The Skull Ruler

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The Skull Ruler Page 9

by Penelope Sky

  Cassini came to my side, her head held high as she triumphed over her tormentor. In black jeans and a black top, she looked like the sexiest soldier I’d ever seen. She studied him, savoring this moment. “I deactivated the bomb. I cut the wire and set him free.”

  Lucian’s gaze hardened in rage, but then slowly that anger disappeared because he realized it didn’t matter. He’d won a few battles, but he’d lost the war. He tried to keep this woman as a prisoner, but she was like a wild animal—she didn’t belong in a cage. She became bigger and stronger and then turned into an enormous threat.

  “I risked my life to save his. You don’t have anyone who would do that for you. No one loves you. Your men aren’t loyal to you. And you’re a man without honor. I’m surprised you didn’t put a gun in your mouth when you saw us crash your gates. But then I realized you’re too much of a coward to do that. You’re weak. You’re pathetic. I never thought I would look forward to being a widow, but I can’t wait. Whatever assets that become mine will be donated to the poor of this city. You lived a despicable life, but your legacy will redeem your evil.”

  He lowered his gaze back to the ground. “Just get on with it.”

  “With pleasure.” She walked into the house and disappeared.

  I had no idea what she was doing, but I kept my impassive expression and watched Lucian. Maybe she went for a kitchen knife so she could butcher him. A stab to the stomach would lead to a long and painful death. Or maybe she wanted to find something heavy to smash his skull in. Her rage was so deep that she probably wanted to make his death as violent as possible.

  She returned a moment later, holding a vest identical to the one he’d put on me. Wired with explosives, it would blow him into a million tiny pieces.

  I couldn’t keep the pride out of my eyes. She wanted revenge for what he’d done to me, and the idea was so good I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it myself.

  She strapped it around his body and locked it in place.

  He started to shake. “Cassini, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay?”

  “Don’t beg,” she said coldly. “It just makes me want to kill you more.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace. On the end of it was the skull diamond, the piece of property Lucian had wrongly taken from me. She held it out to me. “He tried to hide it in the house—but I know where all the good hiding places are.” She dropped it into my open palm.

  I grinned. “Thanks, baby.” I placed it in my pocket.

  She held up the remote. “Walk into the house, Lucian.”

  He stayed on the ground, his limbs shaking with panic. “Please…”

  “Did you shit yourself?” I asked, repeating the words he’d said to me. “Because most men shit themselves by now.”

  “Don’t do this to me,” Lucian whispered. “I’ll give you anything. Anything at all.”

  “The only thing I want is your death—and you will give it to me.” She kicked him in the face. “Now, go. Walk yourself in there with some honor or have our men escort you. These are your final moments. How do you want to spend them?”

  He started to cry, crawling at her feet like the biggest pussy in the world. “Mercy. Please, mercy.”

  She kicked him again. “You gave Balto no such mercy when you strapped that vest to his body. When the timer stopped, you hit the detonator yourself. You gave me no mercy when you raped me every night. You gave me no mercy when you slugged me in the stomach when I disobeyed you. You’re a man of no mercy, so you will get none from me.” She nodded to two of my men. “Take him inside. Let him burn with the only things that matter to him—things.”

  The men grabbed him and dragged him away.

  “Please!” Tears streaked down his cheeks, and his eyes were squeezed closed. He kicked his feet as he tried to get away, but there was no way to stop this. His cries grew louder as he was brought closer to the house, closer to his death.

  They dragged him through the front door and placed him somewhere in the house. His screams were still audible because he was hysterical.

  The men stepped out and returned to our side.

  Cassini stepped forward, her thumb resting over the detonator. She stared at her former home, her former prison. She seemed to commit the moment to memory, tried to preserve it so she could remember it forever. Any second now, she would truly be free. The man who haunted her for years would be nothing but ash and particles. She took a deep breath before she hit the button.

  The house immediately exploded, the fire rising instantly. Pieces of wood and stone flew into the sky then came crashing down. The sound was loud enough that everyone in Florence definitely heard it. Lucian’s screams disappeared the second her thumb hit the trigger, and the sound of the detonation was oddly beautiful.

  His house was destroyed, turned into a pile of burning wood and smoke. Pieces of paper floated through the air. The fire gradually rose as it burned everything in sight, but then smoldered once there was nothing left to burn. The heat of the flames could be felt at this distance, making it feel like summer rather than winter.

  She continued to stand there with her thumb on the trigger, enjoying her moment of freedom. Now, her tormentor was officially gone. She was a free woman, a woman who had her whole life ahead of her. She breathed deeply as she enjoyed the satisfaction, felt the adrenaline of revenge.

  I came up behind her and grabbed both of her arms. My chin rested on her head, and I stared at the destruction with her, knowing that we’d done this together. I felt all her joy, felt all her relief.

  And I shared it with her.



  When Case’s gaze settled on me, I saw more emotion in his eyes than I’d ever seen him express. In that moment, he looked so much like Father, it seemed like he’d come back from the dead. He rushed to me and wrapped his arms around me, like I was the one who had been kidnapped and not him. “Sorella, are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, Case. Not a scratch.”

  He rested his palm against the back of my head and cradled me just the way Father had. It was the longest time he’d ever held me, expressing more affection than anyone thought he was capable of. “Is he gone?”


  He squeezed me tighter. “Good. That means it’s over.”


  When he pulled away, he kissed me on the forehead. “I love you, sorella. I know I don’t say it enough—”

  “I know you do.” I squeezed his wrists. “And I love you too.” I smiled at him, feeling the tears in my eyes. “I’m sorry that you got mixed up in this. Did he—”

  “It’s in the past now. He’s dead, so it doesn’t matter. I’m okay, you’re okay, and Balto is okay. So we can all move on.”

  “Yes…let’s move on.” Lucian had taken up enough of our time. He tortured all of us in his own way. Now that he was dead, it was time to reclaim all that lost time. It was time for us to get our lives back.

  “What will you do now?” He released my hands and rested his arms by his sides. “You’re a free woman. You can go anywhere you want. You know there’s always room at my place if you need a place to stay for a while.”

  My freedom didn’t mean much to me anymore. I’d been living with Balto for so long, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. That compound was my home. His bed was my bed. I didn’t want to get my own apartment or move in with my brother. It had been all I wanted before, but now…none of that seemed desirable. “Thanks. I haven’t given it much thought, but I’ll let you know what I’ve decided.” Balto said that this would end eventually, that he didn’t see a future for us. But he’d also sacrificed his life to save mine. That could only mean one thing. Perhaps his feelings had changed.


  Balto joined us, parts of his face swollen from the hits he’d taken in the middle of the street. “This is the Underground. Not much to see. It’s mostly just booze and weapons, but I can show you around if you want.”

  I eyed the
high-backed throne that sat on a dais above the floor. Skulls were carved into the black wood, and it was undoubtedly where he sat every night and watched over his men with a drink in his hand. I would have been interested in the place before, but after what had happened, I just wanted to leave. There was a topless woman working the bar, and she served the men as they came in, along with Lucian’s former soldiers. She had pierced nipples and a pretty face, and I didn’t like the idea of Balto looking at her every night while he was here. “I think I’m ready to go. Case, do you need a ride?”

  “No. Dirk is picking me up. We’ll probably have a drink before we go. We like it here.”

  “I bet.” I glanced at the waitress then rolled my eyes.

  Case chuckled. “We enjoy the company, but the liquor is good too.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever you say.”

  Balto took my hand and pulled me out of the Underground. His truck was parked at the curb outside instead of in the indoor garage. Now that Lucian was gone, Balto probably didn’t see the point in being cautious. We got inside and drove back to the compound.

  The sun was rising. We’d been up all night, and everything that happened seemed like a long blur. Maybe it was because I was so tired. Or maybe it was because I was so relieved. The man who’d haunted me every single day was gone.

  Now I felt lighter than a feather.

  We arrived at the compound then took the elevator to the top floor. Home was exactly as I remembered it. The last time I was here, I was in tears because I thought I’d lost Balto for good. I’d spotted his necklace and placed it around my neck, carrying his presence with me so it seemed like he was right next to my heart.

  Balto was quiet as usual. He said nothing as he pulled the gun out of the back of his jeans and tossed it on the entryway table. He moved down the hallway, undressed, and then got into the shower.

  I was too tired to shower. I stripped off all my clothes and got under the sheets, feeling the heavy diamond right between my breasts. I’d only been wearing it for a few hours, so I wasn’t used to it. I was surprised Balto wore something so heavy on his hand constantly. He was much stronger than me, but the weight still had to be a burden.

  I must have drifted off to sleep because his movements woke me up. My eyes opened, and I saw him getting into bed, naked and clean. He pulled the sheets back and lay beside me, smelling like body soap instead of gunpowder and metal.

  “I’m too tired to shower…”

  He hooked my leg over his hip and wrapped his large arm around my waist. His eyes settled on the necklace that hung from my throat, the skull he’d given to me when he’d thought he was going to die. He stared at it for a while before he looked at me again. Those blue eyes bored into mine with the same intensity as always. He’d been livid with me when I saved his life, but I also knew it meant a lot to him that I did.

  Loyalty was the most important thing to him.

  This man would risk everything for me, and I would do the same for him.

  That was how a relationship should be.

  His hand moved to the diamond, and he felt it between his fingertips. “Looks good on you.”

  “It’s a billion-euro diamond,” I whispered. “Of course it does.”

  He smiled slightly. “It looks good on you for other reasons too.” He pulled me closer to him so we were pressed against each other, our bodies combined into one. His body heated the sheets surrounding us, and even though there was no more danger outside the front door, he kept me safe.

  He always kept me safe.

  My arm circled his neck, and I rested my face below his chin. I could feel his slow heartbeat against my skin, the steady thrum that lulled me to sleep. His physique was hard like I remembered, and he smelled exactly the same. Now I really treasured this feeling because I’d almost lost him…forever.

  When I woke up, Balto wasn’t beside me.

  The bed was cold without him.

  I expected him to take me even if I was still asleep. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. He didn’t care about waking me up when it came to sex, and after everything we’d been through, I expected him to want me even more.

  I pulled on one of his t-shirts and went down the hallway.

  He was sitting on the couch with the TV on, his phone pressed to his ear. “Tell them we’ll consider adding them to the Skull Kings after a few interviews. I’ll be down there tomorrow to see it through.” He hung up without waiting for a response then tossed the phone onto the table. His musculature was tight, like he was still angry even though everything had been resolved. He got his diamond back, and Lucian died in the most violent way possible.

  I approached the couch, my bare feet making slight sounds against the hardwood floor.

  He knew I was there but didn’t turn to look at me. He was in his black sweatpants, the muscles of his back and arms rippling with his subtle movements.

  My arm slid around his shoulders, and I lowered myself into his lap, invading his space the way I wished he would invade mine.

  His arms automatically moved underneath me as he cradled me closer to his body. His lips found mine, and he kissed me gently on the mouth, giving me the affection I craved. But it was also a restrained kiss, like his heart wasn’t completely in it.

  “Why are you still mad?”

  He leaned back against the couch, his fingertips moving up and down my soft legs. “I’m always mad.”

  “Not with me.”

  His eyes were glued to his fingertips, watching his hand slide up to my thigh. “Maybe you’ve just never noticed.”

  My eyes narrowed. “I can read you better than anyone. You’re never angry with me. Whenever it’s just the two of us, you aren’t the stubborn and angry man you project to everyone else.”

  His eyes finally moved to mine, and he stared at me for a long time. “How do you feel?”


  “How do you feel now that he’s gone?”

  “Lighter than air.”

  His hand slipped under my shirt and up over my tummy, his fingertips lightly caressing my skin. “What will you do now?”


  His fingers halted over my belly button. “You have your freedom back. You can do anything you want. So, what will you do first? You aren’t confined to this building anymore. I told you I would let you go, and I meant it. You’re free to leave.”

  Did he expect me to walk out the second Lucian was gone? That I would walk away the moment I didn’t need his protection? Perhaps that was why he was so rigid. He expected me to abandon him now that I didn’t need him anymore. “But I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here—with you.”

  He held my gaze with his aloof expression, his blue eyes intense and dangerous. He was a difficult man to read, but he didn’t seem touched by what I said. If anything, he seemed annoyed. His fingers pulled away from my stomach, and he suddenly turned cold. “I told you this was over when Lucian was dead. So you can’t stay here.”

  His words cut me like the sharpest knife. It pierced my skin and my organs, making me gasp for breath because my lungs stopped working. “But you took my place. You were willing to die for me.”

  He shifted me off his lap then rose to his feet, putting distance between us so I wouldn’t smother him with my affection. He rose to his full height with his arms resting by his sides. He paced the living room for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts as he dismissed me.

  I stood, still wounded by what he’d said. “I know what you said, but I just assumed things were different.”

  He stopped walking and faced me, his features hard with irritation. “Why would they change?”

  The question was so stupid, I thought it was rhetorical. He took my place to save my brother. He didn’t have to do that, and he did it without even telling me first. He left behind his necklace and called me his queen. “Because I love—”

  “No.” He didn’t raise his voice, but his dark tone forced my mouth to shut. Hostility was in his g
aze, like hearing those sweet little words fueled his rage. They were poison to his ears, rocks in his stomach. “Don’t say that to me.”

  He stabbed me once again. “Whether I say it or not, you know how I feel. I wouldn’t have cut that wire and risked everything if I felt otherwise. I wouldn’t beg you to stay with me every night if I didn’t want you for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t get jealous if I didn’t think you were mine. So whether I say it or not, it’s so painfully obvious that it can’t be ignored.”

  “We’ll just have to try.”

  His coldness froze me to the bone. “I don’t think we can ignore the fact that you feel the same way. It’s obvious in everything you do. You can pretend that you don’t, but I’m too smart to believe it. You called me your queen. You sacrificed yourself for me. You love me.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  I stepped forward. “You do. Tell me you don’t.”

  He clenched his jaw as he looked at me, his eyes lit up with icy flames.

  “Tell me you don’t love me, Balto.”

  He kept his silence. His pledge to the truth stopped him from speaking a lie. All he could do was ignore the question, but it only incriminated him even more. He wouldn’t tell me he loved me, but he wouldn’t deny it either.

  “Why won’t you say it?” I whispered. “Why are you acting like this?”

  He stepped closer to me, all the muscles of his body tight with anger. This conversation should be beautiful, followed by days of lovemaking and oaths of love. But he turned it into a painful experience, a nuisance. “Because it’s pointless. We have no future. When I told you this would end, I meant it. It doesn’t matter how I feel about you. It doesn’t matter how you feel about me. This will never be anything.”

  “Why the hell not?” I demanded. “We are already something.”

  “We are a man and a woman. Nothing more.”

  “And random men and women risk their lives for each other?” I asked incredulously. “No, asshole. Only people in love do that. Do you always fuck a woman the way you fuck me? Do you kiss her, tell her she’s beautiful, and take her nice and slow over and over?”


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