Goddess Trials

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Goddess Trials Page 12

by A Lonergan

  The dressmaker came back into the room with a worried look painted on her face before she finished the hem. She kept silent and worked quickly. I bit my lip and tried to not get angry with the situation. My temper had grown shorter and shorter with being trapped between these 4 walls for the last few weeks. Everything irritated me, especially acting like everything was normal when I emerged from my room.

  I wandered through the halls. I didn’t have a destination or even a thought to what I was doing. I was beyond bored and miserable with everything.

  It had been days since I had seen or heard from Apollo and I was afraid he would appoint me more guards once he realized that his sons had disappeared. I was almost scared for him to know it if he hadn’t already. The Valley was supposed to be protected, but was it, really?

  Doubts were starting to fill my mind, the more lonely I became. I rounded a corner and stopped in my tracks. Zeus was headed my way, but he hadn’t noticed me just yet. It had been weeks since we talked and I wasn’t sure I was ready to face him again. He had a cell phone in his palm, and his brows were wrinkled.

  The scene actually brought a smile to my lips. Zeus with a cellphone, how comical and the best part? He looked to be struggling with it. I decided at that moment that I didn’t mind if he noticed me and I spoke up.

  “Struggling over there, ole’ man?”

  Zeus startled hard and whipped his head up. Lightning lit up in his eyes, and I couldn’t help but smile. I didn’t know why I wasn’t afraid of the gods, especially the head honcho.

  “This damned thing, humans just keep getting more complicated each year.” He tossed the thing behind him, and it crashed into the wall, falling to the floor in pieces.

  I raised my eyebrows in question. “Are you sure that it doesn’t work because, well, we are in Olympus and it’s not exactly where humans are supposed to have service?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t need service for what I was doing.”

  I made a face and looked back at the broken phone on the ground.

  “I was playing some stupid puzzle called Candy Smash or something like that.” He waved his hand dismissively in the air before putting my hand into the crook of his arm. “It matters not, I’m sure I’ll figure it out one day, after all, I have eternity to fill.”

  “This is true.” I didn’t speak for a moment until we came upon the dining hall. I pulled my hand away from him. “I think this is where I make my departure.”

  He frowned and picked my hand back up. “You haven’t been in here in ages, you’re growing thin by each passing day.”

  I shook my head and looked down at myself. I was still wearing my beloved pajamas. Crawley’s oversized t-shirt and leggings. I had his shirt knotted up at my waist, and I could still faintly smell him on it. I knew my face and hair didn’t look any better. I had thrown my hair into a knot on my head and hadn’t even looked in the mirror. The days dragged on, and this was what misery looked like. I was growing tiresome of it all.

  “You are radiant, no matter what you wear,” Zeus grabbed my hand in his and kissed my knuckles.

  I could feel heat traveling up my face, and I had to look away from his lingering eyes. He pulled on my hand and led me to the front table. Perseus was already seated, but when he saw me, he jumped up, and his eyes gleamed. “Jessa,” he breathed.

  “Hi,” Zeus had me sit to his left, and Perseus sat across from me, at Zeus’ right.

  “How are you feeling?” His eyes asked more questions, so I looked away.

  “Better than I have in a while. Has anyone seen Apollo?” I looked around the grand dining area, curious.

  “I was just about to ask you that.” Perseus grabbed a roll from the center of the table and took a generous bite out of it.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I am not his keeper. Though it would be nice to be in the know.”

  Zeus took that time to put his two sense in. “His lackeys have also disappeared too.”

  I choked on my water. I set the glass down and tried to calm my breathing. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pull off a lie or if I needed to tell him the truth.

  I concentrated on cutting my steak before I responded. “They said something about opportunities for bigger and better things.”

  Perseus cleared his throat, but I didn’t look up, afraid of what I would giveaway on my face.

  “Must be strange that you will be their stepmother,” Perseus said.

  “There are a few strange things about the union. Some of them having to do with his age, but it’s just a number right?” When I looked up at them both, I had a broad smile planted on my face.

  Perseus’ frown grew more profound as his eyes searched my face. “For someone preparing for a life with another, you sure are bleak.”

  I nodded my head and stuffed a forkful of potatoes in my mouth, not tasting it, just giving myself a reason not to talk.

  I wasn’t hungry, I was merely sad and overwhelmed and lonely. I was sitting next to two of the most handsome men in probably the universe, and I couldn’t take my mind off of Crawley and if he was all right.

  “You seem distracted.” Perseus prodded again.

  “I’m thinking of a friend.” I scooped up some more potatoes.

  “Does this friend have beast-like qualities?” Zeus inquired.

  I rolled my eyes and shoveled more food into my mouth.

  “You really are a sassy minx, you know that, right?” Perseus leaned back in his chair and watched me carefully, a smile tugging on his lips.

  “You really are a cocky bastard, you know that, right?” When a laugh burst from my lips, a surprised look took over Zeus’ face. I didn’t blame him, I was just as surprised. It felt good, carefree almost.

  Until Perseus’ eyes grew wide at something behind me. My stomach dropped as I felt warm breath tickle my neck. I gulped hard and closed my eyes. So much for carefree.

  A large hand snaked up my arm and encircled around my bicep. “Just the beauty I was looking for.” Apollo licked the back of my neck, up to my ear. “We have some unfinished business, my dear. I just don’t think I’ll be able to wait for our wedding night.”

  Dread took hold of my heart. Perseus had his eyes narrowed at me, and I couldn’t fake a damn thing. I struggled to breathe, and there was no way I was going to be able to stand on my own. I didn’t dare look at Zeus.

  “You must have been terribly lonely to take on the company of the two biggest playboys of history. How I have longed to hear your laugh, unfortunately, it just had to be in the presence of these miscreants,” he whispered in my ear.

  By the way, Perseus nostril flared, I had a feeling that he had heard every word. He was insane to be getting on their dark side. The hand on my bicep tightened and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled, and he yanked me up. Pain shot through my arm and shoulder, I tried my hardest to hide it, but there was only so much I could do. I saw from the corner of my eye, Perseus and Zeus shove away from the table. Anger imminent in their rigged bodies.

  Apollo half dragged, half carried me from the dining hall. “You must think I’m dumb.”

  “No, I think nothing of the sort. I was growing bored.” My words came out in a quick jumble.

  “How rich, you found solstice with womanizers.” Apollo cackled.

  When we made it to my bedroom, he kicked the door open and threw me to the bed. Ice cold fear wrapped itself around my body and mind. My heart was galloping in my chest, but there was no escaping. “I came back from my travels weary and in need of relief from my beautiful bride to be, just to find her flirting with other men. Do you know how this makes me look?” He screamed in my face, causing spittle to land on my cheek.

  I blinked hard but didn’t dare move. I kept my eyes closed a second longer than what he approved because as soon as I opened them, he punched me in the jaw. My eyes widened in shock and pain. I saw stars dance about my head and tears leaked from my eyes, at their own accord. My mouth opened to cry out, but no sound came.

>   I fell back to the bed and prayed for him to be done, prayed that it would all be over soon and he would be done with me in quick seconds. I didn’t dare make a move against him, not knowing if he wielded the immortal blade or not.

  When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me like I had turned into a gorgon and snakes had sprouted from my head. He was frozen, and for a second, I thought I had done it. Until he whipped around and pulled his hands down his face.

  “I’m so sorry.”


  “I don’t know what came over me.” Apollo paced in front of the bed, and I considered pulling my pendant free and taking him on. I reconsidered my fear and grabbed the pendant that was hanging around my neck until I saw the hilt of the immortal blade tucked into the back of his jeans as his shirt rode up. “My anger has never been the best.”

  I took a deep breath to steady my heart and the pain blooming along my face. My fingers touched the tender skin, gingerly, afraid of the damage that he had inflicted.

  He continued on, “I will have to go get my healer…” He paced. “There is only so much she’ll be able to do…” He turned back to me, and his eyes were crazed. “The wedding won’t be able to happen with this. People will start to grow suspicious.”

  “I can say I fell or tripped, maybe.” I needed the wedding to happen, the sooner, the better. I didn’t have a plan, but I knew that we needed to walk down that aisle. The sooner, the better.

  “The damage is extensive.” As his words registered in my mind, I realized that one of my eyes was swollen closed. I continued to explore the swollen skin with my fingertips. It didn’t seem to end. “We shall see what a healer can do. I must go, I can’t do anything with you, especially now that you look like this.”

  Relief coursed through my body as he slammed the door closed behind him. I sagged onto the bed and let all the other tears free. What would he have done if he hadn’t punched me? Would I be recovering mentally tonight if he hadn’t, instead of physically?

  I cried harder trying to not let my mind get to that place. There weren’t many things I was afraid of, but what he had teased brought war to my mind. Sleep overcame me soon, and I didn’t fight its sweet embrace.

  A noise in the corner of the room woke me. I blinked hard against the assault of the light that I had forgotten to turn off. I winced at the pain blossoming again and closed my eyes to try to sleep it off, but a sharp intake of breath had me jerking up. I rubbed my normal eye and tried to get the room to go into focus. I could have sworn I smelled peppermint and pine trees, but I was sure that my mind was just playing tricks on me to help me cope with my messed up life.

  But then I heard the rumble of beast, and I knew. The bed dipped, and there he was. His face was a mask of anger as he took in my appearance. Tears welled up in his eyes, and it shattered me into pieces. I couldn’t hold mine back any longer as I lunged at him. My body shook with wracking sobs as he tightened his arms around me.

  “I should have come back as soon as I got that contraption off of me. I should have never left you alone.” He ran his fingers down my back. “He hasn’t done anything else, right?” He pushed me away from him, and his eyes searched my body with caution.

  I shook my head. “No. I don’t know what would have happened, but his anger got the best of him first.”

  His nostrils flared before he pulled me back to him. He kissed along my hairline and hugged me tighter. “Shaskia will kill me if she knows I’m here. I just had to know if you were okay, warning bells were going off in my head, and I was terrified for you.”

  “I must have called to you in my sleep.” I pushed my fingers into his lush, thick hair. It had grown so much since I had last seen him. It was starting to tickle his collar. I had never seen it this long. I preferred it like this, wild, just like him.

  Crawley pulled away from me and cupped the uninjured side of my face, tenderly before he kissed my lips. I reveled in it. I had missed him more than I had ever thought possible. He kissed down my cheek and then growled.

  “He licked you.” His words were guttural.

  Chapter 27


  My beast threatened to take my skin any moment. I couldn’t stand the thought of Apollo on her skin, much less where I would put a claiming mark. I wasn’t sure if it was coincidental but Apollo made sure to plan things out, and I had no doubts that he knew more about me at each passing hour.

  I needed to stay focused, but it was growing harder and harder as I gazed on her injured face. I pulled her hair from ponytail on her head and ran my fingers through it. I wanted to revel in every second I had with her, but I needed to try something first.

  “Come back to The Valley with me.” I kissed down her jaw. The fear I had smelled when I had gone through the portal had dissipated, and the only thing I could smell now was her desire. It wrapped around me, and I couldn’t keep my hands from going to her waist. I growled low in my throat. I tried to ignore the other man’s scent on the back of her neck.

  “I can’t,” her whisper ripped my insides apart. I rested my forehead on her shoulder and breathed her in again. The touch of vanilla and cinnamon tickled my nose.

  “I don't understand,” My voice was muffled in her shirt, but when I inhaled, I realized it was actually mine. I pushed her back to arm's length, and a growl rose up at the back of my throat again. She looked delectable.

  “You don’t need to,” She ran her fingers down the side of my face and the short beard that was growing there. I didn’t see any use in keeping it up anymore. I felt more wild than civilized as of late. “The less you know, the better. I can’t have any of you getting hurt. I can’t lose anymore people that I love.”

  I nodded my head and pulled her closer to me, trying my hardest not to lose it. I let out a shudder of breath and kissed her lips softly one last time. I held her hand in mine as I rose from her bed and walked to the shimmering portal in the corner of her room. I didn’t want to say goodbye. I turned back to her one last time and broke when I looked at her injured face.

  The tears that I had been holding back upon first seeing it, burst forward. I released her hand and stepped through the portal. My body flipped and turned about before I was spat out on the other side, landing hard on my face. I spit out the dirt that had been forced into my mouth and pushed myself onto my knees.

  Hestia gave me a triumphant smile until she realized I was alone, and I had been crying. Then I heard Shaskia yelling, though it was slightly muddled by my brain still trying to adjust to being back. Portals were convenient but not easy on the body or mind.

  “How dare you?!” Shaskia pointed a finger at Hestia. “You have no idea the dangers you could have brought to our people! Opening portals here without the elder's approval is a death sentence!”

  “Then I will happily die for it,” I said.

  Shaskia turned to me slowly and gave me a look full of horror. “What is the matter with you? Wouldn’t you like to see Jessa again before she is to be married? Once that happens-”

  I interrupted her, “I saw her. I went to her.”

  “Y-you went to Olympus through a portal?” She turned to Hestia again with confusion. “How is this possible? There is only one opening to Olympus.”

  “What about when Artemis came to get us?” I asked.

  “That was different. She went through the main entrance and used magic to get herself around Olympus once she was in there already. Transporting out is fine with simple magic, but getting in? It’s not supposed to be possible.” Shaskia paced in front of me and pulled on her single braid over her shoulder. “This will remain our secret, and you must never do it again. If Zeus finds out that you can do that, he will come for your head.”

  I pushed myself to my feet and dusted my jeans off. Hestia gave me a worried glance.

  I touched Shaskia’s shoulder. “I don’t care what I need to do, but I want to be at that wedding.”

  Artemis took that moment to appear out of thin air. I was never going to get used
to that. It happened at the best times, but it still managed to scare the Hades out of me each time.

  “Apollo will have guards stationed at the entrance to make sure that you don’t come back to meddle with his plans, I’m almost certain.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and there was something about her that was different. Then I realized it was that she was wearing regular clothes. Her jeans had tears in the knees, and her tank top was delicately tucked in in the front of the said jeans.

  “So, what should I do? I need to be there…” I trailed off thinking of her bruised and swollen face.

  “There is no telling when the actual wedding will be. I got a text from Zeus this morning saying that the wedding was going to be postponed, something about cold feet from Apollo.” Artemis lifted a delicate bronzed shoulder in a shrug.

  I tried to speak, but my body was shaking too hard in anger. “No, that’s not why it’s postponed. It’s because he hit her and was going to make her his but somehow he felt a bit of remorse and let her be.”

  Artemis looked at me with alarm. “Then why didn’t you pick her up and drag her back here.”

  “She would hate me. She has made up her mind, and I must respect her wishes, no matter how much I disagree with them.” I shoved my hands down into my pockets.

  Chapter 28


  After Crawley left, I hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. I sat on the bed and traced my lips thoughtfully. I had missed him so much and wanted to scream now that he was gone again.

  A soft knock on the door had me scrambling to remove my clothes and change. I couldn’t let Apollo get a whiff of Crawley on me. I had been wearing his shirt, but I had a feeling his scent was stronger now.

  I shoved it into the farthest depths of the duffel bag and prayed that it would go safely to somewhere in Shaskia’s closet. I wasn’t really sure how it worked, but I had high hopes. I pulled on a black tank top and jean shorts before unlocking the door and pulling it open.


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