Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 20

by Nichole M. Bridges

  "That's a good doggy," I said, smiling.

  Marek gave me a look like I was pushing it. He was probably right.

  "What are you doing, Ember?" Viktor asked.

  It wasn’t easy for him. He had to speak through gritted teeth. His body trembled as he looked up at me.

  "You wanted a bond Viktor but what you don't understand is that I'm the more powerful party here. You are mine." I said and pushed more power.

  He winced and fell forward. He was on hands and knees when two members of the Council leadership walked into the room. I looked at Marek, and a small smile formed on his lips. He must have called them as witnesses.

  "Now Viktor, I want you to tell me everything you have done to me, including what you did to my sister. Start from the beginning and don't leave anything out." I said.

  I pushed more power into the command, and Viktor sang his little heart out. It turned out he pulled my sister into his scheme so he could get an introduction to me. He had bonded her to him so that he could control her and get into my life without suspicion. He had indeed hired Asher Sanz and used him as a distraction so he could put a spell on me during the battle. The only thing he didn't know was who the third party was that attacked his crew in Phoenix.

  By the time he was done telling me what he had done, the Council leaders had him in shackles, and several guards were at the ready to take him away. He looked up at me with awe.

  "You are the most powerful creature on this planet. I was right to go after a bond with you. I can feel your strength." Viktor said, smiling.

  "Not for long, Viktor. This isn't going to be permanent." I said, smiling down on him.

  He frowned then looked at Marek. Viktor moved faster than I could track, but the guards caught him before he could do anything. Marek walked up to him and punched him in the face.

  “That is for forcing the woman I love to take your blood,” He said and motioned the guards to take him away.

  My jaw was on the floor when Marek turned to me. He moved like a gust of wind and was suddenly in front of me. He pushed my chin up and smiled while looking into my eyes.

  A shuffle of feet told me the onlookers all left the room with Viktor.

  “You love me?” I asked.

  Marek pulled me into his arms. It was weird to not be able to feel his emotions. It was like a piece of me was missing.

  “How do you feel?” He asked.

  He ran his hands over my side then back up my body. His fingers slid over my neck and into my hair. I couldn't think clearly with him touching me.

  “Ember, how do you feel?” He repeated.

  “You love me?” I asked again.

  He held me close and said softly, “I do.”

  "Now tell me that letting you drink another vampire's blood healed you, or I will lose my mind." He said.

  "It worked," I said, reassuring him.

  “Good because watching you drink from another vampire was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in this long life.” He said.

  I was shocked speechless. When Marek moved to walk away, I couldn't move.

  "Ember?" He said, concerned.

  “I…I,” the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

  He smiled and pulled me into his arms again.

  "Shall I carry you, or do you think you can walk?" he asked.

  The smile on his lips was sweet and tentative, like he wasn't sure how I felt. I realized then that he didn't know how I felt. Our bond was broken. It brought tears to my eyes.

  “What is wrong milaya moya?” He asked.

  “The bond…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

  “I know,” He said softly and brushed the tears away.

  Not having Marek's feelings merged with mine was a physical pain. It was worse than I had imagined it would be. I pulled myself together. It wouldn't be permanent, or at least I didn't think it would be. I had to distract myself from it.

  “What does it mean when you say milaya moya?” I asked.

  “It is what a man calls his beloved, it translates roughly to my sweet.” He said.

  "Oh," I said, a little disappointed.

  I thought maybe he was telling me he loved me all along.

  “I can call you lyubov moya if you prefer." He said.

  “And what does that mean?” I asked.

  “My love,” He said.

  I smiled and shook my head, “no, the first one is what you’ve always called me. I like it when you say it.”

  He smiled and leaned his forehead into mine. My heart was racing, and I didn’t know what to do.

  “Have you healed?” Marek asked.

  His hands ran down my arms until his fingers entwined with mine. We stood there looking into each other’s eyes for a moment. I had to do an inventory of pain and found nothing.

  "I think so," I said, finally taking a deep breath.

  “Good,” he said.

  "Can we get out of here? People are standing in the hall listening to us." I said.

  Marek nodded and walked toward the doorway. He narrowed his eyes as he exited the room. The people who were in the hallway scattered like roaches when the lights turn on.

  Marek reached out to me so he could hold my hand. My stomach fluttered as I accepted it. We were in public holding hands after Marek had declared his love for me. The social repercussions in vampire society were concerning. I wasn't sure I fully understood the consequences.

  I was almost glad he couldn’t feel my emotions as we walked to the elevators. My mind was racing with thoughts. I was still freaking out about having to bind myself to Viktor and then the revelation Marek made immediately after threw me for a loop. I had no idea what I was supposed to say to him.

  I decided to ignore what had happened and think of something else as we stepped into the elevator. There was more to take care of now that Viktor had admitted, with witnesses, what he had done to my sister and me. What I couldn't change at the moment was his blood in my body.

  "How do I get Viktor's blood out of me?" I asked, feeling panicked.

  My arms itched, and my stomach hurt. I could feel Viktor's blood weighing me down. Having to block him was exhausting.

  “It will be alright,” Marek insisted.

  “Easy for you to say. You don’t feel him trying to pick his way through the bond into your mind.” I said.

  “You are stronger than he is. Order him to stop.” Marek said matter of fact.

  "I rather break the bond," I said, leaning against the elevator wall.

  "One so new will be harder to break," Marek said, but the look in his eye was hopeful.

  “What do you recommend we do?” I asked.

  He smiled a wicked smile, and I knew what he was thinking. I walked right into that one. I rolled my eyes at him.

  The elevator dinged, and we walked out toward my temporary apartment. I needed to get home, take care of bills, and figure out if I was going to go back to work at the law firm. It probably wasn't in Marek’s plan for me to move back home. I had a feeling he was going to insist I stay or have a Guardian 24/7 no matter what I wanted.

  Chapter Twenty

  We walked into the apartment, and Marek offered to draw me a bath. I agreed. I was anxious to get out of the scrubs and into some comfy pajamas. I had been up most of the night, and the pain had taken its toll.

  I gathered my clothes while Marek drew the bath. He was acting differently, sweeter. Marek wasn't sweet, so it was disconcerting.

  I brushed my hair until Marek called that the bath was ready. It smelled like vanilla and warmth when I walked into the bathroom. I stripped down and got into the tub. I moaned as the hot water covered my sore muscles.

  Marek was standing by the door with a smirk on his face. I had stripped naked in front of him, not even realizing what I had done. I felt a blush on my cheeks and hid it by turning my head away.

  “How does it feel?” Marek asked from next to the tub.

  I jumped and chastised myself for not paying attentio
n. This is a vampire.

  "My muscles thank you. It feels great." I said, forcing a smile.

  "Can I get you anything?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the tub.

  "No, I just want to soak for a while," I said.

  He could see all of me if he wanted to, but he maintained eye contact with me instead. James had done the same thing with me before. It must be a Guardian thing.

  He got up to leave, but I grabbed his hand. He turned back to me, face blank.

  “We need to talk,” I said.

  He laughed, “I was wondering when you would get to that.”

  He sat down on the floor next to the tub, so we were eye to eye. He pulled my hand into his placing his other hand over it. It was another sweet thing that I thought was out of character. I stared at our hands entwined, and he raised them, kissing my palm. He kept his eyes on me the entire time, and he must have liked what he saw.

  My body flooded with warmth at his kiss. It was such a random place to kiss someone, but it filled my body with desire for him. He knew what it did to me. With a vampire's sense of smell, how could he not?

  "Thanks for clouding my head, so I can't think," I said sarcastically.

  “My pleasure,” he said and kissed my palm again.

  “Marek,” I said sternly.

  He just smiled.

  "This bond with Viktor feels like a disease. How long do I have to wait to break it?" I asked.

  "I do not know for sure, but I do not think it wise to remove it too quickly. I need to know the parameters of the spell first." He said, looking pained.

  "And Viktor needs to tell us that information. This is never-ending." I said, sinking further into the water.

  “My team is speaking with him now. If they are unsuccessful, you can use the bond to force him.” He said.

  "I can do that now," I said, opening the bond.

  Viktor felt a wave of pleasure as I opened the bond. It was revolting to have his feelings invade me. I felt Marek grab my hand, and the nausea died down. I looked up at him and smiled. He was my rock.

  “Please tell me you are not naked with that vampire in the room.” Viktor snarled into my mind.

  “Why? Does that bother you, Viktor?” I replied.

  “You are mine. Marek should not be allowed in your presence.” He snapped.

  “Wrong Viktor. You are mine and will do as I say, or I break the bond in the most uncomfortable way possible for you.” I said.

  Viktor cringed but didn't say a word. I ordered him to cooperate with the Guardians. He fought me, but in the end, he relented. I saw him in a room with James and Caden. His sudden lack of resistance shocked them. I saw James pull out his phone, and then Marek's pocket vibrated.

  “Are you controlling him?” Marek asked me.

  I nodded yes, and he confirmed with James. I saw James smile then put away his phone. He told Caden that Viktor would now cooperate with them, and Caden grinned.

  I blocked Viktor out and concentrated on Marek instead. I felt a flicker of his emotions and gasped. He looked at me, concerned.

  "I felt you for a moment," I said.

  "How? The bond broke." He said, looking confused.

  "I don't think it did. Maybe the vampire bond is mostly broken, but there is still something there, a shadow. It is drowning under the other bond, but when I pull on it, I can still feel it." I said, marveling at it.

  I looked up at Marek and saw a small smile on his face. For him, it was a lot of emotion.

  “How do relationships work with vampires?” I asked.

  His face shut down into his standard blank form.

  “How do you mean?” He asked.

  "Do you date, or how does that work?" I asked.

  "Are you asking if we go to the movies?" He asked, holding back a laugh.

  "Yes and no. All I've read and heard about is claiming a mate. How do you know when you have found your mate? It's a permanent position, is it not?" I asked.

  “That is complicated.” He answered.

  "I'm knee-deep in vampire politics and relationships. I need to know." I said.

  “Very well,” He said. “I will have Caden fill you in.”

  "Why not you?" I asked, frowning.

  "Because you are naked and wet, and I cannot think of anything else right now." He answered deadpan.

  I smiled wide, and I was sure it looked wicked too. His eyes were smoky, and I felt a trickle of desire coming from him. I sat up onto my knees and slipped my hands up to his chest.

  "You have too many clothes on," I said, leaning in to kiss him.

  He kissed me back and pulled my wet body against his. I could feel the water soaking into his shirt. I moved his jacket off his shoulders, and he let it drop to the floor. He wrapped his arms back around me and kissed me deeply.

  He pricked his tongue on a fang and slid it into my mouth. The caramel taste hit me, and fire poured through my body instantly. I yanked at his shirt until he took it off. Moments later, he was naked and in the bath with me.

  Water splashed over the sides of the tub as he jumped in and settled in with me. His skin was soft under my hands, and his muscles rippled with strength. My heart raced as he kissed my neck and trailed his tongue along my jaw. I pulled him closer and wrapped a leg around his.

  “Is this better milaya moya?” Marek said.

  “Much better,” I whispered into his ear.

  “Are you warm enough?” he asked.

  “You set my heart afire. I couldn’t be cold when you’re near me.” I said.

  "What else do you feel, lyubov moya?” He said softly.

  I pulled on the tiny thread of our bond that was simmering in the background. Staring into Marek’s bright blue eyes helped me find it. It was a dark warmth I had fallen into many times and a place I wanted to live in forever.

  "Can you feel it?" I asked, pulling on the shadow I saw within me.

  He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against mine.

  “I long to feel you within me, to make you mine.” He said.

  He stroked my cheek then caught his thumb on my lower lip. I knew what I wanted. I had wanted it all along, and I'd let him talk me out of it before.

  "Make me yours, Marek," I said.

  Marek kissed me while he ran a hand down my back. I shivered as his fingers walked a path down my body and over my hip. He deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue into my mouth. I danced my tongue around his then accidentally nicked my tongue on his fang. He sucked harder, pulling more blood from the wound.

  I tasted his blood, and my body reacted to it. Heat pooled in my abdomen, and my heart sped up. His blood gave me power, but this time it also gave me better access to our almost closed bond. I felt his love and desire trickling through. I pushed my own feelings toward him, and he reacted.

  “I felt that,” He marveled.

  “I told you it didn’t break,” I said.

  “I should listen better,” He said.

  “Oh, I’ve known that for a long time now,” I laughed.

  "Yes, I am sure you have." He said, smiling.

  “You say, I am, never I'm. Would it kill you to use a contraction?" I asked, laying kisses along his jawline.

  “Probably,” He said.

  I felt his smile and a wave of happiness. It surprised me how much feeling his emotions made me happy. As much as I resisted the thought of bonding with a vampire, this vampire was worth it. He brought me a strength I hadn't known I needed, and he grounded me when I wasn't capable of doing it myself. Add in mutual respect, and we had the basis for a good relationship.

  Marek reached down and pulled my leg up over his hip then slid his hand between my thighs. I threw my head back at his touch, and he moved his mouth to my neck. He dragged his teeth along the tender flesh, and my body felt like it would combust. Heat filled me, and Marek was my only thought.

  His pulse synced with mine, and we moved together. Every touch, every caress, every kiss brought us closer, and when he moved to push into me, it
was all I could do to not use my power to help. As he pushed himself between my legs, his teeth pierced my neck. I cried out with pleasure. The dual sensation was the most exquisite feeling I had ever felt in my life.

  He withdrew his fangs after only a small sip of my blood, but the effect was lasting. I pushed my pelvis into his, and his responding thrust had me panting. Somehow, he was able to hold me still within the slippery tub and move like an expert lover. Given his age, I figured he was an expert.

  He rocked into me while holding me close, using the waves of the water to his advantage. I looked into his eyes and pushed the bond open further. His love poured through, and his eyes widened. He felt me and what he was doing to me. I leaned forward and captured his lips. I lost myself in their velvety softness and ran my hands over his body.

  We fit well together, and his lean musculature felt glorious under my fingers. His biceps hardened as he braced against the tub, and his thighs rippled with strength as he moved inside me. I let my hands wander over his body and finally settled on his ass. A perfectly formed mound that felt soft over the muscle.

  Marek moved a hand between us and brushed his fingers over my nub in time with his thrusts. He quickly had me melting with pleasure. The heat built between my legs until I was so close to release my body tensed. Marek’s body was nearly there with me. I broke from a kiss and leaned into his neck. I wanted to bite him and taste his blood as we came together.

  My blunt teeth weren't likely to break the skin, but my overwhelming desire to bite him won out. I closed my teeth over his skin and felt Marek's body respond. He thrust harder into me, and we both came. Our pleasure overflowing the confines of the tub and pushing out into the surrounding rooms. I felt the power between us beyond our emotions rise and expand.

  A wave of power exploded as our bodies gave out their last pulses of pleasure. I felt the shockwave expand, and I hoped it wasn't felt by everyone in the building. I looked at Marek with wide eyes. He appeared just as confused.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  "Besides the obvious?" Marek said, quirking an eyebrow.

  "Stop," I said, snuggling into him.

  “I felt it too.” He admitted.


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