Allegiance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 8)

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Allegiance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 8) Page 19

by K E Osborn

  Vibe is quiet.

  His mind is obviously on other things.

  We both know we have to try to keep our heads in the game.

  As we pull up on the corner of West 31st Place and South Benson Street, anxiety flows through me tenfold. This area has housing on the street side, but on the side of the creek, there’s a vast area of space, and from here we can see the shipping containers maintained closer to the creek. Though as we come to a complete stop and Vibe and I slide out of the van, I take in the houses and notice most of them appear vacant or abandoned. We rush over to Torque and the others as we all keep low and quiet with our guns drawn.

  I move toward Torque, and he signals for us to edge slowly toward the shipping containers. I can clearly see two guards out the front of the main one. My heart rapid fires in my chest as I think of all the possibilities in my mind, but I can’t let them swarm me right now.

  I need to focus.

  I need to get to Lily and get her out of this.

  Torque signals for Sensei and me to head for the two guards. The less noise, the better, so we head off into the night while the others keep back. Sensei creeps beside me, our guns at the ready, with no intention to use them. They’re a just-in-case measure on this mission. The ground’s smothered in a smooth white dust like a dry clay. Our footprints are being left behind with every silent step we take.

  We rush out behind one of the giant shipping containers, keeping our eyes on the two guards who are busy talking about the porn site they’ve been watching.

  Sensei signals to me to go around to the left, so I backtrack, heading behind the container coming up the other side. It’s a well-planned attack. I know Sensei’s moving on them the same time as I am.

  “So, there was this one girl... man, she had the best looking—”

  “Boo!” I call out as I round the corner.

  They both turn toward me as Sensei enters from behind grabbing his guard by surprise in a headlock while my guy turns his gun on me. I block it quickly, sending it skidding across the dusty clay as I punch him in the face with my clenched fist. He lets out a loud “oomph” as I grab his head and smack it into the side of a tree that’s by the container. Blood pools from his skull as he falls to the ground at the same time I see Sensei slowly dropping his guy to the dirt. His eyes close, he’s either unconscious or dead from Sensei’s chokehold. Sensei’s way is much calmer and cleaner than mine, but either way, we have gotten the job done without causing a scene which is how Torque likes it.

  Sensei ducks back around the container signaling to our men. The scampering of footsteps is heard over the whistling of the wind in the trees, against the slow-moving of the ripples of the creek water. It’s a quiet night, but I’m sure we’re about to make a lot of noise.

  Torque signals to Ace to step up to the container, and he does so with his scanning device. He checks over the doors, and it flashes green. My chest squeezes in anxiety. I need to get inside to Lily. Torque raises his head, and we all stand back with our guns drawn as Trax and Pyro open the two heavy doors.

  They squeal with the sound of rust against the large hinges as the rest of us stand back, guns at the ready, waiting for whatever is about to come flying out at us. Nothing but a single light flickers on and off inside the cluttered container. It takes me a second to register, but when I do, the sight before my eyes knocks the fucking breath from my lungs.

  Lily’s tied to a chair in only her underwear. Her eyes are closed. There’s a gag in her mouth. Her head’s hanging low, body covered in bruises and cuts. A Mexican man is standing next to her, his hand on her shoulder, his fingers digging into her flesh, but more than that, he has a gun pressed to her temple ready to pull the trigger. Men flank him on either side between wooden crates and barrels.

  We all know one false move, and Lily will die.

  We have to play this smart.

  Anger swarms through every inch of me. My eyes wander over her broken body—the cuts, the bruises—she looks broken. I can only think one thing, and it tears me to fucking shreds. I puff out my chest taking a step toward her, but Vibe’s hand immediately grabs hold of me yanking me back.

  I want to punch Vibe out of the way.

  I want to run to her.

  I want to shoot that Mexican asshole in the face.

  So many emotions are swarming through me right now, that is until the Mexican opens his mouth distracting me from my rampaging mind. “We have to make a deal.”

  I tense all over as I glance at Torque, wondering how he’s going to play this.

  “What are you after?” Torque asks, not wasting any time.

  The asshole presses the gun further against Lily’s head, and I let out a low growl pushing forward again.

  Vibe’s grip on me becomes tighter as the guy replies, “You have to get Raphael released from jail.”

  “The deal is done. We talked to the cops on our way out of the jail. If you don’t believe us, talk to Officer Brody Marshall. He will confirm the evidence against Raphael is being destroyed as we speak,” Vibe answers.

  The Xolotl Warrior raises his brow, then he nods to one of his men who pulls out his cell and dials a number. I feel like all of this is just red tape we don’t need to be here for.

  Just give us Lily and crosscheck facts later, you fuckhead.

  The warrior glares at us as he clears his throat. “Yes. Put me through to Officer Brody Marshall.” He pauses for a moment. “Yes, it is of extreme importance.” He rolls his eyes. “Thank you.” Though his manners are impeccable, his tone is nothing but mocking and curt.

  We all stand like this is some stupid business meeting, but I’m not waiting on a fucking transaction. I want my woman, and I want her now. I go to push forward again, and Vibe grabs my cut forcing me in place. His eyes glare into mine as if threatening me to make another move. I know he’s only looking out for me, but right now, he’s pissing me off.

  “Officer Marshall, I’m calling on behalf of the Warriors. I need to know if what Defiance is saying is true?” He nods his head while staring intensely at Torque, then he turns to look at the guy who seems to be in charge and purses his lips. “All of it?” he asks. “Appreciate your time.” He ends the call and shrugs. “I called the Chicago PD direct. Was put through to Officer Brody Marshall, and he confirmed everything. The evidence has been destroyed. He also said that Hayley has revoked her testimony. They are releasing Raphael in the next few minutes. They are processing the paperwork.”

  The leader purses his lips. “Okay then…” He lifts his gun away from Lily’s head. Her eyes finally open meeting mine. They’re hazy like she’s unsure of what’s going on around her. Like maybe she’s been drugged, and that sends a new wave of panic through me. I need to get to her.

  He grabs Lily, unties her from the chair, and hoists her up. Her eyes widen like she’s finally coming to. She stumbles on the spot, her bottom lip trembles when she realizes it’s me. Her hands are tied behind her back, and everything in me pounds with adrenaline. I fucking hate this. He gives her a little shove making her stumble again. She turns back to face him, unsure.

  “Go on then, sweetheart. Go to your club,” he instructs her.

  I step forward, and this time Vibe lets me. I reach out my hand to Lily as she lets out a small whimper and starts to run. She’s so unsteady on her shoeless feet. Tears spring to her eyes as she hurries toward me, and with every tiny step she takes, my heart thuds so much fucking faster.

  Is this a trick?

  Are they going to shoot her in the back as she runs?

  I’m waiting for it as she scurries toward me. Lily’s eyes lock onto mine with so much emotion as I take a step forward, closer and closer until I reach out and wrap my arms around her cold body. She falls into my arms, and I grip hold of her so fucking tight my chest almost gives out. I squeeze Lily so hard I feel like I might break her, but I need to feel her. Vibe pulls us behind him for safety. Her eyes shoot up to mine as my arms support her. Hers are glistening, overflowi
ng with tears as I feel that spark shooting between us. It’s not a lust-filled spark, it’s one letting us know we’re connected on a level where if either of us didn’t pull through this, we would be irrevocably changed.

  Altered beyond anything we’ve ever known.

  She is my life, and I need her to know.

  But now isn’t the time.

  I have to get her out of here.

  “Now, isn’t that a sweet reunion?” the leader jests, waving his gun around in the air. “Anyway, pleasure doing business with you.”

  Vibe grunts shaking his head. “Pleasure’s all mine!” He brings his gun up aiming straight for the leader. I watch as a tension ripples through the air like a frigid wave of frostbite. The atmosphere changes as I move to reach for Vibe, but he pulls the trigger before any of us have a chance to stop him. The gun recoils, and the bullet flies straight out, smacking the warrior right between the eyes. Blood pools out of his head as he falls face-first onto the chair Lily was sitting on.

  It only takes a mere second before instincts kick in, and the Warriors scatter while pulling out their weapons. I hoist Lily into my arms as we take off toward the nearest pile of wooden crates. I slide us behind them as the roar of gunfire erupts inside the large shipping container. The noise of ricocheting bullets is deafening. I duck down, hovering over Lily as I grab my gun. Part of the wooden crate shatters into smithereens right beside my head as I fall back against the metal of the container.

  “Shit!” I murmur as I glance down at Lily who’s physically shaking. “It’s going to be okay,” I tell her over the loud noise, but I don’t know if she can hear me. I carefully pull her mouth gag down, but she doesn’t say anything in return.

  I check for Torque and Trax and find they are caught behind a couple of barrels across from us taking on heavy fire. Fucking hell! I need to do something to help them. So, I lean down, planting a tender kiss on Lily’s lips, prepare myself, and then stand and aim for the warrior firing at my president and VP. I aim at his head, but miss, clipping his neck instead. Blood squirts out, pumping with each beat of his heart. His hand flies to his neck as he spins, falling to the ground in a bloodied mess.

  A bullet whizzes past me, nicking the side of my bicep. The burn ignites my skin, so I drop back behind the crate as Lily nudges into me. I look over to Trax and Torque, and they both raise their heads in a gesture of thanks as a warrior jumps over the top of the crate in front of us. My eyes widen as he aims his gun right at Lily. I push forward, slamming my shoulder into his stomach making him fall backward. His gun skids across the container floor, but so does mine as we end up in a full-blown wrestling match, leaving Lily defenseless.

  I slam my fist into the side of his head, and he shakes it off rolling me over on my back. Bringing his fist back, he pushes it down as I try to take hold of his hand to yank him off me. That’s when I see him pull a knife, and he thrusts it toward me. I hear a burst of gunfire, and it makes my ears rattle as warmth floods my face. The asshole’s body drops on top of mine in a heap while I take a second to figure out what happened. I wipe his blood off my face as I glance up to see Bianca Andretti standing above me in her pinstriped, suit and she’s looking for a fight.

  I grin so fucking wide. Damn! I should have known Torque would have called in reinforcements.

  The Andretti’s always have our backs.

  I slide the warrior off me as I watch Bianca move over to Lily and slide in to protect her. A warrior moves in to grab for Lily, but Bianca hoists herself up over the crate, jumps onto the back of the warrior, and slices into his neck with the ease of a gazelle. It all happens so quickly I blink to make sure I am not seeing things. His skin opens, his neck folding in two with the deepness of her cut. Blood gushes down his chest as he grapples for his wound while his eyes bulge out of his face.

  Lily’s eyes widen in fear. She isn’t used to seeing this kind of violence, and I hate that she’s seeing it right now, especially after what she’s been through.

  Bianca flops to the floor, not an ounce of blood on her impeccably tailored suit, as she leans down next to Lily. She whispers something in her ear—it must be something about support because Lily seems to relax.

  Without warning, I’m tackled to the ground, the air being knocked from my body as I gasp, trying to catch myself. A fist is slamming into my face making my vision blur. The last thing I need is another fucking concussion, so I find all my strength and fight back. I roll us over, and as I do, I see my gun on the floor. I lean over as I keep the warrior pushed to the floor and pick it up, bringing it to his chest and quickly unload three bullets into his torso. His body jolts with the impact as I let out heavy breaths.

  I glance over to Lily making sure she’s still okay. She’s watching me intently. I don’t know how she’ll take this. All of this will probably change things between us, but I can’t think of that right now.

  There are two more Warriors moving in on Bianca and Lily.

  Where the fuck are they all coming from?

  That’s when I realize there’s a door at the rear of the container. So, I rush forward to help, but I’m hit by flying ammo, and I am stuck behind a steel barrel which is taking on heavy fire. The barrel is moving with each blast, but they aren’t penetrating the steel.

  I look over and watch as Bianca’s in fist-to-fist combat with two men. My heart hammers in my chest as she manages to knock one to the ground, but the other comes over the back, grabbing her from behind and starts dragging her toward the rear of the container.

  Dammit! I sit taller watching as Lily’s left defenseless.

  I’m trapped. Another bullet whizzes past my face and embeds in something wooden behind me because fragments ricochet off at all angles while I duck for cover.

  “Motherfucker! Lily,” I call out as a warrior reaches out for her, another coming to his aid, and they grab her, lifting her and start dragging her away kicking and screaming.

  I tense all over.

  I need to go to her.

  But if I go now, I’m going to get shot.

  And I’ll be no good to her if I’m dead.

  “Lily! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Lily,” I yell as I stay low and work my way out of the container following them outside. The fight has continued out here. Andrettis, Defiance, and Warriors are in combat between the containers and the trees.

  The guys holding Lily are heading toward the creek. My heart hammers in my chest as I start to run. I don’t care if I get hit right now, my reason for living is in danger, and I need to get to her.

  My heart leaps in my throat and then stops as I see them swing her and then let her flailing body fall into the murky water below.


  Lily’s body is like a ragdoll slamming into the smooth water, then sinks instantly. Her hands are tied behind her back. She can’t swim.

  I rush forward, and as I reach the water’s edge, the two Warriors are on me. One pulls a gun, but I reach out grabbing his arm and twisting it as I turn my body forcing his arm to face the other Warrior at the same time he pulls the trigger. The gun goes off, and he shoots his fellow Warrior twice in the torso. Blood pools as he jolts, falling straight into the water. The murky water ripples out in a dirty-red color as I use everything I have to yank the gun guy over my body and slam him onto the ground. The asshole drops his gun, and I grab mine quickly unloading a single bullet straight into his forehead. His skull bursts open, the dust changing its color palette much like the depths of the now maroon water. Instantly, I ditch my gun to the ground, yank off my cut throwing it to the clay, and then turn for the creek.

  As I turn, I hear a clunk and see Warriors running out of the main container.

  Something’s happening back there, but I have bigger issues to worry about.

  As I go to dive, an explosion smacks into my back. The heatwave washing over my entire body as I turn to see the container completely alight in a fire. Shit! That must have been a grenade. A memory flashes back of Bianca being dragged to the rear of that containe

  Fuck, I hope she made it out.


  Turning back, I dive, headfirst into the murky depths. The bitter sting of the frigid water hits me like a thousand pins and needles. For spring, the water’s ridiculously cold. I open my eyes to try and see, but I can’t see even a foot in front of me. The coldness of the water makes it harder to hold my breath, and I begin to panic. I flail around with my hands searching for what I can’t see.

  I’m coming up short.

  There’s nothing.

  The chills tighten my lungs. I need to breathe. So, I head back up to grab a breath. As my head comes up for air, I inhale a huge gasp, open my eyes to look around and see what’s happening. Vibe’s yanking off his cut and dives into the creek with me. He swims over, and I tense seeing the burning container and our guys still in a fight for their lives.

  Vibe reaches me, and I shake my head. “I can’t fucking find her!”

  He shudders, and I know it’s from the cold. “We will.” Vibe takes a deep breath, then dives down without hesitation. I take one too and follow right behind him. The bitter thought of what’s waiting for me swarms every inch of me. It’s fucking awful as panic sets in again.

  I can’t find Lily or Vibe.

  I don’t know what’s happening with my brothers.

  I don’t know if Bianca made it out.

  Jesus fucking Christ! This is all too much.

  I need to find my woman.

  My hands rummage about until I feel like my lungs are going to explode from lack of air. I kick myself for not finding her again, and regrettably, I swim to the surface, my head bursting out of the water and gasping for air. I glance around hearing the gunfire is dying down, but the rapid-fire in my heart is only ramping up.


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