Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 24

by Rebecca Royce

  outwards. He thought suddenly that it had never been this

  clear or easy for him to access this side of himself before.

  In Kal's mind all time seemed to have slowed down. The

  power came easily from his hands, glowing white and

  traveling through the air horizontally into the sheriff first.

  He was an easy kill and dissolved quickly into nothing but

  ash on the floor. Dot would be able to quickly clean up the

  mess. He must not have been possessed by the evil for very

  long because he didn't fight his death and it took almost no

  time to finish him.

  With that thought in mind, Kal turned to the man

  who had killed Isabelle's parents. Only death mattered now,

  and not an easy one at that. Kal stepped forward and

  zapped Michael a little bit. Not enough to kill him, just


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  enough to maim. Michael Monroe was going to feel his

  death, every second of it. He had shown no mercy to the

  Listoras, he would have no mercy now.

  Kal released another jolt of electric energy from his

  hands into the man again and he screamed at the top of his

  lungs. A loud bellowing scream and Kal wondered if the

  Darkness stayed with his possessions through their deaths

  or if he abandoned them to pain at the last minute. He

  raised his hand to take another shot.

  Not like this, baby.

  Isabelle's voice infiltrated his consciousness.

  He killed your parents.

  Yes, and I would like you to kill him for it, not

  torture him.

  I want to cause him pain.

  I know but that's not you. That's whatever is

  happening in this room. I can feel it too. We can all feel it.

  The Darkness is here with us, watching, infiltrating.

  Leonardo and Marina can actually see traces of it. Please

  don't let it influence your actions. You're too good a man to

  get off on torture. Finish the son of a bitch and then come

  back to my arms.

  That sounded like the best idea he'd heard in a very

  long time. He wanted to be back in Isabelle's arms.

  Kal could almost count the particles that made the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  flow come from his hands. It was so vivid and distinct that

  they were almost living creatures unto themselves. His

  current was alive. In a flash, Kal raised his hand and ended

  Michael's life very quickly. It was so fast the man never

  even had a chance to scream. He became nothing more than

  dust on the floor. He would never breathe again, Kal

  thought silently, and the world would be better off because

  of it.

  "Ashes to ashes." Marina blew into her hand,

  stirring a breeze in the room. Isabelle was amazed to see

  that the wind picked up and moved the dust out of the door

  until there was no trace of it left in the room. Kal turned

  around and walked quickly to Isabelle's side.

  "Thank you for bringing me back from the brink. I

  was going somewhere I've never been before."

  "I love you. Thank you for eliminating that man

  from this world. I didn't know I was an eye for an eye kind

  of a girl but I guess I am."

  Kal's arms wrapped around her tightly and he

  placed his head down on hers so that his chin was resting

  on top. He was trying not to shake, it seemed foolish but he

  still didn't want the others to see him shake, even if it

  wasn't a sign of weakness. Obviously reading his thoughts,

  Isabelle rolled her eyes and squeezed him more tightly to



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "No one in here is likely to ever think of you as

  weak again," she whispered, just loud enough that she was

  sure that Veli could hear it.

  Appearing at the door was the black wolf. He came

  into the room slowly and Marina started to walk forward

  towards it and then suddenly stopped, unsure of where she

  belonged. Charma's powers of mind reading were not

  needed to know what was going on.

  "You came back," Marina sounded hoarse.

  As fast as he had become a wolf, he changed back

  from one. He was even fully clothed, in the same outfit he

  had been in before. He stared at Marina for a long, quiet

  moment and opened his mouth as if he would speak but


  "Hey, dude, how did you do that?" Leonardo


  "He could do it too." Drew pointed at Kal. "I could

  feel that he could do it and I kept waiting for him to

  change. Why did you hold back from it?"

  "There was enough new stuff going on, the moon

  was literally speaking to me in my mind. It didn't feel like

  the time to take on fur."

  "Son." Veli stepped forward to address Drew.

  "We've been looking for you for some time."

  "You're going to have to keep looking. I'm not here


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  to stay. I don't want to be involved in any of this shit."

  "You don't want to be involved?" Marina stepped

  closer to him. She was starting to sound sort of hostile.

  "You're already pretty involved here. You just watched Kal

  disintegrate two grown men who were possessed of the

  greatest evil in this dimension or any other."

  "This isn't my fight and it isn't my problem. I don't

  entangle myself in these kind of messes. I have enough

  trouble just looking out for myself."

  "Is that so? That's why you decided to go into law

  enforcement just a boat ride away from where we, the

  people like you, call home?" Marina spat back. "Seems

  pretty damn close to trouble for a person who doesn't want

  to be involved in other people's problems."

  "It was temporary insanity about two years ago.

  After this charming interlude, I am reminded why I stopped

  stepping in messes like this. I mean, shit," Drew spoke,

  running a hand through his hair. "How the hell am I

  supposed to explain this to anyone? I'm going to have to

  report back something. There's not even a body left for us

  to manipulate an autopsy for. Did you have to literally send

  them off into the wind? They're human beings with families

  who are going to ask questions when they don't come home


  "Isabelle had a family that she didn't get to come


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  home to. Hers is the only family disappearance that I'm

  currently concerned with," Kal spat back.

  "How do you know that either of them had anything

  to do with that?"

  "We travelled back and watched it happen." Isabelle

  hated saying it out loud. This whole day was bringing back

  the horror of her parent's death at full speed. She needed to

  hold off her falling apart for a little while longer. She still

  had a task to fulfill.

  "You can do that?" Drew looked shocked.

  "I can and they," Isabelle indicated the rest of the

le in the room, "can do amazing things. Each one of

  them is different."

  "That doesn't change anything. We've still got two

  missing people and a whole police station that knows that

  they were coming here."

  "I can take care of that." Charma smiled. "If you

  take me to the people who knew, I can implant other


  "Too many people," Veli said simply. "It will

  overtax you and you'll be out of it for days."

  "It's my special gift, Veli, let me use it." Charma

  said 'special' as if she didn't feel that there was anything

  special about her particular abilities at all. Either that or she

  would gladly rid herself of her talents.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  '"Fine," Drew said simply. "That is something I'd

  like to actually see and then I'm taking off. I'm getting the

  hell away from here."

  "Maybe we could persuade you to give us a

  chance." Veli began speaking but Kal tuned out the rest of

  what he was going to say.

  At that moment he didn't care if Veli convinced

  Drew to stay or go. He had some questions he'd like to ask

  him, like how he came to be with the two men who had

  come here today and how he had turned into a wolf at will

  instead of feeling like he was going to be consumed by it.

  But at that moment all he could think about was getting

  Isabelle alone and in his bed. If the sexual energy that was

  flowing through his body was going to be the result of

  every encounter that ended in violence then Kal was going

  to start seeking out danger every day.

  "Thank you." Isabelle held him tightly. He knew

  she would be able to feel his need for her and did nothing

  to try to hide it. Kal felt Isabelle exhale deeply, pressing her

  face into his chest. She seemed to be inhaling the scent of

  him. It was a huge turn on. In a gesture he hoped was

  nonchalant, he reached down to goose her behind.

  But his hand never made contact with her rear

  because as he felt a strong pull on the back of his head. It

  felt something akin to someone tugging really hard on his


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  hair to drag him somewhere. He felt himself being lifted off

  of the ground and he had time to see his feet leaving the

  floor. Somehow, despite his exhaustion, he had the

  presence of mind to let go of Isabelle so she wasn't dragged

  wherever he was going. She stumbled backwards but he

  didn't have time to worry about what was happening to her

  as he blinked and his world went black.

  "Kal?" He heard Isabelle scream before he heard

  nothing at all.

  I love you, he sent to her mind but he didn't know if

  she could hear him. After a moment, he wasn't conscious of

  anything at all.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Sixteen

  "Where is he?" Isabelle screamed to Veli who

  simply turned his back and stormed to the back of the

  living room, facing the window. He had been of no help

  and Isabelle was getting more and more frustrated with


  "Where did he go?" Isabelle was pacing back and

  forth around the room. She was frantic and she couldn't

  think straight. Her ears were ringing and she was sure any

  second her heart would literally stop. She was having

  physical pains from Kal's absence. Who had taken him?

  She wanted them dead. She would personally see to it if she

  could or she would help Kal do it.

  "Isabelle." Charma grabbed her arm. "You have to

  stop pacing."

  "Sorry, no can do," Isabelle responded. "If I stop

  moving I will literally lose it. I think you should all prefer

  my pacing."

  "There!" Marina screamed suddenly. She had been

  scanning the room back and forth since Kal had been pulled

  into the air and vanished. She seemed to be seeing things

  with another set of eyes. Leonardo had been staring at her

  intently, sort of shocked at how well she was doing it. "I

  can still see the magic. It's strong and it's moving away


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  quickly but I can still see it. It's like someone cast a spell

  and literally pulled him through space. Leonardo, can you

  see it?" Marina's voice had gone higher as she gestured

  wildly at the ceiling. She was excited and her face was

  flushed. Isabelle wished she could share her enthusiasm but

  she was too panicked to care.

  Isabelle looked above her but she couldn't make out

  anything other than the ceiling. Charma and Veli looked

  equally confused but Leonardo and Drew, who had still not

  left, were looking where she was pointing and nodding as if

  they too could now see something.

  "I can barely see it. My eyes don't do that weird

  thing that yours just did," Leonardo remarked.

  "I finally have a sight power and since you can't do

  it, it's weird?" Marina laughed. Leonardo seemed not to

  hear her, still focused on the ceiling.

  "It's not time he's moving through but space and

  he's being tugged. This isn't my area. Marina, you can see

  that?" Leonardo sounded stunned.

  Isabelle was suddenly reminded that her first

  impression of Marina had been that the Marina kept secrets

  and kept things to herself. Leonardo had been yelling at her

  just earlier that day about not using her powers to her best

  ability. Obviously Leonardo had been right; Marina was

  capable to doing a ton with her powers. She could see


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  things that no one else could see. She was obviously the

  key to getting Kal back.

  "You need a map," Drew added to the conversation,

  reminding everyone that he was still there. "It's moving

  away and you need to be able to follow it." He blew across

  his hand, similar to the way Marina had done when she had

  made the wind move the dusty remains of Kal's would-be

  assailants. Above them, a map of the world appeared on the

  ceiling. It was suspended in the air and even Isabelle could

  see it. It was detailed, longitude and latitude included.

  Raising her hand, Isabelle realized it was transparent even

  though it seemed solid. The oceans were a clear crystal

  blue and it almost looked like they were moving with

  waves. Europe was a deep red, Asia was green, and the

  United States was orange. Each continent looked unique

  and inviting. It stood above them suspended through the air

  like a piece of artwork that was alive. Isabelle couldn't help

  but feel that it was magic. Marina gasped out loud.

  "How did you do that?" Marina stared deeply in

  Drew's eyes. Isabelle would swear that the air seemed to

  electrify just from their eye contact alone.

  "The same way you all do what you do. I'm a


  "You're not a freak, you're an Outsider." Marina had

  a slight choke in her voice.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "I'm a what?"

  "An Outsider," Veli interjected. "And your father

  could do that too. I never thought to see that talent again."

  "My father couldn't do anything like that. All my

  father could do was suck at his job, drink cheap whisky,

  and yell at my mother all night."

  "Not your human father. Your real father, your

  Outsider father."

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "I can see it. I can see exactly where he is." Marina

  practically screamed, pointing at the sky.

  Isabelle couldn't see anything moving around that

  looked like Kal but as long as Marina could make out what

  she looked at, that was good enough.

  Marina wasn't through with Drew. "Who are you?"

  She whirled around to face Drew, her eyes blazing. "Who

  are you that you can draw a map on the ceiling to show us

  where our friend is and you can change into a wolf at will

  but you can't accept that there are people like you who can

  do what you do and it doesn't make them freaks, it makes

  them special?"

  "I'm no one," he replied easily. "Just the jerk that

  has to try to explain what the hell happened here to the

  entire county in a few minutes."

  "I'm going to help you with that," Charma reminded


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce


  "And I'm the guy who never wants to hear any more

  of this Outsider crap ever again, okay? I'm a freak, some

  kind of genetic freak and you people all are too. You can

  call yourselves whatever you want to but it doesn't change

  the fact that we are just weird, strange freaks of nature. I'm

  sorry I ever came here today."

  "Why did you?" Leonardo asked.

  "Because I just felt like I had to." Drew looked

  down at the floor and Isabelle suddenly felt like he looked


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