Their Bounty (Dark Gay Harem Contemporary Romance) (Four Mercenaries Book 1)

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Their Bounty (Dark Gay Harem Contemporary Romance) (Four Mercenaries Book 1) Page 20

by K. A. Merikan

  Clover swallowed, his stomach cramping when he remembered why they were alone. “And you… won’t tell Tank I tried to run?”

  Drake snorted, sliding his arm over Clover’s as they neared the edge of the slope. “No. But only if you’re a good boy until evening,” he said, his black eyes narrowed to slits, adding an edge to his sexy smile. For all his aloof behavior, Drake knew how to be alluring. A beautiful snake that hypnotized with its eyes while rattling its tail in warning.

  Clover nudged him with his elbow, already comfortable with this hard-won camaraderie. With Drake at his side, their group was no longer disjointed. “I am a good boy. Tank can attest to that. And I’ll wait till evening, if I must.” He sighed theatrically. He was still half-hard, so any touch, any hint of teasing was a rollercoaster ride he couldn’t leave, but as much as he didn’t want to wait, he’d enjoy himself nevertheless.

  Pyro noticed them first. He picked up a stick and tossed it their way. “What the hell? We’ve been looking for you!

  Tank got out of the car in a fresh set of clothes, and he approached the edge of the road, his gaze burning Clover like a hot iron. “What’s going on?”

  Clover’s throat tightened when his foot slipped on a rock. But Drake kept him steady, his hold secure as if his legs could somehow stick to any surface. “One of the guys ran after him, so I intervened.”

  Tank approached them with a frown. “And you couldn’t find the keys for the cuffs in the grass? Did he drop them?”

  Drake ran his fingertips over Clover’s shoulder, sending a shiver down his spine. The time until evening would be painfully long. “No, they’re my cuffs.”

  The silence prolonged as they all stared at Drake and Clover until Pyro wolf-whistled.

  “So that’s how it is. Clover wanted to thank his hero, and you finally discovered his many talents. Good for you, brother,” he said, grinning as if they hadn’t been accosted by a bunch of mercenaries not so long ago.

  Boar emerged from behind a bush by the stream, still washing his face with a towel. “I mean… live and let live, but is Clover okay with this?”

  “Are you?” Drake nudged Clover, shooting him a stare so intense Clover was transported back into the thatch of grass where Drake had a go at his mouth.

  Clover cleared his throat and smirked. “You know I’ve had the hots for Drake since day one.”

  Tank reached out to help Clover all the way down the slope, but Drake pulled him under his slender yet deceptively strong arm. “He’s mine today.”

  Tank raised his eyebrows. “Ookay. I feel like I’m missing a piece of this puzzle, but it’s fine by me.”

  Clover bit back a smile at the word mine coming from Drake’s mouth. He’d been salivating for this man for so long, yet the connection they’d forged today was so much deeper than he could have imagined.

  He’d wanted Drake on his side for pragmatic reasons of safety with the added bonus of hot fun, but what he’d found underneath Drake’s skin was so much deeper. He didn’t want his relationship with any of the men to end. But if he wanted the guys to trust him as much as he trusted them, he needed to grow, learn, and transcend the pretty face he was now. He needed to offer more than smiles and sex.

  “Is everyone okay?” Clover asked.

  Pyro shook his head, eying him with a squint. “Don’t change the topic, everyone’s fine. I wanna know what all this kinky shit is about.”

  Drake sighed, once again squeezing his hand on Clover’s hair and leading him toward the cars. The guys had used their vehicles to pull the fallen trees away and create passage. No bodies in sight.

  “I don’t owe you an explanation. If you’re good you might get a blowjob later, but only as long if you don’t let him come.”

  Pyro’s mouth twitched, and he let out a raspy laugh. “This shit’s getting better and better.”

  Tank crossed his arms with a smirk when he met Clover’s gaze. “You’re one lucky boy. Getting all this attention.”

  Clover took a deep inhale, fearful of what reaction he might get if he told them the truth. But he needed to state the decision he’d made in his heart, even if the others thought it was too much. “I am. I’m lucky to have you all, and I don’t want this to end. I’ve… never felt like this. Can I please stay with you?”

  The sudden somberness of the atmosphere had Clover’s back breaking out in goose bumps, and he lowered his head, eyes focused on the tips of his trainers out of fear that he’d see rejection.

  Drake’s hold on his hair loosened, but his fingertips wandered and sent the most delicious sensations all over Clover’s body, as if he knew how to manipulate nerve endings to his advantage.

  Boar approached Clover so quickly looking up seemed necessary, but instead of getting into Clover’s face about him breaking down boundaries, the big bear of a man squeezed Clover in his arms and even lifted him up for a moment.

  “Yes. I say yes. I was saying to Pyro that you’re such a perfect fit for us. So pretty, and sweet, and you get my sense of humor!”

  Clover smiled, unable to reciprocate the hug but still happy to be embraced. “You’re sweet too. You know, for a killer.” Clover snorted and nuzzled Boar’s ear, breathing in the sweet scent of cocoa that had clung to him since breakfast.

  Pyro approached as well, searing Clover in the heat of his gaze. “I’m more than happy to keep you, Clo. There’s enough of you for all of us.”

  Clover’s heart beat faster when he looked up at Tank. “How about it, Daddy? Can I stay?”

  Tank’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but then he took a step closer and captured Clover’s lips in a kiss so intense Clover felt as if his feet were leaving the ground. He then rubbed his forehead against Clover’s and enfolded him in his arms.

  “Of course you can, boy.”

  Clover ached for another kiss, already missing Daddy’s touch, but Drake pulled him back by the T-shirt.

  “Okay, now that we’ve had our Kumbaya moment and agreed we all want Clover to stay, we need a plan. Until we wipe out whoever wants to have him so badly, he’s not safe. None of us can kick back and chill until that happens,” Drake said, and put his arm over Clover’s shoulders.

  Clover couldn’t help but smile. ‘They all agreed’. Which was most likely as good as he would get from Drake, who wasn’t the kind of man who expressed his feelings eagerly, but that was still more than he’d dreamed of.

  Tank’s mouth stiffened, and he rubbed his chin, glancing at the other two men. Boar was the first one to open his mouth.

  “Wouldn’t it just die down if we laid low long enough?”

  Pyro frowned, shaking his head. “And what? Live on our savings for months while we’re in our prime and can earn most money for the future? No. We need a plan.”

  Boar snorted. “Since when do you plan anything?”

  Pyro spread his arms. “Since it matters, okay?”

  Drake’s arm tightened on Clover’s shoulders, his other hand tapping the pocket where he kept his cigarettes. “If not him, then they’re gonna settle on another pretty albino boy. Is that how easy it is for you? You’re perfectly fine leaving this issue be as long as Clover’s safe?”

  Tank harrumphed, resting both arms on his hips, as if he wanted to present the size of his torso. “So what, we’ll selectively stop the trafficking of people who look like our boy because it hits close to home? You know as well as I do that this is a giant international machine. We can only do so much.”

  Boar stroked Clover’s hair. “Yeah, we’re doing some good, some bad. We’re no superheroes. If we got to Tank’s safe house undetected, Clover could stay there in peace as long as needed.”

  Rusty cogs moved in Clover’s brain. “Wait. What? I can’t just sit in a house for years. Drake’s right. We need to hunt down who is after me and deal with them.”

  Tank squinted at him. “We?”

  Pyro stepped closer, as if he wanted to physically manifest his support for Drake’s idea. “I agree. Someone would have to stay with him
every time, too.”

  Cliver blinked. Was no one listening to him? “I will not just stay in some house forev—”

  Drake cut him off by placing his tobacco-scented hand over Clover’s lips. He looked straight at Tank. “You really think he could hang around us indefinitely without proper training? He should know how to defend himself at least.”

  Clover’s cheeks flushed, but he couldn’t find it in himself to fight Drake’s hold.

  Tank shook his head with a sneer. “The fuck are you saying? The boy doesn’t have the stomach for our line of work, so yes, Clover, if it’s necessary, you’ll do as you’re told and stay in the house.”

  Pyro spread his arms. “I know you’re his ‘Daddy’ and all that, but that’s not exactly fair, is it? The boy’s gotta learn the basics.”

  Boar was slightly pale when he stepped back, arms crossed as if he wanted to create a physical barrier between himself and the growing conflict, but in the end he met Clover’s gaze. “Is that what you want, Clover?”

  Tank rolled his eyes. “Why are you asking him? He doesn’t have any idea what our work really entails.”

  “He can learn,” Drake said and let go of Clover, finally succumbing to his nicotine cravings.

  Clover wished he could reach for Tank’s hand, so he took a step forward and put his forehead against Daddy’s chest instead. It was so solid, and its fresh scent evoked a sense of safety. “Please? I can do it. I don’t want to be helpless when someone comes for me.”

  Tank exhaled, and while Clover didn’t look up, he suspected there was a battle of wills going on in the silence above his head.

  “I will train him,” Drake said in the end.

  Tank put his hand on Clover’s nape, as if he wanted to point out how much he had to say in this matter. “He stands out too much and has poor eyesight. This isn’t gonna end well. I can protect him.”

  Clover frowned. “I’m not ungrateful, I appreciate it, but I want to train. So I’ll never have your muscle, but I can learn. I can wear contacts. I can be fast, I can learn where to hit, and they won’t see me coming because I’m so unassuming.”

  Pyro snorted. “Look at him. Baby boy all grown up.”

  The scent of cigarette grew more pronounced despite there being no wind, and if it weren’t for that fact, Clover would have had no indication of Drake approaching. He made no sound, and it was a skill Clover desperately needed to learn.

  “His body is similar to mine when I was younger. With enough determination he can develop so that he doesn’t have to rely on anybody. Even if he doesn’t grow any taller. There are things he can do. He can make use of his agility and free himself from a potential abductor, if he knows the right way to do it.”

  Boar nodded. “As much as my heart doesn’t want to put Clover in danger, I agree that keeping him in a golden cage just won’t be optimal in the long run.”

  “Plus, when we move, we can’t constantly have to protect one of us. Such distractions will get someone killed,” Pyro added.

  Tank groaned, kneading Clover’s shoulders with a pained expression. “Fine. But I’ll be watching over the training, too. No more sleeping ‘till midday. You’ll be running with me in the morning, boy. If you’re to put yourself at risk, I need to know I’ve done my best to prepare you.”

  Clover beamed at him despite knowing there would come a time he’d regret this decision when he was dripping sweat and didn’t want to train anymore. But that didn’t matter right now. He’d persevere. “Thank you.”

  “I’m taking him in the van now,” Drake said, running his fingers down Clover’s spine.

  Tank turned away so abruptly Clover’s heart ached.


  Tank stood there for a second, rubbing his face, so Clover pulled away from Drake and circled Tank to stand in front of him. He would not say goodbye for the day in such a bad atmosphere.

  “Kiss?” Clover whispered, standing on his toes.

  Tank’s tense features softened for the briefest moment. He then buried his hands in Clover’s hair and kissed him so hard and deep the arousal that had been fading after Clover’s erotic encounter with Drake went sky-high again. Tank’s hot tongue penetrated his mouth, expressing his dominance over Clover and the control he held over his life. But there was a desperate tenderness to it too, and when the kiss ended, Clover pressed against his Daddy again, needing one more hug before they’d part for the next couple of hours.

  “You’ll see. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “You better not. I won’t let you disappoint me even if it hurts. Understood, boy? When I say jump, you ask how high.” Despite the harsh tone, Tank stroked Clover’s hair and hugged him tightly.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Chapter 17 – Clover

  Clover felt as if he were in a training montage in a movie, but instead of three minutes, it had already been three weeks. And he was nowhere near proficient in anything as a movie character would have been by this point. Sure, he could see the progress in terms of shooting accuracy, but it only made him painfully aware of just how much he still needed to learn.

  They’d arrived at Tank’s Oregon house without issues, and the place was nothing like the cabins they’d stayed in so far. Like the others, it was situated in a remote area and could not be spotted from the asphalt road, but in terms of appearance it was more of a modern architect’s dream than a cozy hunting lodge.

  Not that it wasn’t cozy, just… very large. Like the home of someone who could never afford adequate privacy and space, and finally went all out. The ground floor offered more than enough space for all their vehicles, as well as a large gym and a small swimming pool area with a wall of glass that provided a view on the shore of a small lake. On the first floor was a restaurant-sized modern kitchen, a gaming room with a giant TV as well as a billiards table, and a grand living room that opened up to the second floor. The space above featured modern artwork chosen by the previous owners and three spacious bedrooms, each with its own ensuite.

  Every single appliance was state-of-the-art, and the building, while modern and made of glass and concrete, complimented the surrounding nature instead of clashing with it.

  But since Tank was Tank, he’d put up an electric fence around the property, and ensured there were hidden cameras and motion sensors along the perimeter. And then there was the panic room.

  To be on the safe side.

  Clover had found out about one of the cameras when he’d fucked with Pyro in the swimming pool and got a talking-to for it because ‘Tank didn’t want to swim in cum’. The two of them still re-watched the video together, and Tank couldn’t stay angry after Clover sucked him off during the private viewing.

  Clover slept with his Daddy in the master bedroom, but it wasn’t an issue since the bed could fit four.

  They often spent time in communal spaces, and after grueling days filled with training and workouts, there was no better way to relax than having a home-cooked meal with the other guys, or watching a movie together. Clover had never felt so at home with any of his foster families, or with Jerry and the raccoon crew for that matter. With each passing day, his decision to stay with the four mercenaries felt like the beginning of a whole new life. One in which he was cherished and embraced despite his flaws.

  And he wouldn’t be their pet boy toy either. He would pull his weight.

  He could already see progress in the amount of weight he could lift, and Drake started him off on basic moves for self-defence. Clover had been eager to get his hands on Drake’s knives, but Drake laughed it off and told Clover in no uncertain terms that he wouldn’t even get to touch the blades before he was ready.

  In the three weeks they’d been at Tank’s house, Clover had only left the property once. With his hair hidden under a baseball cap, sunglasses that obscured two thirds of his face, and in an oversized hoodie, he visited an optician to order the right contact lenses. Because of security reasons, he shouldn’t have tried talking Boar into anything else, but
they’d ended up visiting an automobile museum regardless. They’d also cheated on the diet Tank had prescribed Clover with an insane amount of ice cream.

  It would stay their little secret, but Clover doubted he’d do anything like it again any time soon. The excess calories left him feeling sluggish during the spontaneous boot camp by the lake, and the fifteen minutes of pleasure hadn’t been worth the suffering they’d caused. Drake was so fast Clover felt the distance in their fitness levels stretch instead of shrinking, since he started trying to improve. While today’s training revealed that Drake wasn’t as proficient as Tank in terms of doing push-ups, he’d caught up to their leader fast as soon as they all moved on to activities that involved agility and speed. Clover was still struggling to finish the jog around the lake when Drake ran past him a second time, seemingly just to demonstrate how much Clover still had to learn.

  Clover raised his arms in frustration. “Are you kidding me?” he yelled, despite air being such a precious commodity for his aching lungs.

  Drake spun around with a smirk, running backwards as if it was all a game for him. “Too much for you? Need to hop on someone’s back?” Before Clover’s brain caught up with what that meant, Drake grabbed his thighs and threw him over his shoulder. He didn’t do it with the same ease as Tank, but was equally eager to show off his physical strength.

  Clover banged his fists on Drake’s damp back but was stunned to see first black trainers, and then all of Boar, who grinned at him as he ran past, huffing for breath. “Finally! Not gonna be the loser this time, suckers.”

  “It’s my second circle, Boar, so don’t flatter yourself too much,” Drake said, carrying Clover down the sun-bathed path.

  Boar groaned but kept on running. “At least I’ll be faster than Clover.”

  “Clover needs to step up his game if he doesn’t want to choke on his own lungs soon,” Drake said, laughing as if the boot camp that left Clover lightheaded was a walk in the park.

  Clover’s face flushed with heat, and he wiggled, trying to worm his way out of the hold. “Let me down, I can do it!”


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