Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 7

by Stormy Glenn

  Chase leaned up and grabbed a pillow, shoving it under Taylor’s ass and elevating his hips. It changed the angle of his thrusts, and the next time he slammed into Taylor, the man’s cries rose and rose until they became silent.

  Chase knew Taylor was close. He could feel the man’s cock leaking rivers of pre-cum. His inner muscles were pulsing and throbbing so hard and so fast that it was an exquisite pleasure in itself.

  Chase dropped Taylor’s arms off his legs and leaned over his mate. He captured Taylor’s hands and wove their fingers together, pressing them down to the mattress on either side of Taylors head.

  “Taylor,” Chase whispered as he slowed his thrusts. He captured the man’s pale-blue eyes with his own. They were dazed and filled with wonderment. Not claiming Taylor wasn’t possible any longer, not after feeling how things could be between them.

  Chase leaned down and slanted his mouth over Taylor’s as his passion began to rise. He was hungry, and his need was mirrored in Taylor’s own lips as their tongues brushed against each other.

  Taylor’s deep moan and the feeling of the man’s hot spunk spraying against his abdomen was Chase’s undoing. He reared back and stared down at Taylor’s blissful face for just a moment and then struck, sinking his sharp canines into the man’s tender flesh.

  Hot, sweet blood filled his mouth, overwhelming Chase to the point that stars began to dance in front of his eyes. Nothing had ever tasted so sweet. No one had ever brought him as much pleasure as his little mate.

  Chase drank until he felt he had taken enough to cement their bond and then licked the wound closed and leaned back. He brought his arm up and bit into it until his own blood flowed freely and then pressed it against Taylor’s mouth.

  Taylor’s eyes widened as if he had just realized what Chase was doing, but it was too late. The man’s soft inhale ensured that Chase’s blood got into Taylor’s system. The moment Chase felt a tickling at the back of his head, white light flashed, and he exploded into ecstasy.

  Chase tossed back his head and roared out his release. His pulse pounded as he felt the knot at the end of his cock thicken and take hold inside Taylor’s tight ass. Movement became nearly impossible. Chase just gently rocked his hips back and forth as he stared down at the man that now owned him.

  His mate.

  Chapter 6

  Justin groaned and covered his eyes as they fluttered open. “Lights,” he whispered, hoping someone would lower the lights. They were so bright he was blinded. His eyeballs ached.

  The light seeping in past the arm he held over his eyes suddenly turned dark. Justin slowly lifted his arm and opened his eyes, and then lowered his arm to his chest.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?”

  Justin turned to see a man with sunlight-blond hair sitting next to him. His brown eyes were filled with worry, which Justin found strange considering he didn’t know the man.

  “Hello,” Justin said.

  The man smiled, and Justin suddenly had the idea that someone somewhere would find the man extremely attractive when he smiled. He just wasn’t Justin’s type.

  “I’m Danny.”


  “You have quite the bump on the back of your head.”

  “I do?” Justin raised his head a fraction of an inch and felt around the back of his head, wincing when his hand brushed over a small raised bump on his scalp. Wha— “Rufus.”

  “Rufus?” Danny asked.

  “Some idiot at the diner that thought I was trying to take Flo from him.”

  “Flo? Who’s Flo?”

  Justin chuckled lightly because anything more than that made his head throb. “The waitress at the diner. I was just being nice to her, but Rufus got jealous. He attacked me when I left the diner, warned me away from her. Funny thing is, though, I think Flo is involved with Sal.”

  “Sal?” Danny sounded so confused.

  “I think he’s the cook.”

  “You think?” Danny’s eyebrows drew together. “I thought you knew these people.”

  “Nope.” Justin had the urge to chuckle again but held it in when Danny began to look at him strangely. “I just went into the diner to get something to eat. I never met any of them before in my life.”

  “Wow.” Danny pushed his hair back with his hand, blowing out a soft breath. “I think you might even be more screwed up than I am, and I really didn’t think that was possible.”

  The laughter Justin had been holding in burst out of his mouth. He didn’t have a clue who Danny was, but he was pretty sure he was going to like the guy. Danny was hilarious and obviously said whatever came out of his mouth.

  “Well, well,” said a strong, deep voice from the doorway. “I see you’ve awoken. How are you feeling?”

  “Uh…” Justin swallowed hard when he got a good look at tall, dark-haired, domineering man. Wow, did they feed people entire sides of beef around here? “I’m good, thank you.”

  “This is Dominic, my mate,” Danny said as he beamed up at the man as he came to stand next to Danny.

  “Prince Dominic Xavier Lucian Ruelle”—the man bowed—”at your service.”

  Justin’s eyebrows peaked when he saw two white fangs peeking out over Dominic’s lower lip. Oh hell. It looked like his luck had just gotten worse. Maybe he should have stuck with Rufus. At least the backwoods man hadn’t had fangs. All he had had was a big beefy fist and a bad attitude. “You’re a vampire.”

  Dominic frowned and glanced down at Danny for a moment, and then back up at Justin. “Yes, I am.”

  Oh boy.

  “Do you know Prince Zacarius Ivinovav?” Please?

  “I do.”

  “Are you friends?”

  A small smile began to perk at Dominic’s lips. “We are.”

  Justin blew out a deep, relieved breath. “Oh, thank the gods.”

  “Why is this so important to you?”

  “Because you’re a vampire.” Duh. “If you aren’t friends with Prince Zacarius, then I am in a lot more trouble than I thought.”

  Dominic’s dark eyebrows drew together as his forehead wrinkled into a frown. “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “Prince Zacarius is sort of my future brother-in-law.” Was that the way to explain his relationship to the prince? Prince Zacarius was mate to Devlin, Chase’s brother. Even if Chase didn’t claim Justin, he could still claim the prince as family. Maybe that would keep this guy away from him. “I figured if you knew him, and you were friends, you wouldn’t drain me dry.”

  Dominic stiffened and stood straight as a rod. Justin suddenly had the impression that he had offended the prince, and that was very bad. “We only feed on blood donors. It is against our laws to take from those that do not wish it.”

  “Yeah, just for the record, I don’t wish it.” Justin wasn’t sure if he was offending the prince further, but he had to make the fact known that he wasn’t on the menu.

  Dominic’s frown deepened as if the vampire prince was even more confused than before. “Why on earth would we use you for a blood donor?”

  Was that an insult? “Because I have blood?”

  “But you are a vampire. We do not generally drink from other vampires unless we are mated to them, as I am to Danny.”

  Justin’s eyes widened, and then he began to laugh. “A vampire? Me?” Justin laughed harder, wrapping his arms around his stomach when his muscles started to ache. He really was in a town full of nuts. “I’m human, although that has been debated before, but I know I’m not a vampire.”

  “But you are,” Danny said as he leaned forward and set his hand on Justin’s leg. “Sully smelled it when he rescued you, and Dominic and I can both smell it.”

  Justin stopped laughing almost instantly. “You can smell it?”

  Danny nodded emphatically. “Vampires have a great sense of smell.”

  “Smell what?” Did he stink or something? He’d been on the road for less than a day. He couldn’t have grown smelly that fast.

our vampire DNA.”

  Justin’s jaw dropped. “My what?”

  Danny started to open his mouth, presumably to say something, but Dominic stopped him with a simple shake of his head. Now Justin was curious.

  “I’m not a vampire,” he said. “I’d like to be a vampire. I think that would be pretty cool, although I’m not sure I’m into the whole bloodsucking thing, but I suppose I could drink it out of a bag or something.” Justin wasn’t sure what he was saying. All he knew was that he had to play nice with the man who had sharp teeth. Razor sharp.

  When the prince moved around the end of the bed and walked over to sit on the edge of the mattress, Justin scooted back toward the headboard. He hoped it looked like he was trying to give the prince some room to sit down and not scared out of his mind to be sitting next to a vampire. He really didn’t want to piss the man off.

  That would be bad.

  “Justin, why do you believe you are human?”

  Duh! “No fangs.” Justin lifted his upper lip and showed off his teeth. “Aren’t you supposed to have fangs if you’re a vampire?”

  Dominic looked thoughtful, but thankfully, he didn’t look angry, and that was what Justin was most worried about. If the vampire got pissed, Justin knew he’d be in a world of hurt. The guy was huge.

  “Justin, would you mind if I took a sample of your blood.” Dominic quickly held up his hands when Justin paled. “It’s just a sample, Justin. I won’t take more than a drop or two. I promise.”

  Justin grimaced but held his hand out. Dominic was a lot bigger than him. The man could take a lot more than a drop if he really wanted to. If he just wanted a drop, and it would keep Justin’s neck bite free, Dominic could take it.

  Just as long as the big dude didn’t drain him.

  That would be bad.

  Justin squeaked and then jerked his arm when the prince pricked the tip of Justin’s finger with a sharp fang. Justin was about to yell for the man to let him go, but just that fast the prince was done and licking a path across his skin.

  “Thank you,” the prince said and then glanced over at Danny, which made Justin look at Danny.

  “May I?” Danny asked, holding his palm out. “I swear not to drain you. I just want a small taste as well.”

  What was he, a freaking snack bar? Were more vampires going to come into the room and want a taste of Justin? Was he going to have to drop a pint down into a damn trough? Justin really didn’t want these vampires feeding from him, but really didn’t want to tell them no.

  Besides, the prince hadn’t hurt him. Justin stuck his hand out, giving Danny his index finger. “Go for it. While you’re licking the ole positive A, can you tell me if my blood sugar is low. I forgot to take my meds.”

  Danny cut his eyes quickly to the prince and then took Justin’s offered finger. Justin winced when Danny pricked it with his fang and then licked at the blood. He suppressed a giggle trying to break free.

  It tickled.

  Danny leaned back and nodded. “You are a vampire, Justin. I can taste it in your blood.”

  “As can I,” the prince replied.

  Okay. This was awkward and weird. Justin wasn’t quite sure what blood the two had been drinking lately, but he was not a vampire. Maybe the two rolled a drunk and now they were a little on the inebriated side. They would have to be in order to think he was a vampire. Justin didn’t crave blood. He didn’t have to hide from the sun. He loved garlic, and he couldn’t bedazzle a beetle if he tried.

  And he hadn’t tried.

  These guys were nuts. But considering he was in a house full of vampires, the best thing to do was to play nice. He was really fond of his throat and didn’t want them to tear it out for arguing with them.

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know. I’ll make sure I drink an eight ounce glass of the bubbly crimson every day. Can I go now?” As fast as I can run from this place?

  “Why don’t you let me call Prince Zacarius and let him know that you are safe and in our care?” Dominic asked.

  “Just as long as no one tries to snack on me, I can hang out until the cavalry arrives.” Justin glanced around the elaborately decorated room. He could hang out here. It wasn’t that bad, and these two men were pretty polite…for vampires.

  “Justin,” Danny began as he touched Justin’s hand. “No one is going to feed from you unless you are a donor.”

  Yeah, like he believed that one.

  “Okay,” he said as he smiled at the two. Not only was he in a house of vampires, but it must double as a loony bin. They were nuts if they thought Justin was a vampire. He may not tan very well, but that didn’t make him a vampire. “Have you seen my bag?”

  Danny pointed across the room. “That one?”

  Justin nodded, and Danny got up from the bed and retrieved the bag, handing it over to Justin.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen, while I make that phone call.” Dominic left Danny and Justin alone.

  “Nice guy,” Justin said as he snapped his eyes around the room, trying his best to think of something to talk about. Danny was just sitting there staring strangely at him, and it was making Justin a little creeped out.

  “So, you and Dominic are mates,” Justin stated and then popped his lips. “Sounds, uh, pretty cool.” Why in the hell was the man just staring at him? Justin was just a little too curious and decided to quench that curiosity. Taking a deep breath, he locked eyes with Danny, concentrating hard.

  And then the layers of Danny’s mind began to unfold. He caught glimpses and snatches of memories at first, nothing he could grab onto. But then a man’s face became clear as a bell. It was Danny standing in an office, arguing about some contract and stating that the contract was between him and his father. The scene fast forwarded, and Danny was asking to use a phone to call his brother Samuel.

  And then Danny was giving blood from his fingertip. But no one was using their fangs. It was almost like the glucose meter Justin used.

  “Then sign the contract, Daniel. It’s for the good of your family.”

  Justin pulled back, more questions than before whirling around in his mind. “You have a brother named Samuel?”

  Danny gasped, leaning away from Justin as his eyes flickered over Justin’s face. “How do you know that?”

  Justin shrugged, feeling guilty as hell for invading the man’s thoughts. But Justin couldn’t be blamed. He was in a house full of strangers, that were vampires, and he wasn’t sure if Dominic had really left to go call Prince Zacarius. He just flat-out didn’t trust the nutty vampires. But he had to admit, they were very hospitable, for loons.

  “You read my thoughts?” Danny asked. The man didn’t sound mad. He sounded more amazed than anything. “You did, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe,” Justin said as he glanced around the room. “Nice curtains.”

  “Yeah, they’re lovely. Dominic had them imported from France,” Danny replied as he crawled onto the bed, making Justin pull back. “What else did you see?”

  “You signed some contract and gave up a pinprick of blood.” Why did Danny looked as excited as a puppy with a new chew toy?

  Oh hell, Justin prayed he wasn’t the new chew toy.

  “Did you also see that I was telling you the truth about being a vampire?” Danny asked quickly. “Did you read my mind and figure out that we are brothers like I did?”

  Wait, what?

  “Oh, hell. I didn’t mean to blurt that out,” Danny said as he sat back and started wringing his hands together. “Sorry, you are probably already freaked out about being a vampire. I didn’t mean to add more to your plate.”

  Right. Now the nutty man thinks we are related. I better play nice with the man with sharp teeth.

  “Uh…sure, I saw that.” Where in the hell was his rescue team?

  When the door opened, Justin looked toward it eagerly. His heart sank when Dominic walked in instead of his rescue team. He was really hoping that he was going to be sprung from vampire loony bin.

  “Prince Z
acarius has gotten in touch with Alpha Nash,” Dominic said. “He will be sending someone for you in the morning.”


  Justin smiled politely. “Thanks.”

  “Um, Dominic,” Danny said. “I’m afraid that I kind of let it out that Justin was my brother.”

  “Oh, my.”

  Justin could feel Dominic’s eyes on him. He felt like squirming, but he didn’t want either of the vampires to know just how uncomfortable he was. That was kind of like waving a red flag in front of a raging bull.

  “And what do you think about that, Justin?”

  “Oh, well…” Good god, was he really supposed to tell these people that they were nuttier than bed bugs? Honesty was not his best option here. “I don’t remember my parents, so anything is possible, although I don’t understand how we could be related and have such different colored hair and eyes.”

  “I don’t understand how we could be brothers either,” Danny said. “I know both my mother and my father, as much as I wish I didn’t. My mother would never dream of being unfaithful to my father, but I can’t say the same for him. He’d do whatever he needed to do to get what he wants. He sold my ass to Dominic.”

  Justin narrowed his eyes. “He’s not friends with a man named Teacher or a man named Philip Spencer, is he?”

  Danny shrugged. “I haven’t got a clue. I don’t really know any of my father’s friends.”

  “Well, let me tell you,” Justin said, “you are better off not knowing them. The Teacher and Philip Spencer are the scum of the earth.”

  “Who are they?” Dominic asked.

  “The Teacher held me and my friends captive for twenty years. Because we have certain”—Justin swallowed past the lump in his throat, not really feeling comfortable sharing this bit of information—“abilities and the Teacher wanted to use us to gain him power and money. With the help of Joe and Nate Nash, and a few of their friends, we were finally rescued and set free.”

  Dominic growled. “And Philip Spencer?”

  “Philip Spencer was the owner of Spence Corp.”

  “The investment firm?” Dominic asked.

  “That’s the one.” Justin nodded. “He kidnapped the mother of my mate and held her captive for years, experimenting on her. He even took her son, Elliot, and raised him as his son so he could continue to experiment on him, only Elliot met his mate when he visited Wolf Creek and everything changed.”


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