Love Beyond Time

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by Rebecca Royce

  are only dead because they got caught up in something that

  had nothing to do with them and everything to do with us.

  Kal was getting more and more annoyed but he was

  trying to keep his external expressions neutral given that

  Isabelle had just been through a terrible ordeal and

  probably didn't need to add telepathic communication onto

  her list of things that Kal could do that weren't normal.

  Quit arguing and get moving, Veli instructed,

  breaking off contact with him.

  Kal took a steadying deep breath and urged Isabelle

  towards the car.

  For the first time since they collided he watched her

  take a deep breath.

  "I know what you're thinking." He shut her door and

  moved around to drive the car.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "Oh yes? Do you read minds too?" Although the

  comment had been sarcastic, the wary look in her eyes told

  him she actually wanted to know if he could do that. He sat

  down in the driver's seat and shut the door behind him.

  He shook his head. "No, but I still know what you're


  "What's that?"

  "You're wondering how on earth you're going to fit

  all of this insanity into your life."

  Her mouth opened and curved into the shape of an


  "Did I get it right?"

  Nodding, she cleared her throat. "How did you

  know that?"

  "Because I ask myself that question ten times a



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Six

  The abduction and elimination of Isabelle Listora

  had not gone as he would have liked. It had failed and there

  was nothing he hated more than failure. Sebastian took a

  deep steadying breath and tried not to wince as he watched

  the scene unfold before him. What good was it being a god

  if you couldn't make mortals do what you wanted? He

  shouldn't have had to work so hard to kill one little woman

  who didn't even know yet that she was powerful.

  How completely typical of his life here on this

  plane of existence. He took a deep breath and made himself

  relax as he twirled the butt of his cigarette through his

  fingers. Soon it will all be over and he would be ruling the

  ridiculous humans, laughing as they trembled under his

  wrath. They could ask the people, if you could call them

  people anymore, from the countless other worlds that he

  had personally conquered how awful their current

  subsistence was.

  He lived off of their fear, their suffering, and their

  misery—he fed off those emotions. Hell, he laughed to

  himself, that's just what demons did. Why should he try to

  deny his true nature? He couldn't believe he had gone this

  far—letting himself be born into the body of one of these

  pesky maggots had been a desperate act. He would admit


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  that now, but at the time it had seemed the most efficient

  way to put himself amongst the humans and simultaneously

  destroy the seemingly endless Outsiders who had made it

  so difficult to conquer this dimension. He didn't want to go

  home and tell his real father that he had failed. That was

  simply not an acceptable option.

  Even he, the supreme Evil, had someone left to

  fear… for the moment.

  He would treat them worse than slaves, and when

  he was done abusing them, he would eat their souls and feel

  the glory of it. There were just nineteen little Outsiders to

  eliminate. Eighteen barely out of their twenties, a blip on

  the power screen for an Outsider. The pesky Veli Destrand,

  who had proved ridiculously hard to kill for someone who

  had seemed so inconsequential when he had been

  developing this plan, would be dealt with as well.

  Maybe he would make him clean up the mess that

  slaughtering the humans would obviously make to his

  house. The man could probably sweep.

  Who would have thought one lone warrior left from

  several hundred would prove to be such a thorn in his side?

  Sebastian shook his head to clear his thoughts. He wasn't

  going to worry about him now. It had taken time, but he

  had managed to do what Veli, in all of his amusing

  blundering, had never managed to do. He had found the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  children. In fact he had two of them with him now.

  Gabriel Easten and Alexa George had been easy

  enough to spot. Moving from foster home to foster home,

  they had paired up together, drawn to each other's powers

  without even understanding what that meant. They had

  caused quite a ruckus in the social services department of

  Orleans parish. Who would want to adopt a child who

  could blow up your house with just a thought? Well, Alexa

  could anyway. Gabriel's gifts were more confusing.

  Sebastian had easily convinced his "parents" that

  they needed to take in two foster children. By the time he

  was ten they were doing what he commanded regularly,

  without even thinking about it. His mother had found

  herself barren immediately after having given birth to

  Sebastian—evidently carrying that much evil in her womb

  had sterilized her. Whoops.

  Gabriel and Alexa had been resistant to his mind

  control. It was the nature of their Outsider heritage. They

  had been placed on this earth to defeat him and the

  worthless entities that foisted good onto the universe had

  given them the ability to resist. For some reason the powers

  that defied him had an unusual affinity for these humans.

  God's chosen creatures or some such nonsense. Alexa and

  Gabriel had certainly proven to contain a radar that made

  them naturally resistant to evil and had been suspicious of


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  him at first.

  Gabriel had regarded him warily for a long time and

  had kept Alexa as far away from him as he could get her.

  Sebastian had gotten sick of Gabriel's big brother routine

  towards Alexa very quickly. He would have liked to have

  eliminated him by now but Alexa was still fond of the

  stupid man and Sebastian had quickly realized that Alexa

  was going to be the key to his success. If keeping Gabriel

  temporarily alive meant that he could keep Alexa in line

  and out of the hands of her fated intended, then that was

  just what he would do.

  Sweet and naive she might be, but the girl packed

  power like he had never encountered before anywhere. She

  just didn't know how to tap it yet. But she was getting close

  to it and when she did, he was going to be sure he was right

  there to grab a hold of it. He was going to enjoy watching

  her kill her own people but he was going to enjoy watching

  her suffer after she had done it even more.

  It hadn't taken long before he had convinced them

/>   that he was just like them—trapped with powers that he

  supposedly didn't understand in a world that would never

  accept them for what they were. The three of them, he had

  told them, would always be different together. It was the

  three of them against everyone else.

  Truth was that Gabriel was still hard to control.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Outsider men were, as a rule, surly and difficult to get

  along with. Gabriel had proven to be more sarcastic and

  harder to get along with than most. If his people had

  properly trained him, he would be a force to be reckoned

  with, which was why Sebastian was glad he hadn't been

  properly trained.

  But there was no need to worry about any of that

  either. Soon Gabriel would be dead and Sebastian would be

  bedding Alexa, using her to destroy the others, and

  producing an heir that would be more powerful, more evil

  than anyone could ever anticipate. She was, after all,

  Abraxas' daughter and combining his great power with hers

  would tidy things up nicely. It helped that she was so

  attractive; it wouldn't do to have the heir of evil being born

  anything but gloriously beautiful.

  The first part of the plan he had waited so long to

  enact had begun last week. Sebastian smiled at the

  memory. The scene had been played out perfectly. He had

  come home broken and bleeding. Alexa had tended to him,

  nursed him, and after an appropriate amount of time, he had

  told them that the Outsiders had attacked him. A demonic

  group, he had insisted, bent on world domination. They

  wanted to kill everyone who could stand in their way. He

  had managed to convince Gabriel and Alexa that they

  needed to defeat the rest of the Outsiders, that they were a


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  threat to the rest of the planet, and they had believed him,

  as they always did, eventually.

  Alexa had found the girl calling herself Isabelle by

  sending out a simple spell cast that located tiny amounts of

  paranormal abilities. The little twit hadn't been properly

  shielded—evidently not knowing that she needed to be.

  Sebastian had done the rest of the work, taking control of

  the minds of Isabelle's boss and that crooked police officer

  who had been sampling the heroin from the evidence locker

  for quite some time now.

  Perhaps he should have had Gabriel transport

  Isabelle over space to join them in New Orleans, but it had

  seemed too risky. Besides, he hadn't quite figured out how

  to convince Gabriel to admit that he could do that. Gabriel

  had been concealing that fact for years. Alexa was going to

  have to be the one to get him to confess to it, so that could

  wait a few more weeks at least.

  He hadn't counted on her finding Kal. The dark-

  haired warrior had been a pebble in his shoe for years. The

  man had the gall to put himself on television where

  everyone could see him. Every time he saw him looking

  into that camera lens, babbling on about whatever he was

  talking about, he knew Kal was taunting him. Come and get

  me, he seemed to be begging, I dare you. But every time

  Sebastian tried, he found he was too well protected by


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  power spells. Marina, he groaned inwardly, didn't even

  seem to know that she had done that. Oh yes, he knew

  about Marina. There was nothing about the four Outsiders

  that he didn't know. He hated watching them. He knew just

  where they lived, he could watch them day and night but he

  couldn't get to them. Not yet, anyway. Soon Alexa would

  let him do that.

  The only true wrinkle in his plans for Isabelle had

  been the emergence of Kalmari. They were soul mates,

  destined for each other, and together they would be more

  powerful than either one could be alone. Together they

  would become a Unit, a concept he was sure not even the

  Outsiders understood. Veli, if he understood it, hadn't

  explained it to any of them. Yet.

  It was more likely that he didn't know about it and

  that's why he couldn't teach it. That was fortunate for

  Sebastian and that was why he needed to get a hold of

  Abraxas' journals before they did. Too much could be

  revealed in them. If Sebastian couldn't touch them, he could

  at least keep them in the dark.

  Individually, not one of the puny mortal Outsiders

  could stand a chance against him but nine paired Units of

  soul mates would be a cause for concern. It was a good

  thing he had eliminated all of the other Outsiders because

  more than nine Units was almost a guarantee of his defeat,


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  unless he could find the scrolls. If he really got into trouble

  he would go after the scrolls and then no one stood a


  All of this was nonsense, of course, because there

  was no way the leftover Outsiders could complete even

  nine paired Units. He had two of them here with him, and

  soon only one would be left. They couldn't have nine pairs

  without Gabriel and Alexa and they were fortunately not

  each other's soul mates.

  He was drawn out of his reverie by the sound of

  honking on the street. Gabriel was back from his run in

  Audubon Park and they were all supposed to go to one of

  the Rebuilding New Orleans benefits that were taking place

  all over town. Hurricane Katrina had been an easy

  opportunity to eliminate his parents and acquire their great

  wealth without having to work very hard for it.

  Too bad they had drowned, really, he felt terrible

  about it.

  He stepped out onto the front porch of their newly

  acquired mansion. It had made sense to buy the house of

  the local horror story writer when she had put it on the

  market. Something about the irony of that had appealed to

  him and certainly it was big enough that if he stole a child

  from the local middle school next door or a drifter from

  underneath the interstate to eat their souls and feed off their


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  fear, then neither Alexa nor Gabriel would hear their


  Alexa was standing on the porch waiting for him

  and he smiled down at her, noticing how her blonde hair

  sparkled in the late afternoon light. When he had taken her

  as his own she would need to cut all of it off.

  "Any luck with the witch?" Alexa asked casually.

  "Did you speak with her boss and have her arrested for

  child abuse?"

  Witch and child abuse, he laughed inwardly, so easy

  to manipulate their puny little brains.

  "She got away by finding another of her kind. His

  name is Kal. If you can find Kal, I can have them both

  taken care of. Can you do that when we get home?"

  Sebastian asked sweetly.

p; "Maybe Gabriel should transport them here," Alexa


  "Is Gabriel capable of that? Two people at the same

  time? He's never told me that." Sebastian stalled. "And

  besides, we want the local authorities to handle them, don't

  we?" Buy it, he willed her. Believe I'm a good guy.

  Alexa smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course."

  "But if you can find them, maybe we'll have Gabriel

  transport them, assuming he can actually do that,

  somewhere they can wait, trapped, until the police can get


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  to them." He dug his fingernails into his hand. Sebastian

  desperately wanted to suck into Alexa's mouth and feel her

  soul enter his body but once again he restrained himself.

  She was more useful to him this way, for the moment.

  "I'll get working on it when we get back, Bastian."

  Alexa grinned at him again, having no idea that Sebastian

  was already manipulating things so that Isabelle Listora

  would have nowhere to go back home to, no choice but to

  make things nice and easy on him. He was already bored

  with her. He was going to be done with Isabelle soon, Kal

  after that, and then he'd be one step closer. Soon he would

  contact his father.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Seven

  Isabelle and Kal drove in silence for the first few

  miles before she finally spoke. Kal could only assume that

  she had needed the time to get her mind cleared enough to

  ask him where they were going. When she had let him

  drive, she told him it was highly unusual for her to let

  anyone else operate her car. Not even her brother, she had

  rambled before settling down into the strained silence. Kal

  hoped he was handling himself pretty well and not breaking

  too many traffic rules. A little speeding was acceptable


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