Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 17

by Rebecca Royce

  someone in the house had, as Kal had called it, spell-cast it

  to do so or had they managed to drag all of these

  technologies onto a remote island in Maine?

  She rubbed the soap, completely unscented she

  noted, all over her body. This was definitely a guy's room

  and she was going to have to make things more feminine if

  she stayed here. She paused in her thinking. Was Kal going

  to want her to stay here or was she going to move

  somewhere else in the house? Was he even going to

  remember that he had proposed in their shared dream? She

  groaned a little bit. How many women could honestly say


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  that they had been proposed to by their soul mate and it was

  possible that he wasn't even going to remember it? She

  turned off the water and grabbed a towel from the rack next

  to the shower. Navy blue. Yep, things were going to

  become a little bit pastel, not so much denim and navy

  blue. Had Kal picked these colors or had Dot picked them

  for him? Should she worry that she had agreed to marry the

  guy when she couldn't even answer that question? Did

  knowing a person's color preferences guarantee success in


  Well, she mused, stepping out of the shower and

  being careful not to slip, they had been born to be each

  other's partner on this planet, more than likely they could

  work out the small details as they went along. There were,

  after all, life and death details to focus on like evil creatures

  bent on world destruction and the death of her entire

  family. She knew that she was going to feel the grief

  associated with that terrible event soon but her brain

  seemed completely unable to focus on it now. Charma's

  magic, she thought, and wondered if the beautiful blonde

  woman who had been there when she had awakened ever

  thought of it in those terms.

  Stretching, she suddenly felt wonderful. Sexy and

  wanton was a wonderful feeling. She was still a little bit

  sore but not terribly so and she was sure she had it in her


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  for a few more goes if Kal was up for it when he woke up.

  She ran a brush through her hair and exited to the hall.

  The house was dark and quiet. Closed doors lined

  the hall in front of them. She suddenly felt like she had

  walked into the opening scene of a gothic novel. The dark

  books of nineteenth century female authors had nothing on

  this place. Kal had referred to this part of the house as his

  wing. Did every door here belong to him? What did he put

  inside of them? She thought she remembered being told

  that the house was huge and that she was going to have to

  wander for a while until she found the kitchen.

  Well, she decided, I might as well snoop a little bit.

  She opened the door directly across the hall from Kal's

  room, waiting for it to creak and hoping she wasn't going to

  find herself face to face with one of the other people who

  lived in the house, probably pissed off for being awakened

  rudely by a stranger, but the room was empty. Depressingly

  empty. Was most of the house like this? Did it just sit here,


  Isabelle suddenly thought of her parents' house. Her

  mother had painstakingly selected everything in it over the

  course of their lives. Every item had meaning or held a

  memory. How long had they all lived here that it was still

  so completely barren of stuff? What was it like for Kal to

  come home and walk down this heated and yet somehow


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  frozen hallway towards his room?

  Who had built this house? It was well kept, showing

  no cobwebs or cracks but with the feeling of being very

  old. Something was keeping it heated just as something had

  kept the plumbing going. Somehow, Isabelle knew it was

  not conventional heating and piping doing the job. How

  could they bring repairmen over when something broke?

  She didn't hear radiators or heat coming through any of the

  vents. She raised her hand to feel the vent above her and

  felt no air coming through them. Someone must have that

  power, she realized as it occurred to her that she had a lot to

  learn. Marina, she thought suddenly of the girl Kal had

  been telepathically communicating with on the highway.

  She had said something that had made him look sad but she

  had obviously been extremely powerful. She had inflated

  their tire hundreds of miles away. It had to be Marina

  controlling the house. Was this something she had to

  concentrate on all the time?

  Turning what seemed to be her hundredth corner

  she arrived in a new part of the house. Isabelle wasn't sure

  at what point she had left Kal's designated section and

  crossed into someone else's but she hoped she hadn't

  broken any rules of trespass. Did they all just get to wander

  around each other's sections?

  The kitchen was modern like Kal's bathroom had


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  been, feeling completely out of synch with the rest of the

  corridors. It was like stepping from one time period to

  another. The walls were yellow and bright with small

  decorative ceramic green leaves glued periodically. Not

  paying attention, Isabelle found herself face to face with a

  man. They practically collided.

  "Oh," she squealed, trying not to sound scared. She

  had wanted to meet the others and now here was one. "I'm

  sorry. I'm just trying to find the kitchen."

  "You're Isabelle," he said simply. "You've found it."

  "I am and I guess I have found it. Yep." She looked

  up to examine the man. He was dark like Kal and young.

  He couldn't be Veli, unless they didn't age. She was going

  to have to ask Kal about that. He must be Leonardo. He had

  broad shoulders like Kal, but that was where the similarities


  He was strong; she could tell that, but lean where

  Kal was built like a Viking. Leonardo's face was almost

  angelic and didn't carry any of the wear and tear that Kal's

  did. His eyes were distant and observational as they

  glanced her over. She felt like he was studying her for an


  "You must be Leonardo," she supplied since he was

  not going to introduce himself.

  "I must be." He gave his first smile as he stepped


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  aside to let her in the kitchen. "Sorry, that was rude," he

  admitted, following her back into the room. "I've been up

  all night going over Kal's account of what happened to you,

  and seeing you, I immediately started to recalibrate things."

  "Recalibrate? Like a computer?" she asked, opening

  the fridge, relieved to find orange juice.

  "I'm a power enhancer. A bit like a computer, I

  guess. More like a battery pack. I th
ink I can help you with

  your power but I have to get myself set first." He joined her

  at the table. "You're smaller than I expected."

  "Ah, did you think I would be Amazonian?" She

  laughed, trying to find a way to relate to Leonardo. Kal

  hadn't warned her that he was so analytical and blunt but

  then maybe Kal had expected to introduce them personally

  and protect her from him.

  "Your mother was small, your father was tall." He

  nodded. "I guess because you have his power I thought

  you'd be like him."

  "My father?" Her eyes widened. He was referring to

  her Outsider parents. "How can you know that? I thought

  we were all just infants when we were sent away?"

  "We were," he concurred, nodding. "When we were

  babies, before we forgot, I gave Veli the names of all the

  babies and their parents. He wrote them down and later

  supplied the parents' power to the list. Each family is


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  slightly unique in their gifts. That's how I know who you

  are. Your dad could time travel back and forth from events.

  Your name was Horacia Maltose but I don't imagine you'll

  want to go by that now. Your mother was a mind reader.

  They were highly respected elders, evidently very learned

  and advisors to the Great One and Abraxas after him. Veli

  says children usually only inherit the powers from one of

  their parents, like we inherit blue or brown eyes and the

  shape of our mouths but we all seem to have inherited both

  parents' powers. It's why we are considered so special, so

  dangerous to the Evil One."

  "Wow." Isabelle couldn't really fathom a better

  response. "I don't think I want to be called Horacia," she

  said finally.

  "No," Leonardo answered agreeably. "That would

  probably be weird for you. Marina went back to her

  Outsider name but she was only five at the time. I don't

  think I could go from being called something else my

  whole life to Leonardo now. Besides it will keep your

  connection with your parents. I'm sorry they died.

  Obviously if we had known about you, we would have

  protected them." Leonardo poured himself some coffee,

  staring at her again.

  "Well, I've known you all of three minutes and

  you've said quite a mouthful." Isabelle couldn't help teasing


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  him. She suspected not too many people did. Leonardo

  reacted by almost choking on his coffee.

  "Give the girl a break, Leo, she just got here."

  Isabelle turned to see an older gentleman enter the

  room. He was tall and blond like Charma had been. Isabelle

  remembered that Kal told her that Veli had to do a dawn


  So this was Veli, who had raised them. Isabelle

  raised an eyebrow to look at him. He would not be

  destroying Kal's sense of self anymore, not now that she

  was around.

  He was a powerful warrior like Kal and he changed

  all the energy in the room when he entered it. Leonardo

  turned his back to her and Veli and looked at some papers

  on the counter, essentially shutting Veli and Isabelle out of

  his scope of concentration and ending his conversation.

  Isabelle didn't know if it was possible for Leonardo to be

  uncomfortable, but if it was, then he was uncomfortable

  with Veli.

  After a moment, Veli smiled. "I've looked for you

  for years, young lady." He bowed slightly to Isabelle and

  she remembered that he must be quite old, hundreds of

  years perhaps. "I'm so sorry for your loss but so glad you

  are finally with us."

  "Charma made me feel better so I can somehow get


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  through this and Kal has been filling me in," she responded,

  not sure what to say to this man who took up, if not

  literally, then metaphorically, all the space in the room.

  "I hear you're soul mates," Veli answered, quickly

  turning towards the refrigerator to take out some eggs. She

  wondered if he was going to cook them breakfast and she

  was shocked by the way he had brought up her relationship

  with Kal. Neither Veli nor Leonardo seemed to have very

  much tact.

  "Ah, yes."

  "How are the chanters?" Veli asked, emotion filling

  his eyes for the first time.

  "Don't you hear them when you use your powers?"

  Leonardo asked, turning around towards Veli. His

  eyebrows were slightly downturned and he looked puzzled.

  "I haven't heard them since my wife died, well that's

  not entirely true," he corrected. "I heard them very loudly

  the day you dropped on my floor. I've always suspected

  that was Abraxas faking a hearing to make me think I was

  destined for the job when I was clearly not."

  "You think he 'faked it' to make you do something

  you shouldn't be doing?" Leonardo repeated.

  Isabelle wasn't sure but she thought Leonardo

  sounded slightly venomous.

  "How interesting. I didn't know Abraxas had that


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  power. Perhaps we should add it to the list so when and if

  we find his daughter we can test her for it."

  Leonardo practically stalked out of the room,

  passing Charma and another tall, dark haired woman as he

  exited the room. He nodded curtly and kept going.

  "What has his panties all twisted up?" The second

  woman, who must be Marina, asked. She had a stride to her

  walk and quickly approached Veli, touching his arm in

  affection as she passed.

  In her job, Isabelle saw many dysfunctional families

  and had become adept at tuning into subtleties. Veli was

  obviously not a beloved uncle to the whole group but

  Marina was his ally.

  "Oh!" She squealed as she saw Isabelle. "You're

  Isabelle. I'm so happy you've been found and so sorry about

  your parents. Now after all of this time I'm finally not the

  newbie." Marina laughed, embracing Isabelle in a hug.

  "Ignore our rude male counterparts. Charma and I aren't

  sure how we'll ever teach them niceties. Veli is too old to

  change, although he won't tell us how old, and Leonardo

  gets forgiven everything when he's out in public because

  everyone he's around thinks he's a genius, which I suppose

  he is. Kal's not much better really but maybe you'll improve

  him. He's so dark and foreboding to strangers unless he

  wants to be charming."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "I don't think he's dark and foreboding. Do you all

  think that?" Isabelle was stunned but totally comfortable

  with the group. It really did feel like they were cousins.

  "You don't?" Marina looked stunned.

  "They're soul mates," Charma added finally.

  Isabelle jumped, she'd forgotten Charma was there

  and realized that she must be able to disguise her presence
br />   if she didn't want to be seen. She looked pale and tired.

  Isabelle suspected she was struggling with the pain that

  should have been her own. She would have to thank her if

  they were ever alone.

  "You are?" Marina was stunned and silent for a

  moment. "No wonder you found him. Really, Kal has a

  soul mate? I mean, I love Kal like a brother but who knew

  the strong silent one would be the first to find his other

  half?" She laughed.

  Isabelle finally realized that Marina, for all of the

  troubles she had in the past, was actually a gentle flower.

  She needed things simple to get through the hardness that

  was her life. She had placed them all in categories that she

  probably didn't even believe herself. Children often did this

  to survive and Marina was still clinging to hers. Kal had

  said she didn't let them know the true extent of her power.

  Not being able to help herself she responded. "Still,

  strong waters run deep. I can assure you, it's been a very


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  short period of time but it's very easy to love Kal."

  "He's a lucky man," Marina's eyes glowed with a

  depth that she obviously kept hidden and protected most of

  the time. Isabelle knew she would need to watch Marina

  very closely before she could really know what she was

  like. Closing her eyes, she searched for Kal and felt his

  presence in her mind. He was nearby, and the thought made

  her smile as she sipped her orange juice.

  * * * *

  Kal stood in the hall listening outside the door,

  Leonardo beside him. They had the advantage of having so

  much history that they frequently didn't have to

  communicate verbally even though they were both only

  telepathic with Veli and Marina. Their inability to

  communicate with each other telepathically had always

  bothered Kal. Why hadn't he just been able to talk to


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