HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2)

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HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2) Page 19

by Michael W. Huard

  Galax understood and nodded his head to his master.

  Purcell continued. "What I am concerned with, is these idiotic people being defiant and trying to create their own power without following what we're offering them. They need our security; this is what the modern Y-Wood represents. Our military is what can and will hold this country together."

  Galax listened to his mentor and knew he was uneasy. "May I ask, sir, what is actually bothering you? I can sense turmoil within you."

  Purcell smiled, albeit a stress-related grin.

  President Purcell went on. "I truly don't think anyone listens to anything we say; they don't obey whatsoever. Then we have China looking for another war, and the suicide capsules, which we thought were gonna be a good idea, that just aren't selling. Motherfucker, all we sell is sex dolls and stupid food bars. I need this trip to fuck things up!"

  Galax agreed. "I find it hard to understand why humans always resist anything that they are not the creator of themselves. We reach out to them to try and help, yet they always seem to feel they have a better way. I fully understand your frustrations, sir."

  "Oh, I'm not done," spoke the president. "Next, we have the dreaded hibernation issue while traveling in space. Every time we think we have it perfected, we fail. And let's not forget the shifting wormholes!" He suddenly yelled, "HOW ON EARTH CAN WE SPREAD OUR WINGS AND…" He then calmed down some. "What I'm saying is, how can we make plans to colonize any of the other planets, let alone visit them, if all these issues keep building up?"

  Galax changed the subject matter. "Well, sir, our satellites have certainly helped us detect the defiant ones today. I feel the hunt will be refreshing for both of us!"

  The general nodded his approval, taking a nice long breath. "Today, there will be no ground-fighting. The pinpointed locations will be blown up and we will make sure we announce on Purcell news that lenience will no longer be an option for those that don't listen."

  The ship then sailed to a spot in upstate New York and the bombs began flying.

  Next, they flew the entire coastline with stops in New Jersey, Virginia Beach, North Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia. Those satellite informed locales that defied the Y-Corporation were tossed into utter chaos and blown to pieces.

  President Purcell called out to all on board, "Isn't this fun, fellas? Let the bombs fly all day long."


  It was time for a spiritual journey for all the sisters. Despite how hard Jansa had worked in her lab, this sickness bug was out of control and nerves were high at the compound. So far, the bug hadn't made it over to the western regions, and only God could watch over them if it ever did.

  Fresh air and nature was now on Jansa's mind. They all needed to get away, to be free and reconnect with the land. All plans were currently on hold, and sitting around was doing none of them much good.

  So Jansa had decided that a hiking trip was in order. Their destination would be in coastal California, about two to three hours north of San Francisco, in an area that was known as a giant redwood forest and a one-time national park. They could either take a seven-hour drive or fly there in less than an hour and a half. The choice was an easy one, so the sisterhood's team flyer was prepared for the trip.

  The hike was to be in an area that was often foggy and had a steady amount of rainfall, but the trees there were simply magnificent to behold. Jansa loved her trees!

  One specimen was known by the doc to be the largest tree in the country, said to be close to four hundred feet high and thirty feet wide.

  It went by the name of "the high spirits tree," perhaps because of how old it was and the fact that it had endured life so magnificently.

  Either way, to Jansa, this was a very important trip to take. It would serve as a nice break from the daily load of trying to find a way to take down the Y-Corporation, and more recently, the endless research as a cure for the weird superbug.

  The bottom line was, everyone needed a break, a chance to go in a different direction and recharge their batteries.

  Chaya was in, as was Raegan, Zaey, and Tyne Gem. Mahira, on the other hand, was not so interested. The ladies made it a point to always leave at least one of the main sisters back at their home base, so Mahira staying back was fine, even if the other women would really miss her on their trip. As the day of the trip arrived, Tyne also decided it best to stay at home and catch up on a few things.

  The next morning, the hiking crew loaded their backpacks with snacks and plenty of fluids and gathered together to take their flight.

  Everyone staying behind wished the women a safe trip.

  As soon as their flyer took off and was out of sight, Victory, Sun, and Karma practically jumped on Mahira. They knew she was the adventurous type and hoped for some fun with her while the others were gone.

  Victory was first to ask, "Can we do something crazy together? All of us want to do something extra special now that everyone's having their trip. Can we, Miss Mahira? Can we do something cool?"

  Sun was next. "Yes! We have to do something really different. No one's here to babysit anymore, so can you take us all somewhere really neat?"

  Karma added to their pleas. "Okay, here's what I'm thinking…we tell everyone we're going to go gather some fruit and nuts, you know, make a fun day of it, but instead, we head out secretly and maybe take a boat ride down the coast somewhere to explore old ruins."

  The gladiator was amused by the threesome's planned out speeches. These girls were full of it. They reminded her of another little girl that could not be held back. Naiera, however, was not with them just now.

  Mahira gathered the three girls together and walked with them down a trail. "You three are going to have to earn any trip we take. I'm going to double up your chores, double up your duties, and double up your training for the next twenty-four hours. After that, we'll discuss something fun."

  The three girls frowned; they'd hoped for a more exciting answer.

  Karma and the other girls then looked to their teacher for another quick question. "Aunt Mahira, we wanted to ask you something."

  Victory then blurted out before Karma finished, "Is you hair blond or red?" The others all giggled.

  Mahira smirked at them. Sun then changed the subject and asked more seriously, "Will we ever be normal girls?"

  The gladiator raised an eyebrow at the little ones before her; this was a good question.

  "Well, let me tell you young ladies something. What makes you think that being normal is something that makes you feel good inside? To me, it lacks a sign of courage, and life is so much more amazing for those with the guts to go after what you truly want and believe in."

  The girls all nodded, hearing her words loud and clear.

  Mahira continued. "Don't ever let anyone tell you any different. What we're all doing here is the right thing to do. I sleep with a clear conscious at night, and you will too, by standing up for those who can't."

  She then gave them a funny look and grabbed her hair. "My hair, by the way, is whatever color I choose it to be, you silly gooses." Everyone laughed.

  Then, as the youngsters turned to get working, Mahira called to them, "Always be proud for what we stand for. I love you, my little apprentices. Get your work done, then we can train, and then, just maybe…we can PARTY!" The three girls beamed with excitement.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chaya, Raegan, Zaey, and Jansa pointed out at the wondrous views above California as they soared above her beautiful Pacific Ocean landscape and came in to land in an open forest glade.

  A majestic site it was, to be surrounded by such amazing trees. The smell of nature called to them as they began to hike through the woods.

  When first entering the park, they spotted a long building and went to check it out. Though badly worn through time and weather, the place still looked pretty solid as they stepped inside. Chaya found a cellar door in the floor, and the women located tons of cans of fruit down there. They perh
aps were good, though outdated beyond imagination. Although they didn't take any of the old cans, it still felt like finding a lost treasure.

  Later, as they moved farther up the trail, they crossed over running streams of crystal-clear water using bridges that had also stood the test of time. They eventually came across an abandoned cabin, which they decided would do for an evening of rest.

  Keeping the chilly night air at bay, they made a fire and enjoyed some downtime by chatting with one another. The following morning, they continued on their hike.

  Nature had a way of healing, and for Zaey, Raegan, Jansa, and Chaya, this particular trip was one that was very much needed. Each wore rough-and-tumble-like clothing of greens and browns, as well as hats and carry packs for their great expedition.

  The air continued to give them a feeling of rebirth, and it was looking more and more like Jansa's idea to come here was an excellent one.

  When they finally found the main path using the map in Jansa's hand, they immediately felt a sense of relief. The ladies discussed the soothing sights and sounds as they went off the main trail and ventured deeper into the woods.

  The sisters pointed out animals of all sizes, landmarks, bridges, cool looking trees, and everything in between. For a moment in time, the Mystical Slayers were no longer warriors; they were just girls enjoying a hike in the woods.

  "I love you guys," said Jansa to her friends. "There's nothing like having good friends, and I don't think I could be any happier than hanging out with you lot like this."

  Zaey agreed. "Yeah, no matter what happens, our friendship is better than anything else in this world. I just want you guys to know, I love you too, and this is awesome. I'm having so much fun!"

  Chaya added, "This is great, Jan. Thanks for coming up with this really sweet idea. It feels so amazing out here."

  Raegan wanted to give a thought too, yet she seemed preoccupied. "I want to find some nice words for you guys, too, but I gotta pee, and I mean I really gotta pee!" She quickly scurried off behind a nearby tree.

  Eventually, the women would come to the larger trees in the forest, including the grandest one of them all. This particular tree was a monster of a specimen, and the women immediately went up to it, held hands, and tried to stretch themselves around it.

  Even with their fingertips outstretched, they barely made it all the way around the big redwood. "Wow," said Chaya. "This is incredible!"

  The ladies decided to make camp in this spot so they could relax, meditate, and spend time together.

  As they busied themselves with putting up their tents for the night, they all shared memories of their childhood and of their experiences, both before and after joining the sisterhood.

  They also reminisced about the beautiful people they had lost over the years, balanced out by how highly they thought of the new people and how much potential they were showing. The new recruits, the next generation, gave them all great hope back home. The simple act of releasing these thoughts and emotions made for great healing.

  Finally, Raegan had a few things to say. "First off, as you guys know, God is always watching over us. There is nowhere that He has not been, so wherever our paths may be going, it will be all right. I just know it's gonna be all right. I love you guys!"

  The other women nodded their heads and hoped her words were true.

  But this was not a time to discuss important worldly matters. It was a time to enjoy the beauty around them, so the rest of the afternoon and evening, they did exactly that.

  The sisters commented on the amazing flowers and plants out here and how the smell of nature seemed to be soothing their very souls.

  As evening settled in, Jansa announced, "So here's what I've come up with, since we're located beneath this astounding tree. I figured we could have a special gathering around the tree and speak to it because, you know, they say trees have a life of their own…a spirit."

  The others all listened to their friend as she continued. "I want to have us join together in a little séance and ask the tree, or at least talk to the tree, to see if perhaps we can feel her essence. We might even learn a thing or two."

  The others agreed to her plan. With the evening in full swing, the women made a campfire and sat before the magnificent high spirits redwood tree holding hands.

  Jansa then began reciting some special words. "Open the gates of the golden forest. Let one spirit speak, and only one spirit it is. I say, open the gates of the golden forest. Let one spirit speak, and only one spirit it be."

  All the women looked at each other before quickly closing their eyes once more. Jansa, oblivious to her sisters' looks, went on.

  "We call to you now…open the gates of the golden forest and here our plea."

  All waited for any type of response.

  Suddenly, the winds picked up, a great wave of air filled the forest, and all the trees swayed back and forth. The slight glow of a crescent moon shone down directly on the great tree before them.

  The women all opened their eyes to see branches and leaves blowing about as if taking on a life of their own.

  Then, they saw a rather crazy and unexpected sight. Thousands of beetles emerged from not only the magnificent tree before them but also from others around it.

  With hoards of insects crawling towards the women, Zaey lifted her feet off the floor and asked, "Is this perhaps a sign or something?" One then climbed the roots of the giant tree and began eating it; that's when the women realized that these beetles were a detriment to the woods. Upon closer inspection, they noticed all the trees showed signs of being bitten or scarred in some way.

  Chaya grabbed a handful of the critters and threw them in the fire in disgust, but the women then saw the most peculiar thing. The beetles glowed in the firelight with a metallic look, a silvery metal color.

  The sisters gasped in shock upon realizing that these beetles were partially robotic.

  Zaey said, "Could it be possible that through years and years of evolution, and perhaps genetic mutations, that such a species could evolve and live here?"

  Her words became the main topic of conversation amongst the women.

  Although none of them could be sure, they all agreed it was highly likely and went on to discuss what this might mean.

  Chaya stated, "I think the tree, the wind, and these odd beetles are giving us a sign. We need to help the forest. I mean, if this continues and these robotic-like insects keep eating at these unbelievably beautiful trees, one day, the whole forest will be lost."

  The other girls agreed.

  Jansa frowned. "I don't know, guys. There's like a million of these things, and we have no clue about them. We need to try to figure out what these are and what can be done to stop them."

  Raegan added, "Let's contact Tyne back at home base and see what she can come up with." She then took out her contact watch and sent a text and a photo to their friend back at the vineyard.

  It didn't take their cyborg sister long to return a message to them. The one that never slept explained that, based on the photo and the description, these little boys were still more insect than robot. The women learned from Tyne that a genetic manipulation had evidently produced a flying beetle species that was strikingly similar to the common honey bee, though perhaps much stronger.

  She wasn't sure about their level of intelligence, but if they were just hanging out, they couldn't be all that smart. Therefore, perhaps most of their structure was still made to look and act natural. Lastly, Tyne suggested that the best way to get rid of these beetles and stop them eating the trees was to create some sort of fruit cocktail.

  Tyne told the girls they would need something very sweet to attract the beetles and ultimately drown them.

  This was an interesting idea, thought the women, especially given that they had found so many cans of fruit back at the old building they'd discovered when they first entered the park.

  Zaey was on the idea right off. "We need to create buc
kets, bowls, tubs, hollowed out tree stubs, anything we can find in the area or back at that old building. Then, we fill them up with the contents of the fruit cans we found."

  Chaya knew where she was going with her plan. "It's worth a try. This tree has asked us for help, so the least we can do is give it a shot."

  Raegan and Jansa spoke at the exact same time. "We got work to do as soon as we have light!"

  Chaya called out, "Jinx!"


  Mallory worked at a Corporation distribution center. She was one of the first to have a hand in the production of the infamous nutritional Bloom Bars, as well as all kinds of other food sources for those that were able to afford such luxuries.

  She did her job for Y-Wood and never really thought much about anything being any different in the world until, one day, someone in her extended family got a hold of one of the sisterhood's American flags. She researched about the history and meaning of the flag and a spark of rebellion grew inside her. The land was actually free at one point; at least a whole lot better than it was nowadays.

  It was early in the morning when she took that flag and went a different route to work. She ended up taking a large loop around her city block, to a place where very few people lived. After climbing up many flights of stairs, she reached the very top of an abandoned building.

  The message for her was simple. America would be so much better united and full of compassion for all. Somebody would see this flag up here, and maybe, just maybe, it would inspire them too. Mallory then draped it over the outside of a window for all to see.

  As she got back outside, she knew she had to hurry back to the distribution center, but not before she turned to take a look at that red, white, and blue spectacle shining in the early morning sun up above.

  Wow, she felt so proud. Somewhere in the anvils of time, America was a United Nation, one of democracy, liberty, and justice. The flag she looked up at was that era's flag; it was now shining so bright above her as a symbol of hope for better days.


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