Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 26

by Rebecca Royce

  and place him god knows where. It has possessed the minds

  of thousands of humans. It is set to destroy us because you

  guys got tired of fighting it slowly? You gave it the chance

  to possess a human being and now it can end the world. I

  spent the first five years of my life feeling cold and hungry

  and alone and all you can say is that Abraxas should have

  let us die as babies?"

  "Maybe I'll finish the job." He raised his hand

  towards Marina.

  " Kal!" Isabelle called out in her mind. " God Kal,

  we're in so much trouble here. Veli has lost his mind! "

  There was no answer from Kal. She needed to reach him

  but she had never been able to join her mind completely to

  his unless she was asleep. She had only moments. She

  knew that. She closed her eyes and called out to him.

  Please, she begged the universe as she had never begged

  before, please, we need Kal.

  Isabelle reached out her mind towards Kal's. She

  didn't know if he could hear her, she didn't know what he

  could do even if he did hear her. She wasn't sure if he could


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  help but every instinct in her body called out for assistance.

  He was her other half and they needed him. She could feel

  her mind reaching for his, desperate for the connection that

  they had when they were intimate, desperate for him to

  answer her. He was drowsy and weak but she could feel

  him hearing her.

  She could feel him like a beacon in her mind and it

  was becoming more and more aware as she called to him.

  Kal please, hear me. Please Kal, hear me. Hear me.

  Kal, Kal, Kal, she called.

  I hear you, Isabelle, I hear you. I'm okay, I don't

  know where I am or what happened but I'm okay.

  Kal, we're going to find you. We're going to. But we

  have a problem. A very serious problem.

  What's happening?

  Veli, he's threatening to kill Marina. He's not just

  threatening. He's crazy. His eyes are red. I think he might

  do it. We need you, we need you, Kal.

  Isabelle, take my power. I can give it to you.


  I just know I can.

  No, Kal.

  Take it now. His mind called to hers weakly. Take

  what I know I can give you.

  A jolt of electricity filled Isabelle's body and she


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  knew she was filling up with Kal's power. She had no time

  to stop or to think of how such a thing was even possible.

  Isabelle pushed her hand forward in the way that she had

  seen Kal do several times, just as Veli pushed energy

  through his hands towards Marina. The whole interchange,

  she realized, had taken less than a few seconds to complete.

  Without knowing how, Isabelle erected a force field to

  block him. She could hear the chanting in her head and the

  surge of electrical energy that flowed through her as it must

  flow through Kal. She had no idea how long she could

  continue to hold this blockage, it was exhausting and once

  again she was overwhelmed by the sheer power that Kal

  had to wield every time he was forced into action.

  "How are you doing this?" Veli stared at Isabelle.

  "You shouldn't have that power."

  "Kal," Isabelle hissed with anger. "You know the

  guy who is supposed to either be dead or evil. He gave his

  power to me. Now stand down, Veli. Enough is enough."

  Isabelle realized that she was talking to Veli as if he was

  being a disobedient child but she had to trust her instincts

  and they were telling her that Veli really didn't want to be

  acting the way he was acting.

  "How can you share powers? Such a thing is not

  possible," Veli huffed.

  "We were chosen, remember? We can do things that


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  you can't do."


  "Evidently, it is possible," Leonardo snapped. "Now

  do what the lady says and stand down. We aren't going to

  let you abandon Kal and we certainly aren't going to let you

  kill Marina, or any of us for that matter. So stop acting like

  a baby and put the power back inside wherever you store


  "You're the most worthless of them all, Leonardo.

  All of these years, you had all of these years to find those

  books and not once have you ever come close," Veli yelled.

  "How long do you think the little girl can hold Kal's

  shields? I'm a master, I'm not going to wear down but the

  little girl there, who won't even use the name her parents

  gave her but insists on calling herself Isabelle, she's going

  to give out in a minute and then I'll finally be rid of the lot

  of you."

  "Let me ask you something, Veli," Leonardo hissed.

  "When you were all messing with fate and deciding that

  you were so powerful you could defy your leaders and trap

  evil within your midst, did you hear the chanting voices?"

  "What's your point, Leonardo?" Veli whirled

  around. "You've always been so damn analytical. I don't

  care what the voices think and feel; it's not up to them what

  I do."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "Can you hear them now?" Leonardo shouted again.

  "Because I can hear them, loud and clear." Leonardo

  stepped through Isabelle's boundary easily. He walked with

  a grace she hadn't seen him possess earlier. "And I've had

  enough." Leonardo placed his hands on Veli. The room

  flashed white, a blinding white light that seemed to fill up

  everywhere and everything. Isabelle couldn't see anything

  and her ears began to ring.

  Suddenly the room was filled with a sound so loud

  and uncomfortable that Isabelle found herself dropping her

  shields to cover her ears. Charma had fallen to her knees in

  pain next to her but Isabelle could do nothing to assist her

  because the noise was so all encompassing. After a moment

  Isabelle realized that it was the sound of Veli screaming, a

  loud wail the likes of which Isabelle had not known could

  come from anything other than machinery. What was

  Leonardo doing to him?

  Stunned, she dropped the blockage completely and

  rushed towards Leonardo, Marina and Charma close on her

  heels. They all stopped suddenly, unclear about what was

  happening, unclear about what to do next.

  Disturbingly quiet, Veli and Leonardo fell to the

  floor, panting.

  "What did you do?" Marina shouted at Leonardo.

  "What did you do to him, Leonardo?"


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "I took his power." Leonardo stood up.

  "You took his power?" Marina questioned again,

  staring at him, dumbstruck. "Since when could you do that?

  Who is the one hiding power now?"

  "I could always do it." Leonardo's tone was soft. "I

  just didn't advertise it. I thought that it seemed like a good

  idea to keep this one close to my chest for just this sort of

  opportunity. I didn't want anyone knowing that I could do


  "We can't live very long without our powers,"

  Charma whispered to Isabelle, looking sad but resigned.

  "It's like living without a lung or without your heart. They

  are just as essential to our central nervous system as

  breathing and blood."

  "Thank you, Leonardo," Veli spoke in gasps.

  "What?" Leonardo look stunned. He had moved

  away from Veli and had turned his back on him as if it was

  just simply too much for him to even look at.

  "That thing," Veli groaned again. "The Darkness, it

  had infected me. I could feel it. It entered the room and

  took Kal and then it was inside me, like it was the day we

  brought it forth. I couldn't fight it, I couldn't win."

  "Sshh." Charma fell to the floor, her compassionate

  nature pulling her to his side. "Don't try to talk. Maybe

  there's something we can still do to save you. I'm not a


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  healer. Why can't we ever find a healer?"

  "You were such powerful babies. Your power

  dwarfed mine from the beginning. I rode you hard. I

  thought you had to be hard and strong to defeat what was

  coming to you. You have to go get Kal back. You are

  meant to be all together. I had no idea you could even do

  that, Leonardo. I don't think either of your parents could do

  that. It's such a gift and you were smart to keep it to

  yourself." Veli looked up at Isabelle and tried to sit up,

  failed and lay back down on the floor. Marina was running

  a comforting hand through his hair with unshed tears

  threatening in her eyes.

  "Tell Kal he was so much stronger than I ever was,

  so much stronger than his father could have dreamed of

  being. How did he give you his power?"

  "I called to him and he answered me." Isabelle felt

  slightly removed from the group. This man, who had once

  been great and powerful, the right hand to their former

  leader, was the closest thing any of them had ever had to a

  father. She had been more fortunate, having been loved by

  kind and gentle people. Veli hadn't been perfect, but he had

  been around. Leonardo had just essentially had to kill his


  "Go get Kal back and then get the books. Send

  Isabelle to Abraxas and get the books, Leonardo. You're in


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  charge now, just as you always should have been. Keep Kal

  close and protect Charma. He will always keep you all safe

  and she'll keep you all sane. Marina," Veli turned towards

  her. "Stop pretending that you're weak. You probably have

  more power than all of them combined. Find the others.

  You can beat this." He was starting to sound distant and

  removed, fading from them. His eyes looked upward as if

  he could see something they could not. "I can hear them

  again, the voices. They're calling to me." Veli closed his

  eyes and was gone. His body, no longer connected to this

  earth, disappeared in front of them.

  "He vanished." Marina looked around the room.

  "He's gone."

  "I didn't see any other way." Leonardo looked

  withdrawn. Isabelle realized he was expecting them to

  reject him.

  "You saved us all, Leonardo. It took great courage

  to do what you did." Isabelle patted him on the back.

  Suddenly a terrifying thought occurred to her. "Is Kal

  okay? He sent me his power. Is he dead?" Isabelle could

  hardly get the words out as her throat seemed to closer

  around her. It would be just like Kal to sacrifice himself for

  all of them. She hadn't known he could die from it or she

  would never have reached out to him.

  Marina turned around, once again looking at the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  map on the ceiling that only she could make sense of. "No."

  Marina shook her head. "He's alive. But I think we need to

  get to him, and soon. Can you send his powers back to


  "I don't know how he sent them to me so I don't

  know how I can send them back." Isabelle was becoming

  even more alarmed. Even if the power exchange hadn't

  killed Kal, he was now perfectly defenseless to whatever

  was holding him captive.

  "Leonardo." Charma rose. "Do you have Veli's

  powers now?"

  "No." Leonardo shook his head. "My gift, dark as it

  is, seems only to remove the powers, not absorb them,


  "Well then we're lucky you have Kal's powers,

  Isabelle, because without them we could never rescue him.

  We need Kal to rescue Kal." Charma gritted her teeth as

  she spoke.

  Isabelle took a deep breath. This was all relatively

  new to her. She had her own powers to contend with and

  now Kal's but she could fight her way through anything to

  get Kal back to them. The rest she would figure out later.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kal awoke slowly to find that he was now tied by

  the hands and hanging from the ceiling in what appeared to

  be a very dark room of a house. From the noises above him

  he had to assume he was in a basement. Maybe he was two

  floors below because he felt as if the moon was very far

  away from him—a sensation he only ever had if he was

  deep underground. It smelled like mold and it was hot and

  humid. He tried not to gag, reminding himself that he had

  been in worse places than this. Not usually tied up, but that

  was a problem that he at least felt capable of solving.


  Vaguely he could remember rousing himself to the

  sounds of Isabelle's pleas for help. He had sent her his

  powers, something he hadn't known he was capable of

  doing until he had done it and then it had been easy, as

  everything seemed to be in regards to his lady love.

  Evidently finding his soul mate had enhanced even powers

  he had been unaware of. He hoped she had been able to use

  them because he was feeling very vulnerable and he could

  have used his powers to get himself down. As it was, his

  arms were starting to hurt him. Damn, what he wouldn't do

  for a Swiss army knife, he silently mused.

  "He's awake."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  A whisper of a female voice filled the room. Kal

  had never heard this voice before. It didn't sound menacing

  but he didn't like it just the same.

  I can see he's awake, A male voice answered.

  Kal was fairly certain that the people who were

  talking were not actually in the room with him but

  watching him from somewhere else. He suspected that

  video cameras and modern equipment had nothing to do

  with it.

  "Hello!" Kal shouted. He had considered speaking

  to them
telepathically but ultimately he didn't want to tip

  his hand that he could do that, better that they think he

  could only hear them.

  He heard us. How is that possible? The male voice

  questioned. Tell Sebastian quickly. It must be part of his

  evil abilities. That sounds so ridiculously cheesy. We need

  a new phrase. No more evil abilities.

  Shouldn't Sebastian know, since he's our fearless

  leader? The female voice sounded very annoyed and

  sarcastic. It seems to me we're always doing all the work

  here. I dragged him through space to put him here. You

  commanded him to sleep after he somehow woke up. What

  is Sebastian doing anyway?

  Why, Alexa, you sound downright pissed off. Are

  you finally having second thoughts about this whole plan?


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  The male voice questioned.

  Kal had a feeling if he could just get these two to

  answer him he might actually have a chance to get himself

  out of there. He didn't know who Sebastian was but he

  suspected he didn't want to find out.

  I'm starting to think you might have been right all

  along, Gabriel, the female voice answered sadly.

  "I'm Kal Oberan and if you can hear me as I can

  hear you then you must be one of us," Kal called out to the

  empty room.

  One of you? The female voice asked. We could

  never be one you. There was utter disdain in her voice.

  "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? We are

  the good guys, for lack of a better expression at the

  moment. I'm sorry that it's me you have to talk to first. The

  other members of my family are much better equipped to

  make first introductions but seeing as you pulled me from

  my home to bring me here I find I am in the unique

  position to speak with you." He hoped his calm tone was

  working because he had a feeling that if he didn't get one of

  those two to let him down before whoever Sebastian was


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