Meant to be Yours

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Meant to be Yours Page 21

by Sequaia

  “Give me a second to go put in an order for you ladies. Then I will be back to speak with you, Aúrea. Don’t worry about the bill either.” Mr. Lewis winked before getting up and heading toward the back.

  “You just have no home training sometimes.” Sucking my teeth, I looked at Nijah.

  “I have plenty of home training. My ass is just hungry, and before you two traveled down memory lane, I just wanted to make sure a hot plate was going to be in front of me sooner than later.” She shrugged. “Now, why didn’t you tell me Mr. Lewis was a handsome, older man? He could undoubtedly be Zaddy.” Now her ass was laughing.

  “Ewe. You have to be joking because the only vibe I get from him is a father figure or grandpa. No, he’s not that old. Still, seeing him in any sexual light is disgusting.”

  “That’s ’cause he saved yo’ ass. Had today been the first time you two met like he and I, you would see the same potential in him that I do.”

  As much as I wanted to laugh, I couldn’t. Shaking my head was more fitting because I knew Nijah’s ass was serious.

  “Okay, we are going to change the subject. I’m not sure what he’s going to bring us to eat, but it’ll be good, I’m sure.”

  “Is it crazy that he remembers you?”

  “Not really. I pretty much look the same; just a bit thicker, and my hair is longer . . . Hey, what do you think if I give him back the three hundred he gave us?”

  “I would tell you to keep it. Besides, Prentice already paid me back,” Mr. Lewis spoke, taking the seat he’d left. Though it was pretty noisy inside the restaurant, he had heard me clearly.

  “Prentice?” I felt my face scrunch, displaying the confusion I felt at Mr. Lewis’s admission.

  “Yes, shortly after I met you guys, he came back and worked it off. Then the two of us have been . . . What do you young folks call it?” He paused, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. Since I wasn’t sure what he was trying to say, I didn’t suggest any words. Just waited for him to continue. “Rocking. Yeah, that’s it. We’ve been rocking ever since.”

  Both Nijah and I fell into a hearty laugh at Mr. Lewis trying to sound hip.

  “That’s not the word? ’Cause I know I didn’t just tell a joke.”

  “No, no, Mr. Lewis. That is the word. You caught us off guard, that’s all . . . So Prentice has been working here?”

  “Yes, and he has become a partner of mine in a sense. I love that kid like a son.”

  His admission made me smile. It also made me wonder why Prentice hadn’t mentioned Mr. Lewis or any of this to me. I’d been home long enough for him to say something. He did mention a restaurant. He didn’t say it was Mr. Lewis’s or that he moved the man closer to our hometown. I wonder if he still had his original place.

  “Wait, how long have you been back? Have you not seen him? Honestly would’ve expected you to be here with him.”

  “Hey, Mr. Lewis, I’m good company too.” Nijah cut in just as a waitress brought our plates, putting them in front of us.

  He chuckled before looking at her. “I don’t doubt that, young lady. It’s just that those two were attached at the hip when I met them. Even a blind man could see that the distance between them wouldn’t last long.”

  “Oh, it didn’t. They back attached at the hip,” Nijah informed him matter-of-factly, and I kicked her ass underneath the table again.

  “Oh really? I’m kicking his ass,” he said, turning back to me.

  “Me too,” I chuckled.

  “So, how long have you been back?” he asked me.

  “A little over a month now.”

  “Are you back for good?”

  “I am.”

  “Good. You know, I saw you on that T.J. Maxx commercial,” he informed me, and my ass smiled so hard, he damn near saw all my teeth and cavities if I had any. It was flattering, to say the least.

  “Yes, she was so pretty. I can’t wait to see her on the big screen,” Nijah chimed in with her mouth half full, genuinely happy for me. This was one of the many reasons I loved her so much. At any given time, she was riding for me.

  “Still gonna pursue acting?” he asked with a raised brow.

  “Kind of. Right now, I’m taking a class on theater at the community college.”

  “That’s great. I always knew things would work out for you.”

  “You did?” That was a surprise to me because I always felt like he told Prentice something bad about me. Yes, my mind had been made up when I decided to leave Prentice behind that day. There was still something lingering in the back of my mind that told me Mr. Lewis had some form of influence on how things shifted when we left his restaurant.

  “I did. Of course, I wasn’t blind to there being something you were running from. And I had made a couple of prejudgments that weren’t entirely accurate. There was still something there letting me know that whatever you were going through would change for the better if you grew and allowed it to. Seeing you now shows that’s exactly what happened.”

  “It took a lot of work, but I am thankful to be at the place I’m in now,” I told him honestly.

  “Prentice has grown a lot too.”

  “Mr. Lewis, I know you got this bro code and all, but how many girls have Prentice brought here?” Nijah asked, causing me to shake my head at her ass once again.

  If I got paid for every time I shook my head at some Nijah nonsense, I’d be rich as hell. However, this question I wasn’t going to knock her for. I mean, if Mr. Lewis answered with a big number, surely I’d be jealous and upset.

  “Yeah, and I abide by the bro code . . . If you must know, though, this place has only been reserved for Aúrea.”

  “Meaning?” she quizzed.

  “She’s the only girl allowed here with him.” He winked at me, and we laughed.

  To say Mr. Lewis was lying would be a stretch because there was no way to prove it. It did feel good, though, that he cared enough to protect my feelings regardless of the truth. And Prentice’s because he would get his ass cussed out.

  “This food is amazing,” Nijah complimented, changing the subject. There was no doubt in my mind every female needed a friend like her in their life.

  “Glad you like it. You know you’re welcome to eat here anytime.”

  “Oh, thank you. I’m going to take you up on that offer so much you may want to take it back later.”

  “Give me a few moments, ladies.” He stood and left the room to handle whatever.

  “Well, from what I see, Mr. Lewis has a soft spot for you and Prentice. Whatever he saw in you two those years ago obviously stuck with him.”

  “Maybe.” Shrugging my shoulders was also my way of hoping to shrug off the feeling of doubt that came over me. This small reunion with Mr. Lewis wasn’t going bad at all. Yet, it began to make me wonder.

  I’d been back home for about a month, and he spoke so highly of Prentice and their relationship, so he should have known I was back. The only thing coming to mind right now about why he didn’t know I returned was because he said something to Prentice about me that would make him feel ashamed to bring me up. The excuse that he had been with me and hardly left my side since I moved back could suffice in reasoning why this was Mr. Lewis’s first-time hearing about my arrival in town. Something in my gut told me that wasn’t the case, though.

  “I’m back, ladies. You have room for dessert?”

  “We do,” Nijah spoke swiftly. My friend had a good appetite, and had it not been for the ass she was carrying, it would be a wonder where everything she consumed went.

  “Hey, Mr. Lewis, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure.” He took a seat, giving me his undivided attention.

  “I’ll be back. Going to the restroom,” Nijah announced. And I was greatly appreciative of her absence at this moment.

  “Do you think I’m good enough for Prentice?” The question was left field, and though his opinion shouldn’t have mattered, it did. Hearing that he and Prentice had become close on top o
f Prentice’s mother never being a fan of mine, I guess I just cared to know one elder who felt that we were meant to be.

  “I think that you and Prentice have something that is meant for you to share this lifetime. In other words, it’s possible that you two are meant to be. However, only the two of you know that. You are never supposed to be with someone based on an approved perception. You base your relationship on the feelings that you provide each other. If you feel that he’s the man you’re supposed to be with, then that’s who you be with. From my eyes, I can see a strong connection that pulls you two together. Continue to embrace that. Besides, if Prentice is as crazy about you now as he was back then, you got a good man on your hands.”

  “I sure hope so.” Nijah came right in time to give her two cents, as usual.

  “Thank you, Mr. Lewis . . . for everything.”

  “Anytime. I’m going to go box up the dessert for you two and Prentice.”

  “Thank you,” Nijah and I said in unison as he got up.

  “You think Mr. Lewis got a girlfriend? I didn’t see a ring on his finger.”

  “Maybe we should go to the sex store when we leave here.”

  “Oooh? Why? You ’bout to try some freaky, nasty shit with Prentice tonight? Yes, sis, keep him wanting more,” she snapped.

  “No, for yo’ ass. Because you gotta need some type of stimulation if you steady over here feenin’ for Mr. Lewis.”

  “Oh, I packed my handy dandy eggplant with me, ho. Plus, I’ve never needed help getting a man. You see me.” She smacked her lips just as Mr. Lewis came back.

  “All right, ladies, here you go, and Aúrea.” He turned to me.


  “Don’t be a stranger.”

  “I won’t.”

  “We won’t,” Nijah corrected, pulling a light laugh from Mr. Lewis and me.

  We took the boxes of dessert from him and left the restaurant. This visit went better than expected. What I gathered more than anything was that Prentice and my past were what connected our future. I was crazy about that man, and there was no reason to continue to try to deny it.



  As late as it was when the sandman had caught up to me, it was a surprise that my internal alarm clock was on point—waking me up before the sound of my alarm going off. Who was I kidding? Sleeping in, well, at least until my alarm had gone off, had become a regularity over the last couple of weeks. What changed this morning had changed my sleeping pattern. There was no doubt about it. Waking up out of my sleep was more than likely caused by the lack of warmth that I felt on the opposite side of the bed. Rolling over, I extended my arm to the space that Aúrea normally occupied. Releasing a low groan, I knew this was not a feeling I wanted anymore. Having her here was just as addictive as a heroin addict needing their second hit. And if she weren’t back tonight, making my way to her place to carry her ass back would be at the top of my priority list.

  The only reason she was able to leave without me tripping last night was that she whined about feeling guilty since for days, she had been staying with me, leaving her friend who was visiting from Los Angeles. Nijah was cool as hell, but she was interfering with the live-in pussy and companionship that I’d gotten used to. Quiet as she tried to keep it, Aúrea was feeling some kind of way because of how close we had gotten. Even after staying with me most of the time, driving my car, and giving me pussy on the daily except for when her cycle came, she still was trying to avoid being my official girl. To me, that’s what we were . . . in a whole-ass relationship. She was mine, and I was hers. Neither of us was fucking or seeing anyone else. We were practically living together, all the shit people in relationships do. Still, getting her to say that things between us were official proved harder than I thought, which was why the dude she was messing with in L.A. was still going to get his. Leaving her to handle him was going to be an easy separation because of the rewarding result.

  Flipping from my stomach to my back, I picked up my cell, resting on its charger on my nightstand. There were no missed calls nor texts.

  “A’ight,” I scoffed. There weren’t many people I expected to hear from on this line, yet the two who should have hit a nigga up to make sure I was straight hadn’t. My mom and Aúrea. It was cool, though.

  To Wifey: Have a good day.

  I shot the text to Aúrea, then finally made my way out of bed.

  There were a few things on my agenda for the day, which would only start after brushing my teeth and washing my ass. Street business and my legit business needed to be tended to today, so it was only right to dress the part. Being the kind of man who could do both and look good while doing it, I opted for a pair of Ralph Lauren khaki pants and navy polo with the blue and white 13s. Once I decided on my ’fit, I took care of my hygiene and exited the house.

  Because my house was on the other side of town in one of the areas better known to house the wealthy, it took me a minute to make it to the old neighborhood. When I pulled up, the first car I noticed was Sonic’s, which was not surprising at all. Instead of getting out to shoot the shit, I pulled behind his car and waited for him to come to me.

  “You off house arrest?” he asked as he sat in the passenger seat.

  “Fuck you talking about?” Sucking my teeth, I turned my body to face him fully. The mug on my face wasn’t inviting either.

  “Yo’ ass has been MIA not even on the business tip, ’cause that’s always handled. However, you done canceled two kickback nights, and oddly, I haven’t even met sis.” He had this perplexed-ass look on his face which only lasted about half a minute before he burst into laughter. The frown adorning my face was so intense I felt the dip in my brow.

  “You sensitive-ass nigga,” he teased.

  “Nah, you just need to focus on talking about shit you know about. Like this money and not where my dick been.”

  “Nigga, ain’t nobody said shit about yo’ dick. Don’t play with me like that.” His demeanor quickly shifted, proving I struck a nerve.

  His smile had vanished, and there was damn near smoke coming from his ears. He needed a swift reminder that I too could get on the bullshit he was on.

  “If you worried about why I ain’t been hanging with yo’ ass, then you worried about where my dick been.”

  “We may as well change the subject now because shit gon’ get further left. You playing too much.”

  Chuckling, I extended my fist over to him for a pound. That was my way of calling a truce. That would have happened regardless. Sonic was my boy, and we didn’t beef over just anything. Granted, if he disrespected Aúrea, that would be the end of our friendship.

  “You’ll meet her soon. Her homegirl too, if she doesn’t shoot back to L.A.”

  “Shit, make the introduction ASAP ’cause if her friend cute, she won’t be thinking about a plane ticket, but a new lease.”

  “Then the introduction gon’ wait ’til homegirl shake, ’cause—”

  “Bro, you hating?” he cut me off, making me laugh. Hell, I was laughing so hard you would’ve thought Chris Tucker told the joke.

  “I got you, bro. But look, let’s talk business real quick because I got another stop to make before getting to my spot.”

  “You need me to follow you?” His question didn’t surprise me. He was always ready to ride with me if needed.

  “Nah, this a simple trip. Pick up a bag, drop a bag.”

  “I feel it. What I have has already been dropped off, and the count was straight.”

  I nodded to let him know all was well. My phone vibrated before I could say anything else. I removed it from the cup holder where it had been and smiled at the text from Aúrea, letting me know she would be hitting me up when she finished class.

  “It’s time for your lovesick ass to go, huh?” Sonic chimed.

  “Not ’cause of what you think. I already told you that there was a couple more moves I needed to make. Won’t even lie to you, though. If my girl needed me right now, I’d dip.”
r />   When the words left my mouth, I didn’t regret them because they were honest. However, I sounded like a lovesick teenager, and if Sonic decided to clown me, I couldn’t even be mad.

  “I don’t doubt it. Make sure you make time to put me on with her homegirl . . . then again, maybe not. My player’s card hasn’t expired yet. Shit still got a good five-year-run at least.”

  “Yeah, a’ight.” He said that shit now, but if he met Nijah, he’d be ready to risk a whole lot of shit.

  Sonic extended his hand this time, and we dapped up once more before he exited my car. My next destination was to Mr. Lewis’s restaurant to drop off money for a small renovation needed in the kitchen area. It wasn’t even because of the small stake I had in the restaurant. It was necessary since one of the cooks fucked up and damn near burned the appliances.

  The ride to the restaurant was quick because I did no playing getting there. My final destination was my office, and getting there on time to meet my client was a must.

  “Prentice.” Mr. Lewis’s voice hit my ear as soon as I stepped through the door.

  “’Sup, old man?” I greeted him as he embraced me with a hug.

  “You know you ain’t shit for not telling me Aúrea was back in town. Bringing money for the kitchen don’t mean yo’ ass is in the clear.”

  Being the straightforward person he was, he got right to the point and was serious as hell. He had a right to be. Letting Aúrea’s return slip my mind was kind of messed up. However, he knew better than anyone that I ran a very thin line with logical thinking when it came to her.

  “It really slipped my mind, old man.” I tried playing it cool when really, I wasn’t trying to hear him cuss my ass out.

  “You a damn lie. You done been through here more than a few times since she’s been back,” he called me out on my shit.

  “You right, somewhat. You know I’ma make it right, though.”

  “I ain’t trying to hear that shit. How’re things going between y’all, though? The short version.”

  “Shit, I know what I want, and she does too. She’s scared for some reason, so we just taking it day by day, I guess.”


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