Allegiance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 8)

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Allegiance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 8) Page 13

by K E Osborn

  If Torque’s angry at me, so fucking be it. I will pay the price later.

  Lily’s head falls into the middle of my chest as she softly cries against me. My hand gently strokes her hair as I feel calmer.

  I glance up at Torque, his hard stance seems to soften as he exhales. “Well, shit! This changes things. I’m still fuckin’ angry, and I won’t forget you were prepared to represent the scum of the earth…” he rolls his shoulders, “… but I can see you’re genuinely sorry.” He pauses, rubbing the back of his neck like he’s thinking of what to do going forward. “If you’re willing to apologize to Rowdy and Vibe, and if they forgive you, and believe me, that’s a huge fuckin’ if, then we can accept you into our protection. Only if Lift wants you.”

  My eyes shift to him. “I do, pres. I need to protect her from that asshole, especially if he’s going to come after Lily.” I shake my head, lean down, and plant a kiss on her forehead. “I can’t risk it, pres.”

  Torque grunts. “Right! I’m gonna go talk to Vibe and Rowdy. See where they sit. But, Lift, if they say no…” He leaves the statement wide open as he walks off, and that gives me a deflated feeling.

  I’ve never thought about life outside of this club, but if it comes to it, I guess I have to. It will kill me to leave my brothers, my family, but right now Lily needs my protection, and I am going to be there for her.

  Vibe’s angry. He’s hurt. His woman was violated in the most heinous of ways. But surely, he can put everything aside to stop it from happening again, even if he detests the woman it might happen to.

  I pull Lily’s face up to meet mine with a finger under her chin—she appears so distraught. All I want to do is take her pain and anguish away. So, I lean in and kiss her. My lips tingle and burst with that electricity I always get when I kiss her. It’s like time stands still, and everything that’s going wrong right now doesn’t fucking matter because we’re together again.

  Fuck, I’ve missed her so bad. I didn’t realize how much until this very second. I know we weren’t together long—it’s not like we’re madly in love—but I feel this bond with her. I know this could be one of those once-in-a-lifetime things. I can’t fucking explain it. I guess it’s what they say, ‘when you know, you know.’ With Lily, everything simply feels like home. It’s like it all just fits perfectly into place where it’s supposed to like a big jigsaw puzzle and that final piece simply slots into place.

  Sure, right now, it’s messy, complicated, and up in the air, but as I kiss her, as I let her know how much I’ve missed her, it’s just us. There are no brothers, no attorneys, no defendants or plaintiffs, just us, and it’s fucking heaven.

  She slowly pulls back from me, her hand coming up to gently caress my cheek. “Rowdy?” she whispers.

  I slowly smile. “When we claim our women, in true biker tradition they are always given an Old Lady name, and Hayley’s is Rowdy.”

  She relaxes with a nod. “I didn’t know if you would want to talk to me. If you would let me back in.”

  I exhale, running my hands up and down her arms covered in goosebumps. “I’ve missed you more than I thought possible. I fucking hate you’ve been going through this with Raphael. I should have been there with you.”

  “No. You needed to be where you were. I should have been here with you. This is the right side. I was too blinded trying to be someone I’m not. All I wanted was to impress people who don’t even matter when what I should have been doing was the right damn thing. I should be looking out for Rowdy, not trying to get a guilty man off charges he actually committed.”

  “You’re here now…” I stroke her hair, “… and that’s all that matters.”


  Standing at the bar with Vibe, tension runs through me. I know a civilian is here, I just don’t know who. I missed all the action when the call came in, but from the side glances everyone’s sending me, I’m sure it has something to do with me. Vibe’s fingers gently stroke up and down my arm trying to keep me calm, though I’m anything but.

  As a result of everything that has happened, anyone coming into this clubhouse instantly has me on edge.

  I watch the main door waiting for Torque to come inside, my foot nervously tapping on the floor. I gnaw on my bottom lip so much I feel like I’m wearing a hole through my skin. Eventually, Torque steps through the door, my heart pounding like a sledgehammer as his eyes instantly lock onto mine.

  I know.

  I know straight away that whoever is here, they’re here for me.

  Well, I’ve come too damn far with my counseling to have any kind of reaction. No more shrinking violet. I don’t want to let Raphael Acosta or Delilah Page take what I’ve worked too damn hard to get back. They can both go to hell as far as I’m concerned.

  So, I steady my shoulders ready to fight. I break free of Vibe’s grip and storm toward Torque prepared to face whatever’s coming my way head-on.

  “Just hit me with it, pres. Who the fuck is out there that I need to prepare myself for?” I blurt out with far more vim and vigor than I was anticipating.

  Torque’s brows rise. “I think you need to lower your defenses, Rowdy. I can see you’re gearing up for a fight, but there’s no need.”

  Vibe steps up beside me as he glances from his president then back to me. Torque rubs the back of his neck like he’s uncomfortable. “Thing is, I think this needs to be approached with caution.” I tilt my head wondering where he’s going with this. “Delilah is out there with Lift now—”

  “Fucking bitch is putting the whole thing on. Like she deserves to step a foot back in here—”

  Rowdy narrows her eyes on me. “Wait, you were out there! You knew she was here, and you said nothing to me?”

  “Bitch doesn’t deserve to be listened to. I thought they would turn her away, not come in with this bullsh—”

  “Vibe, quit it and listen,” Torque berates.

  His words instantly make me and my old man take a step back.

  Torque exhales. “She’s a mess. Literally on the ground in a ball.”

  Hearing that pulls at my heartstrings, and my stomach squeezes. I want to know the reason. “Why?” I ask.

  Torque’s Adam’s apple bobs up and down in his throat. “Raphael basically told her that when she gets him off the charges, as a thank you, he’s going to pay her a visit. An unwanted visit.”

  My heart leaps from my chest as I gasp. My eyes flood with tears as I shake my head. “No. No, he can’t. He can’t do this to another woman… not even her.”

  Vibe wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me to him. I take in his comfort as Torque rolls his shoulders. “So now we have a dilemma…” He scrubs a hand through his hair. “Delilah needs protection… our protection.”

  Vibe stiffens against me, shaking his head. “No. No fucking way.”

  I turn and look at him, a sternness in his eyes like I’ve never seen before, and it shocks me. But I turn back to Torque. “She’s scared.” It’s a statement not a question.

  Torque nods his head once. “Terrified.”

  I exhale, turning to face Vibe and pull his hands into mine. “I have you.”

  He furrows his brows seemingly confused by my three words. “Of course, you do.”

  “That woman has no one. Lift adores her. The woman he knows her as, anyway. She needs him, and he’s the only one who can support her. The threat of something like this, of being scared of a man like Raphael… think about it, Vibe. She knows him inside and out. She knows what he’s capable of probably more so than we do.” I swallow the lump in my throat. “We can’t leave her out there to fend for herself. Imagine if we do that and something happens. How would you feel? And all just because she’s doing her job?”

  “You’re that forgiving even though she would have pulled you through the shit given half a chance in court?” He scrunches his face like he’s confused.

  I scoff. “As a fellow woman, I’m looking out for her. She never did that. Yes, I know it was a possibility,
but she never actually hurt me. If Delilah’s in danger from Raphael, she must be protected. We can’t turn our backs on that fact. We can’t turn our backs on her…” I exhale, “… and Lift will never forgive you.”

  Vibe grimaces at the last part. I know the two best friends have been at loggerheads, but I don’t think their friendship is irreparable. Putting Delilah out on the streets right now might make it so it is.

  He groans like he’s really fucking annoyed. “Fine! I’ll go tell her she can stay.”

  I place my hand on his chest stopping him. “No. This is something I need to do, Vibe.”

  Torque drops his chin in acknowledgment. “I’ll let everyone know we’re having a new guest.”

  I roll my shoulders as I prepare myself to face Delilah head-on. I’m not going out there without a game plan. I’m not letting her off the hook too easily.

  I take off with Vibe hot on my heels. As I exit the clubroom, I see her on the compound ground in Lift’s arms, and the sight sends instant regret through me. For a moment, I think about letting my guard down.

  Lift swipes some hair away from her face mid-conversation as I step into view.

  Delilah tenses as her eyes go wide taking me in. “Hayley… I’m so—”

  “Stop!” I say louder than I meant to. “You don’t get to say you’re sorry… it won’t cut it.”

  Delilah gnaws on her bottom lip. “I know… there are no excuses. If I knew trying to get name partner meant losing a part of myself, I would have quit a long time ago. Everything in me knew it was wrong… what I was doing at that law firm. But I lost myself. I lost everything that was important to me. I have learned a valuable lesson, though. My job’s not my life, it doesn’t define me or make me who I need to be. If anything, it’s just the opposite.” I try to think of what to say, but no words come out. “Hayley, Raphael’s in custody, so he’s not going to be able to do anything to either of us unless he’s acquitted at the trial.”

  Hearing that makes me lose every inch of bravado I was trying to exude. My eyes water as I wrap my arms around myself. Vibe loops his arm around my shoulder as Lift stands and helps Delilah to her feet.

  I quickly wipe a tear from my face. “Thank you. I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt…” I close my eyes, pause, then open them and continue, “… but Delilah, if you ever, and I mean ever, lie to any of us again—”

  “I won’t,” she interrupts. “And please, call me Lily. I don’t like what Delilah represents.”

  Lift reaches out for her hand, taking it in his to show her support as I relax a little more. “Okay, Lily, I don’t know if this is relevant for you, but someone told me that in my situation I should get counseling. I have been many times, and it’s really helping.” She smiles at me genuinely. “I know our situations are different. Raphael didn’t actually assault you, but he’s managed to get into your mind. Plus, with everything that happened… I dunno… maybe it’s an option if things are overwhelming.”

  Lily steps forward, closer to me, and she looks right into my eyes. “Hayley, thank you. Thank you for being the bigger person and taking me in like this when I know you didn’t need to. You could have kicked me out on my undeserving ass. I owe you a debt, and I will do anything to make it up to you.”

  Vibe stiffens beside me. I already know what he’s thinking, but I’m not bringing it up here, not now. Lily giving us leaked information on Raphael’s case is not something I want to know about right now. “Just be genuine. And be good to Lift because he deserves someone to be real with him.”

  Lily smiles at me, then glances to Lift with that look of adoration in her eyes, the same way I stare at Vibe. “I have every intention of making it up to Eli in any way he needs me to.”

  “I still don’t trust you,” Vibe grunts out, bringing the whole mood down a notch.

  I glare at him.

  Lily nods her head like she understands. “I get it. Completely. If I have to work to gain your trust, Vibe, I will. I will make it up to you. To all of you.”

  Vibe cocks his head seemingly satisfied.

  I stand taller and figure it’s time to get into action. “So, if I’m calling you Lily, I think it’s only fair you call me Rowdy.”

  She pulls her bottom lip in with her teeth. “Thank you, Rowdy.”

  “Will you be staying in Lift’s room, or shall I get Nova to make you one of your own?” It’s hard delegating that duty to Nova. That duty would have fallen on me to do before Vibe claimed me. But I guess I need to get used to my new role in this club. A role I never thought I was going to have. A role I’m more than ecstatic to have.

  Lily turns to Lift seeming frazzled by my question, so Lift takes the lead. “If you’re going to be protected by the club, you’re gonna have to stay here.”

  “Well, then… Lift…” His face beams he’s so proud. I think that must be the first time she’s called him by his road name. “You want to share a room?”

  “Fuck, yeah. As if it’s a question that needs asking.” They stare at each other, then Lift leans in planting a kiss on her lips. It’s a kiss I can tell he means—long, passionate, strong.

  “Okay then… I’ll let everyone know…” I murmur with a small giggle.

  Lift continues to kiss Lily like he damn well means it and is not the least bit perturbed about us being here witnessing it take place.

  I step off, dragging Vibe with me. It’s actually really nice to see Lift happy. It may not be with a woman of my choosing, but hey, everyone deserves a second chance. I got mine here at the club, maybe Lily is about to get hers here too.

  And who am I to stand in the way of that?


  I turn to Lift and let out a long exhale. “That went better than expected.”

  Lift shrugs. “I think the common misconception is that the club and its members are tough, we take no shit, and never forgive. The thing is, Lily, when the need arises and family is involved, circumstances call for leniency, and you’re one of those circumstances.”

  “I don’t think Vibe sees it that way.”

  Lift tenses. “He may take a little more work, but I’m hopeful that once he gets to know you as Lily, not Delilah, he will grow to respect the woman you are, not resent you for the job you were doing.”

  “Yeah, maybe. But I guess I can’t spend my entire stay out here in the parking lot, can I?”

  Lift’s lips turn up, lighting his face in such a way that makes him look like a young boy celebrating Christmas morning. He’s beaming, and I’m glad he’s excited right now. “You want to come inside and meet my brothers… properly?”

  “Yeah, let’s do this.”

  His fingers loop with mine, and we head toward the opening of the clubhouse. If I were to say I wasn’t nervous, I’d be lying. Walking inside a clubhouse is not something I thought I would ever do, let alone walking in and being involved with one of their members.

  I still don’t know what Eli, I mean Lift, and I are, but it helps knowing he’s in my corner.

  We walk toward the giant shed they’ve made their clubhouse.

  Surrounding the shed are concrete walls barricading us in. There’s only one way out—a wrought iron fence that’s over seven-feet-tall with black, toughened mesh protection. It has a one-way shield so they can see out, but civilians can’t see in.

  My eyes widen as we approach the door to the clubhouse which seems to have two functions. It’s a roller door, I’m assuming so they can let trucks and larger things through if necessary, but inside that roller door is another smaller entrance. A normal door they use more often. The club logo sits proudly on the door, and I glance at it taking in the insignia. Lift yanks on the door which opens quickly, and he ushers me inside the clubhouse with a hand on the small of my back. I walk into the large area taking in the stale smell of tobacco and beer. It’s funny how the smell doesn’t offend me. I’ve worked with some pretty lowlife characters, and they smell way worse than the Chicago Defiance clubhouse.

  The thin
g that catches my attention first is all the kids sitting in the corner. A couple of women are on the floor with them as they chat and play with childhood objects. Some are using devices, the smaller ones, toys. It takes me back a little that there are so many of them here. I take a quick count in my head—nine, including a baby being cradled in a blonde woman’s arms. She has an air of authority, and she’s stunningly gorgeous.

  I can’t help but notice another set of small girls, maybe just a year old. I’m pretty sure they’re twins playing with a woman with long brown hair. She’s gorgeous too.

  Are all the women here this stunning?

  She actually reminds me of Torque. Maybe they’re related?

  Next to them sits an older boy, maybe seven or eight, who’s distracted on his iPad. Much like the other boy in the group, he’s a little older. He is wearing a little cut much the same as the one Lift’s wearing, but on the back is stitched ‘Property of Trax.’ No guesses who his father is.

  A little girl spins, she’s wearing the same cut, and I can’t help but think of how similar the two look. They must be twins.

  Suddenly, a small shriek sounds as a little girl maybe five or six, throws her hands in the air in delight. “I win,” she calls out jumping to her feet. There’s a pink frilly tutu wrapped around her tiny waist, and she too is wearing a cut. Her’s reads ‘Property of Torque.’

  “Quiet, Hope, I’m tryna watch my show,” a little guy calls out. He looks a little different than the others with slight Asian features.

  Hope grabs his iPad, yanking it away from him. “This is your birthday party, Jo, and you’re spending it watching reruns of Sponge Bob.” She points her finger right in his face. “I demand you play with us or I’m leaving this party!”

  I let out a small laugh taking in the sass of the little girl.

  “Hope O’Shea, you do not talk to your brothers that way,” the blonde woman chides while continuing to rock a small baby in her arms.


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