Shadow Rescue

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Shadow Rescue Page 17

by Rebecca Deel

  He tilted his head and deepened the kiss, urging Sam to sit on the edge of the bed. When he finally eased her back, Joe smiled. “Definitely worth a few bruises.”

  “And five stitches.”

  “A mere scratch.”

  “Let me check your injury before you shower.” No signs of infection. Excellent. Sam applied a waterproof bandage over the stitches. “The bandage will keep the stitches dry for a few minutes. I didn’t want to shave your head. I like your hair long enough to run my fingers through.”

  Warmth filled him. When she said things like that, he fell deeper in love with her. “I won’t take long.” Minutes later, he left the bedroom and walked into the living room dressed in cargo pants and a black t-shirt. Sam and Nico sat on the couch.

  “Shower’s yours,” Joe said as he walked to Sam. He captured her chin in the palm of his hand and dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. She looked surprised. He winked at her, hoping she would soon expect him to be openly affectionate in front of their teammates.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She squeezed his wrist and stepped around him to go into the bedroom. She closed the door behind her.

  Nico’s gaze skimmed over Joe, evaluating. “You look better. You operational?”

  Joe was tempted to say he was ready for anything. Not a smart move, though. Nico depended on them to tell the truth about their physical readiness and Joe wasn’t at peak efficiency. “Light duty today. Maybe full rotation tomorrow.”

  A nod. “We’re docking in Puerto Vallarta in a few hours. We’ll be tied up with the feds when we arrive.”

  Joe grimaced. “Figured. Any chance they’ll do the interviews in the suite? I don’t want to sit in the open.” Someone on board the ship was hunting. Joe didn’t intend to make himself or Sam an easy target.

  “I’ll see what I can do. They want answers. They’ll cooperate to get them. Mercy and Curt are waiting for us in the dining room if you’re up to it.”

  “As soon as Sam is ready, we’ll go. Anything suspicious happening around Mercy?”

  “Not so far. One of us is always with her.” Nico studied him a moment. “How serious are things between you and Sam?”

  “I’m in love with her and want to marry her as soon as she’ll let me.”

  His friend’s lips curved. “Does she know?”

  “She knows I love her. She doesn’t know I want to marry her. Don’t tell her. I’ll have to ease her into the idea.”

  “When will you tell her?”

  “I don’t know yet. I want to romance her. She takes care of Shadow. It’s my turn to take care of her. She needs me to date her and give her time to trust me with every part of her. I refuse to screw this up by rushing her down the church aisle so I can slide a wedding band on her finger and declare her off limits to other men. I love Sam enough to wait until she’s ready. She deserves the time to adjust and this allows me time to treat her like a princess.”

  A slow nod. “I’m glad you’re wise enough to see that. You have my support. One thing, though. If you hurt Sam, I’ll rip you up one side and down the other.” Though his tone was conversational, Nico’s gaze bored into Joe’s. His team leader meant every word.

  “I hear you.” Wouldn’t be necessary for Nico to follow through. Joe would sooner slit his own throat than hurt Sam.

  When Sam returned to the living room, the three operatives made their way to the dining room. Because of the early hour, the place was almost empty.

  Gregory, the captain’s steward, hailed them with a cheerful greeting. “Captain Greer will be here soon. He’d like to join your table.”

  Nico’s eyebrows rose. “How did he know we’d be here this early?”

  Gregory’s cheeks flushed. “He requested that I notify him when you arrived. I contacted him when Mrs. Rivera said she was expecting you. I hope that’s all right. I’m not a spy.”

  “I planned to track Greer down after breakfast. This saves me time.”

  The steward relaxed. “Good. Have a seat. I’ll pour coffee for your group while you visit the breakfast bar. If you want something different for breakfast, let me know. I’ll have the kitchen staff prepare whatever you want.”

  “Thanks, Gregory.” Nico glanced at Joe and inclined his head toward the food, then bent to kiss his wife.

  “Come on.” Joe pressed his hand to Sam’s lower back. “Let’s see what they’re serving.” After filling his plate, he escorted Sam to the table and sat next to Curt.

  “You okay?” his friend murmured.

  “Better. Sore, stiff, low-level headache.”

  “You scared your woman.”

  “I know.” He hated causing Sam to worry. “I’ll make it up to her.”

  Sam glanced at Joe and Curt. “Mercy says the boss called Nico before he came to the suite for his watch shift this morning.”

  “Sounds like we need to meet before the ship docks in Puerto Vallarta.”

  Nico returned from the food bar in time to hear Joe’s comment. “We’ll talk after breakfast. I’m letting our teammates sleep as long as possible. They’re on duty in a couple hours.”

  Captain Greer entered the dining room and approached their table with long, ground-eating strides. “May I join you?”

  “Please.” Nico motioned to the seat on his left.

  After Gregory took the captain’s order and left to fill a plate, Greer looked at Joe, his gaze assessing. “Heard what happened yesterday. How are you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  A nod. “What can you tell me, Nico?”

  “Not much. We’ll check security footage this morning. If we’re lucky, the man screwed up in his haste to leave the stairwell.”

  “He wasn’t wearing a mask.” Joe picked up a biscuit. “Gives us better than even odds one of the security cameras caught part of his face.”

  “Word’s starting to circulate among the crew that odd things are happening on board.” Greer nodded his thanks at Gregory as the steward set his filled plate and coffee mug on the table in front of him.

  “What about the passengers?”

  “A few inquiries. Most are intent on enjoying their vacation.”

  “Better than the alternative.”

  “You’re right. Wouldn’t take much to start a panic. Do you know who is behind this?”

  “If we did, he’d be in custody.”

  Nico set down his coffee mug. “We have a few leads we’re pursuing but nothing is confirmed. When we have concrete information, we’ll pass it along.”

  Greer sighed. “Guess I can’t ask for more than that.” As soon as he finished breakfast, the captain excused himself to return to the bridge.

  Five minutes later, Trace and Ben arrived and loaded their plates. They sat at the next table over. “Meeting in the suite in fifteen,” Nico said to them although his gaze was fixed on his wife.

  “Copy that,” Ben murmured.

  As Joe ate, he kept an eye on the passengers trickling into the dining room. He doubted the man who shoved him down the stair still wore all black. However, he might recognize the man’s body movements and the way he held himself. Joe would love to capture the killer before he had a chance to do more damage to the ship or hurt anyone else.

  Nico caught Sam and Joe’s eye and lifted his chin slightly. By unspoken consent, the operatives at their table and Mercy rose to leave. Trace and Ben would follow soon.

  Once all the operatives were seated around the suite’s living room, Nico said, “Maddox called.”


  Joe dragged a hand down his face and flinched. Man, he needed to do light training today to loosen his muscles. “Let me guess. We have another problem.”

  “Give the man a prize,” Ben muttered as he settled deeper into the chair he occupied. “What’s the bad news, Nico?”

  “Three things. Mike Hollingbrook received more threats against him and the cruise line.”

  Curt frowned. “Specific threats?”

  A nod. “The email sa
id he’d beg for mercy before the sender granted him an escape in death and his ships would go down in flames.”

  Joe’s blood ran cold. “More bombs?” The Pacific Star was a huge ship. The chances of them finding explosive devices in places other than the obvious was slim to none. “Bomb-sniffing dogs searched the ship before we left San Diego.”

  “Maddox wants us to check anyway. It’s possible Ferguson and his partner found a way to conceal the explosives from the dogs.”

  Ben scowled. “Does Maddox know how many places could hold a bomb on this tub?”

  “We have to finish the search by the time we dock in Puerto Vallarta. The second piece of information Maddox shared came from Zane’s research. I asked Z to look into Tom Ferguson’s background. He discovered something very interesting about our dead man. Tom is the only child of Kirk Ferguson.”

  Joe frowned. “Wait. Isn’t that the man who owns Ferguson Cruises?”

  “Owned. Kirk is dead. The cruise line was on the verge of bankruptcy a year ago. One of his main competitors was Hollingbrook Cruise Lines. When he knew the company was going under and he couldn’t save it, Kirk approached Hollingbrook and sold him the company. Tom fought against the decision to sell out, insisting he and his father could turn the company around. Kirk disagreed and sold it anyway, then overdosed on sleeping pills and scotch.”

  “So, this is about revenge,” Sam said. “Tom said Hollingbrook was a liar and cheat who deserved to die but Tom’s dead. The danger should be over.”

  “Tom’s partner doesn’t agree. He’s determined to carry out this vendetta to the end.”

  “What’s the point?” Trace scowled. “Tom would have been Kirk’s heir if anything was left to inherit. What’s the partner’s motive?”

  “That’s the question we need to answer. If we answer that question, we’ll know the culprit’s identity.”

  “Have Z send us the information he unearthed about Tom’s background.”

  “It’s already in your email.”

  “What’s the third piece of bad news?” Mercy asked.

  Nico glanced at Sam before refocusing on the rest of the team.

  Joe tensed at Nico’s unspoken warning. The news would probably upset Sam. Joe draped his arm across her shoulders, ignoring the renewed pain in his back. She was not facing this alone.

  “Zane has been scouring the Internet for references to the Maldonado trafficking group. Activity in the Maldonado strongholds is heightened and there are rumors Maldonado has his eye on a big prize, one that will net him big bucks in a special auction.”

  “Sick creep,” Ben muttered.

  “Zane’s working as fast as he can to find out more information and Maddox is tapping his sources in Mexico. So far, nothing.”

  “The Maldonado might not have anything to do with Hollingbrook.” Sam pressed closer to Joe’s side. “We shouldn’t discount other big targets.”

  Nico inclined his head. “We won’t. However, since Maldonado’s second in command is snapping pictures of female passengers on the Pacific Star, I suspect we’ll face Maldonado and his organization soon.”

  Sam shuddered.

  Joe tucked her closer and pressed a kiss to her temple. “We’ll handle whatever comes together, baby. I give you my word that they won’t touch you again.”

  Trace’s eyebrows knitted, concern filling his eyes. “Sam?”

  Joe shook his head. “Don’t ask.”

  Sam nestled her hand in his. “No, it’s okay.”

  “No one will force you to discuss your past,” Nico reminded her.

  Curt’s expression hardened. “No way,” he growled out. “Not Sam.”

  Ben leaped to his feet and stalked to the balcony doors, his back to the room, face a mask of rage.

  “Tell me the man who touched her is dead.” Trace’s voice was flat.

  “He is,” Joe confirmed. “He worked for the human trafficking groups that’s stalking Pacific Star passengers.”

  Ben swung around and glared daggers at him. “And you’re allowing her to work this op? What’s wrong with you, Gray?”

  His cheeks burned and for a moment, Joe saw red. “The choice is Sam’s.” Didn’t matter that Joe longed to bundle her onto the next plane and send her away from danger. As much as he wanted to protect her from life, he couldn’t do it. If he safeguarded the woman he loved to that extent, he’d lose her.

  “If she was mine, I wouldn’t give her an option.” Ben’s voice rose. He strode to stand in front of Sam and loomed over hers. “Go home, Samantha. You shouldn’t be here.”

  Unable to contain himself any longer, Joe stood and shifted to stand in front of Sam, forcing Ben to back up. “Knock it off, Ben.”

  “Stop.” Sam’s soft voice was as effective as a shout. Silence reined in the suite as everyone’s gaze shifted to her. “I decide what ops to work. I’m not a terrified fourteen-year-old anymore. I’m as well trained as you are.”

  “More,” Nico said.

  “You’re more vulnerable because you’re a woman and on the small side.” Ben’s hands clenched into rock-hard fists. “You’re gorgeous, Sam. Why would you chance this group deciding you’re worth the risk to snatch you for their stable?”

  “I’ll be more trouble than I’m worth.”

  “No doubts about that,” Curt said. “It’s not a good enough deterrent and you know it.”

  “Enough,” Nico said. “Sam made her position clear. We accept it and move on. You’re worried Sam’s at risk? Watch her back. None of us would be here if Sam had opted out of missions where we were injured. She wants a part in taking down Maldonado’s organization. At fourteen, she didn’t have the knowledge and training. Now she does. Sam has the right to confront her worst nightmare. Instead of fighting to send her home, fight to keep her safe while she does her job.”

  That was the end of the argument. Joe kept his gaze on Ben. His teammate struggled to reign in his temper. Jaw clenched tight, Ben returned to the balcony door to stare at the ocean. Something was there, Joe thought. Something ugly in his past was eating Ben alive and human trafficking missions made the pitched battle inside his friend harder to handle. Someday soon, Ben would have to deal with the tragedy.

  “First priority is searching the ship,” Nico said. “We need security badges from Winestock. We start at the bottom of the ship and work our way to the top. Passenger cabins are off limits unless we have probable cause to search them.”

  “Would Tom’s partner set off another bomb before he left the ship?” Mercy asked.

  “His best option is to trigger the bomb once he’s safely on land.”

  Joe noted the worry in his team leader’s eyes as he spoke to his wife. Nico could lose Mercy if the killer set off another bomb before the artist left the ship.

  He understood the temptation Nico faced to spirit the woman he loved away from danger. Even though Joe had called out Ben, he longed to protect the woman he wanted to marry. If something happened to her, Joe didn’t know if he’d survive. He had no desire to return to the loneliness and isolation he’d wrapped around him like a blanket after the horrible operation in New York City that had changed his life. Memories of that locked windowless room filled with children and teen girls filled his worst nightmares.

  “We split up to cover the ship faster. Joe and Sam will work together so she can keep an eye on him. Ben, Curt, Trace work separately. Mercy will be with me.”

  “Still too much ground to cover,” Ben snapped with a glance over his shoulder. “We don’t have enough hours or people to search this miniature town.”

  “I’ve already touched base with Winestock. He’s calling in all of his crew to search.”

  “Do they know not to touch whatever they find?”

  Nico stared at the EOD man without saying a word.

  Ben flushed and held up his hands in mock surrender.

  “Let’s go.” Holding hands with Mercy, Nico led the way to the security office where Winestock’s people gathered for instructi

  Winestock motioned for the Fortress team leader to join him. “This is Nico. He’s head of the unit from Fortress Security. He and his team are here to assist us. Two of his team members defused the bombs found earlier. Nico has instructions for you. Follow them to the letter. He and his team know what they’re doing.” He stepped back and ceded the leadership role to Nico.

  Shadow’s team leader made eye contact with every member of Winestock’s staff. “It’s possible another bomb may be on board.” He waited for the shocked gasps and whispers to die down before continuing. “You walk these corridors every day so you know how large the Pacific Star is. We need every available person to help search. Between my team and the security employees, we have twenty people to search a ship the size of a small city. Winestock divided you into two groups. Group one, search the even numbered decks. Group two, take the odd numbered decks. Both groups start on the top decks. Search for things that don’t belong.”

  An employee with a sour expression on his face called out, “What about your team? You plan to help out or just order the rest of us around?”

  “Sallinger,” Winestock snapped. “One more word and you’ll be written up.”

  Nico held up his hand to stop the security chief from reaming his worker further. “We’ll start in the engine room and work our way up to meet the security teams. If you find anything suspicious, contact Winestock. Under no circumstances are you to touch a device to disarm or move it. The bombs we dismantled were tricky to disarm. Wouldn’t have taken much to set them off. Be thorough but fast. We have to complete the search before we dock in Puerto Vallarta.”

  “Who is doing this?” another employee asked.

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out. We have some leads but they have to wait until we make sure this creep can’t blow a hole in the ship.”

  “Is it true we’ve had two murders since we left San Diego?” asked a third person.

  Nico gave a short nod. “A nanny who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and the man who murdered the nanny.”


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