Heart on the Line (Black River Bend Book 2)

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Heart on the Line (Black River Bend Book 2) Page 4

by Fel Fern

  Kurt laughed at that. James looked serious, so he sobered up. Kurt grabbed James’ shoulders and looked deep into his eyes. “Listen to me, James. I have every intention of making you mine. No other man’s going to ever pique my interest. Trust me.”

  “I just don’t want to get hurt.”

  Kurt narrowed his eyes. “Talk to me.”

  “While I was in college I was dating this guy, Ralph. We were together for five years. Right after we got our degrees, we moved in together. I thought he was it for me, you know? But after I lost my job at this marketing company, he stated being cold, aloof.” James let out a breath. “He was my first serious boyfriend. Thinking back, maybe I was too clingy. I didn’t love him, I just clung to the idea of first love. I believed he was the best I could do.”

  Kurt cracked his knuckles and the sound made James jump. “I could visit him. Show this bastard what real pain feels like. Then I’d thank him for breaking up with you because you ended up on my lap.”

  James’ jaw dropped. “You’re joking.”

  Kurt shook his head. “Some people deserve a beating. That’s the only thing that will wake them up.”

  James gripped his arm. “Promise me you won’t go hunting for my ex. Ralph’s old news. I’m so over him.”

  Kurt breathed hard. “You sure? I know a guy who could track him down.”

  “Kurt, it’s okay. I just told you about him, because I’m scared of getting deep with you. You said I was different. I feel that way about you, too. If we go down this path and you end up dumping me—”

  Kurt put a finger over James’ lips. “As I said, that’ll never happen. I get where you’re coming from. This is new to me as well. We’ll take that leap forward together. What do you say?”

  James was silent for a few moments. Kurt was patient. This was one relationship he didn’t plan on screwing up. Kurt’s priorities in the past were simple—look after his brother and keep his dad’s old gym running.

  His personal life took a backseat but now, he was putting it in the spotlight. Kurt wasn’t getting any younger and as luck would have it, he finally found James.

  “Okay,” James whispered, looking up at him. “I trust you. Don’t end up stealing my heart and never giving it back.”


  Hearing the alarm on his phone going off for the third time, James groaned and put his pillow over his head.

  “Five more minutes,” he grumbled to no one.

  He heard the shrill noise again. James shoved his pillow aside and grabbed his phone, squinting at the screen. Why did James set an alarm for a Saturday anyway? He would only be returning to work on Monday.

  “Shit,” he murmured, remembering why.

  James practically begged Kurt last night if they could start their lessons today. Kurt demanded to look at his shoulder. James complied. Kurt didn’t look happy. Kurt eventually conceded to teaching him some basic self-defense moves that wouldn’t put a lot of strain on his healing shoulder.

  “I’m up!”

  James dragged himself out of bed and into the shower. He gasped as icy water blasted his face. He’d been having a good dream earlier. An erotic one where Kurt decided to take off all his clothes and fuck him on fours right in his living room.

  The night before, Kurt had acted like a gentleman with him. Kurt didn’t want to rush and he appreciated that.

  After Ralph, James had gone out on a few dates, if it could be called that. They were mostly matches from his dating app but the guys there were only interested in sex, nothing deeper. James stopped using that app.

  He shampooed his hair. Kurt told him to be at the Hard Iron Gym at 9 am sharp. It was only 8.15 am. James could make it and even grab a bagel from the nearby bakery on the way. He finished his shower.

  He didn’t think picking an appropriate outfit would be this hard. James didn’t own any exercise clothes. He had no time to work out because he was always too exhausted to do anything else after a double shift. After work all he wanted to do was sit in front of his TV and binge-watch his K-dramas.

  James ended up picking a plain but clean white shirt and an old pair of jogging shorts he impulsively bought years ago. James laced up the new running shoes he purchased for his new lessons. He left his apartment. James even used the stairs, not the elevator.

  James panted, already out of breath, and taxed by that minimal effort. He looked at the clock on his phone and cursed.

  It was 8.50 am already?

  James took the bus to the Hard Iron Gym, which was located on the other side of town. He got off, ran to the gym.

  He nearly bumped into another man on his way out—or rather a guy was being bodily dragged outside. James quickly stepped to one side to avoid a collision. What was going on?

  “Your membership’s been revoked, Seth. You’re not allowed inside. Boss’ orders,” said the big, muscled-bound fighter who set the smaller man, Seth, on the pavement.

  “Tell your stupid boss he could stick it up his ass,” Seth said, sounding angry.

  Seth looked out of place, wearing some kind of expensive-looking tailored suit. He was movie-star handsome as well. Seth looked like he paid plenty of attention to his hair.

  Seth put a pair of sunglasses on and started to leave. Seth looked at James like he was a bug that could be squashed under his polished black loafers.

  “Get out of my way,” Seth barked at him.

  James wasn’t blocking the path but he didn’t want a confrontation. He crept closer to the doors of the gym.

  “Man, that guy’s a piece of work,” muttered the boxer. “Glad Kurt’s done with that pompous bastard.”

  A chill went down his spine.

  Kurt used to date Seth? Seriously?

  “Can I help you?” The boxer asked him. The red-haired guy looked like a giant to him. This boxer was as big as Kurt but Kurt didn’t frighten him. This man could break him in half.

  He asked you nicely, James reminded himself.

  “Um, I’m looking for Kurt,” he said.

  “You must be the guy that supposed to come like, ten minutes ago,” the boxer said. “He’s a stickler for punctuality, so make sure you come early next time.”

  “I will. Sorry,” he said, all too aware Kurt was doing him a massive favor. “It won’t happen again.”

  “Tell that to Kurt,” the boxer said, then he did a surprising thing and patted his right shoulder. “I heard what happened. You were shot right here on this street. I’m glad Kurt found you. I’m Grey by the way. Once you enter, walk to the right. Kurt’s lifting some weights to warm up.”

  “Thank you and it’s nice to meet you, Grey.” He hurried on inside. Kurt was exactly where Grey said he was. Kurt was lifting a ton of weight. James didn’t exactly know how much but it was impressive watching him.

  “You’re late,” Kurt said through gritted teeth, lowering the bar and sliding out.

  He swallowed. Kurt wore nothing else but a pair of faded red boxing shorts. James couldn’t take his eyes off the sweat glistening on Kurt’s impressive chest. He let out an embarrassing sound. God. This wasn’t the time to be turned on.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” Kurt said in a curt voice. “If you want to learn how to defend yourself, then show me you’re dedicated to this as I am.”

  Kurt suddenly seemed imposing, strict, but wasn’t that what he signed up for?

  Of course, Kurt would put on his coach hat while they were at the gym. This wasn’t the same guy who brought him roses, dinner and gave him a handjob the night before.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, finally finding his tongue. “I don’t have anything to wear. Didn’t want to come in here with the wrong gear and I’ve already disappointed you.”

  James bit his lower lip, nervous as hell. He was a wreck.

  Could Kurt even teach someone like him to fight?

  “Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself,” Kurt said, to his surprise. “I’ll ask my brother. He’s about your size. Maybe he could loan you some work-out cl
othes? They’ll be second-hand though.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Thank you,” he blurted. “I promise I’ll be extra early next time.”

  “Okay, let’s start. Tell me about your usual fitness routine before we start warming up.”

  * * *


  Kurt wished he could take back his words. He acted like a dick earlier and instantly regretted it. Kurt was tough on his fighters, on everyone but he’d forgotten what James had just been through.

  Kurt’s head wasn’t in the game, because he’d been furious when he saw Seth earlier. He didn’t understand why Seth failed to see they were over. Seth didn’t give two shits about him. Seth just didn’t like the fact Kurt was the one who ended their fling.

  “I don’t exercise at all,” James admitted. “I don’t have the time. I know that’s an excuse.”

  “It is.” Kurt realized he couldn’t give James some slack. James came to him for help. James wanted to learn how to defend himself and Kurt would teach him the best way he knew how “You know the saying your body’s a temple? It’s true. You need to make some changes in your life.”

  James paid attention to him closely, which was a refreshing change from other students who liked to argue with him.

  “We’ll need to warm up. Let’s do some laps around the gym,” Kurt suggested.

  “Running?” James made a face.

  After five quick rounds, James was out of breath but he didn’t give up or whine once. He kept going and Kurt approved of his attitude.

  “I’ll do better next time,” James said, panting. They drank some water. Kurt let him recover his breath, before leading him to the quieter part of the gym. He made sure no one would use this area.

  “I’ll teach you two self-defense maneuvers,” Kurt said. “But anytime your shoulder’s hurting, we’ll stop for a break. Understood?”

  James nodded.

  After two hours, Kurt called it quits. James collapsed on the practice mat, looking exhausted.

  “Don’t worry, with practice, it becomes easier,” he told James.

  “I can still go on,” James told him.

  He shook his head and gave James a stern expression. Kurt crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s bad to overwork your body. Give it time to recover.”

  James looked like he was about to argue, but then he took a deep breath and asked, “How did I do? Am I the most horrible student you’ve come across?”

  He shook his head, smiling. Unlike the other fighters in his gym, James didn’t come here to become a boxer. He only wanted to learn self-defense. Kurt made a mental note to adjust the program he prepared for James.

  “You did well. Give yourself a break. It’s your first time.” Kurt meant every word.

  “It’s almost lunchtime,” James said as they headed for the locker rooms for a quick shower. “Um. Would you like to come over my place? I’d like to cook you lunch. I’d like to make it up to you for being late earlier.”

  That offer took Kurt aback for a few seconds. Kurt couldn’t recall the last time anyone cooked him lunch. James looked adorable at that moment, nibbling on his bottom lip and anxiously looking at him. It was as if James was expecting his rejection or something.

  “Lunch would be great,” he said, beaming.


  James couldn’t believe Kurt was back in his apartment. He took a peek at Kurt, who was in the living room, playing with Whiskers. Traitorous feline. She was only that affectionate with him if she wanted something.

  James looked through his cabinets and fridge. He wasn’t the best cook in the world. At one point, James used to cook for himself instead of buying pre-prepared food or reheating frozen meals. He stopped because it was easier to use the microwave. Plus, he was too tired after his shift.

  James found some pasta and a can of tomatoes.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “James? Do you need some help? I know jack shit about cooking but I could chop something,” Kurt called from the living room.

  “I’m good,” he said quickly. “Besides, the kitchen’s too small for the two of us.”

  James looked at the pasta, then the tomatoes. He needed fillings. He couldn’t just feed Kurt tomato sauce on noodles. He looked through his fridge and found some ham and bacon bits. He microwaved the frozen meant. James turned his stove on and put a pot of water to boil.

  Twenty minutes later, Kurt came over to take a peek at what he was doing.

  “Smells delicious,” Kurt said.

  “I hope you don’t mind ham and bacon pasta,” he said.

  “Not at all,” Kurt said. “This is awful sweet of you and pretty bold.”


  “That you asked me out on a second date this soon,” Kurt said with a lazy smirk.

  He nearly burned the ham and bacon. Blushing, he added the sauce in. “I didn’t. I mean, I just wanted to say I was sorry for being late. I appreciate you doing this for me.”

  “I wasn’t in the best of moods earlier this morning either,” Kurt admitted. “I’m hard on my fighters, but I snapped at you. That wasn’t professional of me.”

  James hesitated and wondered if he should bring up Seth. He had a right to know, didn’t he? Would asking about Seth make him seem pushy or clingy? Ralph said he was like glue. That he could be overwhelming at times and that was off-putting.

  This is Kurt, not that selfish prick, he reminded himself.

  “Kurt, I saw Grey and Seth when I was about to enter the gym,” he began.

  Kurt let out a heavy sigh. “I wish you didn’t have to see that.”

  “Seth’s your ex then?” He asked.

  “Seth was a mistake. We were only using each other for sex but it seems he has trouble accepting we’re done,” Kurt said. Kurt looked him in the eye. “We’ve stopped sleeping with each other long before you got shot.”

  “I believe you.”

  James finished mixing the pasta and the sauce. He split the food between two plates. Kurt and he ate right there on the kitchen counter. Not very romantic, but Whiskers chose to lie right in the middle of the sofa, and James didn’t want to wake her. He’d only end up with scratches.

  “This is great,” Kurt said, finishing up his portion.

  “Thanks but I’m not good at cooking,” he said. “You’re just being nice.”

  “I’ve only prepared meals for my brother while he was growing up but having someone make something for you is sweet.” Kurt remarked.

  “Stop making me blush.”

  After they ate, they left the dirty dishes in the sink.

  “Would you like a beer?” James asked.

  James wanted Kurt to linger, to stay. He didn’t even know if Kurt still had stuff to take care of at the gym. He was acting selfish and he knew it.


  James grabbed two cans from the fridge and handed Kurt one. James took a sip of his beer.

  “I wish I had some ingredients to make a simple cake,” he said. “Dessert would be nice after the main dish.”

  “Well,” Kurt drawled. His shivered in anticipation when Kurt raked his gaze up and down his body. There it was again. The dark hunger in Kurt’s green eyes. “You can be my dessert.”


  Kurt finished his beer and set it on the counter. “I told myself I’d wait. That I could go slow for you. After I reached home last night, I masturbated in the shower because my cock was so hard.”

  He swallowed, no longer interested in his beer. His experimental pasta dish filled his belly but James was now hungry for something else.

  “When I saw you lifting those weights, shirtless, I got an instant hard-on,” James confessed. He’d never been this blunt with a guy before but he didn’t think a rough and crude coach like Kurt would mind.

  “I noticed,” Kurt said.

  Kurt caged his body, trapping him against the kitchen counter but James had no intention of escaping.

  Kurt placed his hands on either side of his body, then l
eaned in close for a kiss. James yielded to the demanding press of Kurt’s mouth.

  Kurt thrust heat down his throat and it traveled to the rest of him. James felt hot all over, like he was running a fever. Kurt reached for the hem of his shirt. James lifted his hands so Kurt could pull it off.

  Kurt’s gaze landed on his bandaged shoulder.

  “I’m fine,” he said. He felt a slight ache in his shoulder but he didn’t think it would be a problem.

  “Lie,” Kurt said, trailing his fingers down James’ chest, his stomach. He swallowed when Kurt unbuttoned his jeans with ease. “Your entire body will feel sore tomorrow.”

  “Are you talking about the workout we had earlier or because you’re about to make my entire body ache?” He dared asked.

  Kurt’s sexy laugh did wonders to his thickening dick. “Both. I can’t hold back anymore. I wanted to be a gentleman for you. You’ve only had bad luck with guys.”

  He cupped Kurt’s cheeks. “Don’t. I want it all, Kurt. Don’t slow down anymore.”

  Kurt gave him a quick kiss on the mouth, before moving his hands to James’ waist. With frightening ease, Kurt lifted him off his feet and sat his ass right on the kitchen counter.

  James wrapped his legs around Kurt’s waist and pulled him close. Kurt peeled off his shirt and took James’ mouth again. Kurt set his teeth on the side of his neck and bit down, thrusting his hand into his jeans at the same time. Kurt closed his fingers over James’ cock.

  A needy moan escaped his lips. Kurt squeezed his dick and started leaving kisses, little bites down James’ neck, his collarbones. Kurt left a bite on his left flat nipple and James realized what Kurt was doing. Kurt was marking James like he already owned him.

  James liked that. A lot. He gasped when Kurt hooked his fingers into his belt loops and yanked his jeans down. His underwear followed.

  James was sitting on his kitchen counter, wearing absolutely nothing. He always felt self-conscious about his skinny body. He didn’t feel awkward at that moment, not when Kurt was looking at him like he was something fine.


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