Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 11

by Rebecca Royce

  lowered his mouth and kissed the tears off of her cheeks.

  He could taste the salt in her tears and his heart broke

  again. This woman was never meant to cry; she was meant

  to be kept laughing and delighted at all times. Why did she

  have to be part of this crazy destiny that they all shared?

  Why couldn't she have been destined to live the normal

  existence that she had obviously been raised in? She

  deserved better than all of this craziness, and certainly

  better than him.

  "Don't worry about how I know, precious girl." He

  kept his voice low. "It's enough that I do."

  Kal felt her melt in his embrace and pulled her

  warm body close to his so he could really hold her. He

  didn't know if she really needed it or if he did but he wasn't

  going to fight the moment.

  Kal? Marina interrupted, which Kal supposed was a

  good thing because they were not secluded enough to do


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  the things that he was dying to do with and to her.

  Yes. Kal responded quickly, pulling his eyes from

  Isabelle and wondering what the battle was that Isabelle

  had been silently waging with herself. Here's the thing,

  'Rina. Isabelle's car has been spell-cast. The tires keep

  blowing. What can I do about it?

  You? Marina sounded surprised. You can't do

  anything about it, Kal. You don't spell-cast.

  Kal pounded his fist on the car, which earned him a

  look from Isabelle. There has to be something I can do

  about it. We are sitting ducks out here. There was already

  one attempt made on Isabelle's life today, I can't let there

  be another.

  I guess I could try to break the spell from here but I

  don't know if you are enough of a conduit. Marina sounded


  A conduit? Kal had never heard that phrase before

  or maybe he had and he had just opted not to pay attention

  because it didn't involve blowing up anything or stalking

  the bad guys—much more interesting subjects.

  It's something Leonardo and I have been working

  on while you have been away. That girl you're with, what's

  her name?

  Isabelle, he responded, even sounding reverent in

  his telepathic thoughts. It was, by far, the most beautiful


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  name he had ever heard. He realized he was going to have

  to get control of himself—he couldn't, rather wouldn't, let

  himself become a sniveling weak-minded fool just because

  he happened to come across his soul mate.

  There had to be some kind of choice to this matter,

  and it seemed to him that the woman standing next to him

  was not going to settle for anything other than being given

  an absolute voice in the rather large decision about who she

  was going to spend the rest of her life hopefully loving, and

  if they were lucky, making babies with.

  Right, Isabelle. What are her powers? Kal could

  almost hear the wheels turning in Marina's head. She was

  plotting something and he imagined Charma and Leonardo

  standing next to her as she did it. If he had been there, his

  input would not have contributed very much to the

  conversation. His intellectually-inclined cousins knew this

  kind of devising was not Kal's forte.

  Not sure yet. She can hear me sometimes in my

  head. She can hear the chanters. Kal was not going to

  explain just where Isabelle had heard the chanters last. He

  didn't need them knowing that, for the moment.

  She can hear in your head when you're not talking

  to her telepathically? Really? Marina sound skeptical.

  Focus here Marina, remember, the car problem?

  Kal was starting to feel really exposed standing on the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  street and Isabelle had narrowed her eyes at him in a way

  that made him think she was about to explode if she wasn't

  included in the conversation.

  Right. Leonardo and I think that we can help you.

  Take Isabelle's hand and try to focus on my image.

  Leonardo's going to enhance me and then I'm going to push

  my powers on you which should work if Isabelle is standing

  there to enhance you. We're pretty sure it should work. But

  you need focus, Kal. Just focus on me.

  Pretty sure it's going to work? How sure is that?

  Kal would have preferred to have more than just Marina's

  best guess but who was he kidding, they'd all been

  functioning on their best guess since they'd landed in Veli's

  kitchen twenty-nine years earlier.

  Just do it, big shot. Marina was sounding annoyed.

  Or should I tell Veli what's going on?

  Kal really wanted to get to a point in his life where

  Veli didn't bring such a sense of dread to his mind that he

  would rather face a firing squad than another lecture,

  argument, or belittlement from Veli. Inwardly he groaned.

  Isabelle grasped his hand tightly and he smiled at

  her. Just the feel of her skin on his was enough to make the

  rest of them vanish from his thoughts. "What did she say to

  you to make you so upset?"

  "It's not important. Same old shit." Kal tried to


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  smile at Isabelle. "I need to take your hand in mine and

  Marina is going to try to fix the car from where she is." Kal

  knew it had to sound preposterous to Isabelle but she was

  not resisting him, instead she was taking both of his hands

  in hers. Kal could feel the energy flowing between them

  even before he focused on Marina and felt her power

  flowing through him. Kal was sure Isabelle had felt it too.

  It lasted less than a minute but it was striking and the tire

  miraculously re-inflated before their very eyes.

  That should do it, Kal, Marina said. Kal?

  Yes, Marina? Kal answered quickly, not pulling his

  hands from Isabelle's as he found he really liked them there

  and was not anxious to have her warmth leave his body.

  I'm sorry about the Veli comment. I don't know why

  I do that. It's like I don't know how to relate to you without

  somehow striking out at you for things that are not your

  fault any more than they are mine. I would never tell Veli

  you were in trouble just to make things worse on you.

  Marina sounded forlorn.

  No worries. Kal looked down at Isabelle's hands

  joined with his. We're all getting all sorts of emotionally

  healthy these days, aren't we? Next thing will be Leonardo

  actually expressing a thought he hasn't over analyzed one

  hundred times before he said it. He thought he could

  actually hear Marina laughing over their connection.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  He was convinced that as long as he could keep the

  warmth that Isabelle was generating in him then he could

  get through any future snide remarks his family deemed fit

  to make to him. Her op
inion was the only one that


  Maybe he wasn't going to give her a choice after all.

  Maybe he was going to demand this strong, brave,

  gorgeous woman love him for all time and she was just

  going to have to acquiesce. He ushered her back to the car

  and drove in the direction that the sign on the highway

  indicated would lead them to the nearest hotel. It was

  getting dark and he was hungry, for a lot of things.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Eight

  "Listen." Kal dipped a French fry into his ketchup.

  "I've never told this to anyone before and it's going to

  sound really ridiculous so you're just going to have to

  believe me."

  They were sitting on one of the two Queen beds;

  Kal had felt it best not to push his luck and ask for just one

  King. They shared the remainder of Isabelle's French fries

  from their fast food dinner. The hotel room was dark and

  kind of old in its decorations, but it had served its purpose

  in getting them out of that car and off of the road during the

  nighttime hours, which were always more dangerous than

  the daytime ones. Isabelle hadn't argued, seemingly too

  exhausted and hungry to do anything more than nod that

  yes she wanted food, a shower, and bed in that order and

  she wanted it fast.

  The food, as not gourmet as it was, had revived her

  a little bit and she had started her questioning again.

  "Okay," she agreed. "I'll hold any skepticism I

  might have left after watching you manipulate energy to

  stop falling bullets and incinerate a man with your hands

  not to mention the chanting, spell casting, and telepathy till

  after you finish telling the story. How does that sound?"

  Kal laughed. The more time he spent with Isabelle


  Love Beyond Time

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  the more he liked her, which was good because he could

  already feel his physical need for her growing inside of

  him, a side effect he could only assume was normal when

  one met one's soul mate. He was sure he was going to have

  to kiss her again soon or he might start losing his mind.

  "There are human beings that are different, for lack

  of a better word, from everyone else. I, and I suspect you,

  belong to that group. We can do things other people can't

  do, move things with our minds, make things happen in

  nature, hear other people's thoughts, and even manipulate

  fate a little bit. We've always called ourselves the

  Outsiders. That's what Veli calls us anyway. These powers,

  sometimes they're used to describe witches and wizards in

  children's books. We lived harmoniously with everyone for

  all eternity and used our powers to keep things in balance,

  to keep disharmonious things in check, evil if you will.

  "There are always evil things in the world that want

  to gain control and we always fought them when they

  showed up. But for the most part we lived quietly amongst

  ourselves in the hills of England where I gather we had

  lived for centuries."

  "You're talking about all of this in the past tense.

  Your people don't live there anymore?" Isabelle questioned.

  Kal didn't miss that she had left herself out of the

  equation when asking him about it. It was too much for her


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  to process all at once. Hell, most of the time it was too

  much for him to process and it wasn't new information for


  "It's not like that anymore. Veli tells us that about

  twenty-nine years ago some weird stuff started to take

  place. First of all, the leader of the Outsiders, Veli calls him

  'the Great One', died suddenly. Now, he was 120 years old.

  This would be quite old for regular people but our people

  can live, as long as we are living good productive lives, to

  be about 200 years old. The Great One, or the Old Dude as

  my cousin Leonardo calls him, was a really kind, happily

  married man who was in good connection with the

  universe. He shouldn't have taken ill and gotten sick like

  that. But he did and right before he died he told Abraxas,

  I'll get to him in a second, a prophecy that seemed too

  ridiculous to be true."

  Isabelle brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes. No

  one had ever touched him like that before and for a second

  he couldn't speak.

  "A prophecy? There really are prophecies?"

  "Yes. Really powerful Outsiders can be given

  insight into future and past events from the Spirits that

  control the earth. They aren't bound by our human

  constraints on time. They can tell us, if they feel like it,

  what will or what might happen." He took her hand in his


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  and raised it to his mouth to plant a kiss on it. The gesture

  seemed natural to him and he assumed to her as well as

  they paused to simply stare at each other. Isabelle's cheeks

  took on a pink hue and he loved the slight blush on her.

  "Kal?" Isabelle touched his chin.

  "Yes, Isabelle." He loved saying her name.

  "Can I tell you something and you won't think I'm


  "Do you think I'm likely to think that you're crazy?"

  She laughed. "You might."

  "I promise."

  "I've been dreaming about you for years, almost

  every night since as long as I can remember. Not just

  someone like you but actually you, physically you."

  "What are we doing in these dreams?" He raised his

  eyebrows at her and she laughed at him, making him

  wonder if she knew exactly the images he'd been picturing.

  "We're not always doing that."

  "But sometimes we are?" He liked the idea more

  and more.

  "Sometimes we're just talking and you didn't always

  look like you do now. We kind of grew up together. When I

  was ten you were ten, when I was twenty, you were twenty

  and so on."

  "Where do your dreams take place?"


  Love Beyond Time

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  "On a green hill some place I've never been. I

  recognized you right away but I felt like I was out of my

  mind. You're not acting like I belong in a loony bin."

  "I think that it's highly possible that what you think

  happens, actually does."

  "Have you ever dreamed about me?"

  "I don't dream."


  "Veli stopped me from dreaming when I was ten

  and I don't remember any of them from before that. When I

  go to sleep all I see is blackness and then nothing else till I

  open my eyes the next morning."

  "How does someone stop you from dreaming?"

  "You really don't want to know."

  "I do."

  "Well, I'm not sure I'm ever going to tell you. I'm

  not sure I want you knowing that stuff about me." For the

  first time he looked down, dragging his eye contact from

/>   "Sometimes you seem like this."

  "Like what?"


  He grinned, sheepishly. "You think I'm sad?"

  "I think you're a lot of things. Powerful, smart,

  beautiful—and yes, I said beautiful even if men don't like


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  to hear that stuff—kind, lonely, and yes sometimes sad."

  She paused. "But I'm sad sometimes in my dreams too."

  "Why are you sad?" He didn't want her to ever be

  sad, even in her dream world.

  "Because I know I have to wake up and you won't

  be there with me." She lowered her head after saying the


  Kal pulled Isabelle into his arms and kissed her so

  gently. This kiss was so different from the one out on the

  street. Earlier he had seemed desperate, almost crazed for

  her lips touching his but now he was fully in control. His

  mouth pressed down on hers, taking her as his own and he

  knew she had been lost but now she was somehow found

  with him. He pulled back to stare in her eyes.

  "I don't know what I did to deserve you but I'll

  thank the Spirits for you every day." Kal stroked her back

  lightly with his hand.

  "You're going to have to go over that Spirits thing

  again for me sometime." Isabelle smiled.

  "Veli will, or Charma, my other cousin, can. They

  really know about this stuff. I'm pretty lazy when it comes

  to learning the details of how this stuff works. I think, by

  nature, I'm a warrior, not a healer or a spell-caster. I need to

  do stuff, not talk about it, which has been a problem for me

  over the years because using too much power, to fight or


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  ward off evil, opens up my presence to forces that I would

  prefer didn't know where I was. But that's neither here nor

  there anymore." Kal sighed. It felt good to be talking to


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