Complete Works of R S Surtees

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Complete Works of R S Surtees Page 212

by R S Surtees

  ‘None, sir,’ replied Snaffle confidently.

  ‘How many three-legged ‘uns have you that can go, then?’

  ‘Oh! a good many,’ replied Snaffle, raising his hands to tell them off on his fingers. ‘There’s Hop-the-twig, and Hannah Bell (Hannibal), and Ugly Jade, and Sir-danapalis — the Baronet as we calls him — and Harkaway, and Hit-me-hard, and Single-peeper, and Jack’s-alive, and Groggytoes, and Greedyboy, and Puff-and-blow; that’s to say two and three-legged ‘uns, at least,’ observed Snaffle, qualifying his original assertion.

  ‘Ah, well!’ said Watchorn, ‘that’ll do — two legs are too many for some of the rips they’ll have to carry — Let me see,’ continued he thoughtfully, ‘I’ll ride ‘Arkaway.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ said Snaffle.

  ‘Sir ‘Arry, ‘It-me-’ard.’

  ‘Won’t you put him on Sir-danapalis?’ asked Snaffle.

  ‘No,’ replied Watchorn, ‘no; I wants to save the Bart. — I wants to save the Bart. Sir ‘Arry must ride ‘It-me-’ard.’

  ‘Is her ladyship going?’ asked Snaffle.

  ‘Her ladyship drives,’ replied Watchorn. ‘And you. Snooks,’ addressing a bare-armed helper, ‘tell Mr. Traces to turn her out a pony phaeton and pair, with fresh rosettes and all complete, you know.’

  ‘Yes sir,’ said Snooks, with a touch of his forelock.

  ‘And you’d better tell Mr. Leather to have a horse for his master,’ observed Watchorn to Snaffle, ‘unless as how you wish to put him on one of yours.’

  ‘Not I,’ exclaimed Snaffle; ‘have enough to mount without him. D’ye know how many’ll be goin’?’ asked he.

  ‘No,’ replied Watchorn, hurrying off; adding, as he went, ‘oh, hang ’em, just saddle ’em all, and let ’em scramble for ’em.’

  The scene then changed. Instead of hissing helpers pursuing their vocations in stable or saddle-room, they began bustling about with saddles on their heads and bridles in their hands, the day of expected ease being changed into one of unusual trouble. Mr. Leather declared, as he swept the clothes over Multum-in-Parvo’s tail, that it was the most unconscionable proceeding he had ever witnessed; and muttered something about the quiet comforts he had left at Mr. Jogglebury Crowdey’s, hinting his regret at having come to Sir Harry’s, in a sort of dialogue with himself as he saddled the horse. The beauties of the last place always come out strong when a servant gets to another. But we must accompany Mr. Watchorn.

  Though his early career with the Camberwell and Balham Hill Union harriers had not initiated him much into the delicacies of the chase, yet, recollecting the presence of Mr. Sponge, he felt suddenly seized with a desire of ‘doing things as they should be’; and he went muttering to the kennel, thinking how he would leave Dinnerbell and Prosperous at home, and how the pack would look quite as well without Frantic running half a field ahead, or old Stormer and Stunner bringing up the rear with long protracted howls. He doubted, indeed, whether he would take Desperate, who was an incorrigible skirter; but as she was not much worse in this respect than Chatterer or Harmony, who was also an inveterate babbler, and the pack would look rather short without them, he reserved the point for further consideration, as the judges say.

  His speculations were interrupted by arriving at the kennel, and finding the door fast, he looked under the slate, and above the frame, and inside the window, and on the wall, for the key; and his shake, and kick, and clatter were only answered by a full chorus from the excited company within.

  ‘Hang the feller! what’s got ’im!’ exclaimed he, meaning Joe Haggish, the feeder, whom he expected to find there.

  Joe, however, was absent; not holiday-making, but on a diplomatic visit to Mr. Greystones, the miller, at Splashford, who had positively refused to supply any more meal, until his ‘little bill’ (£430) for the three previous years was settled; and flesh being very scarce in the country, the hounds were quite light and fit to go. Joe had gone to try and coax Greystones out of a ton or two of meal, on the strength of its being New Year’s Day.

  ‘Dash the feller! wot’s got’im?’ exclaimed Watchorn, seizing the latch, and rattling it furiously. The melody of the hungry pack increased. ‘‘Ord rot the door!’ exclaimed the infuriated huntsman, setting his back against it; at the first push, open it flew. Watchorn fell back, and the astonished pack poured over his prostrate body, regardless alike of his holiday coat, his tidy tie, and toilenette vest. What a scrimmage! What a kick-up was there! Away the hounds scampered, towling and howling, some up to the fleshwheel, to see if there was any meat; some to the bone heap, to see if there was any there; others down to the dairy, to try and effect an entrance in it; while Launcher, and Lightsome, and Burster, rushed to the backyard of Nonsuch House, and were presently over ears in the pig-pail.

  ‘Get me my horn! get me my whop! — get me my cap! — get me my bouts!’ exclaimed Watchorn, as he recovered his legs, and saw his wife eyeing the scene from the door. ‘Get me my bouts! — get me my cap! — get me my whop! — get me my horn, woman!’ continued he, reversing the order of things, and rubbing the hounds’ feetmarks off his clothes as he spoke.

  Mrs. Watchorn was too well drilled to dwell upon orders, and she met her lord and master in the passage with the enumerated articles in her hand. Watchorn having deposited himself on an entrance-hall chair — for it was a roomy, well-furnished house, having been the steward’s while there was anything to take care of — Mrs. Watchorn proceeded to strip off his gaiters while he drew on his boots and crowned himself with his cap. Mrs. Watchorn then buckled on his spurs, and he hurried off, horn in hand, desiring her to have him a basin of turtle-soup ready against he came in; adding, ‘She knew where to get it.’ The frosty air then resounded with the twang, twang, twang of his horn, and hounds began drawing up from all quarters, just as sportsmen cast up at a meet from no one knows where.

  ‘He-here, hounds — he-here, good dogs!’ cried he, coaxing and making much of the first-comers: ‘he-here. Galloper, old boy!’ continued he, diving into his coat-pocket, and throwing him a bit of biscuit. The appearance of food had a very encouraging effect, for forthwith there was a general rush towards Watchorn, and it was only by rating and swinging his ‘whop’ about that he prevented the pack from pawing, and perhaps downing him. At length, having got them somewhat tranquillized, he set off on his return to the stables, coaxing the shy hounds, and rating and rapping those that seemed inclined to break away. Thus he managed to march into the stable-yard in pretty good order, just as the house party arrived in the opposite direction, attired in the most extraordinary and incongruous habiliments. There was Bob Spangles, in a swallow-tailed, mulberry-coloured scarlet, that looked like an old pen-wiper, white duck trousers, and lack-lustre Napoleon boots; Captain Cutitfat, in a smart new ‘Moses and Son’s’ straight-cut scarlet, with bloodhound heads on the buttons, yellow-ochre leathers, and Wellington boots with drab knee-caps; little Bouncey in a tremendously baggy long-backed scarlet, whose gaping outside-pockets showed that they had carried its late owner’s hands as well as his handkerchief; the clumsy device on the tarnished buttons looking quite as much like sheep’s-heads as foxes’. Bouncey’s tight tweed trousers were thrust into a pair of wide fisherman’s boots, which, but for his little roundabout stomach, would have swallowed him up bodily. Captain Quod appeared in a venerable dresscoat of the Melton Hunt, made in the popular reign of Mr. Errington, whose much-stained and smeared silk facings bore testimony to the good cheer it had seen. As if in contrast to the light airiness of this garment, Quod had on a tremendously large shaggy brown waistcoat, with horn buttons, a double tier of pockets, and a nick out in front. With an unfair partiality his nether man was attired in a pair of shabby old black, or rather brown, dress trousers, thrust into long Wellington boots with brass heel spurs. Captain Seedeybuck had on a spruce swallow-tailed green coat of Sir Harry’s, a pair of old tweed trousers of his own, thrust into long chamois-leather opera-boots, with red morocco tops, giving the whole a very unique and novel appeara
nce. Mr. Orlando Bugles, though going to drive with my lady, thought it incumbent to put on his jack-boots, and appeared in kerseymere shorts, and a highly frogged and furred blue frock-coat, with the corner of a musked cambric kerchief acting the part of a star on his breast.

  “Here comes old sixteen-string’d Jack!” exclaimed Bob Spangles, as his brother-in-law, Sir Harry, came hitching and limping along, all strings, and tapes, and ends, as usual, followed by Mr. Sponge in the strict and severe order of sporting costume; double-stitched, back-stitched, sleeve-strapped, pull-devil, pull-baker coat, broad corduroy vest with fox-teeth buttons, still broader corded breeches, and the redoubtable vinegar tops. “Now we’re all ready!” exclaimed Bob, working his arms as if anxious to be off, and giving a shrill shilling-gallery whistle with his fingers, causing the stable-doors to fly open, and the variously tackled steeds to emerge from their stalls.

  “A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!” exclaimed Miss Glitters, running up as fast as her long habit, or rather Lady Scattercash’s long habit, would allow her. “A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!” repeated she, diving into the throng.

  ‘White Surrey is saddled for the field,’ replied Mr. Orlando Bugles, drawing himself up pompously, and waving his right hand gracefully towards her ladyship’s Arab palfrey, inwardly congratulating himself that Miss Glitters was going to be bumped upon it instead of him.

  ‘Give us a leg up, Seedey!’ exclaimed Lucy Glitters to the ‘gent’ of the green coat, fearing that Miss Howard, who was a little behind, might claim the horse.

  Captain Seedeybuck seized her pretty little uplifted foot and vaulted her into the saddle as light as a cork. Taking the horse gently by the mouth, she gave him the slightest possible touch with the whip, and moved him about at will, instead of fretting and fighting him as the clumsy, heavy-handed Bugles had done. She looked beautiful on horseback, and for a time riveted the attention of our sportsmen. At length they began to think of themselves, and then there were such climbings on, and clutchings, and catchings, and clingings, and gently-ings, and who-ho-ings, and who-ah-ings, and questionings if ‘such a horse was quiet?’ if another ‘could leap well?’ if a third ‘had a good mouth?’ and whether a fourth ‘ever ran away?’

  ‘Take my port-stirrup up two ‘oles!’ exclaimed Captain Bouncey from the top of high Hop-the-twig, sticking out a leg to let the groom do it.

  The captain had affected the sea instead of the land service, while a betting-list keeper, and found the bluff sailor character very taking.

  ‘Avast there!’ exclaimed he, as the groom ran the buckle up to the desired hole. ‘Now,’ said he, gathering up the reins in a bunch, ‘how many knots an hour can this ‘orse go?’

  ‘Twenty,’ replied the man, thinking he meant miles.

  ‘Let her go, then!’ exclaimed the captain, kicking the horse’s sides with his spurless heels.

  Mr. Watchorn now mounted Harkaway; Sir Harry scrambled on to Hit-me-hard; Miss Howard was hoisted on to Groggytoes, and all the rest being ‘fit’ with horses of some sort or other, and the races in the front being over the juveniles poured into the yard. Lady Scattercash’s pony-phaeton turned out, and our friends were at length ready for a start.



  WHILE THE FOREGOING arrangements were in progress, Mr. Watchorn had desired Slarkey, the knife-boy, to go into the old hay-loft and take the three-legged fox he would find, and put him down among the laurels by the summer-house, where he would draw up to him all ‘reg’lar’ like. Accordingly, Slarkey went, but the old cripple having mounted the rafters, Slarkey didn’t see him, or rather seeing but one fox, he clutched him, with a greater regard to his not biting him than to seeing how many legs he had; consequently he bagged an uncommonly fine old dog fox, that Wiley Tom had just stolen from Lord Scamperdale’s new cover at Faggotfurze; and it was not until Slarkey put him down among the bushes, and saw how lively he went, that he found out his mistake. However, there was no help for it, and he had just time to pocket the bag when Watchorn’s half-drunken cheer, and the reverberating cracks of ponderous whips on either side of the Dean, announced the approach of the pack.

  ‘He-leu in there!’ cried Watchorn to the hounds. ‘‘Ord, dommee, but it’s slippy,’ said he to himself. ‘Have at him. Plunderer, good dog! I wish I may be Cardinal Wiseman for comin’,’ added he, seeing how his breath showed on the air. ‘Ho-o-i-cks! pash ’im hup! I’ll be dashed if I shan’t be down!’ exclaimed he, as his horse slid a long slide. ‘He-leu, in! Conqueror, old boy!’ continued he, exclaiming loud enough for Mr. Sponge who was drawing near to hear, ‘find us a fox that’ll give us five and forty minnits!’ the speaker inwardly hoping they might chop their bagman in cover. ‘Y-o-o-icks! rout him out!’ continued he, getting more energetic. ‘Y-o-o-icks! wind him! Y-o-o-icks! stir us hup a teaser!’

  ‘No go, I think,’ observed George Cheek, ambling up on his leggy weed.

  ‘No go, ye young infidel,’ growled Watchorn, ‘who taught you to talk about go’s, I wonder? ought to be at school larnin’ to cipher, or ridin’ the globes,’ Mr. Watchorn not exactly knowing what the term ‘use of the globes,’ meant. ‘D’ye call that nothin’!’ exclaimed he, taking off his cap as he viewed the fox stealing along the gravel walk; adding to himself, as he saw his even action, and full, well-tagged brush, ‘‘Ord rot him, he’s got hold of the wrong ‘un!’

  It was, however, no time for thought. In an instant the welkin rang with the outburst of the pack and the clamour of the field. ‘Talli ho!’ ‘Talli ho!’ ‘Talli ho!’ ‘Hoop!’ ‘Hoop!’ ‘Hoop!’ cried a score of voices, and ‘Twang! twang! twang!’ went the shrill horn of the huntsman. The whips, too, stood in their stirrups, cracking their ponderous thongs, which sounded like guns upon the frosty air, and contributed their ‘Get together! get together, hounds!’ ‘Hark away!’ ‘Hark away!’ ‘Hark away!’ ‘Hark’ to the general uproar. Oh, what a row, what a riot, what a racket! Watchorn being ‘in’ for it, and recollecting how many saw a start who never thought of seeing a finish, immediately got his horse by the head, and singled himself out from the crowd now pressing at his horse’s heels, determining, if the hounds didn’t run into their fox in the park, to ride them off the scent at the very first opportunity. The ‘chumpine’ being still alive within him, in the excitement of the moment he leaped the hand-gate leading out of the shrubberies into the park; the noise the horse made in taking off resembling the trampling on wood-pavement.

  ‘Cuss it, but it’s ‘ard!’ exclaimed he, as the horse slid two or three yards as he alighted on the frozen field.

  George Cheek followed him; and Multum-in-Parvo, taking the bit deliberately between his teeth, just walked through the gate, as if it had been made of paper.

  ‘Ah, ye brute!’ groaned Mr. Sponge, in disgust, digging the Latchfords into his sides, as if he intended to make them meet in the middle. ‘Ah, ye brute!’ repeated he, giving him a hearty cropper as he put up his head after trying to kick him off.

  ‘Thank you!’ exclaimed Miss Glitters, cantering up; adding, ‘you cleared the way nicely for me.’

  Nicely he had cleared it for them all; and the pent-up tide of equestrianism now poured over the park like the flood of an irrigated water meadow. Such ponies! such horses! such hugging! such kicking! such scrambling! and so little progress with many!

  The park being extensive — three hundred acres or more — there was ample space for the aspiring ones to single themselves out; and as Lady Scattercash and Orlando sat in the pony-phaeton, on the rising ground by the keeper’s house, they saw a dark-clad horseman (George Cheek), Old Gingerbread Boots, as they called Mr. Sponge, with Lucy Glitters alongside of him, gradually stealing away from the crowd, and creeping up to Mr. Watchorn, who was sailing away with the hounds.

  ‘What a scrimmage!’ exclaimed her ladyship, standing up in the carriage, and eyeing the

  Strange confusion in the vale below.

  ‘There’s Bob in his old purpl
e,’ said she, eyeing her brother hustling along; ‘and there’s “Fat” in his new Moses and Son; and Bouncey in poor Wax’s coat; and there’s Harry all legs and wings, as usual,’ added she, as her husband was seen flibberty-gibbertying it along.

  ‘And there’s Lucy; and where’s Miss Howard, I wonder?’ observed Orlando, straining his eyes after the scrambling field.

  Nothing but the inspiriting aid of ‘chumpine,’ and the hope that the thing would soon terminate, sustained Mr. Watchorn under the infliction in which he so unexpectedly found himself; for nothing would have tempted him to brave such a frost with the burning scent of a game four-legged fox. The park being spacious, and enclosed by a high plank paling, he hoped the fox would have the manners to confine himself within it; and so long as his threadings and windings favoured the supposition, our huntsman bustled along, yelling and screaming in apparent ecstasy at the top of his voice. The hounds, to be sure, wanted keeping together, for Frantic as usual had shot ahead, while the gorged pigpailers could never extricate themselves from the ponies.

  ‘F-o-o-o-r-r-a-r-d! f-o-o-o-r-r-a-r-d! f-o-o-o-r-r-a-r-d!’ elongated Watchorn, rising in his stirrups, and looking back with a grin at George Cheek, who was plying his weed with the whip, exclaiming, ‘Ah, you confounded young warmint, I’ll give you a warmin’! I’ll teach you to jaw about ‘untin’!’

  As he turned his head straight to look at his hounds, he was shocked to see Frantic falling backwards from a first attempt to leap the park-palings, and just as she gathered herself for a second effort, Desperate, Chatterer, and Galloper, charged in line and got over. Then came the general rush of the pack, attended with the usual success — some over, some back, some a-top of others.

  ‘Oh, the devil!’ exclaimed Watchorn, pulling up short in a perfect agony of despair. ‘Oh, the devil!’ repeated he in a lower tone, as Mr. Sponge approached.


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