The Highlander’s Demand

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The Highlander’s Demand Page 14

by Wine, Mary

  Rhedyn reached for his fingers, trying to pry them off her arm, but he spun her though a doorway first.

  “Just what are ye about, Buchanan Mackenzie?”

  He shoved the door shut first, sealing them inside what was clearly his study.

  “What am I about?” he asked softly.

  “Yes…” What else could she say?

  “First, ye’ll tell me why ye went to the stables. How could ye be so foolish? Did I not warn ye about the temper of me kin? Must I lock ye inside this chamber?”

  “A maid came to me and said ye were waiting for me.” Rhedyn tried to break free of his grasp, but he held tight.

  “And ye believed her?” Buchanan demanded. “Why would I be inviting ye somewhere?”

  The reproach on his expression infuriated her. As did the grip on her wrist because he seemed so intent on disciplining her.

  “Because ye kissed me!” An outburst Rhedyn didn’t regret.

  Surprise registered on his face as his grip slackened. She twisted free. “It’s improper for me to be in a closed room with ye.”



  Buchanan stood staring at the door of his study for several moments after Rhedyn had disappeared through it.


  Aye, their relationship was that all right.

  With no one able to see him, he indulged in a grin. Oh, he grinned in front of his clan from time to time, but it was a controlled expression. Just like every emotion was. This smile was personal. He enjoyed it because he would have bet his last piece of silver on the fact that he could feel the curving of his lips all the way to his marrow.

  She affects ye deep, laddie.

  Another emotion threatened his enjoyment. It was a sense of vulnerability. With anything else, he might have shaken it off, denying it because a laird just couldn’t afford to have a weakness. Yet, there was no denying Rhedyn awakened something that made him willing to stand up to his clan for her.

  The incident in the stables somehow making it grow deeper roots. What had begun as a means to avoiding bloodshed was now a desire to protect Rhedyn.

  And she’d walked right into danger.

  He grunted at that hard reality. His gut knotted at the knowledge of just how easy Hamish had found it to lure Rhedyn away from the safety of her chamber.

  ‘Because ye kissed me!’…

  Her admission made his lips twitch. He had kissed her. And he wasn’t sorry. Nor was he going to apologize for closing the door to his study with her inside. Such would cause gossip, but that idea gave him another thought. One which offered him a solution to the trouble he’d been brooding over.


  “Morning, mistress.”

  Shona arrived with a tone filled with happiness. She was followed by four maids. One of them set a tray on the table as two went to begin making up the bed Rhedyn had barely slept in. The bedding was a mess from her tossing and turning throughout the night. Shona’s eyes narrowed as she took the scene in.

  “How kind of ye,” Rhedyn said to distract Shona.

  It was kind, even if Buchanan’s words rose from her memory.

  “Did I not warn ye about the temper of me kin? Must I lock ye inside this chamber?”

  The chamber was simply a finer prison.

  “I have brought ye a doublet,” Shona replied as she pointed to the last maid who was waiting with a garment in her hands.

  It was an over doublet, which would fit on top of the bodice her dress had. It was a fine garment and a luxury to own, for the highlands often experienced weather which changed quickly.

  “The laird has requested ye join him for a ride this morning.”

  Rhedyn’s eyes narrowed. A flash of rebellion went through her. She bit her lip though, questioning her own need to deny doing something she knew full well she was more than hungry for.

  Yer temper is flaring…

  Life was so very unfair sometimes…

  “It is a fine day for a ride,” Shona said carefully.

  Rhedyn finished off her breakfast, still contemplating the doublet.

  Shona stared straight at her. “It’s well thought out of the laird to ensure there are no further misunderstandings as to yer position here, mistress.”

  The nightmares which had made her wake over and over again during the dark hours gave her every hope Shona’s words were true.


  Rhedyn jerked as Shona came closer, peering intently at her face. “I’m fine,” Rhedyn declared.

  “The lack of color in yer face says otherwise.”

  Rhedyn smiled. “If I’m pale, an outing is precisely what I need.”

  Shona raised an eyebrow, but Rhedyn stood, and the maids came forward to help her dress. The doublet did sit very nicely over the bodice of the dress. It had a high collar which would protect her from the wind.

  There was a rap on the outer door.

  “Bring it in,” Shona spoke to whoever was there.

  The door opened, revealing two Retainers. They were carrying something large and bulky between them.

  “Mistress,” they muttered on their way inside the chamber.

  “Right here, please,” Shona directed them.

  They placed their burden down carefully and then reached for their knitted caps, tugging on the corner of them before they turned and left.

  “This belonged to the laird’s mother.” Shona pulled the length of fabric off whatever the Retainers had delivered.

  Rhedyn gasped as a full-length mirror was revealed. It offered her a perfect reflection of herself. “This is far too valuable for me.”

  “Ye are the laird’s personal guest,” Shona assured her. “Ye shall have the best.”

  Rhedyn caught sight of the maids behind her sharing a look between them. Shona knew precisely what she was doing.

  So, all which remained was for Rhedyn to play her part. “Yer laird is quite thoughtful.”

  The dress fit her well. Rhedyn looked at the way her hair was braided and dressed with ribbons. The doublet was a lovely, burnt-orange color. It had been sewn with an eye on beauty as well as function. There were tabs at the shoulders, piped and lined. The front of it closed with small silver buttons, each one worked with a rose on its face.

  “This is too fine,” Rhedyn remarked in awe. “I dare not take it outside where it might be soiled.”

  “Does leaving it locked in a wardrobe make any sense?” Shona asked as she tugged on some of the shoulder treatments gently to make sure they were perfectly placed. “The laird bid me see ye attired as yer station demands.”

  Standing behind her, Rhedyn caught a glimpse of Shona’s expression. There was a firm look of determination on her face.

  There was no use arguing, at least not with Shona.

  But what did Buchanan intend?

  Ye will no’ know the answer until ye face him…

  “Thank you,” Rhedyn said to the maids and Shona.

  The maids all lowered themselves as Shona handed Rhedyn a set of gloves. One of the girls hurried to open the door for her as Shona escorted her down the stairs.

  Buchanan was waiting for her on the same steps she’d come up when she’d first arrived at the stronghold. There were nearly as many people there was well. Oh, they were trying to appear as though they weren’t there to gawk, but they simply weren’t doing a very good job of appearing busy.

  Buchanan turned, revealing a freshly shaved face. His shirt sleeves were rolled down and the cuffs buttoned. He also had a doublet on. The sleeves were open along the inner arm, but the cuffs were also secured at his wrists.

  He was a fine-looking man.

  He’s yer captor…

  That thought didn’t gain any traction as Buchanan swept her from head to toe and slowly smiled. “Thank ye, Shona.”

  Shona lowered herself and then melted away. A number of those watching took the hint and hurried to disappear. There were still a number of Retainers peeking over the edge of the upper walls though
. Rhedyn felt heat teasing her cheeks as Buchanan extended his hand to her.

  “Will ye join me, lass?” he asked.

  It was an invitation. One which caused her to feel just a bit breathless. She stretched out her hand, placing it into his as he waited on her response.

  What are ye doing?…

  Honestly, Rhedyn had no idea, but it simply felt so good, there was no reason to insist she employ self-discipline. Should she give him a cold shoulder? Who would it hurt in the end?

  Only herself.


  She’d placed her hand into his.

  Buchanan had never noticed before just how much of a compliment such a thing was from a lass. The polite gesture had always seemed like a chore, one he’d been forced to master as a young lad at the direction of his mother.

  Now, he felt the trust Rhedyn was granting him.

  Felt it down to the soles of his feet.

  The intensity of his awareness was shocking, but it also opened up a door he had never realized was inside himself. Behind it, there was a whole new sort of feelings. Ones with far more intensity than he’d ever associated with women.

  No, not women.


  She was unique. He helped her up and onto the back of his stallion before joining her. She let out a little breathless sound as he settled behind her. Riding with her was another thing she’d label improper, but he wasn’t repentant.

  Not one little bit.


  “It’s just a wee bit further.”

  Buchanan’s voice touched something inside her.

  All right, perhaps it was having him pressed against her back which made her feel like she was trembling. Honestly, there seemed no way to control her reaction to him.

  He guided the horse away from the Mackenzie stronghold. A neat little column of Retainers followed them, ensuring her cheeks never cooled. Even with the chill of heading into the wind, she could still feel the blush.

  No laird rode out alone. At least not one who wanted to live long.

  “Just up here, lass.” Buchanan sounded eager.

  Whatever was over the top of the next rise, he urged the stallion toward it. She lifted her chin, but he suddenly covered her eyes.

  “I want yer first look to be perfect, Rhedyn.”

  She felt the horse gain the top of the ridge. It stood for a moment before Buchanan guided the animal downward. He let out a whistle. His men answered him, and then they were descending further. All the while, he kept her eyes covered.

  Anticipation was bubbling up inside her. She finally felt him stop the horse.

  “Now, keep yer eyes closed,” he instructed. “No peeking.”

  “All right.”

  He slid off the stallion as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her mind was racing as she contemplated what he might have in store for her.

  Would it be her father?

  That thought should have pleased her, but it had the opposite effect. She was suddenly nervous at the idea of opening her eyes and seeing her own clan; it felt like something to be dreaded.

  Buchanan guided her gently by the shoulders. “Open yer eyes.”

  The sun was shining. Rhedyn blinked a few times before she got a look at whatever he’d brought her to see. A little sound of wonder passed her lips as her eyes focused.

  “I hoped ye’d find it breathtaking.”

  Stretching out all around them was heather. The purple and white blooms were so plentiful, it looked like someone could walk across it. Below the ridge was a small meadow. Across the highlands there were hundreds of them, but only in early spring did the heather bloom.

  “I know ye likely have a spot on yer father’s land where ye go to see the heather,” Buchanan remarked. “I did no’ want ye to miss it this season on account of me.”

  “That is…kind.”

  She’d stepped away from him, moving among the flowers as she drew in a deep breath. When she opened them, she discovered him watching her. Behind him, his men were on the high ground, all of them looking somewhere except at them.

  Her belly knotted with nervousness. She looked around at the heather and then back at Buchanan.

  “Do ye mean to make me yer mistress?”

  If her boldness surprised him, his expression didn’t show it. Instead, he reached forward, gently touching the side of her face. “I mean to ensure ye do nae ever have such dark circles beneath yer eyes again.”

  The connection between their flesh made her breath freeze in her chest. Time felt like it slowed down.

  “I let Hamish off too lightly,” Buchanan finished with a tone full of disgust.

  “So, this outing is to make sure there is gossip about us.”

  “It was also intended to make ye smile, lass.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. His expression didn’t really give her any hint as to his mood, but there was something flickering in his eyes which hinted at vulnerability.

  Did he truly care if she enjoyed the moment?

  Rhedyn slowly smiled. He tilted his head to one side as he flashed his teeth at her in a smile. She discovered herself at a loss for words. All she was certain of was the way the grin on her lips felt perfect. She turned and looked at the field again.


  The moment was perfect.

  Buchanan had never really contemplated if a single place or time was better than others before. For certain, a good night spent in song and drinking was preferable to working hard under the midday sun.

  But watching Rhedyn among the heather was different from the moments he’d enjoyed with his friends. There was something about the way she stood so still, which made him not want to move and ruin the intimate moment. She reached out and touched a blossom, moving slowly away from him. It prompted him to follow her. She looked back at him, her eyelashes fluttering as she resumed her slow walk.

  He was compelled to follow.

  No, enticed.

  Something drew him to her, and ignoring the impulse was inconceivable. Later, he’d likely console his pride by thinking it played into his plan.

  For the moment, though, all Buchanan was thinking was just how much enjoyment he was experiencing. Somehow, he’d never noticed life held such an opportunity before.


  A crack of thunder startled Rhedyn.

  She jumped, looking up at the sky. Dark clouds had rolled in while she was distracted.

  By Buchanan…

  Hush, she chided. After the last few weeks of being a captive, there was no way she was going to deny herself for enjoying the morning.

  “Come, lass!” Buchanan reached for her.

  She put her hand into his, and he tugged her up the incline. His stallion was dancing as the wind whipped up.

  “Easy now,” Buchanan whispered to the animal.

  There was such warmth in his voice, and the way he smoothed his hand along the creature’s neck sent heat through her veins. She struggled to conceal her thoughts as Buchanan calmed the horse and helped her up onto its wide back.

  She was clearly losing her sanity if she found the way he calmed a beast enticing. Just a few weeks before, she’d been a proper daughter. Now, as Buchanan mounted behind her, she felt a tingle in her breasts as her nipples drew into tight little nubs which had nothing to do with the storm.

  In fact, the wildness of the weather only made her long for some privacy where she might indulge in her impulses.

  But the Mackenzie Retainers closed around them, escorting them quickly back to the Mackenzie stronghold. She couldn’t stop the feeling of dread as she once again rode into the yard.

  This time, Shona was waiting in the passageway. Rhedyn turned around, though, looking for Buchanan. But the formal laird was what she found behind her. The man who had taken her to see a meadow of heather was stern-faced now.

  “Come away,” Shona advised her softly. “There is business for the laird.”

  Rhedyn looked into the passageway. A new group of men stood there. They wore the colo
rs of the McLeod’s and there wasn’t a hint of a smile on any of their faces. Laird McLeod stood with several of his captains at his back. Whatever their reason to be in the Mackenzie stronghold, it was a grave matter.


  “I’d hoped it was nae true,” Cedric McLeod began. “Vychan told me ye had Rhedyn Lindsey, but I still had hope that ye’d have sent her on home by now.”

  Buchanan stood in front of the hearth in his study. Someone had laid a fire in it, even if he personally didn’t find the weather cold.

  “Colum Lindsey is no’ a difficult man,” Cedric continued.

  “Which is why I had no stomach for running him through,” Buchanan cut to the heart of the matter. “Why are the McLeods making this their business?”

  “Colum wed me sister,” Cedric announced.

  Buchannan felt something shift inside him. “Yer sister? As far as I know, ye had but one sister who bore Colum Lindsey a child. A child she birthed on McLeod land because the couple split. McLeod and Lindsey have no’ been on friendly terms due to the matter of Colum and yer sister never wedding.”

  “Aye,” Cedric said. “But Colum rode down to Edinburgh and got the Archbishop to approve of the union. Me nephew, Vychan, is now the heir of Clan Lindsey.”

  Buchanan might have normally enjoyed a good chuckle over hearing of a wedding where the bride was dead, but if the Church had sealed the matter, it was nothing for him to take lightly. The authority of the Church was not to be argued with.

  “Give the lass to me,” Cedric boldly said.

  Buchanan shook his head. “She stays with me.”

  He should have thought the idea over. As far as strategy went, it would have been a good move to keep the McLeod laird happy. His own clan would have seen the merit in not having both Lindseys and McLeods angry with them.

  But the words were out of his mouth long before he thought of any reasons other than what he wanted. And Rhedyn leaving was something he discovered himself dead set against.

  “Ye’ve no proof Colum is guilty,” Cedric pressed the matter.

  “What I have is a clan ready to demand retribution for over a dozen dead Makenzie Retainers,” Buchanan retorted. “Ye saw with yer own eyes. The lass is treated well.”


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