In the Light (Alphas’ Captive Book 2)

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In the Light (Alphas’ Captive Book 2) Page 4

by Leann Ryans

  My eyes drifted over his exposed chest. I had never seen any of them without their clothing on, and I was shocked at the number of scars that peppered his skin.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered softly when my eyes met his.

  Lips tipping up in a smirk, he gave a snort.

  “Don’t worry about me. You can’t be rid of me that easily.”

  I couldn’t help the tears that filled my eyes as my bottom lip began to tremble. Cupping the back of my head, he pulled me closer to his chest.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked as the smile slipped away.

  Swallowing hard, I forced myself to take a deep breath and get the tears under control before I responded.

  “I thought you had died.”

  The words were so soft, even I almost couldn’t hear them. Pine snorted again though a grimace of pain flashed across his face as he twitched a little to the side away from his injury.

  “Not yet.”

  Pulling me closer, my body was stiff at first until his chest began to vibrate with a quiet purr. Melting into his arms, I struggled to keep the tears at bay. Luckily, he didn’t hold me for long before he was pushing me up.

  “We need to clean up and get moving.”

  Standing and waiting as he got to his feet, I turned back to him before we left the tree where so much had happened.

  “Will you tell me your name?”

  The growing light shone through a break in the branches and reflected off his hazel eyes as they looked down at me. He remained quiet for so long I thought he wasn’t going to answer me before he finally responded.


  I wasn’t sure why a name made me so happy, but I could feel a fuzzy warmth growing in my chest as I smiled up at him. Staring down into my eyes, he reached up and cupped my cheek with one hand until we heard Charles call out from close by.

  “We’re ready when you are.”

  Jerking his hand away like he had been burned, his expression returned to his usual scowl as he reached forward and lifted the branches out of the way so we could duck beneath them.

  The sight that met my eyes was a shock. In the low light and with everything that was going on before, I hadn’t noticed how many bodies were laying around the small area in front of the clump of pines, but with the morning sun filtering through the trees now, I had a clear view of just how many men my Alphas had fought off to protect me.

  Unable to pull my eyes away, I stumbled along behind Paxton when he took my wrist and pulled me towards the edge of the river. Even when he moved behind me and did something to the shirt so that it would stay together, my eyes were focused on the bodies beneath the trees. I wasn’t sure they were all dead.

  My gaze was finally pulled away when Paxton splashed cold water on my legs.

  “Wash up, we don’t have time for you to stand here staring at nothing.”

  His voice contained the undercurrent of a growl, and I bent down to follow his orders, only now realizing there was blood smeared on me as well from his wounds.

  Watching him from the corner of my eye as he cleaned himself and pulled on his shirt, I did the best I could while making sure I was ready to keep going as soon as he was. The wound on his side seemed to have stopped bleeding, but it was large and there had been a lot of blood dried down his side.

  The other three were waiting for us when Paxton pulled me back up the bank. Grady turned and began to walk upstream, leading the way again, but we didn’t get far before the men all seemed to tense.

  Pushing me back to the edge of the river, the men circled around me, separating me from the trees and the men coming from beneath them. My Alphas began to growl as a few of the others moved closer while the rest of the group facing us hung back.

  Though I could only see six Alphas, I could sense motion behind them and knew that there were more. My heart began to race as my body trembled with nerves. We were outnumbered and my men were tired, I didn’t know how much more we could take.

  Almost there

  “Stop right there. What do you want?” Paxton yelled at the two who had moved closest to our group.

  I could hear low growls from the group we faced, but they didn’t appear aggressive. Holding up their hands, they stopped when they were told to.

  “We are not interested in your omega, we simply wanted to offer our thanks for dealing with that band of Ferals. They have been preying on us the past few weeks.”

  My men slowly stopped growling though their postures were still tense. Looking past the men facing us, I caught sight of a child farther back in the trees before he was pulled behind the legs of a woman. At this distance I couldn’t tell her dynamic since the wind was blowing the wrong direction, but when her eyes met mine, they were fierce, and I had the feeling she was omega too.

  “You seem new to these parts, are you lost?” the second Alpha facing us asked.

  “No, we’re just passing through,” Paxton responded tersely.

  The Alpha gave a sharp nod and signaled to the people behind him. They quietly began to move through the trees in the direction we had come from.

  “We’ll be on our way then. There’s a ford in the river not much farther upstream if you need to cross. There’s a herd of deer over there that has a few extra young bucks too.”

  Paxton nodded slowly, watching as the others disappeared from view while the two Alphas stood guard.

  “Thanks again,” they said once their group had moved on before following after them.

  They kept an eye on us even as Charles picked me up and began walking again at a quick pace. Looking over his shoulder, I saw Wesley and Grady follow while Paxton stayed behind, still looking at where the other group had disappeared.

  I could feel my skin growing hot again, but I tried to ignore it. It seemed like being close to all of my Alphas, especially when they were feeling aggressive, triggered the waves of my heat, but with another strange group nearby I knew that now would be a bad time.

  The man had been right, and we shortly came to a ford. Charles put me down in the grass on the bank, and I sank to my knees as he turned and scanned the river. It seemed fairly shallow, and the cold water looked inviting with my body temperature rising.

  “Grady, go back and check on him. I’ll feel better once we’re across the river.”

  Grady turned and disappeared back the way we had come as Charles crouched beside me. Reaching out, he pushed my sweaty hair back from where it was clinging to my face.

  “Not much farther,” he murmured.

  Leaning into his hand, a soft whimper escaped my throat as a cramp pulled at my insides. Adjusting his position, he wrapped his arms around me and began to purr. The soothing vibrations helped ease the growing cramps in my lower belly, and I relaxed into his embrace until Grady and Paxton reappeared.

  “I think they’re gone,” Paxton said when he got close enough that he wouldn’t need to yell. “They have a tail guard, but they aren’t following after us, just blocking their trail.”

  Eyes scanning over me, his brows drew together.


  I felt Charles nod behind me as Wesley grunted a yes. Staring down at the ground before me in shame, I didn’t see Paxton walk over until he crouched down and took my chin in his hand.

  Looking down into my eyes, his expression was unreadable.

  “Let’s get across the river and as far as we can before we have to stop,” he finally said as he stood back up.

  A cool breeze met my back when Charles stood as well before he curled his arms under me and pulled me against his chest. Tucking my head under his chin, I clung to his shoulders as the men turned and waded into the water. I wanted to ask for him to put me down in it so I could cool off, but I doubted he would since they were in a rush. The water was only knee deep to them, but would come up to mid-thigh for me, and I’m sure they would consider it unsafe.

  The guys didn’t waste any time crossing and climbing out onto the opposite bank. The trees were a little thinner
on this side, and more light flooded down between them now that the sun was climbing higher. I tried to distract myself by counting the trees that we passed, but the throbbing between my thighs kept distracting me.

  Tasting salt on my tongue, I jolted out of the fuzz taking over my mind and realized I had been licking Charles’s throat. His chest was vibrating with a barely audible growl that had my pussy clenching in need.

  “Please,” I whispered, hands clenching in his shirt.

  When he looked down at me, the brown of his eyes was lost to the dark pool of his pupil. Flaring his nostrils, he drew in a deep breath as his growl strengthened.

  “Take a dip in the river.”

  The voice came from behind me, and Charles’s head snapped up to glare over my body at Paxton.

  “It will help buy a little more time. Grady went ahead and says the barn isn’t far.”

  Baring his teeth in a grimace, Charles turned and jumped down a small dip, wading through the mud to get to the water. It was deeper here and he let out a hiss when he plunged in up to his hips.

  Pulling in another deep breath, he said, “Hold on tight,” before dunking my body under the surface.

  Gasping in shock, I clawed at the back of his neck. With my skin on fire, the water felt even colder than it had before, and tiny needles of pain erupted across every bit of submerged flesh.

  Standing up straight again, Charles turned and walked back towards the edge. Paxton stood just beyond the reach of the water, holding out his arms for me. Grumbling, Charles passed me over.

  Paxton didn’t seem to notice the cold water soaking from my shirt to his as he cradled me in his arms. I looked past his shoulder to see Wesley giving Charles a hand out of the river before they followed behind us.

  The cold water seemed to have worked for the moment since my mind was a bit clearer and the lava rushing through my veins seemed to have cooled to a low burn. My clit still throbbed, but as long as I kept my legs clenched so it didn’t get any stimulation, I could ignore it.

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I turned my head away from Paxton’s chest to try and get a breath of air that wasn’t clouded with his pheromones. His eyes were just as dark as Charles’s, and I knew they were as affected by me as I was by them.

  Looking ahead, I could see an old, faded grey barn rising up on a hill beside a leaning windmill. There were a few broken slats in the walls, and the doors seemed to be missing, but the barn had mostly stood the test of time, still holding sturdy.

  I watched as Grady walked out of the barn and waved to us before I looked back up at Paxton. I couldn’t feel the wetness of the shirt anymore since it had warmed up to the same temperature as my skin, and my core was clenching insistently.

  “Just a few more minutes and we’ll take care of you,” he promised as he looked down at me.


  The interior of the barn was dim, and it took my eyes a few minutes to adjust to the gloom after being out in the bright morning sun as we made our way up the hill. The only light inside was what shone through the holes and the open doors, so I couldn’t see past the first few stalls, but there didn’t seem to be much to look at anyway.

  The stalls had some old, moldy looking straw in them, and there didn’t appear to be doors on any of them either, but the center aisle seemed fairly clear. There was an old wooden box beside the main doors, and a few bales of hay sitting along the aisle, but besides those few things the barn appeared empty.

  “This was mainly a storm shelter for the animals pastured out here, but it still seems pretty sturdy,” Grady said as we all looked around.

  Grunting in response, Paxton’s eyes dropped to mine and the heat in them had my skin burning as slick seeped from my core. Three more sets of eyes focused on me as the sweet scent permeated the air, and I shivered under their hungry gaze.

  “Our mate needs some attention,” Paxton said as he lowered my feet to the floor.

  The growl in his voice tore a whimper from me as I clenched my thighs together.


  The quiet order caused my breath to catch in my throat as my hands moved to the bottom of my shirt. When I hesitated, all four Alphas let out a growl that brought me to my knees.

  Whipping the shirt over my head, it dropped to the floor of the barn as I lowered my eyes in submission to my mates. They had claimed me with their bites, licking up my blood, and I could already feel the stirring of the bond within my chest. I was theirs.

  My body trembled as I waited for them, unsure what was going to happen. I heard someone walk past me down the aisle, before dragging something across the floor. My shirt disappeared from beside me as another large body passed me by.

  I clenched my eyes closed, chest heaving as slick poured down my thighs. There was already a puddle where I knelt, but I didn’t care. Four Alphas surrounded my naked body, and I wanted them all.

  My skin crawled as I imagined their eyes traveling over my body and goosebumps broke out across my flesh. Clenching my hands at my sides, I tried to force myself to sit still and wait for direction, but I couldn’t stop the little whimpers spilling from my throat.

  Hearing the rustle of clothing, I peeked up from beneath my lashes. Paxton and Charles stood before me, both of them fully naked. I had never seen them completely bare, and I gasped at the sight of the two Alphas before me. Both had long, corded muscles, their bodies sculpted by years of hard work, and the scars on their skin attested to many fights they had survived.

  Trailing my eyes down the V of muscle leading to their cocks, my mouth watered as a spasm rocked through my pussy. Both of them were long and thick, the heads flared and aimed right at me.

  I jumped a little when I felt hands brush through my hair, and I turned my head to see both Wesley and Grady standing naked behind me. They had moved the bales of hay to the center of the aisle and stacked them, covering them in our clothes to cushion it.

  Heart racing, I looked around at the hungry gazes focused on me and idly wondered if I would survive what was about to happen. The smirk on Paxton’s face suggested wicked things, and a shiver rolled down my spine as he moved closer.

  “Be a good little girl and you’ll be fine,” he said as he stalked towards me, as if he knew my thoughts.

  With the bond, maybe he had felt my worry.

  Running his hand over the top of my hair, he gripped it at the back of my head. Cock bobbing before my face, I couldn’t resist the urge to swipe my tongue across the tip. The salty tang of his precum made my mouth water more, and I heard him let out a groan when I wrapped my lips around his head.

  Tightening his hand in my hair, he thrust into my mouth a couple times before pulling back and releasing me. Panting, I looked up at him before hands wrapped around my ribs from behind me and pulled me to my feet.

  Turning, I was bent over the bales of hay, my belly cushioned by the clothes laying over them. Feet kicked apart, my arms and head hung on one side as my ass and pussy were exposed to the Alphas standing behind me.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I could see them all staring at my core, and I raised my hips more in invitation. I didn’t care who it was, but I needed to be filled.

  The men moved, Wesley stepping in front of me as Grady and Paxton moved to the sides. I felt Charles press himself against my ass as Wesley gripped my chin and tipped my head back. Pressing a soft kiss to my mouth, he stood back up and pushed his cock against my lips.

  Opening for him, I let out a moan when I felt fingers running through my folds before dipping into my core. Sucking Wesley deep into my mouth, I pressed back onto the fingers, trying to take them deeper, but they were pulled away.

  Whimpering around the cock in my mouth, I froze when I felt something large press against my opening. Wesley continued to pump in and out of my mouth as my pussy was slowly filled, my moans only driving him to go deeper into my throat.

  The men rocked in and out of me, Charles gripping my hips as Wesley held my head. Looking out of the corner of my eyes, I could
see Paxton stroking himself as he stared at where Charles was fucking into me. Grady was doing the same on my other side.

  After a few minutes, the men switched, Wesley standing beside Grady and stroking himself as Grady took my mouth and Paxton entered my pussy. Paxton’s hand pressed into the center of my back, holding me down as the other gripped my hip.

  My muscles began to draw tight, tension coiling in my core. Just before I could release, Paxton withdrew from me. Pulling me away from Grady, I was lifted from the hay, Paxton laying across the bales as he pulled me on top of him.

  Fully Taken

  Holding my hips, he positioned us so that the head of his cock pressed against my back hole. Pulling me down slowly, I moaned through the burn until he finally popped through the tight ring of muscle.

  Sinking all the way down his shaft, he held me tight against him as Charles moved between our legs. Moving my thighs over Paxton’s, Charles thrust his cock through my dripping folds, the ridge around his head rubbing over my clit until I begged for him to enter me.

  He smirked and let out a soft growl as he continued to torment my clit. Paxton’s hands slid up my sides to grip my breasts, pinching and pulling at my nipples, sending bolts of sensation to drive me closer to the edge.

  When Charles pulled back and dropped to his knees I almost cried out in frustration, but the first brush of his tongue along my lower lips had me dragging in a shaky breath of air as my hands reached down by my sides to grip at the clothes we lay on.

  It came back out in a scream as he sucked my clit between his lips and flicked it with his tongue. Jerking and writhing on top of Paxton, my orgasm burned through me from my pussy throughout my entire body. Back bowing and eyes clenched tight, my legs shook as he continued to graze my nub.

  Finally pulling away, Charles stood and lined himself up, thrusting into my channel with one quick drive forward. Gasping, my voice gave out as Charles slammed into my cunt, fucking me fast and hard. I could feel his knot swelling and tugging at my lips, but he continued to force himself in and out.


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