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Whole-Hearted: A Malsum Pass Novel

Page 14

by Kimberly Forrest

  David Tully held her eyes for a moment, sympathy, understanding, pride, all shown in his gaze. “One at a time, princess, or you might smother the flames.” With that, he turned on his heel and walked toward the kitchen.

  Connie watched him go, took a deep breath and then smiled at Rin. “Why don’t you throw first?”

  Rin didn’t need to be prompted twice as she tossed a t-shirt on the blaze. Connie was about to add her t-shirt as well when her father rejoined them, a bag of marshmallows and some barbecue forks in his hand. At her surprised look he shrugged. “What’s a bonfire without toasted marshmallows?”

  Jacob was nervous. Funny that he didn’t remember being this nervous the first time around. Excited, yes, hopeful, yes, nervous, no. But right now he felt like his entire future happiness hung in the balance and he didn’t want to screw this up. It may very well be his last chance with Connie.

  When his mother had come home from the salon and told him that Connie would prefer to stay close to home, he had felt a moment of disappointment that she was cancelling through his mother. But Sherry Pierce had quickly assured him that the date was still a go, rather they were just going to have a change in venue. Instead of a restaurant as he had planned, his mother would be cooking.

  It seemed wrong somehow to have your mother in attendance at your date, but if it would make Connie more comfortable, he would get on board with that. He wasn’t sure what his facial expression had revealed – horror? Distaste? – But his mother had laughed. Great peels of merriment bouncing through the kitchen before finally letting out a little snort as she clutched her belly.

  “Your face is precious.” Another chuckle and she laid a hand on his arm. “You’ll have your privacy, darling. I’m simply making the dinner, then your father and I will be heading out for the evening.”

  Well, that was a relief. Jacob had to admit he had been envisioning the entire family, plus Connie, seated around the table as his mother went into lawyer mode and grilled his date.

  Now, sitting in his truck outside of The Cedars, he tried to conquer his nerves. He adjusted the collar on his dress shirt, checked his hair in the rearview, and then tapped his hands against the steering wheel. He was early by ten minutes and not at all sure whether he should go in and talk to Connie’s parents while she finished getting ready or wait here until the appointed time and then go in.

  Five minutes. Five minutes early was acceptable, right? He’d split the difference and get out of his truck at five minutes of six. That would give him time to make polite conversation with the Tully’s without making Connie feel like she needed to rush because he was early.

  Wiping his sweaty palms on his khaki covered thighs, Jacob glanced at the clock. Wow, a whole minute had passed. He needed to calm down so he took a few deep breaths and then grimaced. He should have borrowed one of his parents’ vehicles. His truck smelled like sawdust, oil, and varnish. At least the seats were clean so she wouldn’t have to worry about staining her clothes.

  A shrill whistle had Jacob looking out his windshield to the upper floors of the bed and breakfast. Connie, beautifully backlit by the soft glow of a lamp, was leaning out her window and grinning widely as she waved at him. God, she was gorgeous. She really did take his breath away.

  Her mouth was moving so he rolled down the window and stuck his head out just in time to hear her say. “I’m ready. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  His heart leaping with anticipation and the realization that yes, this is really happening. Jacob grabbed the bouquet he had purchased, jumped out of his truck, and took the steps up to the front porch of the Victorian two at a time.

  He didn’t care if he looked pathetically eager. He was filled with too much excitement to keep it contained. Tonight he would show Constance Tully all the reasons why she should let him be her man.

  Chapter Thirty

  When they arrived at the Pierce house, Jacob was blown away. His mother had really outdone herself. Instead of setting up dinner in the dining room as he had expected, Sherry Pierce had converted the breakfast nook into a romantic, candlelit table for two. Who would have thought his hardcore mother had such a flair for romance? And judging by the look on Connie’s face, she was thoroughly impressed. Thank you, Mom.

  Trying to remember all of the romantic gestures he’d seen in movies and on T.V., Jacob made a little checklist in his mind: take her coat, pull out her chair, offer a beverage, make casual conversation, and last – but most important – don’t drool on your date.

  “Something smells wonderful.” Connie smiled at him. That smile. Would he ever get used to it? It always started his heart beating triple time. When her smile started to dim he realized he was standing there staring at her like a dork. Shaking himself, he reviewed his mental list once more and offered to take her jacket.

  Well, that was one item he could check off the list and man, she was stunning in a cream colored sweater that looked so soft his fingers itched to touch it, black jeans that molded to her long legs, and black boots. He was staring. Shaking himself, he forced his mind to move on to the next item on the list. He pulled out a chair for her and then picked up the bottle of wine. He knew zero about vintages and what all but had faith in his mother’s taste as Connie nodded her ascent and he poured the red. That done, he lifted the dome off of each of their plates.

  “This looks wonderful.” Connie said and Jacob wanted to groan in appreciation. His mother had prepared his favorite: beef medallions with rosemary roasted potatoes and asparagus.

  Picking up the pepper mill, Jacob was about to season his food when he recalled his manners and extended the mill toward Connie. “Pepper?”

  The look on her face nearly stopped his heart. What had he said? He’d obviously done something wrong. She’d gone pale, maybe even a little green around the gills as she swallowed hard and shook her head.

  Jacob didn’t waste a second as he dropped the mill, bolted out of his chair, and knelt down beside her. “What is it?” He asked, taking her cold hands in his.

  She had to swallow again and close her eyes before she could answer. “They covered the scent and taste of the drugs with pepper.” The words came out as a barely audible croak, but Jacob heard them. The problem was, he had no idea what to say. He felt out of his element and completely useless as he stayed frozen to the spot just holding her hands.

  After a few moments, she seemed to pull herself together as she smiled at him. “I’m okay now, really.” She shook her head and let out a self-deprecating laugh. “I’m sorry. I’m being silly. It’s just pepper. Sit, eat, please.” Another little nervous laugh. “This looks so good I can’t wait to taste.”

  Jacob wanted to growl. He wanted to kill the people who had done this to her. He wanted to howl because she felt she needed to reassure him that she was all right when she clearly wasn’t. He wanted to pull her into his arms and comfort her and never let her out of his sight.

  He didn’t know how long he continued to just kneel beside her deep in his own thoughts but a hard squeeze on his hand had him looking up at her pleading eyes. “Please, Jacob. Let’s just eat.”

  With a nod, he returned to his seat. His behavior was obviously upsetting her and he tried to pull himself together, searching for something to say that wouldn’t upset her more, but it was Connie who got their conversation back on track. “Did your mother tell you that I gave my notice at the salon today?”

  And just like that, color returned to her face, and a sparkle lit her eyes as she told him her plans to look into opening her own shop.

  Connie had been embarrassed that she had so completely lost it because of something as simple as pepper, but Jacob’s obvious concern? Well, that had touched her heart so deeply it had brought tears to her eyes. God, he was such a wonderful person. How had she ever thought that the town’s opinion was more important to her than him? She seriously wanted to kick her own ass.

  And now, as she told him about her plans, her dreams, the way he listened to her and offered enco
uragement. He never told her she was silly, or expected too much, or that she was over-reaching. She could see it in his eyes, proof-positive on his face, Jacob Pierce believed in her.

  With her belly full, Connie leaned back in her seat and just looked at Jacob; really looked at him. Beyond the thick red hair, and the intelligent brown eyes. Beyond the strong chin and the smooth-shaven line of his jaw. Beyond the strong shoulders and muscular chest. She saw his heart. He cared about people. He cared about her. Such a beautiful male, inside and out. Any female would be proud to call him hers. “I’m sorry that I was such a fool.”

  Jacob’s startled eyes snapped up to hers. “What? You’re not a fool.” He grumbled.

  Reaching across the small table, she gripped his calloused fingers. “I was. I let other people’s opinions matter too much and ignored what was right in front of me.”

  At his questioning look, she gave him a soft smile and squeezed his fingers. “You have always been worth fighting for, Jacob. Always. I was just too much of a coward to do it.” She shook her head and looked him straight in the eye as she delivered her promise. “I’m not going to be a coward anymore.”

  Jacob’s breath came out in a rush as he rose from his chair and Connie stood to meet him. Those strong arms of his came around her, pulling her into his warmth, as his lips lowered to hers. Their mouths melding, Connie felt it deep in her bones. Now she was home.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Jacob had died and gone to heaven. Either that or he was sleeping and having the best dream ever. Surely this couldn’t be real. After wanting her for so long, he’d begun to believe he would never have her. Yet here she was. Constance Tully was in his arms, pressed tightly to his body, and returning his kisses with a ferocity that matched his own. With her nails gripping his shoulders and her tongue sliding against his, the feeling was so incredible, he realized he couldn’t have possibly imagined this. Not even in his wildest fantasies. Definitely Heaven.

  Man, she felt incredible; warm, firm yet velvety soft. Her hair, silk against his fingers. She smelled wonderful too, and her taste… while every little moan out of her throat was driving him mad with need. She awoke every one of his senses to tingling awareness and the erection pushing against the front of his pants was throbbing with need. Hell, if she kept rubbing against him the way she was, he was going to straight up embarrass himself by coming in his pants.

  Jacob started to panic slightly. This was supposed to be perfect and making a mess in his Fruit of the Looms would definitely spoil the mood. Breaking the kiss, they were both panting hard. With heavy-lidded, passion-filled eyes, Connie tried to press back in for another kiss. God, he wanted that so much but he needed a minute. He had to. Just a minute to get control…

  “I want you, Jacob.”

  Annnnnnnd… that was it. With the breathy tones of a seductress, and those words he had always wanted to hear filling his ears, he doubled over with a groan as that traitor in his pants let loose for all it was worth. Bastard. He was mortified.

  “Are you all right? Oh, my God, did I hurt you?”

  Connie was pressing close to his side, trying to get a look at his face, her voice filled with concern. Meanwhile, he was red-cheeked and trying to hide the evidence behind his crossed arms. What a disaster. What was he even supposed to say in this situation?

  “Jacob? Are you okay?”

  Say something you idiot! He berated himself. Do something. This had to be salvageable. Think!

  Jacob cleared his throat, his eyes skating around looking for an excuse. “I, ah,” he swallowed and finally got his body moving. “I’ll be right back.” He said in a rush as he headed quickly toward the bathroom in a crouch. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  Once the door was shut and locked, Jacob leaned against the marble vanity and expelled a hard breath. Well, that was smooth, dipshit. Dammit. She must think he was a total loser. Definitely not mate material. In fact, he thought as he began stripping off his clothes with angry jerks, she’s probably coming up with an excuse for him to take her immediately home. His dick had spoiled everything. Looking down at the offending piece of flesh he snarled. “This is your fault.”

  Stepping into the shower before the spray had heated, Jacob hissed at the chill but welcomed it, hoping the cool down would keep him from making the same mistake twice – if Connie even gave him another opportunity to try.

  Clean once more, he quickly dried himself and reached for the pile of his father’s sweatpants and t-shirts stacked on top of the dryer, his hands hovering over the gray ones for a moment before he changed his mind. An image of the clothes Connie had been wearing when she was rescued filled his head. Best not to tempt fate twice considering her reaction to the peppermill. Grabbing for the black ones, he stuffed his feet into the legs, and quickly finished dressing.

  When he emerged from the bathroom, he was fully prepared to take Connie home if that was what she wanted, but instead, she greeted him with a smile. “Show me your place?”

  Wow. That was so not what he expected her to say but he certainly wasn’t about to shoot himself in the foot. With a smile and a nod he held out a hand and was immediately comforted when her smaller palm slid into his. Sending up a silent thank you to whomever or whatever was looking out for him, Jacob led Connie out of his parent’s house and toward his own.

  Connie had no idea what had happened. At first, she thought she had somehow hurt Jacob without realizing it, but when she got a look at his face, he’d looked embarrassed rather than in pain. Had she come on too strong? Maybe he didn’t like aggressive females. She had had every intention of apologizing and telling Jacob that he could take her home if he wanted to, when she realized two things: one, she wasn’t sorry for wanting him so she certainly wasn’t going to apologize, and two, she had no desire to go home. The solution was clear, if Jacob wanted her gone he’d say so, right? Otherwise, she wanted to stay.

  Now that they were walking over to his place, she still didn’t know what had happened, but the smile on his face and the hand holding hers spoke clearly that he was in no hurry to end the evening either. Whatever had happened, it was best to just leave it alone rather than risk spoiling things.

  Never having been inside the converted barn, Connie drank everything in with her eyes as soon as Jacob flipped the switch for the lights. The area smelled strongly of varnish and sawdust. The right side of the barn was obviously used as a garage and storage. His Harley Davidson, and his snowmobile taking up a large portion of the floor space. Overhead, a row boat, a kayak, and two bicycles were suspended from the ceiling. Against the wall, a tall red tool box stood front and center surrounded on one side by spare tires and a large plastic oil pan while fishing gear hung from the wall on the other side.

  The left side of the barn was Jacob’s work space. There was a large work bench with a freshly varnished cabinet atop, a table saw, saw horses, and a multitude of woodworking tools that Connie couldn’t even pretend to know what they were for. Beyond that, there was a set of stairs that led up to Jacob’s living space. What a difference. While the lower section was rough, and definitely intended for work, this upper section was a showpiece of both Jacob’s craftsmanship and his desire for comfort; the open space lending the illusion that it was bigger than it truly was. The floors were hardwood covered in places by area rugs, the walls a warm, creamy beige. And the furniture, she knew without asking, had almost entirely been made by Jacob’s own hand. The proof in how well the coffee table, entertainment center, dresser, headboard and footboard all matched the kitchen cabinets. Everything flowed seamlessly together – made for each other.

  They both took a moment to remove their shoes at the door and then Jacob grabbed up a remote and the gas fireplace came to life with a crackling blaze. “What do you think?” He asked as she continued to look around.

  “I love it.” And she did. It was warm, and cozy, with little touches of home, like throw pillows and a patchwork quilt on the back of the couch. Family pictures hung on the walls and
lined the mantel. In front of the fireplace squat a fat little gargoyle with a satisfied grin on its face while its round belly sat between its knees. The thing was adorable.

  “That’s Felix.” Jacob said, seeing where her attention had gone. “He’s supposed to go in a garden, but I like him better in here.”

  Connie bent down and ran a finger over Felix’s smooth bald head. “He’s adorable.”

  Jacob grinned. “He’s my bud, and the keeper of all my secrets.”

  Connie’s smile turned positively mischievous. “Is he now?” She said, turning back to the little guy. “Just what are you hiding, Felix?”

  Jacob chuckled. “He’ll never tell. Not even for belly rubs.”

  Connie straightened up and cocked her head slightly. “And you? Will you spill all of your secrets for belly rubs?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Jacob’s mouth went dry. God, yes, if Connie was doing the rubbing he’d sure as hell spill everything. Again. He swallowed hard. He could do this. He could keep control – no he would keep control. He would not embarrass himself a second time in one evening.

  Moving with purpose, he crossed the small distance and pulled Connie into his arms. Looking deeply into her eyes, wanting to make sure he was reading this situation properly and not projecting his own desires. He was met with excitement in those dark blue eyes and his erection swelled with full appreciation.

  “Kiss me, Jacob.” It was barely a whisper, but he didn’t need to be told twice. His mouth came down on hers, probably a bit too hard, but Connie didn’t seem to mind his overly eager response. She met his kisses with an equal exuberance, pressing that lithe body of hers close to his, her hands working into his hair, while her nails scratched lightly at his scalp.

  He wished he had more experience with this sort of thing, but he allowed his instincts to guide him and prayed that he didn’t mess this up. His hands slid from her waist, up under that soft sweater. The skin on her back was incredibly warm and slightly dewy from the heat of the fireplace as his fingers skimmed over the length of her spine. When he made contact with the clasp of her bra, he hesitated. Was it too soon?


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