The League of Skull & Bones

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The League of Skull & Bones Page 23

by MJ Fletcher

  “People keep telling me that, and it is really starting to make me angry. Say it one more time and I will knock your head off. Now tell me who the hell you’re working with?”

  Nyla smirked and looked from me to Ronan. She shook her head and laughed aloud. “That’s what you think this is that I’m working for someone else?”

  “Is it LaReina?” I asked.

  “What?” Ronan asked shocked.

  “LaReina has always been power hungry and, you’re right, she is attempting to use you to gain greater influence in the Guild,” Nyla said.

  “So you’re working for her?”

  “I don’t work for anyone, Jess, but I do have allies in the Guild and the League.”

  “Your cult members?” I snorted.

  “The true believers are helpful, but no, they are far too few. I’m more interested in gaining power just like LaReina and your grandmother.”

  “Who’s helping you?”

  “Join me and I’ll tell you,” she said.

  “You think this is a negotiation?”

  “Everything is negotiable, sweetheart, and I really don’t want to have to hurt you.”

  “Not everything, and have at it. Try hurting me and see what happens.”

  “What a shame. We could have worked so well together,” she said as if she was truly disheartened.

  “That’s it; I’m done.” I rushed forward and brought my fist around, swinging for her head. She didn’t move. She remained perfectly still, smiling at me. My hand sailed directly through her, and I nearly toppled over trying to regain my balance. “What the hell?” I yelled.

  “Hologram,” Ronan shouted as he rushed forward.

  The floor shifted under my feet and retracted as it split in half, and I began to fall. My senses screamed as I felt myself pass through a portal. I swung my hand down and began to open my own portal to escape when something hit me from the side, and I slammed into a wall and crumbled to the ground with a groan.

  I pulled myself to my feet quickly and rubbed my shoulder that ached from hitting the wall and looked into the darkness and saw nothing. Looking up, I could see the portal shimmering above me, giving off only enough light to see the edges of it.

  Ronan must have activated a portal before he fell through, otherwise he would be here with me. I raised my hand and attempted to open a portal. A shock rocked through my body, shoving me backwards. Something was interfering with my attempt to access a portal. I could still use my abilities, but I couldn’t focus enough to create a path out of here. I wasn’t even sure where the hell here was. I’d fallen through a portal that much I knew, but that meant they could have dumped me anywhere.

  Something moved in the darkness and I realized whatever had hit me when I was falling was still here.

  I lifted my hand and squeezed my fist, letting the crimson light expand around it like a bright orb in the darkness. My skin shivered as the room came into focus. It was long and dank with walls scarred with slash marks and blood. I could see no way out. It was only walls with no exits. And sitting at the other end, across from me, was the biggest Gremlin I had even seen in my life.

  Chapter 52

  The Gremlin bared its teeth, growling. The low rumble echoed off the walls and made my hands tremble. I was in a waking nightmare, my worst fear having come back to haunt me. I was on my feet with my back planted against the scarred and battered stone wall.

  I reached out with my senses and didn’t feel any other Old Kind signatures. It was only me and the Gremlin, alone with no way out. Skeleton Key locks surrounded the entire area. I wasn’t going to be able to open a portal and walk out of here. I’d have to make my way back out of the portal I had come through. The portal must have dropped me into a pocket dimension. I’d walked right into Nyla’s trap, and I wanted to smack myself for being so foolish.

  The persistent growl of the beast brought me back to my current problem. I needed to deal with the Gremlin, and then I could deal with my other problem.

  I held my powers in check. I’d been using the Artifact too often, and I didn’t want to ramp up my power in a fight with this animal. I needed every ounce of control for when I get out of here.

  The room was dark, but my eyes were beginning to adjust, and I could make out numerous shapes scattered around. Bones and vessels of the Old Kind lay about like refuse after a storm. This place was a deathtrap.

  The Gremlin charged, rushing across the space toward me, and I did the very thing every nerve in my body was screaming at me not to do, I ran toward it.

  Its eyes turned wide as I screamed and charged at it. It didn’t last long though, its mouth dropped open and silvery rows of fangs reminded me of what awaited. It leapt the last few feet toward me, and I dropped into a baseball slide, slipping directly under it. The beast howled as I escaped its attack.

  I was up on my feet and ran into the dark corners as it swung around and screeched in frustration. It lifted its head and sniffed at the air, trying to locate me. I moved along the edges of the room, doing my best to figure out its dimensions.

  My foot brushed up against something, and I knelt down and ran my fingers over a hard and heavy chain that was fastened to the wall. At the other end of it was a clamp that more than likely was used to lock up the Gremlin.

  I smiled at my luck and waited. The beast was still angry, slashing at the walls and howling up towards the portal. It jumped up, slicing its claws at the air. It must have thought I’d escaped back through the portal, which meant others might have done it before. Or at least I hoped they had.

  I remained silent in my crouched position, one hand on the steel clasp. I flexed the muscles in my legs and arms so I wouldn’t cramp as I waited out the monster.

  It trudged back and forth on its hands and feet, punching at the floor and letting out snorts of disapproval. I clenched my teeth at the noises. They were the same as those that terrified me in my dreams.

  The Gremlin finally came to a stop and sat back on its legs, rocking back and forth and letting out a low mournful howl toward the portal. It dragged its clawed hand along the stone floor and a whimpering sound echoed around the desolate room. The Gremlin dropped its head and kept rocking itself. Its howls and snorts of anger gone, replaced by a low hum of sadness.

  I slipped my hand around the metal chain and hefted it up. It was heavy, but I was used to parting the energy of the universe. I could handle this. I crept forward silently and the chain clinked ever so lightly in my hand. I stopped moving and held my breath.

  The Gremlin continued to cradle itself, paying no attention to the noise. I took the last few steps at a run and brought the clasp around slapping it onto the beast’s thick grey wrist. It snapped closed and a spark of crimson energy glowed around it as it activated.

  I darted off to the side to avoid the monsters reaction and only stopped when I realized it hadn’t moved.

  The Gremlin looked down at the manacle and moaned a low despondent sound. It looked toward me, and I saw in the monsters eyes something I had never seen before in any Gremlin’s eyes—sadness. The Gremlin had been trapped here for who knows how long. Grey eyes looked back at me with a hollowness that made me shiver.

  “Sorry, buddy, it’s not my fault,” I said.

  What the hell was I doing talking to a Gremlin? These things were the stuff of my nightmares and here I was feeling guilty about shackling one that a few minutes ago was ready to eat me. I needed to get out of here before I thought it might be a good idea to give it a hug.

  A low rumble escaped the Gremlin’s throat and it nodded its head at me, almost as if it was trying to communicate with me.

  “What’s on your mind, beastie? You want me to get closer so you can take a bite?”

  It shook its head, sending white hair flipping in all directions. It lifted its unshackled hand and pointed a long clawed finger toward the far wall.

  “What?” I asked.

  I took a cautious step to where the animal was pointing, and it began to let o
ut a noise not unlike that of a purring cat. I moved slowly until finally I reached the wall and saw the deep gauges that had been dug into the surface.

  I slipped my hand into one and was easily able to hold on. I pushed my foot in another and lifted myself off the floor. Holes and tears pocked the entire wall and gave me more than enough chances to climb closer to the portal.

  “Is this what you had in mind, beastie?” I asked over my shoulder, and I heard a grunt.

  Great now I’m chatting with Gremlins. What the hell is wrong with me? Next thing you know, I’ll be best friends with bad guys and turning against all my friends.

  It was slow going, climbing the stone wall, but each time I got higher the Gremlin let out a grunt of approval.

  The light of the portal shone above me and I could feel the power rolling off of it as I got closer. The scarring on the wall ended abruptly and I looked around for some other way to get myself up the last few feet. But the wall was sheer and I had nothing to grab onto. I stretched my arms out and looked over my shoulder at the portal.

  It was only a few feet away. I could jump for it. If I got my hands on it I would be fine and able to use the energy to pull myself through. I looked down and saw the drop to the dark, cold stone floor beneath me.

  The Gremlin looked up with wide grey eyes and hooted in approval. I didn’t have many options and I needed to get out of here. I took a deep breath and bent my legs at the knees to give myself as much of a push as I could manage. With all my strength I gave a hard thrust and arched my back like a diver going off a high board.

  My arms reached out and my fingers stretched as I neared the portal. Energy tickled my fingertips as nothing but air surrounded me. For a moment I was weightless, and then I felt gravity pull at me as I was about to fall. Electricity shot through my forearms from the Artifact and arced out of my fingers, attaching to the portal, and yanked me forward.

  For a brief moment, I could swear I heard something, a voice whispering in my ear as I was pulled through the portal.

  We mustn’t die, not again.

  Chapter 53

  I clawed my way out of the portal dragging myself into the adjoining room. I turned over, dropping on my back and taking deep breathes. I didn’t know how much time I had until they figured out I’d escaped, so I pulled myself up and took one last deep breath as I made my way through the house. Voices were coming from the back, and I edged my way down the hallway toward them.

  “How long are we going to leave her with the Gremlin?” a man’s voice asked.

  “Long enough for her to let the Artifact take over. She won’t be able to resist using it for long, since from what I understand those beasts have a rather outsized effect on her.” Nyla’s voice was crisp and clear, and it took all my willpower not to burst into the room and knock her teeth out of her head.

  “We won’t have long until the Guild shows up asking questions,” the man said.

  “I already took care of that,” she replied.

  I didn’t know what that meant, but I had a feeling no one was going to be coming to look for me and Ronan.

  “What if the Gremlin kills her?”

  “Won’t happen, the old monster likes to play with its food and even if it damages her, we’ll still have plenty to work with.”

  “And the Artifact?”

  “It will survive anything that happens to her, plus we know she has the device Mr. Slade created for me. Once she is injured enough where she can’t cause any problems, I’ll get the device and the Artifact will be mine.”

  “That isn’t the deal you made with them,” he said.

  “I’m changing the deal. The League were fools to think I’d let them have the Artifact.”

  I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning stark white as a flush of anger crossed over me. I knew I was dealing with snakes and now I had confirmation. The League had been working with Nyla to set me up. That was why LaReina had given me the device. She wanted it close by for them to use against me.

  The only question was how much did Ronan know and where the hell was he? If he had been part of this I’d made a fool of myself. I trusted him and had let him get close. I shook my head, trying to push away the damning thoughts. There was no proof he had betrayed me. Not yet anyway.

  I needed to find him and get the hell out of here. I was surrounded by vipers, and I wasn’t about to let them get me or the Artifact. I wanted to take Nyla out right now and end the threat, but the risk wasn’t worth it. Gran had been right about members of the League, and I needed to get that information to her.

  “I’m going to check our progress,” the man said and his footsteps drew near the door. I slipped back, trying to gain as much distance as I could.

  “Be patient, Thornton, it’ll be done soon enough.” Nyla laughed and I heard her moving in the other direction and a door slamming as she exited the house.

  The man called Thornton swung the door open and found me standing in the hallway. His mouth dropped open and his hand snatched at the Skeleton Key hanging from his necklace.

  I jumped forward, my fists jabbing out and hitting him directly in the throat. He gagged and bent over, hacking from the blow. I brought my knee up, catching him in the forehead and knocking him backwards.

  Thornton flailed his arms wildly, and I stepped into him, cutting off any chance he would score a lucky shot. I slid my arms around his neck and yanked him close. I locked my arms behind his head and pulled tight. He struggled, punching at my stomach and sides. I grunted in pain and held on.

  I didn’t have time for this, and I couldn’t take a chance he would let anyone know I’d escaped. I had only one choice.

  I shifted my shoulders and pulled tighter and a snapping sound filled the hallway as he went limp in my arms. I didn’t let him fall. I couldn’t leave a body around for anyone to find. I walked back toward the portal I had crawled out of and twisted, dumping his body through it.

  I looked down as the Gremlin raced forward and slammed its clawed fists into the corpse and howled in pleasure. It turned its head up and locked eyes with me. The monster hooted and hopped up and down like a dog happy its owner had given him a treat.

  “Great, I’m getting friendly with Gremlins now,” I said to myself as I left the portal and looked for a way out of the house.

  I snuck along to the opposite side of the house and slid into position next to a window. The area around the house was still barren with only the car visible near the porch. I could hear Nyla’s voice off in the backyard talking with someone else.

  There was still no sign of Ronan anywhere, and I couldn’t decide if that was a good or bad thing. I wasn’t sure who I could trust from the League. Ronan had been with me from the beginning and I wanted to believe that he was on my side. But I knew better than to believe my instincts were perfect. I’d been wrong about people before.

  I didn’t know how long I had until someone noticed Thornton was missing or that I wasn’t in the portal with the Gremlin. My time was short and I wanted to get the hell out of here as easily as possible. They could have alarms or traps set up to catch me if I used the Artifact. I needed to at least be outside before I opened a portal.

  “Where’s Ronan?” Nyla asked as she walked past the window and I squeezed myself under the sill nervous that she would see me.

  “We have him out in the garage,” one of her men called back.

  “Good, call the others I want them here for the transfer. They will finally get to see someone wield the Artifact who knows what the hell they’re doing with it,” Nyla said.

  “Then what?”

  “Then I claim my post on the Council like I was promised and do away with that old bitch Maura Grimm.” Nyla laughed.

  I clenched my teeth and my hands balled into fists. I was done. I had hidden and run enough from this situation. It was time I handled things my way. Anyone who didn’t like it could kiss my ass.

  I was up quick, my arms crossed in front of me in an X, and I jumped through the window
. Glass shattered and flew in all directions. A crimson glow emanated from me, creating a shield of protection. I hit the ground in a crouch and stood slowly, my hands dropping to my sides.

  Nyla was a few feet away from me and the man she’d been talking to stood beside her with his mouth agape at my sudden appearance. Nyla shook her head, as if she thought I must be some mirage she could make disappear.

  “If you’re going to start by killing a Grimm bitch, you might want to try me,” I said.

  Chapter 54

  “What the Hell…?” Nyla asked.

  “You seem to think all you need to do is show up, and I’ll roll over and let you take the Artifact from me. Your problem, Nyla, is that you don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

  I stepped toward her, and the man beside her moved in front of her, lifting his hand and warning me off.

  “Stay back,” he said.

  I shook my head at the absurdity of his action. “Really?” I shot crimson tendrils of energy at him and sent him crashing into the house with a sickening thud. He fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings had just been cut.

  “Stay back, Jess,” Nyla said as she backed away from me.

  I followed after her, the whisper in my head wasn’t so low anymore and for the first time I could truly make out what it was saying and I agreed with it.

  Kill this bitch.

  “My family has been members of the Skeleton Key Guild since its formation. This Artifact you so badly want is my birthright. My father died trying to protect me and it, and you think I’m about to let some jackass like you take it from me?”

  We turned the corner of the house and several people rushed forward upon seeing me. They each pulled out Skeleton Keys and activated them.

  “Stop her,” Nyla yelled as she ran away.

  “Stop me?” I laughed.

  I let the power of the Artifact course through my body. They had threatened me and tried to kill me. But they had crossed the line thinking they could go after my family. Nobody hurts my family or my friends—ever.


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