Their Bounty (Dark Gay Harem Contemporary Romance) (Four Mercenaries Book 1)

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Their Bounty (Dark Gay Harem Contemporary Romance) (Four Mercenaries Book 1) Page 22

by K. A. Merikan

  “Do I get a drink?” he asked.

  Tank scowled. “You’ll bleed more.”

  “You’ll be fine. We’ve got this to numb the area,” Drake added, pointing at a small syringe.

  So at least they didn’t want him to hurt. That was nice. Real chivalrous.

  Clover shifted with discomfort. “Do Pyro and Boar know?”

  “They do, but there’s no point to make such a big deal out of this. It just needs to be done,” Tank said.

  Clover nodded, but wasn’t thrilled about the upcoming procedure, so he didn’t say another word.

  Drake bit his lip and shifted closer, until he sat on the bed next to him. “We can’t lose you.”

  Clover expected to hear a similar declaration from Tank, but there was only silence. Tank’s features were stiff when he looked up. “If this doesn’t work, Drake, I’m going to string you up.”

  Drake didn’t answer, so Tank went on after a couple of seconds of silence. “I can’t take losing any more people. Not when they’re in my care.”

  Clover’s breath caught when Drake pulled on the robe, uncovering Clover’s shoulders. “There was someone else in your group?”

  Drake remained silent, which left Tank to speak. He rubbed his face, and this time it was devoid of the usual determination.

  He looked sad. Resigned.

  Clover wanted to hug him but didn’t dare to stop him from saying what needed to be expressed. Tank pulled on a pair of latex gloves and gestured for Clover to face away from him.

  Clover’s stomach turned with worry, but Drake guided him into his lap. It was such a relief that Clover ended up hugging him. He wished he could melt into his body and never have to face the pain of the scalpel nor the person who wanted to own him, as if he were an antique Chinese vase.

  Gloved fingers were dry, their touch smooth and dull on his skin, but Clover remained still as Tank rubbed the side of his shoulder blade with alcohol. He tried to calm down by breathing in Drake’s scent very slowly, but the prick of the needle still made him stiffen.

  Tank rubbed Clover’s flesh when it started going numb as if someone had pressed on that spot for far too long. “It was before we met Boar and Pyro. Drake and I worked as protection for a certain individual. Raul was employed for the same purpose, and we quickly hit it off. Great guy. Open-minded, bright, big personality. The kind you always want around when bad shit happens.

  “But he was also young and relatively inexperienced. A big risk-taker, and he’d sometimes end up with unnecessary injuries. I tried to have his back, even though he insisted he didn’t need backup. Six months into the job, we were all friends. On a night off, I acted as his wingman, because he really wanted to hook up with this pretty girl at a bar.”

  “She was a honeypot,” Drake said out of nowhere, his jaws clenched so tightly his speech resembled a hiss. “Tank lost them because it wasn’t like he wanted to listen to straight sex, but she must have had backup.”

  Tank exhaled. “I’m going to cut now.”

  It was almost as if he were talking about the topic at hand, not Clover’s skin.

  Clover shut his eyes, trying to convince himself that this couldn’t possibly hurt, but the odd sensation of something getting through his skin was still terrifying, even if not painful. Tank worked fast, his speech remaining steady despite the difficult topic. He must have thought back to this many times.

  “There was blood in the motel room. I called Drake, and we did everything we could, but it was all for nothing. A week later, Raul’s body was found by a country road with signs of torture. They must have grilled him for information. And to this day I think that if I hadn’t drank that much, if I were more cautious, it wouldn’t have happened. I was supposed to look out for him but couldn’t do anything when shit hit the fan.”

  Drake continued petting Clover as Tank worked, but Clover only realized the procedure was over once Tank put a dressing on the wound. So maybe he’d panicked over nothing, but Drake’s arms were so soothing he didn’t want to let go just yet. Drake always had him in bondage and didn’t let Clover touch him much, so just like the kiss earlier, the hug was a breakthrough he’d indulge in.

  “At the end of the day, we’re all responsible for ourselves,” Clover said.

  “No!” Tank pulled on Clover’s arm, forcing him to meet his eyes. “I promised to keep you safe, and I will do everything I can to keep that promise.”

  Sparks exploded at the back of Clover’s mind when Tank leaned in, touching him with fingers that were still covered with latex, and sucked on Clover’s bottom lip, creating a sensation so intense Clover let out a soft moan in response.

  The onslaught of emotion coupled with the strangeness of the numb flesh, and Clover let himself be dragged out of Drake’s lap and into Tank’s. It was a done deal. By letting them do this, Clover had agreed to become bait. He needed to trust that they weren’t lying to him. That they would actually get him back, if push came to shove.

  “You’re a part of our team now, boy, and you want to learn, I get it,” Tank said, lips brushing against Clover’s. “But don’t for one second think that changes things. You’re still ours. You’re my boy, and there’s no way around it. I will always treat you different than the other guys, even when I trust your growing skills. I will always keep an extra eye out for you.”

  Clover accepted it with another kiss. Navigating a complex set of relationships with four men would never be a walk in the park, but he understood Tank’s message loud and clear.

  He was youngest. He was a romantic partner in a way the others weren’t. It made sense that Tank treated him differently. If anything, it was endearing rather than a nuisance.

  Clover offered him a smile despite the stinging in his shoulder. He’d never felt more marked. “Thank you, Daddy. You’re all a boy could dream of.”

  Tank snorted. “You’re such a shit sometimes. Don’t know if you’re serious or sarcastic.”

  “I’ll take those out of the way.” Drake rose from the bed, gathering all the supplies used. He was already looking away, as if he felt like an intruder in this moment of intimacy between Clover and Tank. But he couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Clover grabbed his hand. “Stay the night?” he asked, trembling when Tank unexpectedly rubbed his naked shoulder with his stubbly chin. He couldn’t bear Drake returning to his cold room and locking the door while Clover and Tank were free to share affection. He wanted to share this with Drake as well.

  Drake stilled, staring at Clover’s hand on his forearm, then up, past Clover’s shoulder.

  Tank pressed a kiss to the back of Clover’s head, humming softly. “Stay.”

  Drake exhaled, his brows gathering into a frown, as if he couldn’t decide what it was he wanted.

  Tank licked up Clover’s neck and all the way to his ear. “We can use restraints, you know I love that shit too.”

  Excitement sank into Clover’s flesh like the tiniest needles. It was obvious who those restraints would be used on.

  The black eyes were still sharp, but Drake put the towel-wrapped supplies on the bedside table and climbed onto the mattress, his nostrils flaring like an animal’s who wished to have a taste of the delicacies on offer yet wasn’t certain of its safety.

  “You’re so beautiful. I’ve never met anyone like you,” he whispered, pulling his fingertips down Clover’s face. They trembled so slightly it was hard to notice, but the fact that Drake was apprehensive at all made Clover itch to become his anchor and help him settle into safety.

  He kissed Drake’s fingers, drowning in the joy of knowing that Drake didn’t hate him, didn’t resent him, and that there was still so much left in him to discover. Where Boar carried his vulnerability on his sleeve and Tank and Pyro’s hard exterior reached all the way to their cores, Drake’s walls hid a vulnerable soul Clover wanted to cradle to his heart and protect. It was strange to think that way of a man so much stronger, so much more capable, a man who knew how to tie up Clover and leave
him helpless, but reality didn’t always align with the first impression of another person.

  “How shall we do this?” Tank asked, sliding his fingers up Clover’s jaw until he pushed one between his lips.

  Drake’s skin darkened by the minute, his eyes two black crystals about to melt. “I want to see him exposed for us,” he said, pulling all of Clover’s locks to one side and tying them into a loose braid. “I want to see everything.”

  “Sounds good,” Tank said, moving his hand up and down Clover’s spine, until the trail of heat it created turned into a permanent path that demanded more touch.

  The throbbing in Clover’s shoulder was quickly melting away in favor of excitement. A physical manifestation of where he belonged was now inside his body. He craved Drake as much as Tank, and having them both in his bed was an impossible dream playing out in real life.

  Tank pulled the robe all the way off him, leaving Clover naked and ready for devouring. The shuddery gasp coming from behind him made Clover move forward and stretch while on all fours, his gaze meeting Drake’s. Their lust was invisible hands, already kneading his flesh and burning their names into his skin.

  “How do you want me, Daddy?”

  Conscious of the effect he had on both his lovers, he arched his back like a cat asking for petting, and looked over his shoulder at the dark smile pulling on Tank’s lips. He’d had so much sex in his life, yet none of his previous lovers had offered him this level of adoration. For the men of his past, he’d been only another body to be used for pleasure, but his four mercenaries saw what was hidden on the inside. For the first time, someone cared about who Clover was as a person. A person worthy of affection, time, and effort.

  Worth risking their lives for.

  “Get on your knees, put your cheek on the bed, and your arms alongside your body,” Tank asked, his hand already hovering over Clover’s back.

  With them, Clover wasn’t just focused on his own pleasure or what he could get out of a relationship. He wanted to give back. Find out what would make Drake and Tank happy and give it to them.

  He spread his thighs wider and let his face fall into the pillow in front of him. It still smelled of Tank’s shampoo and he smiled, catching Drake’s hungry gaze from above his shoulder. “Like this, Daddy?”

  Tank took in a sharp breath and finally pressed him down with that massive hand. “Seeing you like this makes me very happy. You’re a good boy. So obedient for us. Your pink little hole’s already twitching.”

  Drake’s long fingers pulled his hand until it was aligned with his foot. Clover’s breath hitched when he realized what position they wanted him in, but he didn’t protest and let himself enjoy the touch while Drake covered his wrists and ankles with soft leather restraints. Drake worked fast, and soon enough, Clover’s wrists were attached to his legs on either side which left him exposed and his muscles aching from the unusual stretch.

  Hot shivers crawled up his body when Tank and Drake both touched his inner thighs—circles were gently drawn on one side while the other got squeezed as if his muscles were dough. Clover tried to arch off the mattress, but with the bondage preventing him from moving around much, he settled on curling his toes as pleasure trickled up his body, fueling his messy thoughts.

  Tank walked his fingers along Clover’s spine, all the way to his nape, but then pulled away to take off his T-shirt. Clover instantly turned his head to ogle the dusky, tattooed skin, the wide shoulders and meaty pecs that made him salivate.

  Their eyes met, and Tank grinned as he unbuckled his belt. “Ever seen a needier boy in your life, Drake? One cock isn’t enough for him. He needs four.”

  Clover mewled when the mattress yielded under Drake’s weight and Drake’s warm hands landed on his ass.

  “You know the saying, Clover. Careful what you wish for.” But despite the teasing, Drake kissed the small of Clover’s back and rubbed his stubble against it. Clover writhed at the touch, and when the bindings kept him in place, so vulnerable to anything his men might want to do with him, his cock filled at a rapid pace.

  “Who knows, maybe we’ll have you wait until the others come back? How else could you be satisfied, you nasty thing?” Tank asked, delivering a slap to Clover’s buttocks.

  Excitement became a frantic need when he first massaged out the aching spot and then slid right between his legs, past his hole, and cupped his cock and balls in a gesture that spoke of ownership.

  Clover’s breath had already quickened, but his arousal grew with each heartbeat. He’d become so comfortable with his partners that shame wasn’t a thing anymore, but a bit of shyness still crept in because of the awkward position the restraints had forced him into. A position which communicated that his only purpose was to bend over and take dick after dick, until all his men were spent.

  But the same thing that made him so embarrassed also fueled excitement, and he looked back at Drake as soon as he heard a zipper opening. The man’s body was so solid, so sturdy, and his cock so delicious he wanted to drink Drake’s cum for breakfast every day.

  “I can’t help it, Daddy,” he moaned, biting back a smile.

  Tank squeezed both Clover’s cock and balls. “I can feel that much, horny boy. Don’t worry. We’ll be drilling your ass soon.”

  Clover swallowed hard, bending his neck until it hurt, just so that he could see his two lovers. Tank’s face expressed absolute contentment, with a smile that grew with each moment. Behind him, Drake was in the process of shedding his clothes, and it struck Clover that he’d never seen him naked before.

  Drake’s skin was pale, but Clover spotted darker lines on his muscular back. They could’ve been battle scars or marks of torture, but he’d never upset him by asking. Drake then pushed his pants off, and his intense gaze captured Clover’s.

  “The boy likes what he sees,” Tank said, slowly twisting Clover’s balls, until he moaned and twitched, on the cusp of intense discomfort.

  Drake smirked, rubbing his open palm over Clover’s spine. “It’s because he’s hungry for it. He’s got a taste, but I haven’t fucked his ass yet. I bet he’s curious what it’s like. Are you curious, Clover? Because I know I want to know how your tight, dimpled ass will feel around me,” he whispered and squeezed one buttock so hard his nails pinched at the skin.

  Clover choked on his own moan, twisting his hips as much as he could. His efforts became frantic when Tank slapped his other buttock.

  “You’re in for a treat. That’s one fine piece of ass, and I’ve tested many. This hole’s A-plus,” Tank rasped, spreading Clover’s ass for Drake to see.

  The faint touch of a fingertip trailing from the top of Clover’s crack all the way to his taint had Clover growing hotter. “Oh, God...”

  His whole body was aflame from Tank’s words, and he couldn’t help but stir against the touch. Despite the humiliating nature of what was being said, Clover felt as safe as ever. So he was restrained, naked, vulnerable, but still knew his boundaries would be respected.

  “Shiver like that again.” Drake reached under Clover to pinch his nipple.

  Clover struggled against the restraints but couldn’t defend himself against the long fingers pulling his balls back. But this time, instead of the possessive twisting and squeezing, a hot, damp mouth sucked on his sac, creating a sensation so unexpected he melted into the mattress, only half-aware of Tank moving on the bed.

  “You can have dibs on that hole then, but his mouth is just as good,” Tank whispered, grabbing Clover’s braid and pulling his face up.

  He sat on the pillows facing Clover and leaned back against the headboard, like a king about to enjoy his bounty. Thick thighs spread, and a pleased smile on his face, he was the picture of male magnificence.

  “It’s waiting for you, boy,” he said, holding Clover’s head up with one hand and stroking his meaty tool with the other. Before Clover could do what was demanded of him, Drake squeezed his nipple so hard he choked out a moan, and Tank pushed his dick into his mouth.
r />   The wide head popped in through unresisting lips, causing Clover to suck in air in surprise. The cock was heavy on his tongue, and he hollowed his cheeks around it, desperate to serve his handsome overlord. Tank watched him with a self-satisfied smirk, his chest rising and falling as he relaxed, pushing on Clover’s head and tugging it back by the hair to establish a shallow rhythm.

  “Look at you. So obedient I don’t even have to use much force. Have I broken you in already?” he whispered, seconds before grabbing Clover harder and forcing him off his dick. Clover’s insides rolled with longing, and he stretched out his tongue to touch the damp head, but his attempts made Tank laugh. “Have you seen him, Drake? He’ll do anything to get those holes filled. Maybe he’d even let me tattoo my name on him if that meant he got to drink my cum every day.”

  Clover closed his eyes with a groan. The thought of Tank inked over his skin awakened such visceral arousal he rocked back against Drake’s fingers. So maybe it was wrong to depend on others so much, maybe it would one day lead him down the same path he’d walked with Jerry, but right now, he’d give his life to these men.

  He sucked Tank’s cock with more force, set on making his Daddy happy and swallowing all his cum like the good boy he was. He’d take anything he was given and allow himself to be pushed harder than usual if that’s what it took to satisfy his lovers.

  “He looks like an angel, but he isn’t one, is he?” Drake asked, rubbing the tip of his finger against Clover’s hole. There was a surprising gentleness to it, despite the harsh way he spoke about sex.

  “No,” Tank rasped when he pulled Clover off his dick again. “He’s a. Nasty. Little. Slut,” he said, punctuating each word by slapping his damp, hard cock against Clover’s face and leaving wet imprints that rapidly cooled on Clover’s cheeks.


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