Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 22

by Rebecca Royce


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  able to control her powers? Take care of her, Charma; help

  her, Leonardo; and protect her, Kal. Isabelle has been with

  us for a smidgen of days and she's already more in control

  of her abilities than you will ever be because all you do is

  dither around and tap into this power and tap into that

  power and stare at the ocean. You've been back from the

  orphanage for a quarter of a century. Time to maybe start

  moving on! Maybe if the Darkness comes today he'll take

  you by the hand gently and make sure nothing bad happens

  to you, maybe he'll—"

  "Enough!" Kal bellowed at the others. Whatever it

  was that Leonardo was going to say was stopped abruptly

  by the sheer force of Kal's authority. "Do you think this is

  helpful? You open your mouth for the first time in ten years

  and the most useful thing that you can do is yell at Charma

  and pick on Marina? How is this fixing anything? Veli

  needs to be made to tell us what's going on. Isabelle isn't

  going to be doing any jumping back in time until I'm

  convinced that he is not holding back something that is

  potentially dangerous to her. And nothing is going to be

  fixed by fighting amongst ourselves. Marina sees Veli

  differently than the three of us do, fine. Marina, Leonardo

  is right, it's time to stop screwing around and work with

  your powers." Kal paused, squeezing Isabelle's hand. "I'll

  make Veli talk. You can count on it.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "We're a family," Kal finished his thought.

  "Dysfunctional as hell but this is the only family any of us

  are likely to get. I found Isabelle. You all have someone out

  there too. I believe it in my soul. Isabelle and I used to visit

  each other in our dreams, we still do but now we know

  we're not just imagining each other. Do any of you have

  that going on?"

  Silence filled the room once again and Kal sighed

  deeply, turning as if he would follow Veli from the room.

  Isabelle looked around even as she dove deep into Kal's

  mind. They had too many years, he thought, too many

  years of not quite trusting each other. Too many years of

  not being sure that Veli was going to explode and watching

  out for their own individual interests only.

  "When I was in the orphanage," Marina began,

  stopping Kal in his tracks, "I used to call out at night in my

  dreams. That's how I eventually found Charma but before

  that I used to talk every night to this boy, I don't know his

  name, but he was very important to me. I knew how to

  speak to him almost before I knew how to literally speak. I

  can remember that we would just send each other images of

  things. I used to tell him how awful things were and he

  would promise that he was going to come get me. Terribly

  responsible for a four year old, I guess. One day he just

  didn't answer me anymore. It felt like I had lost a leg. I


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  think he died. I think my soul mate died. Why else would

  he have stopped answering? He used to tell me that when

  he grew up, he would find me. Do you think he's dead?"

  Marina's eyes filled with tears and Charma reached out to

  pull her into her embrace.

  "That's what I was talking about, Marina. You are

  so powerful that you reached out across oceans to find

  Charma and now you're telling me you used to speak

  nightly to a little boy that we don't know yet. Do you have

  any idea what you must be capable of?" Leonardo reached

  out to touch Marina on the shoulder. Isabelle thought it

  looked like an awkward gesture, but at least he was trying.

  "I used to feel this presence with me." Charma let

  go of Marina. "It was almost like we were walking through

  life together but then as we got older he seemed to forget

  me and then one day he was gone. So if my other half is out

  there he certainly doesn't remember anything about me."

  Charma shrugged. "I'm not sure I could handle another

  person in my life, not another person that I was that closely

  connected to anyhow. I can barely get through the day

  without being inundated with other people's problems, how

  on earth would I be able to handle the emotional burdens of

  someone I was in love with? I think Kal might have been

  the only one of us who was even capable of loving

  someone else that completely."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "What?" Kal looked shocked. "I'm probably the

  most screwed up of any of you. I belong in the zoo, not

  around people. I practically become an animal every month

  when the moon changes and I'm not even that good at what

  I'm supposed to be doing. I don't protect anybody. All of

  my college friends are dead just because they knew me. I

  wasn't able to save Isabelle's parents. I keep thinking any

  second that this beautiful gift I've been given in Isabelle is

  going to go away. Someone's going to say 'whoops, she

  wasn't meant for you' and then she'll be gone."

  "I've told you before and I'll say it again, I was

  meant for only you. I doubt the majestic chanters upstairs,

  you know those supreme beings that are watching us,

  would have started singing and chanting in our heads every

  time we're together if we were meant to be with other

  people. I doubt they make that kind of mistake and even if

  somebody did come down and tell me I had to go to

  someone else, I wouldn't leave. I love you and I'll kick

  anyone's ass who tries to separate us," Isabelle asserted.

  "She was made just for you, wasn't she?" Leonardo

  laughed. "She's the only woman I've ever met who is

  stubborn enough to put up with your temper and still come

  out on top."

  "What about you, Leonardo? Have you felt or

  spoken with your other half? Any idea where she might


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  be?" Isabelle laughed.

  "How do you know I'm not gay?" Leonardo's eyes

  spoke of seriousness.

  "Are you gay?" Isabelle eyes widened. It was totally

  fine if Leonardo was gay, she had lots of gay friends, and

  she had just assumed that everyone was paired up man and


  "No," he laughed. "I'm not gay. I'm just pointing out

  that there might be some problems in this whole soul mate

  phenomena. What if one of our others is gay? What if they

  are married with children? Are we going to separate them?

  Ask them to leave their families and come live with us?

  What if they don't like Maine? What if they don't speak


  "Do you stay up at night and worry about these

  things?" Kal asked seriously.


  "Let me say that with this whole married, sexual

  orientation thing. I never had sex with anyone but Kal.

  Have you guys been sleeping
around?" Isabelle asked.

  "No." Charma laughed. "I can barely touch anyone

  without seeing their whole lives let alone sleep around. I

  don't want to know if the person I am kissing stole pain

  killers from his near death grandmother to sell to his high

  school buddies."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "No." Marina folded her hands together. "The truth

  is that I hardly speak to anyone outside of our little family

  anymore. I just feel lost most of the time."

  "Not sleeping around." Leonardo looked up at the

  ceiling before he glanced back at the group. "I'm not going

  to say I've never been sexually active, that would be a lie,

  but I don't sleep around. It's always been just okay. I guess

  I'm the only guy on the planet who is not totally sexually


  "It was like that for me too. It's better with your soul

  mate," Kal answered.

  "Thanks, babe." Isabelle laughed. "I think the other

  Outsiders, the other people out there who are like us, are

  having the same problems. I think they are more or less

  waiting for their other halves too. We can find them."

  "I didn't answer your question, Isabelle," Leonardo

  finally finished. "I used to talk to my other half all the time

  and then one day she changed. We used to meet in our

  dreams too. She was beautiful, I guess I shouldn't say was,

  I'm sure she is still beautiful but she is," Leonardo didn't

  finish his thought and instead closed his mouth like it

  pained him to continue.

  "She's what?" Isabelle narrowed her gaze.

  "She joined with him."

  "Who?" Kal lowered his voice.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "Him. The Darkness. Every time we are attacked,

  every time something happens, I feel her as part of it. I'm

  terrified to find her. I'm going to have to kill her, or worse,

  maybe I'll have to ask Kal to kill her. I don't let myself

  meet her anymore. I don't let myself see her so I guess I

  don't have a soul mate anymore. I know she was beautiful

  but I don't let myself see her face or hear her. Her name sits

  on the tip of my tongue but I can't seem to recall it or say

  it." Leonardo let his hands run through his hair. "I think I'm

  the most fucked up one in this room and I don't ever want

  to discuss it again." A gaping silence filled the room,

  hitting each one of them with the severity of their situation.

  Marina finally cleared her throat. "I'll work on my


  "I know you will." Leonardo sounded tired. "I'm

  sorry I yelled."

  "Don't put it off for ten years and maybe you won't

  explode next time." Marina laughed.

  "Ethereal and young." Isabelle wanted to get some

  space and to give Leonardo some. "Ana was ethereal and so

  terribly young to be dead for so long." She smiled weakly

  at everyone and headed back towards Kal's room. She

  knew he would follow quietly behind her and she was

  desperate and bone tired, needing only to fall into his arms

  for some support.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "I was thinking," Kal breathed into her ear and

  sending shivers down her spine as he came up behind her,

  pushing her into the room in front of him. She smiled,

  sensing his warmth and feeling so glad that they were

  alone. She needed to digest what had just happened. Every

  instinct in her body was telling her that she needed to help

  heal their sadness but she also knew she couldn't fix the

  world. Maybe it wasn't her job, maybe that job belonged to

  their brethren that were still missing, the ones who were

  connected to the three amazing individuals wandering

  around this island. The three lost souls who were trying to

  cope with impossible odds and still figure out who they

  were and how they were going to get through what they

  still had to do.

  "Once this is over we should go collect some of

  your things and bring them here so you don't have stare at

  my stuff all the time without any of your stuff to go along

  with it."

  "Hmmm." Isabelle could barely answer. She was

  beyond weary as she pulled his arms tighter around her.

  She loved when he talked about the future; it made her

  imagine that one day all of this preparation and the

  upcoming task that she had to undertake would be nothing

  but a memory. Kal began placing kisses on her neck and

  Isabelle could already feel her body beginning to heat up to


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  his touch. Her revelry was short lived as not two seconds

  later the doorbell to the house rang. Kal's whole body

  began to tense.

  "Someone got onto the island and didn't sound an

  alarm." He let go of her and charged down the hall and

  towards the front door. Isabelle ran after him and arrived

  just in time to see Dot opening the door. There she was,

  sweet, caring, and speaking to the people in front of her.

  An ache of déjà vu greeted Isabelle. Her mom had

  innocently opened the door just two days ago and now she

  was gone. People did that, she realized—they opened the

  door when it rang and never expected that anyone on the

  other side wanted to harm them. Dot should know better,

  she realized, Dot had lost her family. She shouldn't just

  open the door. She wished she could scream. Was this

  panic normal? Was Charma's spell going to stop now? Kal

  had been so upset that they had surprised them by getting to

  the door. How had they done that? What did it mean?

  Three men stood in front of Dot. They varied in age

  and size. Two of them, both dark and older, were flanked

  by a younger man who stood in the middle. But it was the

  man on the right who had Isabelle's attention. She and Kal

  had seen him before; he was the one who had murdered her

  parents. Rage and terror swept through Isabelle faster than

  she could control them, replacing her earlier panic. She


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  wanted blood, she wanted that man's blood. She knew Kal

  would get it for her as he pushed her back behind the

  landing of the stairs.

  "Don't let them see you," he whispered in her ear.

  His breath was warm and moist and she could feel the

  tension mounting in the room. Could the others feel it? Did

  they know that her warrior was calling down his elements?

  Did anyone besides her know what that meant?

  The four other Outsiders were communicating

  telepathically. Isabelle felt like she could hear bits and

  pieces of their conversation. Anytime that Kal spoke she

  could hear what he said but the others were still hidden

  from her, mostly. Sometimes she could make out pieces of

  what Charma was saying, probably because Charma had

  been in her head. Veli had still not shown up. It was

  possible that wherev
er he had gone to recover from Ana's

  visit, he didn't yet know that they had unwanted visitors.

  Her heart was pounding.

  Kal and Leonardo had stepped forward and

  Leonardo had placed his arm around Dot, leading her

  towards the other room. She couldn't see what he was

  whispering to her but Dot was listening to him. Charma and

  Marina had appeared seemingly from nowhere and were

  standing around her. Isabelle didn't know if she should be

  offended that they were all protecting and shielding her.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  She figured she was just as capable of taking care of herself

  as Charma was but she wasn't going to complain about it

  right at that moment.

  "I'm sorry to bother you, folks. This is quite a little

  island set up you have here. We weren't sure we could get

  to this place, considering the strange weather we've been

  having. It seemed every time we came to make the trip, it

  would start to shower," the older gentleman to the left was

  saying. "My name is Roger Drake, and I'm the sheriff of


  Parma, Isabelle remembered, was the mainland

  town that Dot took the boat to when they needed supplies.

  It's where they had left her car. These men already knew

  she was here.

  "This gentleman right here is my assistant deputy.

  His name is Drew Polanski, he insisted on coming with us."

  There was a tone to the Sheriff's voice when he said that.

  For some reason he wasn't happy that the younger officer

  was there. Drew Polanski didn't squirm at this

  admonishment; he barely seemed to notice as his eyes

  prowled around the front hall like an animal, Isabelle

  realized. Drew had been scouting out the place like he was

  memorizing it, so he could come back later.

  For a second, Isabelle could have sworn that he had

  seen her, although she knew that was next to impossible


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