The League of Skull & Bones

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The League of Skull & Bones Page 25

by MJ Fletcher

  The Grimm. If they could talk to me through the Artifact, why couldn’t I talk to them? I concentrated my thoughts on my father and on one of the last things he had said to me before he died.

  My birthright.

  That’s what the Artifact has always been, not some curse or weapon for others to use, but my birthright. My family has protected it for generations, and now it was my turn and I wasn’t about to let someone take that away from me.

  I need help, I need the Grimm.

  The energy around me slowed its transition from me to the device, and suddenly I felt steadier, as if I had found my feet and could use them again. Crimson energy roiled around me likes waves of fog floating over the ocean, and strength returned to my limbs.

  The device was still working against me, but I had a level of control once again. I needed to use it and quickly.

  “Nothing to say, Jess? Are you scared?” Nyla scoffed.

  “No, but you should be.”

  I was up and moving forward as fast as my legs could carry me. Nyla’s mouth dropped open and she took a step back, but I was on her quickly.

  I brought my fists around and connected with her cheek, knocking her to the side. She stumbled and the device clattered to the floor. I didn’t care. I need to deal with her right now. I jabbed with my left hand, catching her in the lip and feeling the skin split under my blow as blood sprayed from her mouth.

  I was in more control of my abilities, but with the device still activated, I didn’t want to use the power of the Artifact. I had no idea if it would make things better or worse.

  “This isn’t possible. The device should be draining you,” she muttered through a bloodied mouth.

  “You never seem to stop underestimating me.”

  I swung another roundhouse and she brought her arm up and blocked it. She kicked straight out, catching me in the gut and doubling me over. Her hand grabbed my hair, twisting my head as she brought her knee up to my face. I brought my forearm across at the last moment and deflected most of the blow.

  I turned, twisting her hand in my hair and dropped to my knees and yanked forward, sending her flying over me and slamming onto her back with a thud. Air exploded from her lungs and she fought for a breath.

  Her hand fell from my hair and I punched down, hitting her in the chest. She grunted in pain and I kept up the assault, hitting her again.

  Nyla stopped moving and I stood up and took a step back, taking a long breath and trying to keep calm. I crossed the room and moved my fingers over the snap of my belt, opening it. I reached down and scooped up the device and dropped it into my pocket dimension. I didn’t want to deal with turning it off since I had no idea how to work it. I’d have to get Slade’s help for that, another time.


  Nyla was up with blood dripping from her mouth and chin. Her face was contorted in rage, and she pointed at me with one hand while in the other her Skeleton Key began to glow crimson.

  “Nyla,” I acknowledged.

  “Let’s see how good you really are,” she said.

  “My pleasure.”

  Chapter 58

  Nyla raced forward, her glowing Skeleton Key pointed at me. A bolt of energy shot out, and I stood my ground as the missile shot at me.

  The moment the device had entered my pocket dimension I felt the return of my full faculties. I raised my hand and the bolt of energy slammed into my palm, and I didn’t flinch. I shook my hand and glanced at Nyla who had stopped moving and stood still, staring at me. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Crimson tendrils poured off me, surrounding me like a litter of angry snakes.

  “I told you I’d make you pay,” Nyla said.

  She spun around and aimed at Ronan and shot a bolt of power in his direction. My arm pivoted and I shot my own bolt of energy, which caught and consumed hers like a hungry cat eating a mouse.

  “My turn,” I said. I flicked my wrist and a series of crimson darts shot from my fingertips and ripped through Nyla, flipping her over and leaving a trail of blood in her wake. I strolled forward and came to stand over her.

  She rolled onto her back and blood was soaking through her shirt collecting in pools. “I don’t give up easily.”

  “Good, I wouldn’t want to get bored.” I smiled and lifted my hand, forming a crimson blade and positioning it over her chest.

  A low mournful groan echoed over my shoulder.

  Ronan was moving in his bonds. Dried blood covered half his face and his usually perfect suit was shredded and in tatters. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down at me with longing and confusion in his eyes.

  “Ronan, give me a moment,” I said.

  “Look out,” he croaked.

  I spun in time to see Nyla, scampering away, her hand having already twisted and opened a portal. She turned and fell through it, but not before throwing something back toward me.

  I acted on instinct and raised a shield as the metal sphere hit it and exploded into a thousand tiny pieces, shooting around the room and each catching fire.

  Within moments the garage was covered in red and yellow flames in all directions. Nyla’s portal closed and I didn’t have time to chase after her if I was going to get Ronan out of here before he turned into a crispy treat.

  “Damn it,” I mumbled. I jumped onto the top of one of the battered cars and hopped across them until I was near enough to Ronan to see his eyes. “Hey.”

  “I mucked this up good, didn’t I?” he asked.

  “You could say that, but you’re handsome, so I’ll let it slide this time.”

  I quickly created a crimson katana and swung it, slicing the first chain and sending Ronan swinging in my direction. I reached out with my other arm and pulled him into me. I flicked my wrist back the other way and slashed the last chain, dropping it to the floor with a clang.

  “Can you walk?” I asked.

  “Not too well.”

  “Never mind,” I said.

  I waved my hand discarding the katana and seizing control of the surrounding energy to open a portal beside us. I kept my arm under his shoulder and helped him through the portal.

  As we came through his weight leaned against me and we fell over in the dirt road leading to the house. I laughed aloud at the sight of us both bruised and battered, laying on one another in the middle of nowhere.

  “You saved me,” he said.

  I was lying on top of him, our bodies pressed against one another, I held myself up in a push up position above him. His face was caked with dried blood and bruises, but a quick inspection showed his wounds to be superficial. My long blond hair hung down framing his face and blocking out anything, but the two of us.

  I smiled down at him and nodded. “You’re right I did and that means you owe me.”

  “Whatever you want,” he said.


  “Yes,” he replied.

  “I may take you up on that.”

  “I hope you do.”

  I didn’t care where we were or what had happened. I only knew that for the first time in a very long time I wanted to be with someone, and I didn’t care about another damn thing.

  I leaned in closer and he pushed himself up on his elbows, and we kissed, our mouths connecting like a spark of electricity. I didn’t care about the pain or the dirt—I wanted him here and now. Our hands roamed across one another’s bodies, and he rolled me over in the dirt road, pressing his weight into me.

  His hands slid across my belt and unbuckled it. A spark of energy shot out, hitting his hand, and he pulled back. I reached out, grabbing his wounded hand and pulled it back, wrapping it around my belt and pushing energy through it to allow him to touch it.

  “Sorry, safety feature,” I smirked between kisses, and he laughed.

  “Maybe we should go in the house?” He smiled back at me.


  “You know,” —he shrugged— “a bed.”

  “Well, aren’t you all fancy.” I laughed.
br />   The hairs on my neck suddenly stood on end, and I pushed him aside and raised my arms, activating my abilities as I felt a massive wave of power emanate around us.

  “What is it?” Ronan asked.

  “Someone’s coming,” I said.

  Portals appeared all across the area, the doors swinging open and people pouring out and surrounding us where we lay in the middle of the dirt road.


  “Okay a few someones.”

  “Move aside,” a woman’s voice cut through the crowd of people, and they parted for her.

  LaReina Graves walked toward us, the edges of her mouth turned down as she looked at us disheveled and battered, sitting on the ground.

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Chapter 59

  “Is this how you two handle League business by screwing around?” LaReina yelled as she approached us.

  “Hello, LaReina,” I said as I pulled myself up and offered a hand to help Ronan to his unsteady feet.

  “Hello my ass. Where is Nyla?”

  “Gone, she got away.” I dusted off my clothes and pulled my belt back together and snapped it closed.

  “And when were you planning on telling me this?”

  “I hadn’t decided yet.” I shrugged.

  “Listen to me girl, you had better—”

  I swung my hand, slapping her wagging finger that was in my face aside. “Shut the hell up, LaReina. I haven’t decided yet if you were part of this or not.”

  Her eyes flared with anger and she took a step back, her hand moving slightly as if she was thinking of going for her Skeleton Key, but decided against it.

  “You accuse me of being a traitor?” she said insulted.

  “Not yet, but it isn’t looking good for you. Just how the hell did you happen to get here with the cavalry right after the fight ended? That’s a little convenient isn’t it? Nyla has been one step ahead of everything we’ve done, LaReina, why is that?” I let the accusation hang in the air. The other members of the League of Skull & Bones shifted uncomfortably around us.

  “You should be careful, Jess, I’m a powerful enemy.”

  “So am I,” I replied.

  “That’s it, I’m done with these games. Hand over the device and Ronan give me your Skeleton Key, you’re both being bound by law.”

  Ronan moved beside me, shoulder to shoulder, his Skeleton Key already glowing in his hand. I raised my hand and activated my powers.

  “If you want something from us, you’re going to have to take it,” I said.

  “I’m with her, LaReina,” Ronan said.

  “As the leader of the League of Skull & Bones, I command you both to stand down or I will be forced to take drastic action.” LaReina spoke through gritted teeth, her eyes boring into me with a searing hatred.

  “Kiss my ass,” I said with a smile.

  “That’s it.” she yelled, “take them both!”

  A portal tore from the ground and swung open, and a woman stepped out, her white hair pulled up in a bun. She looked back and forth between LaReina and me.

  “What is going on here?”

  My grandmother stood between us, her eyes narrowed and her mouth drawn in a tight line. Behind her, a man stood in the doorway bathed in shadow.

  “Maura what are you doing here?” LaReina asked unsteadily.

  “I’ve been informed that you learned the location of Nyla Foxglove last night and only now have you mounted an operation. Why is that LaReina?”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I have my sources.” She waved her finger and the man in shadows chuckled. “Now answer me.”

  “I thought it best to be prepared,” she said raising her chin defiantly.

  “Or perhaps you thought you would send my granddaughter into a fixed fight where you could get your hands on the Artifact.”

  “What? No I didn’t.” She stepped toward my grandmother and I reacted, swinging my hand out and backhanding her across the face. The blow slammed into her cheek, knocking her to the ground.

  “Don’t you dare go near her,” I said.

  “Thank you, dear, but I can handle myself.” Gran placed her hand on my shoulder, and I stepped aside.

  The members of the League stood around staring as if unsure of what they should do next.

  Gran stood amongst them as she spoke. “I’ve found intelligence that a member of the League of Skull & Bones was communicating with Nyla Foxglove in an attempt to gain control of the Skeleton Key Guild and the Artifact that my granddaughter bears. LaReina Graves stands accused and is bound by law until we can determine her guilt or innocence. Take her into custody.”

  Gran turned her back on the League members, and I tensed at the implication if any of them decided it was better to fight on LaReina’s behalf. But none did, instead they reached down stripping LaReina of her Skeleton Key and hoisting her up.

  “It’s all lies. I didn’t do anything. This is just a ploy to get rid of me, Maura, and it won’t work. I should have been Council leader, not you!” LaReina shouted as she was dragged away.

  “Who will lead the League?” I asked.

  “I’ll have to appoint someone, and until then I can handle it,” Gran replied. “Are you okay, dear?”

  “I’ll be fine just bruised a bit, though I think Ronan needs a Fixer.”

  Ronan had taken a knee and was breathing heavily. He looked up and grinned, winking at me.

  “Are you trying to say I can’t handle myself?” he asked.

  “Not at all,” I said.

  “Very well, get him to a Fixer and meet me at the house. I need to know everything that happened.”

  Gran walked back to the portal where the man waited in shadow. She stopped before entering and looked over her shoulder to me.

  “Gran, one thing, how did you know what was happening?”

  “I have my sources.” She winked and walked into the portal. For a brief moment, I caught a glimpse of the man in shadow. His white hair was pulled back in a ponytail and steel grey eyes flashed in my direction.

  “Merric,” I whispered.

  A shiver ran up my spine and I blew out a long slow breath. The fight for the moment was over, Nyla was on the run, and LaReina was in custody. Perhaps I could stop worrying about people trying to kill me for a few minutes and concentrate on the rest of my crazy ass life.

  Wouldn’t that be nice?

  Chapter 60

  I woke up with a yawn, stretching my arms above my head and taking in the morning with a new found joy. It’d been three days since I’d fought Nyla and LaReina had been taken into custody.

  Gran was securely in charge of the Guild and was seeking a replacement for LaReina. Ronan had gone to see the Fixer and was going to be fine, which was a good thing since we had a date this evening.

  I pushed the covers off. I was wearing only a night shirt and my scars were easily visible. I glanced over them and my Skeleton Key tattoos. I traced my fingers along them slowly and narrowed my focus like I had been teaching myself to do these last few days. I was feeling more in control of the Artifact each time I accessed its power and was beginning to wonder if I would even need a Timelock to control it.

  Tendrils of crimson smoke seeped from the tattoo and floated across the floor, taking on the shape of my father. He stood at the edge of the bed and smiled down at me.

  “You’re getting good at that,” he said.

  “I need to keep practicing.”

  “The Artifact is still dangerous. The oldest of the Grimm don’t speak to me, so I don’t know all of its secrets. You need to tread lightly.”

  “I intend to,” I said.

  “What about you? Are you safe?” he asked.

  I pulled myself from the bed and waved at my dad to follow me as I crossed over to the metal stairs and took them down two at a time. I entered the kitchen area, pulled open the fridge, grabbed the orange juice and took a sip from the container.

  “According to all the
information we have, Nyla is on the run and injured. She doesn’t have a lot of friends at the moment. Once people heard LaReina was in custody most of her options dried up. They know if they help her, they will be crossing the Guild.”

  “Now what?”

  “Now it’s back to work. I stay a member of the League, but I am being remanded to the Council. Slade and I will be given a new mission soon and we can get back to looking for a Timelock,” I said feeling pleased that things seemed to be working out at the moment.

  “And Ronan?”

  “He’s still with the League, and we won’t be partnering for the moment. Plus we have a date tonight,” I said unable to stop myself from smiling.

  “I’m glad. I’ll leave you to enjoy the day—for a change. Is there anything else you need from the Grimm?”

  I stopped drinking and placed the container on the counter. I thought about everything that had been going on and realized the Grimm had been around for a very long time and could have information others might not know.

  “Does the Grimm know anything about Merric Vale?”

  I could swear it was Merric who had been with Gran when she had come to our aide. Had he told her where we were to help me or was he up to something else? There was so much more to Merric. I wasn’t sure if I would ever find out all his secrets, but I knew I wasn’t going to stop trying, if only from a distance. There was something unfinished between us, though I didn’t like admitting it.

  “Merric is an enigma I know little about him and will see what the Grimm knows. I do know he is feared by many Old Kind and he is not someone to cross. I would be very careful around him.”

  “Believe me I will be,” I nodded in agreement. It seemed everyone was wary of Merric and after seeing how he had almost lost it that one time I couldn’t blame them, though it had made me more curious. “Thank you,” I nodded to the ghostly image of my father and it dissipated in a cloud of red smoke.

  I shook my head and walked to the bathroom. “As if my life weren’t weird enough, now I have chats with my dead father. You win the prize for the craziest existence ever, Jess.”


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