Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 6

by Nichole M. Bridges

  On the ride back to the hotel, James worked on my wounds as best he could while glaring daggers at the back of Marek's head the whole time. Some of my more severe injuries would need a little time to heal, but the minor ones he fixed quickly and efficiently.

  James said vampire blood would be the only help for what was left. I could tell that it didn't make him happy.

  I leaned into James in the backseat and tried to hide the pain every time we hit a bump. Marek kept glancing back at me in the mirror because I couldn't keep the pain from him. I would have to work on that, especially if this bond between us was as permanent as I suspected.

  "Is there any chance we could stop for something to eat? I'm starving." I said, catching Marek's eye in the rear-view mirror.

  His eyes crinkled up briefly, then he nodded. He must have remembered that I was human and required food. He dropped James and me off at a restaurant down the street from the hotel and left. It was abrupt and confused me but I shook it off and followed James from the car.

  James took my hand, and we walked in to find a table. It was a small place with about six tables. We sat down, and the waitress came over to get our drink order.

  "Water for me. Thank you." I said, taking the menu and searching for something that looked good.

  James ordered a beer, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Alcohol doesn’t affect me.” He said.


  "It's good to be out of that car and alone with you for a change," I said, smiling.

  He smiled, but there was a lack of joy in his eyes.

  “You aren’t happy,’ I said.

  "I just watched you get your ass repeatedly kicked and had to heal your wounds. That is not my idea of a good time." He said.

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured him.

  “I know you will be, but I’m cautious.” He said.

  "Why?" I asked, trying to see what was bothering him.

  “You belong to him now. It changes everything.” He said.

  The look on his face was serious, but I didn't understand it.

  "I don't belong to anyone," I said defensively.

  "Whether you agreed to it verbally or not makes no difference. I can't ignore that you let Marek take your blood. A lot of it from how well your wounds healed on their own." He said, avoiding my eyes.

  I hadn’t realized it myself, but the cuts and minor bruises had healed faster than I thought possible even with healing treatments from James.

  "Hey," I said, grabbing his hand. "It was a demonstration. You know how Marek is. He rather force me to face something than talk to me about it."

  He gripped my hand back, which was a good sign. I could tell he didn't believe me though.

  "I know what Marek is, and there is always a reason he does something. That incident after the warehouse was more than training Ember. I think you know that.” He said.

  I thought back to what Marek had said to me before he bit me. That I was his poison. Admitting to James that I thought Marek had feelings for me didn’t seem wise.

  “Maybe,” I agreed. “But I don’t think it was planned.”

  "Not possible. Marek is one of the oldest creatures I've ever met, and he is always in control." James insisted.

  I didn't argue with him. He knew more about vampires than I did, and I had to trust his judgment. Marek didn’t strike me as a being led by his passions anyway.

  "Speaking of Marek, the two of you seem to be getting along better today," I said.

  James shook his head and sighed.

  “He didn’t punish me for what happened at the warehouse if that’s what you mean. I don't know why exactly, but I think he understands." James responded.

  "What do you mean?" I asked, unsure of what he was talking about.

  "He knows you are irresistible." He said, smiling.

  “Stop. I am not.” I said.

  "You are. I'm undone simply by the look in your eyes sometimes. Then your body touches mine and…" James shook his head.

  “What are you saying?" I asked, laughing.

  “Then it's like you’ve put a spell on me. I’ll do anything you say.” He said with a straight face.

  “You can't be serious, James," I said, smiling, but he didn't look amused.

  "Your friend Todd said to me one time that you had no idea the effect you had on men. It's true. You bewitch everyone you meet and walk away, blissfully unaware." James said.

  “If that were true, I surely would have noticed. I’m not completely blind.” I said.

  "No, you are not, but you can be naive." He said gently.

  His words stung as if he meant I wasn’t smart enough to see it. I pushed it down and tried to ignore it.

  "I guess it's a good thing you have my back then," I said.

  "My duty is to your safety." He said, smiling.

  “I'm glad," I said.

  I smiled and withdrew my hand as the waitress arrived with our drinks. I watched him as he ordered. He isn't your typical blue-eyed blonde. James' features are more masculine and sexier than any boy next door type. He had grown a scruff of a beard lately, and it looked good on him. His hair was disheveled, but it was in a wind-tossed sexy way. It was distracting and beautiful at the same time.

  The waitress cleared her throat, and I reluctantly looked away from James to give her my order. When I looked back, he was smiling, and this time it reached his eyes. He was delighted that I had been staring at him. It reminded me of the first time I had seen him. In a room full of people, my eyes landed on him. There was no one else to see. Why hadn't I remembered that the past few days?

  When we got back to the hotel room, I could feel Marek's temper simmering under the surface, but he didn't say anything. He had looked at James and me for a moment and then looked away.

  Marek had a bunch of papers covering the coffee table, and he was drawing something on them with a red marker. They looked like architectural plans, but I couldn't tell of what.

  "What are those?" I asked, walking over to him.

  "The plans to the warehouse you found." He said, leaning back so I could see them better.

  "Where my sister is?" I asked, knowing that was the place.

  Excitement at finally being able to get her back filled my thoughts.

  "If she is there, yes." He said, clearly implying that she might not be there after all.

  “Where did you get them?” I asked curiously.

  He looked at me like I was an idiot. Maybe I was.

  “I requested them as soon as you saw vampires in the building. They arrived earlier today.” He said.

  I wondered how they had arrived and with whom. Marek lifted his eyes to mine, and I understood that he had ways he would not explain to me now. The how or why wasn’t important anyway. All I needed to know was where Natalie was and how we were going to get her back.

  "What have you learned?" James asked, sitting down on the floor across from Marek.

  "There are three levels below ground. There is a wing likely to hold prisoners and another section that could be used for either more prisoners or as a stronghold to protect residents." Marek said, pointing out each location on the plans.

  "You think Natalie is in one of those locations," James stated.

  It wasn't a question. Marek doesn't waste time on a conversation. He was telling James the plan, but I didn't understand it.

  "How do we get in?" I asked, looking over the entry and exit points.

  "I will test their defenses tonight then decide on a strategy," Marek said.

  "And we go with you," I said, indicating James and me.

  “No, Ember. You and James stay here tonight.” Marek said.

  “Why? We need to go in and get her. If we all go, we have a better chance of getting Nat.” I said.

  Marek shook his head no. "First, I test their defenses, then I decide what we do next. I will not risk your life before I know how well they are equipped to defend themselves. You made progress today, but you are still lear
ning. I will not put you in danger unnecessarily."

  "I need to go, Marek," I said with spiking anger.

  “You will stay with James this evening. I will return after assessing the risks.” He said and pulled the warehouse plans off the table.

  “No! I have to go with you.” I insisted.

  “You will stay here like I said. No more, Ember!” Marek said with such vehemence that I sat down hard on the couch.

  Getting the vampire angry was stupid, and if the look on James' face told me anything, I needed to shut my mouth. Tears welled up in my eyes, but they didn't fall until Marek left the room. The sound of the door slamming shut had such a sense of finality to it that I broke down.

  James was there in an instant holding me and rocking me. I could feel Marek getting further away, and no matter how many times James stroked my hair, I felt like Natalie wasn't coming home because of it. He was leaving me behind when he should be taking me with him. We wouldn’t get Natalie back unless I was there. And Marek wouldn’t trust me to survive it.

  "He's making a mistake," I said.

  “He knows what he’s doing. Viktor won’t have your sister in a place without fortifications. We have to know what we are dealing with before going in.” James said.

  His argument was reasonable. Had I been an ordinary human, I probably would have trusted what he said. Unfortunately, I am not ordinary, and every instinct I had was screaming at me to go with Marek. Something terrible was going to happen if I didn't.

  "I can feel it, James. I need to be there." I said through gritted teeth.

  "He won't change his mind. He never does." He said, trying again to soothe me.

  I looked into his eyes and let the rest of my tears fall. They fell because of my sister. They fell for what she was going to have to endure because of an arrogant vampire who wouldn't listen to me. What good was it to have powers if I couldn't use them to save my own sister?

  My anger rose to the surface as I stared into the beautiful blue eyes of my Guardian. He was going to keep me from my sister too. He would follow Marek’s orders and keep me in that hotel room because he thought that was the right thing to do. James was in my way too.

  "Marek doesn't know what his actions will affect," I said.

  James shook his head. “We will wait for Marek then put together a plan for getting your sister back. Rushing in without recon would be too dangerous. We will get her back after he checks things out.”

  I took a deep breath and made a decision that might make James hate me, but it had to be done. I put my hands on his chest and closed my eyes. Letting my anger go was hard, but with every breath, I was able to release a little bit more. This wouldn't work if I couldn't control my emotions.

  James must have felt the tension leaving my body because he lifted my chin. I opened my eyes and gave him a small smile. He leaned his forehead against mine.

  “It will be okay,” He whispered.

  I nodded my head yes, as if I agreed. After a deep intake of breath, I let go of the last traces of my anger. We had time before Marek would do anything. The sun hadn't fallen yet. Marek wouldn't make a move until the cover of night; I was sure of it.

  "At least we are finally alone," I said.

  James pulled me in closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I let him hold me for a while before I looked up at him.

  He brushed the hair back from my face and ran his fingers along my jawline. It felt good, but it didn't make my heart race like I thought it should. That confused me because I had been attracted to him since the first time I saw him. If anyone could make a woman's libido rise, it would be the man in front of me.

  "So much has changed since we first met," I said, thinking back to the way we used to flirt and how I was so attracted to him.

  Maybe it was a matter of wanting what I couldn't have. I was dating Nikko then, and it was exciting to have attention from a handsome man like James. I didn't think I needed a lot of excitement in my life. Now that I have it, I'm not sure what life would be like without it or if I would want to live without it.

  "You have been through a lot, but you've handled it well." He said, stroking my back.

  “You make me feel safe,” I said and wished it could be more.

  James is the type of man fathers could trust to treat their daughters well. He is genuine and kind.

  “I want to want you," I said, looking into his eyes.

  “I know you do.” He said and gave me a sad smile.

  He tucked my head in under his chin and hugged me tighter. It felt safe and warm and helped me calm down more. He was becoming a big brother to me.

  “How about you go get cleaned up, and I'll order us some dinner?" James said.

  I nodded my head yes and got up. I was sore from training, so it was more of a groan and push process. I was also sure that I didn't smell great after sweating my ass off all day in the desert.

  As I walked into the bathroom, my thoughts traveled to Marek and what he might be doing right now. I could imagine him sneaking about outside the warehouse, testing the security of the building. He wouldn't be seen or heard unless he wanted to be, and anyone getting in his way would be removed swiftly and efficiently.

  Seeing a vampire in his element must be a sight to be seen. I’ve witnessed Marek’s ability to move quickly and appear to walk as if gliding on glass. I wondered what else he was capable of and if I would ever see it myself.

  I peeled off my clothes and turned the water on to get it warming up in the shower. I caught my reflection and saw a hint of the bruises I had from my training session. I reflected on what I had learned today and felt ready to handle just about anyone physically. My powers were still a work in progress, but I could hold my own. I had, after all, knocked Marek on his ass enough times to be proud.

  I knew I could take on Viktor's horde of lackeys, and I would do it with Marek. I just had to distract James somehow, so I could get out of here without him knowing.

  I stepped into the shower and allowed the water to soothe the tension in my body. I cleaned off the muck and grime and instantly felt better.

  The hot water felt good drumming into my skin, but it couldn't wash away the feeling that my sister was slipping away tonight. A surge of anger shot through me, and tears pooled in my eyes. I washed the tears away with the spray of the water. There was no use crying when I needed to be acting.

  I shut off the water and dried off. I towel dried my hair, then pulled on a robe and went into the living area. James was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

  "Are you alright?" I asked, coming over to him.

  He looked up, and his face was stricken for a split second before he turned to hide it. It was as if something terrible had happened.

  "James, what is it?" I asked, moving closer to him.

  “It’s nothing,” He assured me and patted the couch for me to sit next to him. “The food should be here any minute.”

  I looked at him with narrowed eyes as if squinting would tell me what was going on.

  "Tell me why you look like your dog just died," I said, sitting next to him.

  He was quiet for a moment as if he wasn’t sure if he should tell me.

  "It's really nothing. I'm just tired." He said, smiling.

  "Did I kick your butt too hard today?" I asked, smiling.

  “Something like that,” He said but didn’t show any humor.

  My eyebrows wrinkled as I wondered what his issue could be. He was typically in good humor most of the time and often the one encouraging me to look on the bright side. If James was upset, something had to be really bothering him, but I didn’t want to push it. I needed to focus on getting my sister tonight.

  “Well then maybe we can relax for a while, maybe watch a movie. How about that?” I asked.

  He smiled and agreed.

  "Good. Let's see what our options are…" I said, picking up the remote and flipping through the menu.

  I settled in next to James on the couch after choo
sing the movie. He seemed to relax a bit, so I leaned into him. Cuddling up next to him was a habit, so when I laid my head on his shoulder, I expected him to reciprocate. He didn’t. He stayed sitting the way he was, not making a move to put his arm around me.

  That's when I knew that I was the problem. What James said earlier came back to me, that I belonged to Marek. It made my anger rise again, thinking about it. I sat up straight and fumed. Vampires were going to drive me insane in this life.

  Just as I was about to say something, a knock sounded at the door. I jumped like a child caught doing something bad. James gave me a look then went to the door to let the room service attendant in with our food.

  I sat down at the dining table that was tucked into a corner of the room while James tipped the guy. James had ordered enough food to feed a crowd, but the selection was a good one. I started in on a juicy steak with a loaded baked potato. It was divine.

  "How many people are we feeding?" I asked, teasing him.

  "I'm starving, and with as much energy as you expended earlier, I figured you would need to refuel as well," James said.

  He was right. I polished off the steak and went in for some chicken shortly after that. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until the first bite of food hit my mouth. It was like I turned into a zombie craving brains only not gross and infinitely tastier.

  “Why am I so hungry? We ate not that long ago." I marveled, shoving more food into my mouth.

  “Using supernatural powers can lead to a larger appetite. You need more calories for your body to support all the extra energy you’re using.” He said.

  It made sense. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I perked up from eating. I was going to need that energy tonight if I was able to slip out and join Marek.

  We ate in mostly silence with an occasional comment about the food. I hated it. James and I had never been so awkward with each other. He was someone I trusted, and I couldn’t take the distance.

  After we ate, we went back to the movie. This time I didn't let James sit rigidly next to me. I pulled his arm around me and dared him with a look to pull back. He smiled and shook his head but kept his arm where I put it. I snuggled closer and enjoyed the warmth of his body next to mine.


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