Virus Z | Book 2 | Patient Zero

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Virus Z | Book 2 | Patient Zero Page 1

by Stewart, K. M.

  Virus Z

  Patient Zero

  Book Two

  K.M. Stewart

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Emma's New Dream

  Chapter Two: Special Agent Patrick Fitzgerald, 10 Years Ago

  Chapter Three: Debra Norris 10 Years Ago

  Chapter Four: Lucas, 10 Years Ago

  Chapter Five: Special Agent Patrick Fitzgerald, FBI Headquarters

  Chapter Six: Debra Norris, FBI Headquarters

  Chapter Seven: Emma, Present Day

  Chapter Eight: Emma And Zombies

  Chapter Nine: Emma, Underground

  Chapter One

  Emma's new dream

  M y whole life, I've had a reoccurring dream. I'm sitting on my mom's lap. My dad has a vile in one hand, a syringe in the other. Someone's trying to break down the door. My mom wants my dad to administer some type of medicine. I don't remember my parents. I was two when they died. I'm still two years old in the dreams. Deep down inside, I wish this was a memory. But in the dream, there’s a zombie behind a glass wall, looking at me.

  Now I'm having another reoccurring dream. It makes me wonder if my parents ever took me to their lab. My mom and dad are packing boxes. It looks like the same place as the other dream. They are rushing around and hurrying. I walk up to the glass. Behind it, there's the zombie. It's the same one from the other dream. He's not rotting or missing limbs. I think they might have been caring for him. Almost like a pet. This time, he's not mad or growling. My dad opens the door. He quickly injects him with something. Then he closes and locks the door.

  My dad turns around and walks away. I saw how he opened the door. The zombie doesn't look angry or aggressive. I decide he might be happier if I let him out. He doesn’t look dangerous. I unlock and open the door, unbuckle the restraints. I hold his hand and walk him around the room. My dad runs towards us, screaming, "No, Emma!"

  And then I wake up.

  Chapter Two

  Special Agent Patrick Fitzgerald, 10 years ago

  I t's the day after Tom & Karen Johnson passed away. Their car plunged into Elliot Bay. They were trying to board the ferry. They weren't wearing seatbelts. All of their windows were open. They must have drowned. Search crews are going to be working until it's dark and will resume in the morning. They have a two-year-old daughter named Emma Johnson. She wasn't in the car. Thank goodness Karen has a sister. Her name is Susan. Susan is going to take Emma in.

  The FBI are not usually involved in car accident investigations. But neither Tom nor Karen were just your average Joe. They were high profile scientists. Virologists to be more specific. They've worked on projects for the CDC, the military & just about any organization you could think of. They even did research for other countries. They were rogue scientists if you ask me. A lot of their work was privately funded. I know Tom and Karen worked on a lot of top-secret research.

  Who knows what they got themselves into? I had their home searched after the accident. It’s not a surprise that they don't keep any of their research at their residence. Not even a scrap of paper. I don't know why their lab location is hidden. But my team and I will find it. Every government official is breathing down my neck to get their hands on it.

  I'm not sure why everyone is racing to find their research. I suspect it's something serious. The white house officials want anything we find. They weren't oblivious to what Tom and Karen were doing, whatever it was. Tom and Karen Johnson were synonymous to Zombies, what UFO's are to area 51. They are folk heroes in the public's eye. I don't believe in any of that nonsense. My cell phone rings. “Hello sir, we were able to find a location. We were able to track their previous movements through their cell phone tower pings. The location is approximate.”

  “That’s great. Thanks. I will have my guys on it.” It only took a few hours for my team to track the location. We finally found it. The end of Sans Blvd. A blue warehouse with a brown roof. It was hidden in plain sight. Tom and Karen Johnson were smart. I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  I get there last. The team is already at work. We are prepared for anything. Our vehicles are parked out front. They are all unmarked. We don't want to advertise our whereabouts. I know it won't be long until the Seattle Police Department will show up. They have eyes everywhere. I want everything done before I have to deal with officer Andrew Gibson. Him and I always bump heads. I am to retrieve all evidence and report our findings to my bosses immediately.

  It looks like any regular warehouse until I walk inside. "What is this place?" I say out loud. It’s huge. All the walls are white. The lights are bright. It looks like something from a sci-fi movie. It's incredible. There is so much equipment here. I honestly don't know what much of it is, besides the microscopes. The FBI's evidence response team are known as ERTs. The two ERT'S on scene are Lucas and Ryan. “Welcome to the infamous hidden lab." Ryan says.

  I let them do their work undisturbed. I want to find every last shred of evidence. I walk around and look. Anything of importance is gone. The desks and filing cabinets are empty. I'm not sure if Karen and Tom moved their belongings or if things have been stolen.

  "So far everything's empty. I don't see evidence of foul play.” Lucas says. I too don't see any evidence of a break in or struggle.

  Although the computer hard drives are empty, I'm going to have our best guys try to recover something. We load the computers into the van. The ERT's get to the last room.

  "Sir, you might want to come see this." Ryan says. I hear fear in his voice.

  Lucas walks out, white as a ghost. He doesn't say anything.

  I don't know why I'm suddenly nervous. My palms sweat a bit. I go into the room. It's a small white room. There it stands, behind a glass wall, staring me in the eye, growling and drooling. It's restrained. A zombie. It's thrashing around a bit. It looks mad.

  It doesn’t look terrible. It's not rotting or missing limbs. At first glance the face looks familiar. It must have recently turned. I walk closer to the glass. He still has a white lab coat on with a name tag. It's the former director of the CDC Bob Thatcher. Of course, they said he died of a heart attack. I walk up and talk to him. I know he can't understand me. "So, you're the reason Tom and Karen wanted to make an announcement. Dang it Bob, what on earth have you done? Now I know what they were going to announce today."

  I tell Lucas and Ryan "You better get this thing out of here. I don't know how you’re going to do it. But make sure no one sees it. Seattle police department will be here any minute. And don't get bitten or scratched."

  "Wait a minute. You're not going to shoot this thing?" Ryan asks.

  "I was given strict instructions. Bring back everything intact. No evidence is to be destroyed. No matter what it is."

  "How are we supposed to do that?" Ryan says.

  "I have an idea." Lucas says.

  Chapter Three

  Debra Norris 10 years ago

  I t's three days after Karen and Tom's passing. It's such a huge loss to the scientific community. It's a loss to our local community. And a personal loss. Karen was my best friend, we met at college. She was such a ray of light. I'm devastated.

  I'm not exactly sure of everything Karen and Tom were doing. There were a few times she asked for my advice or insight, even though we took the same courses and graduated with the same degree. I didn't choose to take the same path in life as her. My heart belongs to teaching children. I teach at Washington Middle School.

  Today is Saturday. There's no school. I just want to relax and take my mind off things.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  Who on earth could that be? Anyone who knows me, knows I need quiet time to grieve. I look through the peep hole. It's a m
an. He’s dressed nicely. He must hear me behind the door. He pulls out his badge and holds it in front of the peep hole.

  "I'm special agent Patrick Fitzgerald of the FBI. Can you open the door please?"

  I'm shocked. What would the FBI want with me? I haven't committed any crime. My hands tremble as I try to unlock the door. He must sense my nervousness.

  "You're not in trouble Debra. The FBI could use your help." I finally get the door open. I don't know what to say.

  "May I come in?" Patrick asks.

  "Yes, how rude of me not to invite you in. Please take a seat." I point to the kitchen table. "I'm not sure what this is about." I finally find the words to say.

  "We found Karen and Tom's lab. We found something. It's something you need to see. It's at the FBI headquarters."

  "Why couldn't you just bring it here? " I ask.

  "Well, you better come with me and see for yourself." Special agent Patrick Fitzgerald replies.

  Chapter Four

  Lucas, 10 years ago

  “Did you find anything?" Lucas asks Ryan.

  N othing besides laboratory equipment, nope." Ryan replied. We are doing a thorough investigation as quickly as we can. We don't want trouble with the Seattle police department. We were instructed to get any evidence and take special care not to damage anything. So far, we haven't found anything. We both walk into the last room. Lucas turns on the light. Behind a glass wall, there is a zombie. I can't believe my eyes.

  Ryan goes to get Patrick. He's just as shocked as we are. Neither of us can believe he won't shoot it. He wants us to get it out ALIVE. I have an idea. I ask Patrick for his help. He said evidence collection wasn't in his job description. I know he's terrified. Patrick goes outside to get some fresh air. I'm scared too. My adrenaline kicks in. I know what to do. I've got to get this thing out of here. No one can see it. I send Ryan to get a gurney, body bag and any tape and rope he can find.

  Ryan luckily finds several rolls of duct tape. The zombie is already restrained. If my plan is going to work, I can sneak it out in a body bag. Although it was trashing around earlier, it's calmer now. It must have tired itself out. Its eyes are closed. Who knew zombies slept? If everything goes according to plan, I can tape his mouth shut first, then his arms and legs.

  Ryan is terrified. He whispers. "Come on Lucas. This is nuts. Let's just quit and get out of here."

  I quietly unlock the door to his enclosure. I open it slowly in case it squeaks.

  "Can't you kill it with something ?" Ryan asks.

  "Shut up before you wake this thing up." I whisper as quietly as possible.

  "I can't believe this. These restraints are secured to the wall." I say.

  "You have got to be kidding me." Ryan says back.

  "Do you think Tom or Karen would have wanted this thing out of its cage? Probably not."

  I start to slowly undo the restraints. Neither of us can believe it's still sleeping.

  The timing couldn't have been worse. Officer Andrew Gibson is outside shouting. The zombie’s eyes shoot open. I was just about to tape his mouth shut. It grabs me by my neck and slams me to the floor. Its mouth is wide open, trying bite me wherever it can sink its teeth into. Ryan turns to run. Dang coward. With all the strength I can muster I push back at the zombie. It wrestles back with its mouth only inches away from my face. I feel its breath against me. I don't want to see what's coming. I close my eyes. Suddenly I hear a CRACK. And the zombie suddenly collapses on top of me. Ryan hits it in the head several more times. He is standing over me breathing heavily with a fire extinguisher in his hands. The zombies face is battered. It's a mess.

  "Are you ok?" Ryan asks.

  "I'm ok. Thanks for saving me. He didn't bite me. I thought you ran off."

  "And miss my opportunity to be a hero? Not a chance." Ryan jokes back.

  "Quick. It's only knocked out. We better hurry." I said.

  We get to work and tape up former CDC director Bob Thatcher up like a dummy.

  Chapter Five

  Special Agent Patrick Fitzgerald, FBI headquarters

  I let Debra Norris drive herself to the FBI headquarters. I didn't want her to think she was under arrest. I also knew I wouldn't be able to answer any questions she had until she got here. It would sound too crazy. How could I possibly say it with straight face? "Hi. We have a zombie. We also have a folder with his instructions."

  I told her to come when she was ready. She didn't show up until after lunch time. I was hoping she wasn't squeamish for fear she would lose that lunch. My ERT'S Lucas and Ryan did a number on poor former Director of the CDC Bob Thatcher, our zombie. Before those two dimwits bashed his head in, he looked decent.

  We put him in an interrogation room. We’ve locked him in with guards outside the door. We did not remove the tape. We just took him off the gurney and tied him to a chair. I don't know who put the Jason hockey mask on him. I had it removed. I was sure this was already enough to give Debra nightmares.

  Chapter Six

  Debra Norris, FBI headquarters

  W ell I'm here now. I'm not sure why I'm here. Special agent Patrick assured me I was not here for questioning and I would not be arrested. He said they needed my help; it was a time sensitive issue and couldn't wait. I'm not sure what assistance I could give to the FBI. I’m starting to wonder whether this has something to do with Karen and Tom.

  "Welcome to the FBI’s Seattle Headquarters." Special agent Patrick Fitzgerald greets me kindly. "This way to the elevator. " He's being very polite, trying to earn my trust I suppose. We get into the elevator. He presses the number 5. It's the top floor. “I'm not sure what this is about, but you have the wrong person.” I blurt out.

  "Hold on. Just wait please." He says. The elevator door opens. He motions for me to walk out first. He steps out behind me. He instructs me to walk into the first room on the right. He explains it's an observation room. Interrogations are on held on the other side. Through the window I will be able to see in. On the other side, it looks like a mirror. I do as he says. I walk in and look. I scream. A man is taped up and tied to a chair with a battered face. He's growling and snarling.

  "I didn't know the FBI tortured people!" I’m upset and don’t know what this had to do with me. Suddenly a short woman with brown hair and kind smile walks into the room.

  "She's seen enough. Hello I'm Dr. Linda Buchanan. You can just call me Dr. Linda. I'm the FBI's psychologist.” She's wearing a brightly colored blouse with flowers. It helps me feel calmer for some reason. "Come with us and we will explain everything."

  We are all seated in a more comfortable room down the hall. There's a thick manila envelope on the table. It literally has my name on it. I'm in shock and don't know what to say. The FBI has a file on me? One this big?

  "This isn't what it looks like." Special agent Patrick starts to say.

  Dr. Linda jumps in. “It's best just so start with the truth Patrick. It makes everything less confusing." She tells him. Having Dr. Linda here makes me feel a little better. I suppose that's why she is here. I would be far more scared without her. She continues, "That man wasn't tortured. He isn't a man anymore. In fact, he's a zombie. He was found in Karen and Tom's lab. The folder here has instructions on his care. It also has summaries on different zombie strains and possible solutions."

  My head is spinning. I think I might faint. Dr. Linda hands me a cup of water. I take a sip. "This folder contains so much information we can't understand it all. There was a note placed in the front,” Patrick starts speaking again.

  "There are several strains of the zombie virus. The strain this zombie is infected with isn't the most severe. The note says not to kill him. They believed they were close to finding a solution. His blood is key to research and development, they said."

  I start to feel nauseous. I'm in a state of shock.

  Dr. Linda starts talking again. "The note left in the folder states if anything happened to them, you were the person to finish what they started. You would know
what to do."

  "I'm just a schoolteacher. I can't help." I say.

  Patrick replies, "Cut the crap. I looked into why they would say you were qualified. You three went to the same college. Took the same classes. You all graduated at the top of your class."

  Patrick continues, "This all raises more questions than answers. We don't know how or when he was infected. It could have been an accident, or he could be a victim. Tom and Karen knew zombie viruses were being created. We also think that they knew someone was going to use it. That's what they wanted the world to know. And in the event that a zombie virus gets into the population, it would be of upmost importance to have a solution."

  I didn't know what to say. This wasn't a life I chose to have.

  "The note says they were working on antiviral medications & vaccines. They were getting close and making progress. That zombie you saw needs an antiviral medication injection once a week."

  "And what do you expect me to do about it?"

  Dr. Linda starts speaking again and hands me a paper. "Here's a will. Everything in their lab belongs to you now. It contains everything you would need."

  "The government and I agree that it's best to continue finding a solution. I also know it's best to keep everything secret. We don't want to cause panic."

  "Who is that zombie anyway?" I ask.

  Dr. Linda replies, “That's Bob Thatcher. Former director of the CDC.”

  "That's Bob?" I ask. I’m shocked yet again.

  "Wait a minute. You knew Bob?" Special agent Patrick asks.

  "Knew him personally? Not really. That's Tom's second or third cousin. They were close, from what I knew. This is a lot to take in. I suppose it would feel good to step into a lab again. But I can't abandon the children."


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