Love Beyond Time

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by Rebecca Royce

  what he imagined was her first orgasm.

  Kal moved up her body so he could look her in the

  eyes as she started to regain some consciousness. "That's

  just the first one, tonight, darling. By the time we're done,


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  we're not going to know our own names."

  "But what about you, Kal?" She asked suddenly

  concerned. "Don't you need to…?"

  "Oh," he laughed. "I'm so hard from wanting you,

  my little love, and I intend to have you. Don't you worry

  about that."

  Isabelle's gaze travelled to his penis and he almost

  came right there. "Is it going to fit inside of me?" she asked


  "Isabelle, we were made for each other. It's going to

  fit perfectly inside of you. Although you are so small and

  tight, baby, I'm afraid it's going to hurt a little bit the first

  time. I've heard it can hurt women a bit when they first try

  it if the man isn't careful, and I'm going to try to be careful

  but you need to tell me if any of it hurts."

  Kal reached down and inserted one finger inside of

  her. He loved the trust that she was giving him and he

  wanted to make sure that she was ready for her first time

  with him.

  "Isabelle," he sighed lightly. "You don't need to

  worry about getting pregnant. It's not the right moon cycle."

  Deep in his soul he wished he could get her pregnant right

  away, it would be a wonderful way to solidify what was

  happening between them. To actually create life with

  Isabelle would mean that he really could let everything go


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  and just focus on his future with her. But it was not the

  right time and he didn't even know if Isabelle wanted to

  have children.

  She shook her head. "What?"

  "I'm the only one who can get you pregnant." He

  kissed her head gently. "We're designed to only be able to

  do that together but it also has to be done at the right time

  when the earth lines up with the sun and during the right

  moon cycle. The earth is lined up right but the moon cycle

  is wrong. It's complicated, basically my understanding is

  that we have four times a year when we can create life and

  now is not that time." He hoped he wasn't spoiling things

  by talking like that; they should probably have discussed it


  "Given that we're soul mates and that we live

  roughly two hundred years, I'm sure there will be time for


  "How do you hear what I'm thinking so clearly? I

  can't read minds like that." Kal laughed.

  "I never knew that I could either and so far it only

  seems to be working with you. Must be one of those 'we're

  made for each other' things? You can control energy, create

  energy bubbles to stop bullets, disintegrate bad guys using

  electricity from the sky and I can read your mind and go

  back and witness events in time but not stop them. Seems


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  like fate gave you all the strength and gave me the ability to

  assist you and stop you from over thinking things by

  yourself." Isabelle caressed his hair.

  "Right now, all I can think is that I've got to get

  inside of you." He gently slid down her body, taking his

  truly erect manhood into his hand. He wanted this to be

  good for her, he wanted it to be something she never forgot.

  As gently as he could possibly manage, he thrust himself

  inside of her feeling for the first time like he'd come home.

  He could feel her tight muscles begin to stretch to

  accommodate him as he broke through the previously

  unbroken barrier inside of her. Isabelle let out a slight

  wince that was immediately replaced by a moan as her

  body recognized that Kal was actually inside her. His

  thrusts began gently, giving her body a chance to get used

  to the motion but Isabelle was a quick learner and she soon

  began to respond to his rhythm, matching him as her hips

  rose off the bed to meet him.

  Kal had never known that sex could feel like this.

  Every muscle movement, every sound from her throat,

  every turning of her head or fluttering of her eyelids

  seemed to drive him more and more crazy until he was sure

  he was lost in a frenzied stupor. How could anything be this

  sweet, this perfect and how had he lived without it? There

  was nothing on earth that mattered except Isabelle and


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  being inside of her. He knew he was going too fast, too

  hard but he couldn't seem to control himself. Her tight body

  wrapped around him and he had to take what it was

  offering. He had to have more of her.

  The pressure built inside of him. In and out and he

  moved, desperate for more, desperate to give her

  everything, desperate to just be inside of her. He screamed

  her name over and over as his release hit him at the same

  time he felt hers strike her. The only one ever this deep

  inside of her, he wished he could spend eternity right where

  he was. This was where he belonged, where he should have

  always been.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Eleven

  Sometime later as Isabelle lay still, allowing the

  minor tremors to resonate through her, she let her eyes

  open. Kal lay next to her on his stomach. His head turned

  towards her, his eyes closed as he absentmindedly stroked

  the side of her face. She let herself stare at him for a few

  minutes, knowing he was unaware of her observation. He

  really was a beautiful man.

  No one would ever call him pretty—his features

  were hard. But she knew now they could be caring and

  gentle. He seemed to have been made for warfare, his

  muscles hard and his shoulders broad and she knew from

  brief glances into his head—and it was happening more and

  more that she caught glimpses of what he thought about—

  that he thought very little of himself outside of that purpose

  but she knew in her heart he had been waiting for her and

  that he needed her as much as she needed him.

  Something was coming for them and the joining

  they had just shared had made them both stronger. She

  knew without him telling her that he intended to avenge her

  parents. He intended to find the still unnamed murderer,

  police officer or not, and end his life—even if he had been

  under the influence of someone else. She knew she should

  stop him from this venture, that it could get him killed. But


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  she also knew that Kal couldn't change who he was

  anymore than she could. Asking him to change his warrior

  nature would be like asking a tiger to change its stripes. She

  was deeply in love with him, even if she shouldn't have

  been, and
loving him was going to mean living with the

  dangers that came with him. She knew she could do it; she

  had been born to do it.

  They had been selected for each other even before

  they were born.

  Alone she was weak, and although he was stronger,

  he would be a force now that they had found each other.

  She knew nothing of the history of the Outsiders but from

  what Kal had told her they were meant to go through life

  joined with their other half, each better with the other one's

  presence. He belonged to her and she was going to take

  care of him and not lose him to either physical danger or

  his own demon thoughts.

  The whispered chanting that had been with them for

  hours slowly started to recede in her ears and she found she

  was lonely for it. She knew Kal would stir when it stopped,

  missing the sound of it, too, so she took one last moment to

  try to see if she could read his thoughts. How deep could

  she go? Could she read his memories? Charma had read

  and healed hers, making it possible for her to function, to

  join with Kal. Could she only read what he was currently


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  thinking the second he thought it?

  She found herself grasping for his mind with her

  own thoughts. He was sleepy, she could feel that

  immediately. Achingly tired, to be more exact, and she was

  sure that he almost never slept, had never slept well even as

  a child, and needed to desperately. This made perfect sense

  to Isabelle because in her dreams, the ones that she was

  now convinced Kal shared with her even if he didn't

  remember them, Kal always left sooner than she did. He

  never seemed to have time, even in his sleep, to really relax

  for very long.

  Her heart reached out for him. He may have been

  one of the three sent immediately to Veli, aware of who he

  was, aware of his own powers and heritage, but he had also

  always known that he wasn't safe. Even as a child he had

  known evil was looking for them and had felt a deep

  responsibility to protect his small clan. She had been

  luckier than he was. She may have had no one to explain

  what was happening to her and she might have

  unknowingly had to repress her powers, but she had been

  loved and protected, blissfully unaware as a child that

  anything could ever go wrong.

  She could see that he had deliberately placed

  himself in danger again and again, desperate to draw the

  attention away from the others, thinking somehow that their


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  survival was more important than his own. She wanted to

  weep from needing to comfort him, from needing to make

  him see how truly important he was. The chanting stopped

  and her ears were met with sudden quiet. Kal's eyes began

  to flutter open and as soon as he saw her, he smiled.

  "What are you doing?" He rubbed his nose in her

  hair as he began to place kisses on her head.

  "Reading your mind," she answered truthfully. She

  wasn't a liar and she didn't want to lie to him, ever.

  "Ooh. Seeing my dirty little thoughts about your

  sexy little body?" He practically cooed in ear, apparently

  unable to stop himself from wanting a second go.

  "No." Isabelle's insides started to melt. "I can see

  that you're exhausted and I think I saw flashes from Bosnia

  and Afghanistan."

  He yawned. "Was I thinking about Bosnia and

  Afghanistan? Why was I thinking about that?"

  "I imagine you are always thinking about it, sort of.

  Why do you do that? Why do you place yourself in danger

  to report in places where no one with a lick of self-

  preservation should be hanging out?" Isabelle asked,

  coming up on her elbow to brush the hair out of his eyes.

  "Well," he started. His gaze bore into hers. "I

  suppose it's threefold, really. First on a very basic level,

  someone has to tell the stories about the atrocities that take


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  place or no one would tell them."

  "Fair enough," Isabelle answered. "But I suspect

  you don't really have that reporter drive that I've heard

  mentioned by any newsperson I've ever met. Do you really

  get off by finding the story and reporting it?"

  He shook his head. "No. You're right. The other two

  reasons are probably more important. I like to put myself

  out there for, lack of a better word, the Darkness, or at least

  the guy who is currently personifying the Darkness, to find

  me so it's always looking for me and not for Charma,

  Marina, or Leonardo. Or even Veli, I guess. Not that they

  couldn't handle it, Leonardo has a fierce side to him even if

  he can seem cool and calculating, and Veli is maybe the

  best warrior our people ever had. God knows Marina lived

  through atrocities and Charma has seen it all in people's

  heads. But somehow I've always felt it was my job to take

  it, to handle it, maybe to die from it. And I guess I'm also

  drawn to the evil myself and I want to see if I can really

  withstand it, if I can stop myself from becoming evil. The

  others, I don't think they feel it like I do. Like they could

  change, become part of it. I could change. I've always know

  that was possible."

  "No, you couldn't." She bit her lip. "I know these

  things, I can see in your head."

  Kal laughed out loud at that remark and she


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  grinned. It felt great to laugh together.

  "You've been reading minds for twenty-four hours

  and already you're an expert, huh?" He grinned, tickling her


  "It's like using a muscle you haven't used in awhile.

  It hurts a little bit but I know how to work it and I think the

  more I do it, the better I will get at it," she answered.

  "Well feel free to practice on me. I will have no

  secrets from you."

  "I don't want you going to those places anymore,"

  she confessed. "I want you to stay here and take care of

  me." Maybe it wasn't modern, but it was how she felt.

  "You're safe here, baby, I won't leave you." He

  smoothed her hair on her head.

  "Whatever this evil is, it found me and I wasn't

  using powers. It wants me and it's looking for me. It knows

  you're with me. It's going to come here and we've got to

  figure out how to fight it. I'm strong and I'm a fast learner

  but you are sheer power, Kal, and I need you," she blurted

  out, feeling better for having said it but worried he would

  think she was weak.

  "Then I guess it's a good thing I'm head over heels

  for you and have no intention of leaving you, ever. I will

  stay here while Leo and Veli figure out how to train you in

  your powers and act like the lion guarding the lair. How's


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

p; that sound?"

  "Perfect," she purred, reaching out for him.

  "I have to tell you," he confessed. "I get a little

  funny around full moons."

  "Don't tell me you're going to become a wolf and

  now I'm going to become one," she demanded.

  "No," he laughed. "We all have our little quirks.

  Marina needs to be near water or she gets a little stir crazy.

  Charma has to have enough sunlight on her every day or

  she starts to become really withdrawn. Leonardo needs

  time alone every day. Veli has some sort of ritual at sunrise

  and I start to get really antsy during a full moon. I feel

  exposed and vulnerable somehow. I start to kind of prowl,

  to pick fights. In college I used to take myself away till the

  moon changed. I had to have Marina spell-cast me a decent

  test schedule so I didn't flunk."

  "Spell-cast again, huh? Marina seems pretty good at


  "Marina can manipulate fate a little bit. Not major

  things, mind you, but little things like your tire. Doing it

  over space is a new thing for her, I guess she and Leonardo

  have been working on it. I think she could do more than she

  does but she's afraid. Not that she'd admit that, she just

  pretends like she can't do them."

  "I have so much to learn," she sighed. "And I


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  shouldn't be feeling this good."

  "In a few weeks, Charma's help will wear off a little

  bit. You'll start to mourn more then, but it will be in a way

  that won't destroy you. You'll feel pain but not so

  overpowering that you can't get up or live your life. She

  wouldn't have done it if she didn't think you were in

  danger. Don't feel guilty. I don't think your parents would

  want you to be destroyed. Your mom especially looked

  tough. I think she'd want you to fight," Kal said.

  "You're right, she would." She couldn't stop herself


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