Chess Club Dropout: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Series (The Lone Wolves Book 1)

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Chess Club Dropout: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Series (The Lone Wolves Book 1) Page 11

by Lux Carmine

  During open mic nights, after Jason had performed I would sneak off with Kevin. Once we made out in the back of the truck and another time we didn't make it that far, we made it as far as the girls' bathroom and shared hot sexy kisses until an impatient girl started pounding on the door. I was afraid we would've gotten backlash from that, afraid someone might get a video or a picture of my sexed up hair and the flush on my cheeks, but nothing had come of it.

  Mike and I would go for walks at night after drama club. He was such a great guy. Despite what he'd been through in his life he still managed to find kindness in his heart for most people, but especially animals. I knew that when his birthday rolled around I would be getting him some kind of pet. Something for him to care for. Probably a stray that needed love that only Mike could provide. But beyond his kind heart was a guy who knew how to make my legs wobble and my insides twist with anticipation. Of all the guys he was the one who paid the most attention to my needs. Mike was not a selfish when it came to me, he was not in it only for himself. I was like his goddess.

  Dates with Billy were always fun. His love of adventure made sure that we always went somewhere new. He worked to afford the gas and his car insurance payments but on his nights off we went out of town. We hiked through the woods one Saturday and made out under a waterfall, after he'd tricked me into getting close enough to the water to splash me. I'd told him I was cold and he said he'd warm me up. He did and instantly our fun playful adventure turned into something more sweet and seductive.

  Earlier Jason and I had been making out in the wings of the theater and afterwards I went home with them, except for Billy because he had to go to work. The rest of us sat down in the living room and did our homework together, Mike, Kevin and Steven working on their classes separate and me and Jason worked on our Biology project. This wasn't really atypical, it was a habit now after several weeks. It was our routine. It was comfortable. And we talked and joked around a little, but we did manage to get our work done.

  Just as I was packing up my homework, their foster mom, Beth, came home and greeted me and the guys before disappearing upstairs to change out of her work clothes. I never felt comfortable messing around with any of them when their foster parents were home. I just got the impression that fooling around wasn't really approved of. And I could only imagine what they would think if they knew that all of their foster sons were fooling around with me.

  "I should go."

  "Let me walk you," Jason said, standing.

  "Dude." Steven said firmly as he rose.

  "Right. Yeah. You can walk her. I need to practice my guitar." He grabbed our project stuff and started stuffing it all into a folder.

  I smiled to Steven and then waved by to the rest of the guys.

  His hand was hot on my lower back. His other hand busy on his phone.

  Steven: Does Melissa have a tree house in the backyard?

  Ruby: Maybe. Feeling the need to play Tarzan?

  I heard him chuckle and then quickly type back.

  Steven: Only if you play Jane and we do the R-rated version.

  I glanced up at him, my cheeks flushed. "Don't tease me," I said.

  "Who is teasing?" he replied.

  I bit my lower lip and looked away, Melissa's house already right in front of us. We should've taken the longer way home. Steven's hand fell away as a car passed by. I didn't like that he was so conscious of other people. I knew he was doing it to protect me, but it was driving me crazy.

  "Do you have a few minutes?"

  He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Isn't your aunt home?"

  I nodded. "But Tarzan wouldn't really care, he'd find a way to get to Jane. Especially if it involved a little climbing."

  A devilish smile crossed his lips. "Tarzan like Jane brain," he said with a grunt. "What did you have in mind?"

  "I'll make a sheet rope for you. Do you think you can climb that?"

  He laughed. "I think your aunt will hear my feet on the side of the house. Any other ideas?"

  "Hmm... No. What if I text you when everyone is asleep and you come back?"

  "Dangerous. What if we get caught?"

  "We can't think about the what-ifs, Steven. If we do we won't do it. I miss you. I miss kissing you. It's killing me that we haven't been able to do it."

  His jaw tensed and he nodded, steely determination now in his eyes. "I've missed you too. Okay. I'll chance it. What's the worst that can happen, right?"

  I nodded and bit my lower lip. "I really want to kiss you right now."

  "Me too," he said with a curt nod. "Tonight."

  "Can't wait."

  After dinner I shut myself away in my room, claiming that I was very tired and needed to get some sleep. My aunt didn't ask and Melissa was holed up in her room too, no doubt chatting with Joey or binge watching something on Netflix.

  I took a shower, making sure I was clean for when Steven finally came over and got into my bed. I turned on the TV and set the volume to super low. I texted Steven while I waited for my Aunt to fall asleep.

  Ruby: Hey sexy man. Can't wait to have you alone in my bed.

  Steven: What are you going to do with me in your bed?

  Ruby: Feed you?

  Steven: Feed me what? Ruby-pie?

  I'd love to sample your thighs. I've wanted to lick them since that first day I saw you.

  Ruby: Maaaaaybe. What else would you like to sample?

  Steven: All the things. When that day happens I will be the happiest man on Earth.

  Ruby: And until then?

  Steven: I'll still be a damn happy guy. I have you.

  Ruby: Does it bother you?

  Steven: What? That you're not ready for sex yet?

  Ruby: No. Does it bother you that I've been spending so much time with the other guys?

  Steven: I'm jealous, sure, but I know that I'll get my time alone with you eventually. That's all that matters. Especially when we're alone. I know it will just be me and you. And you won't be thinking of them. You'll be thinking of me.

  Ruby: How could I be thinking of anyone else?

  OMG, when is she going to sleep??

  Steven: Soon, I hope. I might fall asleep before she does.

  Ruby: Don't you dare!

  It was close to midnight when my aunt's light finally went out. I texted Steven and told him to come over in about thirty minutes. I wanted to be sure that she was actually fully asleep before attempting to sneak him upstairs.

  I crept downstairs slowly, every squeak and creak in the floorboards making me more and more anxious. I expected my aunt to get up any minute and bust me for doing something so very much out of character. I was never this brave or brazen before. I was the good girl. But for love...apparently I would do anything.

  Steven was standing at my front door, his arm resting on the doorjamb above his head. He was so delicious looking. We grinned at each other in the darkness and then slowly crept up the stairs. I bit my tongue midway up the stairs because I felt a pair of warm hands on the ass of my pajama pants. It took all I had not to gasp, scream or giggle.

  When we made it to the relative safety of my room I closed the door behind us.

  "I can't believe we're doing this," I whispered.

  "Me either," he whispered back.

  We stood there awkwardly for a moment and then he came forward and held my face in his hands. His lips lowered to mine and it was like a blazing inferno had ignited between us. Luckily I'd had enough forethought to turn the TV on low volume so our kisses weren't the only sounds in the room. My lips couldn't get enough of his, our hands couldn't get enough of each other. He gripped me tightly to his body and I mirrored him, holding him close to me.

  "Ruby, we need to slow down," he said, his voice raspy and thick. And as he said it his hands were exploring my curves, sending shivers through me.

  I didn't want to listen and I didn't want to slow down. I put my hands on his chest and walked forward, forcing him to walk backwards until he fell back onto my bed. I
climbed on top of him, straddling his waist and lowered my body onto his. My lips found his again and we kissed, devouring each other. The sexual tension that we'd built for weeks was now coming to a head. His hands were in my hair, my hands were on the mattress on either side of him. I had no idea what my hips were doing but rubbing against the hardness in his jeans felt so good. It was like an itch and once I started I didn't want to stop scratching it.

  His hands slid down to my hips and tightened. "Ruby," he said in a strained voice. "Wait!..."

  "Wait... I..." The feeling built and built until finally something exploded and my body quivered.

  He grunted too, his breath coming in hot spurts against my neck.

  I paused, laying against his also still body. I waited for my heartbeat to come back down to normal. I tried to move but it didn't feel right, so I just held onto him. "Sorry..." I muttered.

  He chuckled and carefully rolled us over until I was on my back and he was on his side. "For what?"

  "For stopping."

  "Ruby..." He searched my face as his fingertips stroked my cheek. "That was so hot. You don't have anything to apologize for."

  "What was?"

  His smile was firmly grounded. "You came. And you made me come too."

  I put my hand to my mouth and stared at him in horror as the realization of what he was saying hit me. "I ... You...just now?"

  He chuckled again and pressed a kiss to my forehead before pulling me towards his chest. "Yes. Thank you."

  "I haven't ever done that before..."

  "You mean girls don't touch themselves?"

  "I can't really speak for all girls, Steven, but I haven't... That was... Really nice though, maybe I'll start doing it."

  He laughed again. "Maybe wait until you're alone in the house. You aren't exactly quiet."

  "He's got that right..."

  We both sat up, staring in horror as my Aunt Sara flipped on my bedroom light and glared at the two of us from my bedroom doorway, Melissa in the background peeking over her shoulder.

  Oh crap.


  "I'm so sorry..." I said, my arms automatically covering myself even though I was fully clothed. Steven stepped in front of me and my aunt's scowl deepened.

  "Sorry doesn't even begin to cut it, young lady. What were you thinking sneaking a guy into your room in the middle of the night? I just..." She shook her head, frustration clear on her face, "I just can't deal with this right now. Get that boy out of here before I go down the street and get his foster parents involved in all of this. Maybe Child Protective Services too."

  I swallowed hard. His foster parents. What would they do? What would they say? Would they kick him out?

  Steven didn't need further prodding from my aunt. He gathered his shoes as if the house were on fire. He gave me a look in the midst of it and I bit my lower lip, lowering my head in shame. The magical moment that we had shared with now tainted. And now even more than before I felt like I owed it to Steven to do something special with him.

  Once he was gone my aunt continued to stand in my doorway. Her eyes peered at me, as if she were trying to make me spontaneously combust with her eyeballs. I squirmed and waited for her to dole out her punishment.

  Finally she shook her head. "We'll discuss this in the morning. Get some sleep." She turned off my light and slammed my door and I heard her retreating footsteps down the hall. Melissa's walked a little slower. My phone lit up on my nightstand and I rolled over to have a look. It wasn't like I was going to go to be able to sleep when my heart was still hammering with fright and adrenaline was coursing through my veins.

  Steven: Are you alright?

  Ruby: I might be grounded for the rest of the school year.

  Steven: That wouldn't be very smart on your aunt's part. I obviously have no trouble sneaking in to see my Rapunzel.

  Ruby: I had no idea you'd done that before. Please give Rapunzel my regards.

  Steven: You know I'm talking about you. I snuck back in without anyone hearing, I think. Even if they did hear me I doubt they would care so long as I used protection.

  Ruby: Then we're good. You used protection.

  Steven: Yeah, our clothes. I'm lucky we do our own laundry here or I'd be super embarrassed.

  Ruby: Couldn't be more embarrassing then your aunt walking in on you.

  Steven: At least she waited until the happy ending.

  Ruby: Steven!! Gross!!!

  Steven: lol

  Go to sleep, Rapunzel. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow.

  Ruby: Maybe. Unless my Aunt decides I'm going to be homeschooled. Or transfer me to a private all girls school.

  Steven: Even if she does, I'll find a way. I'm an actor, after all. Playing a girl would be a challenge I would gladly accept. XO

  Ruby: XO

  I set my phone down and rolled over and tried to sleep but all I could think of was what my aunt was going to do punish me. Would she ban me from seeing Steven? Would she take away drama club? Would she call my dad and tell him she'd had enough and that I was a big slut and that he would have to take me?

  I let out a deep sigh. I was getting a little crazy. There was no way she would pull the dad card. She was my mom's sister and she knew exactly how awful that man had been to both of us. I couldn't imagine she would hate me that much. Perhaps I needed to make it up to her too. But how?

  The next morning I made sure to get up early, I hadn't really fallen asleep, and instead of taking the time to do my hair I made my aunt a lunch and a pancake breakfast. Unfortunately, I burned the pancakes and when I handed her the lunch and she peeked inside she reminded me that she had a gluten allergy and couldn't eat any of the things I had packed into her lunch.

  "Don't think that this is going to make up for what happened. You broke my trust, Ruby. It's not as easy as making me a sandwich and pancakes. If it were and a lot more people would still be friends, husbands, wives, family..."

  I felt tears pricking at my eyes because I knew she was right. I had done the wrong thing. I had made a huge mistake. And as much as I wanted to make it up to her, I had no idea how I was going to do it.

  "Go get ready for school and don't forget to make your lunch. Or better yet take the one you packed for me," she said. I ran upstairs and hurriedly threw on some clothes and splashed some water on my face to erase any evidence of the tears that were burning my eyes. When I came back downstairs my aunt had her keys in her hands.

  "Melissa, you know I don't get home until just before dinner, and I'm sorry to do this to you but, you're now responsible for your cousin. You make sure she goes to school and if it is a drama club day she can do drama club and then she needs to come right home. She's not allowed to have any visitors." She turned her eyes to me. "Do you understand, Ruby?"

  I nodded, feeling every bit like a six year old who'd been caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar before dinner after being told explicitly and repeatedly not to.

  "No more boys in this house, Ruby. Your mother would come back from the dead and kill me if you followed in her footsteps and got pregnant your senior year of high school. I have to go or I'm going to be late. And so do both of you."

  I grabbed my backpack and my lunch and quickly went outside with Melissa where we stood and watched her mom drive away, the words from my Aunt Sara’s mouth like a stab in my chest.

  "Ruby! Oh my gosh!" Melissa said with a wide grin. "What were you thinking?! I would never..." She gasped again and shook her head. "So tell me everything! I wanted to know last night but after seeing my mom like that I didn't dare sneak into your room to ask you. What were you doing with Steven? I thought you and Jason were dating."

  Panic rose up through my stomach as I searched her anxious face. What was I going to tell her? I couldn't tell her that I was dating all of them. I couldn't tell her I was dating two of them... Quickly I had to think of something so I said, "Jason and I are just trying to get into character, you know, for the play."

  Her eyes widened, "You
mean you're not really with Jason, you're with Steven?"

  "Uhhhh-huh." I closed my mouth before it told any more lies.

  "And Steven is cool with that?" she asked, amazement in her voice.

  "He knows it's just pretend, so, yeah..." I shrugged and looked away from Melissa's jealous eyes.

  "Maybe I should join the drama club," she said with a chuckle.

  I feigned my own chuckle and pointed when Joey pulled up beside the curb. "Oh look, your ride is here."

  Melissa grinned. "Don't worry. I won't tell my mom they you're getting a ride from one of the Lone Wolves, kissing another one of the Lone Wolves, and dry humping yet another. Your secret is safe with me." She winked, hugged me fiercely and then ran off to Joey's Jeep.

  "Please don't tell anyone!" I yelled after her.

  She looked over her shoulder and waved her arm, a wide grin on her lips. I hoped that grin meant that she heard me.

  I sat in the back of the truck with Kevin, Steven, and Mike and managed not to say anything about last night and the consequences. I didn't know if Steven had even told the other guys about what happened last night, about where he was, about what we did together.

  I was sure on the short ride to school that it would come out from one of them, but they were all very closed lipped. I figured they just had nothing to talk about and so I was relieved. However, as soon as the truck parked in the school parking lot and Billy got out, it was hard to ignore the fact that Steven had told them everything.

  "Hey Rapunzel." He wrapped me up in a big hug and pulled me off his truck bed. He held me a little too long and it made me blush. "Did the evil queen lock you up in the tower?"


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