t have been better. Really, Rezarahn. Thank you again for understanding…”

  Rezarahn kissed her hand tenderly once more. He held on a little longer and let his lips hover a centimeter above her hand. His index finger stroked the inside of her wrist as he had done the night before. But this time instead of a thrill, she felt as if her heart would break in two. How could this be happening?

  Rezarahn placed his forehead against her hand and held it there as he heaved a great sigh. When he lifted his head again he smiled faintly, and kissed her hand one last time, as he slowly dragged his fingers away from hers. He straightened up, bowed his head toward her, and then walked away as she opened the door to her room.

  Once inside, she shut the door behind her and let herself fall against it with a sigh. Miserable barely began to describe how she felt. Rezarahn had offered her his heart and she had left it there to die.

  And the look on his face as he had left her just now— Oh! A gut-wrenching twist hit her stomach and a numbing feeling of guilt washed over her as she stared at the floor beneath her boots.

  “Sooooooo?” Tierza began, the moment Lani entered the room, sitting up excitedly in her plushy bed— with a satin sleep mask up on her head like a pair of sunglasses. “Tell us all the details!”

  “And don’t leave anything out!” Arante chimed in from her own bed, as she dove forward with her pillow, toward the foot of the bed, onto her elbows— resting her chin in her hands with an expectant look on her face. Her hair was still perfect, as if she’d never slept on it.

  Lani didn’t even jump as she realized she wasn’t alone. She felt too terrible to react to anything. She found herself desperately wishing the room had been as empty as she had futilely hoped it would be.

  A strong desire to run away lay just beneath the surface of her guilt. But she stayed. She didn’t know what was keeping her from opening the door behind her and running.

  “There’s nothing much to tell.”

  “Whatever!” Kendra exclaimed in exasperation— stretching and yawning. “Just tell us already!”

  “Well, he came early and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride and I said yes. We rode through his orchards and stopped at a pond… He leaned in to kiss me…”

  “I knew it!” Tierza declared excitedly.

  “How was it?” Arante asked, flashing her smile and sitting up— hugging her pillow in anticipation.

  “He looks like a good kisser,” Kendra giggled.

  “It didn’t happen.”

  “WHAT?!” Kendra shouted in unison with Tierza and Arante.

  “I dodged.”

  “Why on Earth would you do something so stupid?” Kendra demanded.

  “He is so perfect for you,” Tierza added.

  “I told him why. I told him it wasn’t fair for me to lead him on when— when my heart belongs to someone else.”

  Lani could feel how badly she was failing to explain something that didn’t even make sense to her. Her desire to flee increased and yet her brain couldn’t get her feet to obey.

  “You dumped him for my cousin?!” Arante asked loudly, dropping the pillow as well as her jaw.

  “Oh— my— heck, Lani! You need to get over Giraffe Boy already! It’s obvious he doesn’t care anymore.”

  “Thanks for that. And please stop calling him that, Kendra. It’s not my fault. I just can’t get over him.”

  “Actually, it is your fault,” Tierza rebutted. “Jharate has made it perfectly clear that he does not want you.”

  “Again, very diplomatic...”

  Lani stared at them in disbelief. She already felt like a horrible person and they weren’t helping. Wasn’t that what friends were supposed to do? Make you feel like you were still a good person when you had been forced to make a tough decision in the name of honesty and fairness?

  And what were they doing? Throwing the fact that Jharate didn’t want her in her face! Insensitive much?! She felt a strange unidentifiable form of emotion rising in her chest— some combination of anger and disconnect.

  “You need someone to be straight with you. My cousin is acting like an idiot! Once he takes a position, he stays there. He can be as stubborn as an ox— and when he is, he’s much dumber than one!”

  “Then why did he ask me to dance?! And don’t talk about him that way!”

  “Because he got jealous like any guy would!” Kendra insisted defiantly. “You think any single ex-boyfriend of yours could watch what Rezarahn was doing with you and not feel insanely jealous?”


  “You just had a moment all women dream of! The moment when a guy better than the one they just broke up with is all over them and the ex gets to see every juicy moment! To paraphrase Beyoncé, ‘If he liked it then he should have put a ring on it!’ Dang it, Lani! What the heck is wrong with you?”

  “Stop it! Just stop it, Kendra! All
of you! You don’t understand! You can’t! You think I don’t know how stupid I’m being?”

  “If you know, then do something about it!” Kendra argued.

  “The problem is that I still think that there is hope for me and Jharate! I don’t know why I feel like there’s hope— but I do! I love him! And I’m not giving up on him until I am one hundred and fifty percent sure there isn’t a snowball’s chance in Guam for us!”

  Lani stormed out of the room— slamming the door behind her. She was glad her brain had finally been able to make her feet do what she should have done three minutes ago! Why couldn’t they understand that she was in love with Jharate?

  She knew it wasn’t necessarily the smartest thing in the world, and she knew they had her best interests at heart— but she couldn’t help it. She loved him and she had to be true to herself and true to him— with or without the full support of her friends.

  “Guam?” Arante and Tierza asked together.

  “Ugh. Don’t worry about it. It’s just a really hot place on Earth,” Kendra began as she rolled her eyes and sighed. “Lani doesn’t like to swear so she changes words sometimes. The original phrase is actually in reference to our underworld— which is supposed to be filled with fire and brimstone and whatnot. But she changed it to Guam because it’s so hot that a snowball wouldn’t have a chance there either.”


  Arante and Tierza glared at each other, fuming over the fact they had once again replied in unison— a habit that, in their eyes, was recurring with increasingly-annoying frequency. Both of them held their tongues though and looked back to Kendra as she started speaking again.

  “I don’t know why she won’t just ditch Jharate and go for Rezarahn! You’d never see me follow a guy who had no interest in me like that.”

  “Me either,” Arante and Tierza said together— this time clenching both of their hands into fists as they once again glared at each other.

  “Stop that! No you stop it! Ahhhh! You are so impossible!”


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