Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 24

by Nichole M. Bridges

  “I did,” I admitted with a sigh.

  “Did you sleep?” He asked.

  “No,” I said.

  "Take my blood. You will feel better," Viktor said, raising his arm to his lips.

  I stopped him before he bit himself.

  "Viktor, you hardly have enough blood to fill your own veins. Besides, I don't need your blood." I said.

  “Don’t need it or don’t want it?” He asked.

  "Both," I said, but it came out a whisper.

  I didn’t crave his blood exactly, but I have developed a taste for vampire blood since Marek first fed it to me. There is a fine line between needing it like medicine and taking it because it is pleasurable.

  He took my hand and noticed the bloodstains. He flicked his tongue out and licked my fingers.

  "Grosse Viktor, stop it," I said, pulling my hand back.

  “Why is my blood all over you?” He asked.

  “Because you were an idiot and tried to help Natalie while you were injured. You passed out in my arms.” I said, remembering how I had been so concerned about him. It was a strange feeling to be worried about Viktor.

  “It was convenient you were there.” He said smirking a bit

  "You are clearly feeling better, and I have to check on my sister," I said, standing up.

  "Thank you for staying with me. Will you please let me know how dear Natalie is?" He said, and he actually sounded sincere.

  "I will. Get some rest, Viktor." I said, knocking on the door to be let out.

  James pulled it open and stepped aside. As soon as the door closed, the other Guardian on duty bolted the door. They both bowed to me, and then James motioned for me to lead the way.

  “Is my sister in the penthouse?” I asked.

  “She waits for you as directed. Caden is with her.” He replied.

  I figured she was okay if she was still with Caden. They seemed to have become fast friends.

  “Where is Marek?” I asked, although I could tell where he was without much effort.

  "He is attending to the questioning of the survivors from the raid." He said, moving down the hall with me.

  “Still?” I asked. “He must be tired.”

  James gave me a look, “Have you met him?”

  I laughed, and it felt good.

  "Thank you, James. I needed to laugh." I said, looking at him.

  "What did Viktor have to say?" James asked.

  “Not much. I expect you will ring it out of him later.” I said.

  "I will try," James said, smiling.

  “Marek’s shut me out since I left with Viktor. Do you think he is upset with me?” I asked.

  James turned to me and took my hands.

  “I am not getting between the two of you, Ember. He isn't used to having someone to come home to." He said.

  “I wasn’t at home last night. I was sitting by the bedside of another vampire.” I said.

  “He understands.” James insisted.

  He pulled my hand into the crook of his arm and led me to the residential wing. There were now doors entering the hall where the elevators are. They must have been installed overnight. Marek had been busy.

  We were silent on the ride up to the penthouse. I tried to poke at the bond with Marek, but it remained mostly blocked. I pushed aside the frustration I felt and readied myself to deal with my sister.

  Guards stood outside the door when we arrived. I dismissed them and turned to James.

  “Please wait here. I want to speak with my sister alone.” I said.

  "Ember," James said, stopping me. "Giving orders suits you. You should do it more often."

  I looked at him, confused for a moment then realized he was complimenting me. He bowed and stood at attention next to the door. I smiled at him and squeezed his arm.

  I walked into the penthouse and called for Nat. She came running to me.

  “How is Viktor? Tell me he’s okay.” She insisted.

  “He is fine. It takes more than that to take out a master vampire.” I said, reassuring her.

  “I can feel his pain, is he really getting better?” She asked.

  “Yes, and the pain is waning by the hour,” I assured her.

  “Madame,” Caden bowed to me.

  “Caden, thank you for looking after Nat. I didn’t realize it would take so long.” I said.

  "She is a pleasure madame. Your sister is a joy to be around." He said, smiling at her.

  "Will you please leave us alone for now, Caden? I will call you in if you are needed." I said.

  He bowed and left swiftly.

  "That was rude, Em. You didn't have to dismiss him." Natalie said.

  “Natalie, he is a Guardian. He is not my friend. Responding to orders is how they operate. Listen, I’d like you to go down to Viktor and sit with him until he is well enough to talk. Please take Caden with you as your personal guard. I don’t want you to go anywhere alone.” I said.

  “That sounds like an order,” She said.

  “Will you go?” I asked.

  "Of course, I will. I would have gone last night, but you wouldn't let me." She said with tears in her eyes and stormed out of the penthouse.

  I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Natalie didn't even realize that she was finally not locked up and hidden away. I had to hope she would recognize that and let go of her anger.

  I sat down on the couch to rest for a moment. I wanted to go see Marek. I've wanted to go to him all night. I still had blood on my hands, but I couldn't bring myself to wash it off. I let my eyes fall closed. It felt good to be still.

  I awoke sometime later to the sound of men talking. I knew the voices well, and it made me smile. I missed Marek so much my chest hurt.

  I yawned, and their attention turned to me. James nodded at me then went out the door. Marek walked toward me.

  “How long have I been asleep?” I asked.

  "James said Natalie stormed out about two hours ago," Marek said.

  I rubbed my eyes as I stood up. I stumbled toward him, and his eyes landed on my hands.

  "Your hands are covered in blood, my love," Marek said, pulling me closer so he could look at me.

  "I was too tired to wash up after talking to Nat," I said.

  “Here,” He pulled me into the kitchen and brought me to the sink.

  The water was warm, and his hands soft. He rinsed Viktor's blood from my skin and massaged away the pain of the evening. As he dried me off, I leaned into him. I could feel the link between us again, open and full.

  "I missed you," I said, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him close.

  I kissed him and felt a spark of desire burning between us.

  "I hear Viktor is healing well." He said, pulling away.

  "Are you angry about that?" I asked, following him to the living room.

  "The compound was attacked. I'm certainly not happy." He said, avoiding the question.

  Marek sat down on the couch, and I sat next to him. He was distant. Marek turned to me, and I saw it in his eyes. He was hurting. It was more than the raid.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  "Were you up all night?" He asked, tucking some hair behind my ear.

  He was deflecting all my questions. It wasn’t a good sign.

  “I was. The surgeon needed my help with Viktor during the surgery. I didn’t realize how hard it is to sedate a master vampire.” I said.

  "I am glad you were able to help," Marek said.

  "You don't sound glad," I said, pushing.

  "I am not angry exactly," He said, scrunching up his face as if he were confused.

  His confusion filled our bond

  "You've been blocking me, which we agreed not to do. I assumed that meant you didn't want me to know what you were feeling." I said.

  He pulled me into his arms.

  "I could not be angry with you for doing your duty as a master." He said, kissing the top of my head.

  I snuggled into his arms and took
comfort in the feel of him. I didn't believe him. He was mad, but I chose to ignore it for now.

  "It sounds so strange to be called a master. Is that even what I am?" I asked, looking up at him.

  He looked at me with love in his eyes.

  “You are the master of my heart. It seems appropriate.” He said with a smirk.

  "Cheesy, but I love you for it," I said, leaning in to kiss him.

  He kissed me back, and I fell into his affection like I needed it to breathe. In fact, I think I did need it to breathe. His touch brought me to life in a way that only he could.

  "How was your night? I have no idea what happened after I left." I said.

  Marek tensed slightly. I only noticed because I was currently draped so tightly around him.

  "There were seven vampires captured alive. We lost two of our own, but my team took down twenty of theirs, so I am pleased with their performance. We have too many in the hospital, but the fact they survived is good." He said.

  “Did you find out who sent them or anything else about why they were here?” I asked.

  "It was a vampire behind it, but they would not give us a name. From what I can tell, he is an ancient. That narrows it down, although it leaves more questions than I would like." He said.

  “She,” I said.

  "What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

  "I think it's a she," I said. "When I was waiting for Viktor to regain consciousness, I fell into one of his dreams. He was fighting with a vampire named Magdalena, and she wanted to know where you were."

  Marek stiffened, and I felt his shock at hearing that name.

  “That is not possible. Magdalena is dead. She was killed many years ago.” Marek said sure what he was saying was true.

  “Voluptuous woman with a thick Spanish accent?” I asked.

  "That sounds like her," He said, scrunching up his face.

  “Who is she?” I asked.

  "She is danger personified, but I do not know how she could be alive." He said with evident confusion.

  "She came after Viktor and threatened him until he told her what she wanted to know," I said.

  "Did he tell you she was involved with what happened last night?" He asked, carefully.

  "I didn't push him to talk about it. He acted like he didn't know what I was referring to, which is typical Viktor. Although he could have been confused. He seemed pretty groggy after the surgery." I said.

  "I need to get under this right away," Marek said, looking stressed.

  "She threatened Viktor with his vampire pet and her sister. I assume she was referring to Natalie and me, but I can't be sure until I speak with him. Magdalena wanted to find you for some reason." I said.

  He ran his hands through his hair in frustration, pausing with his hands steepled at his chin. It was the most distressed I had ever seen him. I wondered if it was because I could feel all his emotions or if he was opening up to me more now that we had merged powers.

  This ancient vampire's interest in Marek made me uneasy. I could handle threats to my own person, but threats to him made my hackles rise.

  "I could use your expertise on this," Marek said. "I need to speak with Sabastian to get his buy-in, but I would like for you to work for me heading up the research team. This is going to be a highly secret mission, and I trust you more than James and Caden combined."

  "Work for you, work for you? As in, you are my boss?" I asked, confused, and anxious regarding him being my boss.

  "Technically, Sabastian would be your boss, meaning you and I would be partners. It would provide a good salary and an apartment in this building. Although you wouldn't need the apartment since you will be living here with me." He said, smiling.

  "It's a tempting offer…" I said, thinking hard about any reason why I wouldn't do it.

  While I pondered it, Marek sent a text message off to Sabastian and received a quick “hire her now, at any cost” message. I guess he saw the value in having me as part of the team.

  Marek explained that currently, he ran the team with additional leadership from James and Caden but that they were being pulled in too many directions. He needed someone to take over, make improvements, and expand the operations. It was a bonus that he knew he could trust me implicitly.

  The thought of running my own team within the Guardians was very appealing. It helped that I had worked with the team a little already, so I knew who I would be managing. I peppered Marek with more questions until I realized I had made up my mind.

  “I’ll do it,” I said to his delight.

  Although delight for Marek looked more like mild amusement to others.

  “Now that we have forged an alliance in work and in love. What shall we do next?” He asked.

  “Make love,” I said without hesitation. “And preferably without interruption this time or someone is going to lose a limb.”

  Marek laughed, “The team is not used to me being occupied by anything other than work.”

  "You are mine vampire, they need to pick their battles," I said.

  "And you, my love, are mine," He said, leaning in to kiss me.

  Marek claimed my lips, and the world fell away around us. Lost in the feel of him, I began to imagine what it was going to be like living and working with him. I couldn't think of how I could possibly be happier. As long as I had him by my side, I felt invincible.

  Clothing started to come off, and the heat built between us in the most pleasant of ways. I was about to suggest we go into the bedroom when a knock came at the door.

  "I'm going to have to tear their arm off," I said, frustrated. "That will teach them to leave us alone."

  Marek just smirked and rebuttoned his shirt at top speed. He was opening the door as I pulled my t-shirt on and straightened my pants.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt," James said, looking contrite.

  “What is it?” Marek asked.

  James filled him in on the emergency, and then Marek looked at me.

  “We will be right down. Let the team know they will be meeting their new leader.” He said.

  James looked confused until he realized Marek was referring to me. He smiled a big lopsided grin then turned away. Marek closed the door and sped over to me.

  “Oof!” I said as the air was knocked out of my lungs by Marek tackling me.

  He started removing my clothing as he kissed me.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, confused.

  “Protecting James from losing an arm,” He said deadpan.

  I laughed hard and then kissed him back. Making a life with him was going to be an adventure, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

  The end, for now…

  Ember Summers’ next adventure:

  An ancient vampire has set her sights on Marek and will do anything to get him back, including taking out the woman he loves. Ember won't just stand by and let it happen. Her bond with Marek has only grown as time has gone by and having merged their powers means that when Ember and Marek are together, no one can stop them.

  Follow Nichole M. Bridges and get updates on her latest novels by going to her website at www.nmbridges.com.




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